Group content in a Production Dashboard


In this article, you will learn how you can use the group-by feature to get a group-wise nested view of the dashboard.

Group-By in the List View

  1. From the Dashboard Bar of the Production Dashboards window, click the Group By icon. 

  2. On the Group By pop-up window, select the desired dimension from the dropdown. You can also reorder dimensions by dragging and dropping. Dimensions will nest under one another, with secondary-level dimensions categorized by top-level dimensions. 

  3. When you have set the grouping dimensions for content, click Apply.

    Grouping by Content in the Production Dashboard

Note: Group By in List View is limited to four Dimensions.

Group By in the Kanban View

The group-by in the Kanban View governs what entities are visible in the dashboard as columns. To apply grouping here, you can follow the below steps: 

  1. Click on the Group By selector 

  2. Select the property you want to bucket the Campaigns, Sub-Campaigns and Messages into.

  3. Click Apply.

Default Grouping Order for Sprinklr Entities: 

The default sorting of groups after applying Group By shows as per the following order:

1. The default order for the following System Fields will be A-Z:

  • Account

  • Account Type

  • Channel

  • Campaign

  • Template

  • Sub-Campaign 

  • Status

  • Content Language

2. The default order for custom fields will be based on how they are defined in the Custom Field settings:

  • A-Z

  • Z-A

  • As displayed

3. Order for the Date custom fields will be oldest to the latest.