Create Template Messages for WeChat


In this article, you will learn about how to create a WeChat Template Message using the Digital Asset Manager. Using WeChat Template Message, you can prepare a message in advance and send it to a segment of followers who have engaged with your service accounts. You cannot send template messages from a subscription account. Additionally, you can send template messages for notifications and follow-up rather than as promotional messages.

To Create a Template Message in Asset Manager

Step 1: Navigate to the Sprinklr Social tab and click Assets within Engage.

Step 2: In the top right corner of the Asset Manager dashboard, click the Add Asset dropdown and select Omni Chat Templates.

Step 3: In the Create New Asset window, enter a Name and optional Description for your asset under the Basic Details section.

Step 4: Under the Asset Specific section, select Service Message as the Template Type from the dropdown menu and WeChat from the Channel dropdown.

Step 5: Select the desired Account from the drop-down menu. Next, for the Native Template Type —you can select the desired template configured for your account in the dropdown menu.

Step 6: Under the Placeholder Type, you can either select Free Text or Custom Fields.

  • For Free Text, you can add the desired content based upon your requirements.

  • For Custom Fields, you are required to select the desired custom fields from the drop-down list.

Step 7: If you want, you can use the desired Color for the placeholder type.

Step 8: Under the Default Action, you add the desired URL. Next, you are required to add the App ID and Page Path, respectively.

Step 9: Under Asset Details, select Campaigns, Sub Campaigns, Status, Available from, Visible from, Expires on, Tags, Restricted, Brands, Persona, Customer Journey Stage, Automated Tags, and Information.

Step 10: Under Asset Sharing, select the Workspaces and Users/Users Groups you want to share your asset with. Check the Visible in all workspaces box to make it visible in all workspaces.

Step 11: Apply the desired Properties to the asset.

Step 12: Click Save in the bottom right corner to create the message template.

Once you’ve created a message template for WeChat using the Digital Asset Manager, you can trigger a WeChat Template Message using the Rule Engine