Release Management Plan for Native SDKs


Release Plan

The objective of this release management plan is to ensure a smooth deployment process for the beta and live versions of our Sprinklr Live Chat SDK, allowing for a two-week beta soak-in period to identify and address any issues from the clients before the live version release of the SDK. 

  • What is Beta version? 
    A beta version of the Sprinklr Live Chat SDK refers to a pre-release version of the SDK. 

  • What is Live version? 
    The live version, also known as the production version or the release version, is the finalized and stable version of the Sprinklr Live Chat SDK. 

  • Why Beta? 
    A beta version allows us to offer our clients an early release of the app, aiding in the identification and resolution of any identified issues to ensure a smoother and more optimal experience before the official launch. 

Note: As the beta version is intended solely for internal testing purposes, we recommend refraining from going live with the beta version.

Release Plan Phases

Beta Version Deployment 

  • To offer our clients an early release of the app, aiding in the identification and resolution of any identified issues to ensure a smoother and more optimal experience before the official launch. 

Beta Soak-in Period – 2 weeks 

  • A two-week period for clients to use the SDK and report any issues. 

  • Sprinklr will prioritize and address all the critical issues and bugs promptly in this period 

Live Version Deployment 

  • Once the beta soak-in period is completed and critical issues are addressed, Sprinklr will release the live version 

  • The live version is tentatively scheduled for release approximately two weeks after the beta version. 

Post-Deployment Information 

  • For any enhancement request, please reach out to your project/success manager. 

Contingency Plan 

  • In case of critical issues discovered during the beta soak-in period, the release may be delayed addressing these issues adequately. 

  • Regular backups of the previous stable version will be maintained to facilitate rollback if necessary.