How to Use the AI+ Rephrase Tone & Audience Prompts



In the ever-evolving landscape of advertising and content creation, precision and personalization have become paramount. Enter our innovative feature: "Custom Prompts for Enhanced Targeting and Tone of Communication" within the Ads Composer and Ads Creative Library. Designed to empower creative minds and content writers, this feature opens the door to a world of tailored messaging. Here, you can infuse your ads with a unique touch, adapting to your audience's preferences and crafting a distinct tone of communication that sets your brand apart. Say goodbye to one-size-fits-all marketing and welcome the era of customized content that resonates deeply with your audience. 

Impact & Business Value 

This feature within the context of the Ads Composer and Ads Creative Library, offers several valuable business insights, addresses important use cases, and comes with specific limitations:  

1. Enhanced Personalization

Use Case: Advertisers and content creators can use custom prompts to tailor their messaging to specific audience segments, making their ads more relevant and appealing. 

Business Insight: Personalized advertising leads to improved engagement and conversion rates, as customers are more likely to respond positively to messages that resonate with their interests and needs. 


2. Brand Consistency

Use Case: Companies can maintain a consistent brand voice and message across different ad campaigns and platforms by customizing prompts. 

Business Insight: Consistency in branding helps build brand recognition and trust, which is essential for long-term brand success. 


3. Adaptation to Trends and Events

Use Case: Advertisers can respond quickly to current events, trends, or seasonal changes by customizing ad prompts to address specific topics or situations. 

Business Insight: Staying relevant to current events can enhance ad effectiveness and demonstrate a brand's agility and awareness. 


4. Localized Marketing

Use Case: Businesses can use custom prompts to create ads that resonate with different geographic locations or cultural nuances. 

Business Insight: Localized marketing can lead to better customer engagement and market penetration in different regions. 


5. Segmented Messaging

Use Case: Content writers can craft messages that cater to distinct stages of the buyer's journey or specific customer personas. 

Business Insight: Segment-specific messaging can improve conversion rates by addressing the unique needs and concerns of different customer groups. 


Creative Library/ Ads Composer 

1. From the launch pad, click on Creative Library or Ads Composer under Sprinklr Marketing – Advertising

2. In the upper right corner, click on “+Create Asset”, and select “Ad Creative” from the drop-down menu when in Ads Creative Library. When in Ads Composer, select your desired Ad account and go to Creatives section and click on "+Add New Creative" to open the creative builder screen.

 Media preview

3. Fill in the required details such as Channel, Objective, Ad account, Post Type. 

4. You will be able to spot the Sprinklr AI+ button in the Headline/Description or similar fields of the selected channel.

 Media preview

5. Follow the instructional prompts and fill in your own brief descriptions and hit “Next”. So that Sprinklr AI+ can start generating content for you. 

6. Once you have fed the first prompt, it will take you to the next section where you can provide a custom touch for your targeted Audience. 

Media preview

7. Post this select any of the provided tones you want to voice your communication in. 

Media preview

8. Sprinklr AI+ will then help you generate the required field basis on the custom prompts that you have selected. 

9. Sprinklr AI+ will provide you 5 variations to choose from. You can toggle between the various responses and click on “Insert” to enter highlighted prompt into the field. 

Note: Insert button acts like append button if you sequentially click on “Insert” while toggling between each response. It will append all the values immediately after one another. If you wish to replace the any prompt, simply click on the drop-down below Insert and click on “Replace.” 

10. Once finalised your desired response, view the same on the preview screen of how your Ad is going to be presented to the users. 

Media preview

Limitations & Best Practices 

1. Content Quality Control: 

Custom prompts may not guarantee content quality, and it's essential to ensure that the generated content aligns with the brand's standards. 


2. Complex Creative Tasks: 

Custom prompts may be limited in their ability to handle highly creative or complex ad creative tasks that require human ingenuity. 


3. Learning Curve: 

Users may need time to learn how to effectively use custom prompts to achieve their desired messaging and targeting outcomes. 


4. Privacy Concerns: 

Custom prompts should not involve sensitive or private customer data, as handling such data can raise privacy and security concerns. 


5. Dependence on User Inputs: 

The effectiveness of this feature relies on the quality of the custom prompts provided by the user. Poorly crafted prompts may result in suboptimal content. 


Key Takeaways 
The feature empowers advertisers and content creators to personalize their messaging, maintain brand consistency, and adapt to evolving market dynamics. However, it is important to be mindful of its limitations and use it as a valuable tool within a broader advertising and content strategy.