Standard Widgets in Project Analytics
When you first open Analytics for any Project, you will see 7 preset Standard Widgets. These include: Task Overview, Task by Status, Task by Priority, Assignee Overview, Average Task Completion Time, Completion Burn-up and Average Task Completion Time by Assignee. These Standard Widgets give you an overall view of your Project and Task progress. You can create additional custom Widgets to view analytics for other metrics.
Task Overview
This Widget gives you an overview of the progress for all Tasks in your Project. It shows the total number of Tasks, number of Tasks completed, Tasks pending, and overdue Tasks.
Task by Status
This is a pie-chart Widget that shows you the Status of all Tasks in your Project. You can view how many Tasks are under what Status. This Widget shows you a more granular view of Task progress. On the right side, you can see the number and the percentage of Tasks under each Status. You can also hover over each slice of the pie-chart to see this data.
Task by Priority
This is another pie-chart Widget that shows you the Priority level of Tasks in your Project. You can see how many Tasks are assigned to different Priority levels. On the right side, you can see the number and the percentage of Tasks under different Priority levels. You can also hover over each slice of the pie-chart to see this data.
Assignee Overview
This is a table that gives you an overview of Tasks assigned to each team member. It shows total Tasks, pending Tasks, completed Tasks and overdue Tasks assigned to each team member.
Average Task Completion Time
This is a dotted line graph that shows the average closure time for Tasks closed across a particular date range. You can hover over the dot corresponding to a date to see all the tasks that were completed on that specific date.
Average Task Completion Time by Assignee
This is a bar graph that shows the average Task completion SLA for each Assignee in your Project. You can hover over the bars to see precise data for each Assignee.
Completion Burn-up
This is a burn-up chart that shows you the ratio of cumulative completed Tasks and cumulative total Tasks across a particular date range. You can hover over a dot corresponding to a date to see all cumulative completed and cumulative total Tasks on that date.