Create a Branded Site Experience


Branded Site Experience, a strategic practice, involves the customization and tailoring of visual elements on a platform to align with an organization's brand identity. This encompasses integrating unique design elements such as logos, colours, fonts, labels, and imagery, consistently following the brand's guidelines.

The Importance of a Branded Site Experience

A branded site is vital for several reasons:

Consistent Brand Identity: It establishes a uniform brand identity through logos, colours, and fonts, fostering recognition, trust, and alignment with the organization's values and messaging.

Enhanced User Experience: A well-branded site creates a familiar, cohesive environment, making navigation and interaction more intuitive. It fosters a sense of connection and familiarity with the brand, leading to increased engagement and loyalty.

Credibility and Consistency: Site branding plays a pivotal role in establishing a strong brand identity, boosting user experience, instilling credibility, and maintaining brand consistency. It is a cornerstone of successful site design, contributing to an organization's long-term success.

How to Create a Branded Site Experience

The process of crafting a branded site experience involves three key steps:

Designing the Landing Page

Customize landing page design through the Login Tab, choosing from default templates.

Tailor default templates further with the help of the CSS and HTML editor.

Configuring Brand Logos

Admins can easily configure brand logos and primary colours using the Design Tab in the Admin console.

Customizing Site Theme and Design

Elevate your brand's identity with the power of site design personalization. Unlock an array of possibilities to fine-tune the user interface elements. Tailor your advocacy platform to embody your brand's essence and aesthetics. Here is how you can achieve this:

Platform Fonts: Flexibility to modify platform fonts for consistent branding.

Platform Colours: Customize colour schemes in line with brand guidelines.

Element Roundness: Adjust the roundness of various elements for visual harmony.

Buttons: Customize the appearance of different buttons on the platform.

Navigations: Configure the look and feel of primary navigation elements.

Creating a branded site experience not only positions your brand as an industry authority but also cultivates social selling, contributing to reduced marketing costs. By seamlessly merging your brand's visual identity with the platform, you can foster recognition, user trust, and enhanced engagement, all while maintaining brand consistency for long-term success.

Note: This capability needs specific set up. Contact your Success Manager to enable this feature on your environment.