Color-coding in Project Timeline View



Color-coding helps with data organization and visualization. You can easily highlight and communicate important information. 
For example, you can use different colors to represent completed, in-progress, or not-started tasks.  

You can color-code your projects in Timeline view by using the Color by Field option. You can use this option on any single select picklist type field. It can be a standard field such as Status or Priority or a custom field created by the user.  

Color by Field 

1. In Project Timeline View, click Color by 


2. Color Bars based on: Choose the single select field based on which the records will be colored (for example: Status)

3. Apply Color on: Select a specific field to apply color on or color the entire bar. The latter will only color the task’s bar in the timeline section. The former will apply color to the selected field but remove color from the bars.  
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4. To choose different background or text colors, click the name of the field and select colors from the color selector window. 

5. Click on Apply to apply the Color by configuration to the view. The color will be applied to the timeline view. 
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6. Clicking Clear will remove all colors. 
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