About X Campaign Budget Optimization


Previously, X required advertisers to set a daily budget at the campaign level as well as offered an optional total campaign budget. Advertisers could not specify a daily budget at the ad group level and the same is aligned within Sprinklr.

X has recently rolled out a significant change that incorporates two budget options when setting up campaigns. You can choose to opt into Campaign Budget Optimization which allows X to automatically optimize budget delivery among all of the ad groups within your campaign.

Refer to Compose X Ads for more information on publishing campaigns with Campaign Budget Optimization.

What has changed?

  • The Default Structure: The new default structure will move much of the control of budgets and timing to the ad group level, making it a requirement to select both a daily budget and flight dates for each ad group. You may still input a spend cap at the campaign level to ensure that the campaign as a whole can not spend more than a specified amount.

  • Campaign Budget Optimization (CBO): You may also choose to hand the control to X and opt-in to Campaign Budget Optimization. With this option, a daily budget must be specified at the campaign level. X automatically optimizes this budget among any ad groups within the campaign. If you choose Campaign Budget Optimization, neither the total nor daily budget can be specified at the ad group level. Flight dates will remain at the ad group level.

For more information, refer to X Campaign Controls Update.