Compose Pinterest Collection Ads


Pinterest catalogs are the fastest way to get your products onto Pinterest. You can turn your entire product catalog into product Pins, all at once. Pinterest Dynamic Product Ads allow advertisers to easily promote products from their product catalog using multi-product Collection Ads.

In Sprinklr, you can easily create Collections Ads for Pinterest using the Catalog Sales objective and deliver personalized multi-image ads that display a lifestyle image of your choice, followed by a group of products relevant to people’s interests


Product-level reporting is currently not available in Sprinklr due to API limitations.

Use Cases

Media Manager

  • Shows Pinners the products that are tailored to their interests irrespective of whether they have visited your site or not.

  • Feature multiple products at once using Collection Ads or promote a product relevant to people’s interests using single-image Shopping Ads.

  • Dynamically retarget shoppers, both online and offline, to the products they have viewed but haven't purchased.

Before You Begin

Your Pinterest advertiser account must have a valid product catalog set up in order to create Pinterest Dynamic Product Ads in Sprinklr. The product catalogs for a Pinterest ad account will be auto-imported into Sprinklr.

Additional Resources

To learn more on how to set up your product feed in Pinterest, refer to these resources from Pinterest's Help Center:

To Compose Pinterest Dynamic Product Ads

1. Click the New Tab icon. Under the Sprinklr Marketing (Ads) tab, click Ads Composer within Execute.

2. On the Ads Composer window, select your Pinterest ad account.

3. In the Campaign Details section, choose your campaign objective as Catalog Sales.

4. Enter the Campaign Name. You can also select Use a Naming Convention for a predefined campaign name.

5. Select a Catalog from the drop-down menu you want to promote.

6. Select the custom properties under Define Custom Properties and click Next.

7. In the Target Audience section, select from an existing target audience or click Create New Audience to create a new target audience for Dynamic Retargeting. For more information, see Dynamic Retargeting — Field Description. Click Next.

8. Set up the Budget and Schedule details and proceed to the Creatives sections.

9. Click Create new Creative and provide the creative details. For more information, see Collection Ads — Creative Details.


  • Each Product Group will form a different Ad.

  • Preview for Shopping and Slideshow Ads is currently not available by Pinterest.

  • You cannot change the creative format after publishing the campaign.

  • Creative Name is only applicable on Sprinklr and will default to the Ad Set and Product Group name.

  • Collection Ads is now supported for Traffic, Brand Awareness & Conversions Objective. Presently creation of Collection Ads for these objectives is an API limitation, but user would be able to promote collection pins in a fashion similar to Idea Pins.

10. Follow the prompted steps to publish your campaign. For more information, see Compose Pinterest Ads.

Dynamic Retargeting — Field Description

Dynamic retargeting helps you reach people on Pinterest who have already visited your site or who have unpurchased items in their cart, by retargeting exact or similar products to those they engaged with as they browse Pinterest.



Dynamic Retargeting

Select to reach people who have visited your site or have unpurchased items in their cart.

Start & End

Select a lookback timeframe by choosing a start and end date.

Select Event Type(s)

Select an event type to focus on from:

  • Website Visits

  • Items added to Cart

You must select at least one event type.

Collection Ads — Creative Details




View the catalog that is selected on the Campaign Details window. You cannot edit the selection.

Product Set

Select a Product Group for the catalog selected in the Campaign Details window.

Post Type

Select Collections Ads as the post type.

Collections Ads

Create a Hero

Your hero is the primary creative shown above a preview of relevant products. Select from:

  • Image/Video

  • Slideshow


Click to select from existing Pins (only static image and video pins). After selection, you can edit the Pin fields as needed.


Enter the Title (optional) and Description (optional) for your Ad.

Web Analytics

Select a web analytics profile to be applied on Hero destination URL.

Proceed to Advanced Configuration:

    1. Click Save and proceed to Advanced Configuration.

    2. Navigate to the Ad level from the left pane.

Hero Destination URL

Specify where people will land after clicking your ad. You can also add your dynamic trackers here. For more information, visit this link.

Secondary Creative Tracking URL

Add a URL with dynamic parameters to track secondary creative results from the selected product group. For more information, visit this link.