Right to Erasure Cases


Right to Erasure Cases can be used to delete available customer data across all data sources.

The Right to Erasure Cases section of Privacy Cloud will help you comply with Data Subject's right to be forgotten as defined under GDPR, meaning, the right for their personal information to be deleted from Sprinklr.

Navigate to Right to Erasure Cases

  1. Click the New Tab icon Screen Shot 2017-09-25 at 1.52.25 PM.png. Under Governance Console, click Right to Erasure Cases within Love.
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  2. On the Right to Erasure Cases window, click Create New Right to Erasure Case in the top right corner. 

  3. On the Create New Right to Erasure Case window, enter the details as explained in the table below.

  4. Select Create Case in the bottom right corner.

Unique Internal Request ID

You may insert any reference number to track this request.

Reason for requesting erasure of CXM Data

Description for why such request is being executed.

Channel Name

Select the source from which the Data Subject's details exist within Sprinklr (ex. Twitter).

Profile Identifier
The numeric ID or handle. For channels like Twitter or Instagram where handles exist, you can use the handles. If using an email address here, enter the email as is (ex. user@sprinklr.com).
For example, to get all the data for the Sprinklr profile on Twitter (twitter.com/sprinklr), you can use sprinklr or 75263523 here. (75263523 is the numeric ID for the Sprinklr profile on Twitter, which can be found on this site).
Choose from your existing Case Statuses.
Select a Priority.
Free-form text field to enter tagging.
Case Type
Choose from existing Case Types.
Due Date
Select a Due Date for the Case.
Assigned To
Select a Sprinklr user to assign this Case to.
Choose from Sprinklr's Sentiment options (Positive, Neutral, Negative).
Custom Properties
Choose values for existing Case type Custom Fields. 
Summary: Insert an optional Summary.
Queues: Choose from any of your existing Case Queues.
Subscribers: Add Subscribers to the Case.
Comment: Add Comment for Subscribers.

Applying the privacy workflow

Once the Case has been created, double-click the case to see the details and apply the Workflow. The default Privacy Workflow, Default GDPR Delete Process will be applied to the Case. Select Tasks to view the various steps of the Workflow.


If you have edited and updated the Default Workflow, the actions that you set will be applied to the Case. In the example below, the Default Workflow has not been edited, hence actions are applied at the Task level.

  1. The first Task is the Right to Access Case Approval. Once this Task is assigned, approved and the status is updated to Complete, the system will do a backend search for all the data containing the Data Subject's profile information. Selecting Refresh will then show the next Task.Unified Front Office Platform_Privacy_RightToErasureCases_EditCase

  2. The next Task is to delete the Data Subject's user details. To do this, click on the Sprinklr icon - Delete all profile data.

  3. Once this has been completed, update the Task to Complete. After the Task has been marked as complete, you'll be able to download a Certificate to prove to the Data Subject that his/her info has been deleted from Sprinklr. To do this, hover over the Options icon Space_Icon_More_Options.png to the left of the Case and select Download Certificate. You may also choose to update the Case's Status and/or Archive it among other case actions.
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