Localize Advocacy Site Experience in Supported Languages


With customers from all over the world, Sprinklr caters to the needs of this diverse advocate base of the brands through its diverse set of supported languages. 

Localization in Sprinklr Advocacy involves tailoring and adapting the user experience to resonate with the linguistic and regional preferences of advocates worldwide. This approach ensures that advocates feel a deeper connection and engagement, as the program acknowledges and addresses their unique needs and backgrounds. 

Importance of Localization

  • Personalized User Experience: Localization surpasses basic translation and focuses on delivering a genuine and customized user experience for advocates in their preferred language.  

  • Competitive Advantage: A well-localized advocacy program demonstrates a brand's commitment to its international advocates, setting it apart from competitors and enhancing its reputation. 

  • Language Preference: Localization ensures that communication is clear and effective, leading to higher engagement levels without any misunderstanding. 

Localization Capabilities Offered in Sprinklr Advocacy

Sprinklr Advocacy currently supports 16 languages, and we are continuously adding more. Following is the list of languages currently supported in Sprinklr Advocacy. 

  • English 

  • Dutch 

  • French 

  • German 

  • Italian 

  • Japanese 

  • Korean 

  • Polish 

  • Portuguese (BR) 

  • Portuguese (PT) 

  • Russian 

  • Simplified Chinese 

  • Chinese (Traditional)

  • Spanish 

  • Spanish (LATAM)

  • Czech

You can configure localization for platform and custom labels differently for the Advocacy site. 

  • Advocates can choose their preferred language on the Advocacy site under profile settings to translate the platform labels. Default UI elements [Button Labels, Headers etc.] are translated based the on selected language automatically. ​ 

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  • Admins can also manually configure the translation for custom labels (for example: Screener Questions, Content Tab names) on the site with the help of the Localisation configurator from the Admin Console. It can be configured through the following steps.

To Configure the Localisation Tab

  1. Click the New Tab icon Space Add New Tab Icon. Under the Sprinklr Social tab, click Admin Console within Engage.

  2. In the Community window, hover over the Options icon baseline_more_vert_black_18dp.pngalongside an Advocacy Community and select View Sites.ModernEngagement_Community_ViewSites.png

  3. Next to the site you'd like to make changes to, hover over the Options icon baseline_more_vert_black_18dp.png and select Build Site.ModernEngagement_Community_ViewSites_BuildSite.png

  4. In the site dashboard bar, click Localisation to navigate to the localisation tab. 

  5. In the middle of the Localisation tab, click Create New Translation.ModernEngagement_Community_ViewSites_BuildSite_LocalisationTab_CreateNewTranslation.png

  6. In the Select Language window, check the box of the desired language and click Continue in the bottom right corner.

    A screenshot of a computer

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  7. In the Your Translations left pane, select different aspects of your site to adapt the translation to a particular language. ModernEngagement_Community_ViewSites_BuildSite_LocalisationTab_YourTranslation.png

  8. In the right pane, fill in the translated words alongside the different aspects of your site. ModernEngagement_Community_ViewSites_BuildSite_LocalisationTab_YourTranslation_Details.png

  9. If you have selected multiple languages for your site, click Translating in drop-down icon Icon_Space_Drop-down.png to shift to another language.ModernEngagement_Community_ViewSites_BuildSite_LocalisationTab_YourTranslation_DropDown.png

  10. If you wish to delete a translation, click Delete this Translation in the right pane.ModernEngagement_Community_ViewSites_BuildSite_LocalisationTab_YourTranslation_Delete.png

  11. Click Save in the bottom right corner.