Understand Editorial Calendar Data restrictions


Data Governance in Editorial Calendar

To understand how the data in Editorial Calendar works across multiple workspaces, we first need to understand the significance and impact of Account sharing capabilities. What does it mean to share accounts with workspaces?

Sharing accounts with workspaces allows users to view and utilize these accounts in various dropdowns across the platform such as Create Message, Quick Publisher, Filters, etc. So, thereby every workspace the account has been shared with can utilize the same for publishing purposes, filtering purposes, etc. But, sharing accounts does not equate to sharing data such as Messages / Posts, etc.

There is an unseen barrier that prevents users from viewing data (Messages / Posts), belonging to other workspaces, in their own workspace. Data (Messages / Posts) is always isolated with respect to a workspace. Therefore, the visibility of all the messages created in a workspace will be restricted to that workspace. This is one of the key premises on which the Editorial Calendar functions. Therefore, it is not possible to view messages published across all workspaces in the Editorial Calendar of one workspace, by default.

Features that allow us to share data across workspaces

Although the data restriction in Editorial Calendar promotes great governance for data, sometimes organizations want to view data (Messages / Posts) from other workspaces as well. This can be solved by -

  • Share Editorial Calendar: Share Editorial Calendar option lets users share the entire editorial calendar along with all its data (Messages / Posts, Campaigns, Sub-Campaigns, Events & Paid Initiatives) belonging to one workspace with the users of another workspace.

  • Adding the users to multiple workspaces: Adding the same users to multiple workspaces with the needed permissions will allow them to view the Editorial Calendars in both the workspaces, thereby the messages / posts in both the workspaces.

  • Backend Config method: This method allows users to view messages / posts belonging to different workspaces in the editorial calendar of a single workspace. If a brand wants to adopt this specific use-case, then the Sprinklr folks supporting the client will need to request that this be enabled by raising a Support ticket.