Configuration Steps for Queue Monitoring


The live queue monitoring feature is available in Supervisor Console by default. Supervisor can create new dashboards and can customize queue cards by adding metrics.

Actions on Queue Cards



Manage Columns

The supervisor has the control to show all or specific colums by clicking the Manage Columns icon on the top. The supervisor can toggle on or off the specific Queue column.


Date Range

Select the date range to view the queue data for.

The supervisor can choose from following list of metrics and attributes that can be added in the card view.



Queue Name

The name of the Queue.

Total Agents

The total number of agents present in the queue.

Active Agents

Displays the number of agents active in the work queue at any given moment according to their availability status.

Number of Agents available

Displays the number of agents available in the work queue at any given moment according to their availability status.

Customers Waiting

The number of customers waiting.

Cases in Progress

The cases that are currently being handled by the agents in the work queue.

Estimated Avg. Handling Time

It is the estimated average time required by the agents in the queue to handle a case completely.

Est. Work Queue Wait Time

It is the estimated time a message has to wait before getting assigned to an agent.

Load Factor

Calculates the load of incoming cases awaiting assignment to a work queue while other cases are in progress.

Number of Calls Answered

The number of calls answered by the agent in the queue.

Number of Calls Abandoned

The total number of calls abandoned in a queue when a caller hangs up while waiting on that queue or at that route point or if the customer line is dropped for any reason. It also includes the total number of voice interactions abandoned while an agent call is ringing when the customer line is dropped for any reason.

Number of calls landing in the queue

Call traffic that came into the queue.


Percentage of calls answered within the SLA.

Call Abandon %

Percentage of calls abandoned that came into the queue.

Oldest Customer Waiting Time

The oldest unassigned customer of the queue.

Average Wait Time

The average wait time for a case to get assigned to an agent in the queue.

Below these metrics, the supervisor can view the aggregate summary of the user’s availability status and the user current state that are a part of the queue.

Refer Metrics Definition here: ‎Understanding Queue in Unified Routing | Sprinklr Help Center

Manage Columns

From the Manage Columns option present in the top right corner of the Queue Monitoring  Screen supervisor can add agent monitoring metrics and attributes to customize the dashboard.

Hide / Unhide Summary Widgets

Click the Toggle Summary icon on the top right to hide the Agent Activity widgets for better visibility.


​Call Mode Column

The supervisor can see whether the agent is taking calls via PSTN Mode or WebRTC Mode. This can be enabled only for those clients that have Ozonetel as a Telephony Provider.

This helps the supervisor track whether the agent is making the call via phone or via the web. To learn more about getting this column enabled in your environment, please work with your Success Manager.

​Supervisor Console Metric Adjustments

Hover over the Dropdown icon alongside the column name to get a list of metric adjustments using which you can adjust the value of the columns accordingly.


Metric Adjustments


Sort ascending

It will arrange the data from the least time spent by an agent to the highest time spent in a particular status.

Sort descending

It will arrange the data from the highest time spent by an agent to the lowest time spent in a particular status.

Aggregate by Sum

By selecting this, you get the collective amount of time that agent has spent in a particular status.

Aggregate by Average

This will give the central/average value of the time spent by the agent in the status.

Aggregate by Minimum

This will give the value of the minimum amount of time spent by the agent in the particular status.

Aggregate by Max

This will give the value of the maximum amount of time spent by the agent in the particular status.

Aggregate by %

This will sort by taking the value of one user with all other users to calculate the time of status. 

For example: 

There are a total of 5 users and each user spent 1 hour in their respective current status. So by taking the value of one user against the remaining 4 users you would get the aggregate value in percentage ⅕ = 20%

Aggregate by % change

This will give you the aggregate value in % by taking up the status value of the current time range with the previous time range.

Aggregate by change

This is the same as above but it will give you the aggregate value in number and not in percentage.

Pivot Column

It means the primary column and all details in other columns will be dependent on the primary column.

Freeze Column

You can freeze the column to pin it in the same place and see it when you scroll.

Further admin can decide the governance of features that can be enabled for the supervisor. Apart from this supervisor can create quick filters and visual alerts with the help of color tagging settings. The detailed configuration steps are added here. 

Drilldowns on Queue Summary Metrics

You can create Lenses, which are dashboard-based overlays, and map them to the queue summary metrics. These lenses allow you to drill down into queue summary metric data in the third pane for a more in-depth analysis.

Once you have created lenses, you can map them to Queue Summary Metrics in the Persona App Manager. This allows you to associate specific lenses with the metrics displayed in the Queue Summary, providing tailored insights and analytics for your queues.

For drill down on Customers Waiting metric, please plot below widget (with Data Source as Social Analytics) with Filter (as mentioned in image below) and keep the Widget Time filter as Lifetime.

For drill down on Cases In Progress metric, please plot below widget with Filter (as mentioned in image below) and keep the Widget Time filter as Lifetime.