Drilldown to Queue Pending and In-progress Cases


Unified Routing provides the capability to supervisors to view details of specific queues which helps in analysing how cases are assigning to the agents.

To view queue details, Click on three dots beside any work queue name and click View Details. This will open a third pane on the right with different tabs. Users can switch between these tabs by simply clicking on it.

Pending and In Progress Messages

On the navigation pane (right most), we have Messages section. This section shows all the messages that are pending in the queue or assigned to any agent from the queue.

Using the Status filter, supervisors can check the number of current pending and in progress cases in the work queue.

Pending Cases - The cases which are still to be assigned to the agent.

In Progress Cases - The cases which are assigned to the agents via the work queue.

To drilldown into case details, double click on the case card. This provides a one stop shop for users to view the customer cases.