Enable Notification Templates in Advocacy


Admin can determine the notification preferences in the Admin Console. As an admin, you can determine whether or not Mobile, Site, and Email notifications will be sent out on specific occasions. You can also enable these notification templates. Here is how notifications are configured in the Admin Console.

Steps to Setup Notification Preferences in Admin Console

Note: Only Admins can access and set up notification preferences.

  1. Click the New Tab icon Space Add New Tab Icon. Under the Sprinklr Social tab, click Admin Console within Engage.

  2. In the Community window, hover over the Options icon Space_Icon_Options (Vertical).pngalongside an Advocacy Community and select View Sites.

  3. Next to the site you'd like to make changes to, hover over the Options icon  Space_Icon_Options (Vertical).pngand select Build Site.

  4. In the site dashboard bar, click Notifications to navigate to the Notifications tab.

  5. In the Notifications tab, check the boxes for the Notification Templates that you want to enable.

Web Push Notifications

Web push notifications on the Sprinklr Advocacy platform ensure that advocates are immediately informed of important updates and actions via pop-up messages on their browser screens.​ Admins can send push notifications to the advocates, which will appear as pop up messages on their browsers, even if they are occupied on another tab. By clicking on the push notification, the advocate will get redirected to the Advocacy site. These notifications are designed to keep advocates consistently updated about their actions and awards on the platform, boosting engagement and encouraging frequent visits.

Note: No additional enablement is required for this feature to be available on your environment. If you enable Platform notifications, web push notifications will get automatically enabled.

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Description automatically generated

Notifation Templates

Available for


Community User Approved


Get notified when you are approved as a community user in advocacy site

Community User In active


Get notified when you are inactive for a long time in advocacy site

Community User Pending


Get notified when your application is under approval

Community User Revoked


Get notified when your profile gets revoked by the admin

Community User Rejected


Get notified when your profile gets rejected

Community User Screener Pending


Get notified when you have logged in to advocacy but not filled the screener yet

New Posts Available

Mobile, Platform

Get notified when new posts are available for sharing


Mobile, Platform

Get notified when an announcement is available


Mobile, Platform

Get notified when you gain points


Mobile, Platform, Email

Get notified when you unlock Awards

Post shared

Mobile, Platform

Get notified when your post is successfully shared on a social channel

Post Failed

Mobile, Platform

Get notified when your post fails to be shared on a social channel

Post Sent For Approval

Mobile, Platform

Get notified when your post is sent for admin's approval before it gets shared on the channel

Ready For Manual Publish

Mobile, Platform

Get notified when your post is ready to be published on instagram or facebook

Post Sent for Processing

Mobile, Platform

Get notified when your post is uploaded to channel for processing

Post Approved by Admin

Mobile, Platform, Email

Get notified when the admin approves your post that was submitted for approval

Post Rejected by Admin

Mobile, Platform, Email

Get notified when the admin rejects your post that was submitted for approval

Current streak is broken

Mobile, Platform, Email

Get notified when your current streak is broken

Current streak is going to break

Mobile, Platform

Get notified when your current streak is going to break

Comment Mentions

Mobile, Platform

Get notified when someone mentions you in a Comment

Comment on Thread

Mobile, Platform

Get notified when someone adds a comment to your subscribed threads

Reply on thread

Mobile, Platform

Get notified when someone adds a reply to your subscribed threads

Assigned Roles

Mobile, Platform

Get notified when an admin assigns you new roles

Withdrawn Roles

Mobile, Platform

Get notified when an admin withdraws you from one of your roles

Suggestion Published


Get notified when your suggestion gets published

New Reaction Campaign Launched

Mobile, Platform

Get notified when a new reaction campaign is launched and you haven't subscribed yet

Reaction Campaign Like

Mobile, Platform

Get notified when we perform a native like for you via reaction campaign

Account Deactivated

Mobile, Platform, Email

Get notified when your social account gets deactivated

Account Pre Expiry

Mobile, Platform, Email

Get notified when your social account is about to get deactivated

Published post deletion


Get notified when your published post gets deleted from the channel

Suggestion Rejected


Get notified when your suggestion gets rejected

Suggestion Approved


Get notified when your suggestion gets approved

Suggestion Uploaded


Get notified when your suggestion is uploaded

Advocacy Post Approved


Get notified when the Advocacy post curated by you is approved by the Admin

Advocacy Post Rejected


Get notified when the Advocacy post curated by you is rejected by the Admin

Advocacy Post Sent For Approval


Get notified when the Advocacy post curated by you is sent for admin's approval

Advocacy Post Published


Get notified when the Advocacy post curated by you is successfully published for everyone else to share

Advocacy Post Publishing Failed


Get notified when the Advocacy post curated by you fails to publish