Implementing Proactive Outreach


Proactive outreach can significantly enhance the pre-sales experience for customers in virtual selling by addressing their needs and concerns before they even arise. It can be used to  

  • run promotional campaigns and ads 

  • prompt users to revisit their abandoned carts 

  • notify users of upcoming offers 

  • suggest offers/programmes based on user’s preferences or behaviour 

  • nudge users to connect to agents for personalised assistance 


Here is how brands can use Sprinklr to do this.  

1. Proactive Prompts: A brand can strategically time proactive prompts to align with the user's browsing history and intent with the plan to plan, benchmark, launch, measure, and optimize each interaction for maximum impact.


A screenshot of a phoneDescription automatically generated 

2. Outbound Messaging: Brands can leverage outbound messaging through SMS, social media or messaging apps like WhatsApp and tailor personalised messages to align with the brands objective. Macros allow you to create efficient Outbound Message Management workflows, taking multiple actions on Outbound Messages at once.

Outbound Message macros also allow you to associate related DAM or Message macros that will apply to the respective content associated with an outbound message when the Outbound Message Macro is applied. Use this feature to apply multiple actions to outbound messages and associated DAM Assets with a single click.