Compose X Carousel Ads


Create X Carousel Ads to showcase multiple products in one Ad.

Enablement Note: The use of this capability requires that Sprinklr Marketing (Ads) be enabled in your environment. To learn more about Sprinklr Marketing (Ads), please work with your Success Manager.

What are X Carousel Ads?

X Carousel Ads allow you to showcase up to 6 images and/or videos within a single ad to drive app installs or website traffic. Using X Carousel Ads, you can showcase various products, highlight specific details about one product or promotion, or tell a story about your brand that develops across each slide. X Carousel Ads have the following properties:

  1. Single Headline

  2. Multiple Images/Videos

  3. Single/Multiple Links and Descriptions

Before You Begin

In order to create X carousel ads in Ads Composer, you first need to create a template for your carousel. This template can be created and saved in the Asset Manager. To create a carousel card, see Create X Cards in the Asset Manager.

To Compose X Carousel Ads

  1. Click the New Tab icon. Under Sprinklr Marketing (Ads), click Ads Composer within Execute.

  2. On the Ads Composer window, select your X Ad account.

  3. Next, on the Campaign Details tab, select Website Visits or App Installs as the Campaign Objective.

  4. Fill in the other details to compose your X ad. For more information, see Compose X Ads.Selecting Ads Objective to create a Twitter Carousel Ads under Modern Advertising

  5. In the Creatives section, click Add New Creative in the top-right corner.

  6. On the Add New Creatives window, select Status Tweet as the Post Type.

  7. Under X Cards within the Creative Details section, click Add Card and select the desired X Carousel Card.

  8. Fill in the other creative details and click Save in the bottom right corner to add a creative to your campaign.

  9. Complete the Campaign Creation by following the prompted steps.

Preview of a X Carousel Ad on Native

Preview of the Twitter Carousel