Setting up Content Tabs for the Advocacy Site


Content tabs are an essential component that ensures a seamless and organized flow of content, enhancing user experience and engagement. Let us explore the concept of content tabs, their significance, and the step-by-step process to set them up effectively. 

Content Lists vs. Content Tabs: Unravelling the Difference 

Before we embark on the journey of configuring content tabs, let us clarify the distinction between content lists and content tabs. Think of content lists as backend storage "buckets" that hold posts published by administrators. These content lists serve as the foundation for content tabs, the user-visible categories on your advocacy site's front end. The magic happens when administrators fill these content lists with posts, transforming them into a content source for the engaging content tabs visible to your advocates. 

Creating a Content List: The First Step 

  1. Navigate to the Advocacy section within the Sprinklr Social platform. 

  2. Click Content List and select Create Content List.

  3. Provide a Name and Description for the content list, then save your creation.

  4. For added control, you can introduce governance by specifying which users or user groups can access this content list. 


Configuring Content Tabs: A Step-by-Step Guide 

The process of configuring content tabs is a strategic endeavour that enhances user engagement and ensures relevant content delivery. Here is how you can set up content tabs: 

  1. Click Admin Console within Advocacy under Sprinklr Social.

  2. Click the Opions icon adjacent to your community, and select View Sites from the dropdown menu. 

  3. Click the Opions icon next to your advocacy site and select Build Site

  4. Navigate to the Content tab.

  5. In the Content tab, select either Modern Layout or the Classic Layout

    Classic Layout

    Modern Layout

  6. Click Add a Tab Item

  7. Select source to create a content tab and type of the content tabs. 

  8. Admin can choose the content list to be subscribable.  

  9. Select the time filter of the content to be shown to the advocates.

  10. Admins can even select how many posts to be visible to advocates in a page. 

Content Tab Sources 

 Content tabs draw content from various sources, shaping the content consumption experience for your advocates. The three primary sources are: 

  • Content List: A reservoir of content published by admins, acting as the cornerstone for engaging content tabs. 

  • RSS Feed: An automatic content stream of webpage updates from reputable sources, adding an authoritative touch to your advocacy site. 

  • Listening Mentions: Content curated through Sprinklr's Listening Module, centred around specific keywords, catering to your brand's objectives. 

Elevating Content Tabs: Nested Tabs and Filters 

  • Nested Tabs: For complex content organization, introduce nested tabs that compactly present subsets of larger categories. This enhances navigation, such as 'Explore' with subtabs for 'Products,' 'Special Offers,' and 'Events.' 

  • Time Filters: Administrators can apply time filters to individual content tabs, ensuring advocates view only the latest content published within a specified date range.

Tailoring Content Tabs: Visibility Filters and Screener Questions 

Visibility Filters: Admin can refine content tab accessibility by leveraging "Screener Questions" answered by advocates during login. Employing AND/OR Logic, personalized content visibility can be configured based on various advocate attributes. 

Through content tab visibility filters, admins can craft a bespoke content stream for each advocate, ensuring they only see content relevant to their department, location, and preferences. 


  • Admins can select the sharing layout that advocates will see when they click Share while sharing content from the advocacy site. 

    • Classic Sharing

    • Modern Sharing

  • Admins can manage the visibility of various card features directly from the content tab, including Share points, Post permalink, Publish date, and more.

  • You can configure Footer templates of the posts from the content tab itself.