Compose X Amplify Sponsorships


When you sponsor an event or show on X, the publisher partners of X create packages that are right for you, such as pre-roll ads before video clips, pre-roll ads before a live video, and branded content integrations.

X In-Stream Video Sponsorships allow you to pair your pre-roll video ads with premium, brand-safe video content to reach a receptive audience at scale. While composing a X Pre-roll Views (In-Stream) campaign, you can select a sponsorship program you want to promote your video assets with.


Your X Ad Account must be whitelisted in order to compose an In-Stream Video Sponsorship campaign.

To learn more about X Amplify Sponsorships, see Amplify Sponsorships.

Use Cases

  • Amplify and monetize your most premium content on X.

  • Deliver engaging and relevant pre-roll video ads at a precise moment and reach the right audience.

  • Drive meaningful reach and revenue for your brand and deliver premium alignment to reach a receptive audience at scale with in-feed, pre-roll videos.

To Compose In-Stream Video Sponsorship Ads

  1. Click the New Tab icon. Under the Sprinklr Marketing (Ads) tab, click Ads Composer within Execute.

  2. On the Ads Composer window, select your whitelisted X Ad account.

  3. From the Campaign Details section, select X Preroll Views as your Campaign Objective.

  4. Enter your campaign name in the Campaign Name field.

  5. From the Amplify Sponsorship Program drop-down menu, select a sponsorship program you want to amplify from the list.
    Selecting a Sponsorship Program to amplify for the Preroll Views campaigns

  6. Follow the prompted steps and proceed to the Budget & Schedule section. For more information, see Compose X Ads.

  7. Under the Enter the Sponsorship Details details for all Ad Groups section, select from the following:

    • Automatic Tweet Promotion: Slide the Toggle icon if you want X to automatically promote your pre-roll asset with new Tweets that are added to the Sponsorship program.
      Enable Automatic Tweet Promotion

    • Sponsorship Tweet: These are the tweets (corresponding to the selected sponsorship program) that the pre-roll videos will get promoted with.

      1. Click Add Tweet to select the tweets that are already added to the sponsorship program.
        Select new sponsorship tweets from the Sponsorship Tweet section

      2. On the Sponsorship Tweet Selector pop-up window, select one or more sponsorship tweets that the pre-roll video asset will be promoted with and click Save in the bottom-right corner.

        To learn more about getting this capability enabled in your environment, please work with your Success Manager.

        Add new tweets from the Sponsorship Tweet Selector window

  8. Click Next and proceed to the Creatives section. Select a pre-roll video asset from the existing creatives or build a new creative.

  9. Follow the prompted steps and proceed to publish your campaign.