Read Receipts for Amazon SES Emails


If your brand is utilizing Amazon SES for email services, you can enhance your experience by subscribing to outbound email events. This can be done through the AWS console for the specific email ID/domain, and the information can be accessed either on the UI or via API using webhooks. To initiate this process, raise a support ticket, and the team will subscribe to events for the designated email account through the AWS console.

You can enable the Email Delivery Status standard property for your Amazon SES accounts in Sprinklr. This provides email status information, including Read, Bounce, Delivered, Sent, Rejected, Spam, and Rendering Failed. Access this information in the Properties tab of the third pane at the email level.

Moreover, brands can retrieve the email deliverability status back to their platform through API integration, ensuring thorough monitoring and analysis capabilities.

Enablement note:

To get this capability enabled, please reach out to our support team at

To Receive Outbound Email Events via Webhooks

  1. Under Platform Modules, click All Settings within Listen.

  2. Next, under API 2.0, select Webhooks.

  3. On the Webhooks window, click Add Webhook in the top right corner.

  4. On the Add Webhook window, enter any relevant name 

  5. Under the Authentication section, select the appropriate Authentication Type from the dropdown. Enter the API URL/auth details and verify the webhook.

  6. Under the Subscription Details section, choose Outbound Message Channel Event and select the Channel attribute as Email.

  7. Click Save at the bottom.

The events you can observe through the mentioned steps include: 

Read: Indicates that the recipient has opened and viewed the email.

Bounce: Signifies that the email could not be delivered to the recipient's inbox. Bounces can be categorized as "hard bounces" (permanent failures) or "soft bounces" (temporary issues).

Delivered: Confirms that the email has been successfully delivered to the recipient's inbox. It doesn't necessarily imply that the recipient has opened or read the email.

Sent: Indicates that the email has been sent from the sender's server but does not provide information about whether it reached the recipient's inbox.

Rejected: Denotes that the recipient's email server has refused to accept the email. This rejection could be due to various reasons, such as invalid email addresses or server issues.

Spam: Indicates that the email has been marked as spam by the recipient or their email provider. This status reflects potential deliverability issues.

Rendering Failed: Signifies that there were issues displaying the email content. This could be due to problems with HTML rendering or other formatting issues.