LinkedIn Company Page Insights


You can leverage LinkedIn insights to learn more about overall trends across your followers and understand how your content is performing with your audience. You can also view insights for specific posts, stories, and videos that you've created to see how each one performed and how people engaged with them.

Account Insights Metrics



LinkedIn All Page Views By Company Size

Number of Views of All Pages broken down by Company Size.

LinkedIn All Page Views By Country

Number of Views of All Pages broken down by Country.

LinkedIn All Page Views By Function

Number of Views of All Pages broken down by Function.

LinkedIn All Page Views By Industry

Number of Views of All Pages broken down by Industry.

LinkedIn All Page Views By Region

Number of Views of All Pages broken down by Region.

LinkedIn All Page Views By Seniority

Number of Views of All Pages broken down by Seniority.

LinkedIn Careers Page Views By Company Size

Number of Views of Careers Page broken down by Company Size.

LinkedIn Careers Page Views By Country

Number of Views of Careers Page broken down by Country.

LinkedIn Careers Page Views By Function

Number of Views of Careers Page broken down by Function.

LinkedIn Careers Page Views By Industry

Number of Views of Careers Page broken down by Industry.

LinkedIn Careers Page Views By Region

Number of Views of Careers Page broken down by Region.

LinkedIn Careers Page Views By Seniority

Number of Views of Careers Page broken down by Seniority.

LinkedIn Company Employee Followers

The total number of LinkedIn members following your Company Page that are employees.

LinkedIn Company Non-Employee Followers

The total number of LinkedIn members following your Company Page that are non-employees.

LinkedIn Company Organic Followers

Followers you gained naturally, without advertising.

LinkedIn Company Paid Followers

Followers you gained through Sponsored Updates and/or Company Follow Ads.

LinkedIn Company Size

The size of the company the follower works at. This is the value that corresponds to company-size in the LinkedIn API. It refers to the range of employees the company has. Valid values are: B: 1-10 C: 11-50 D: 51-200 E: 201-500 F: 501-1000 G: 1001-5000 H: 5001-10,000 I: 10,000+.

LinkedIn Country

The name of a country. This dimension will only apply to metrics that provide Country-specific insights.

LinkedIn Follower Count By Company Size

The percentage of followers by company size. This metric should be used in conjunction with the dimension of LinkedIn Company Size.

LinkedIn Follower Count By Country*

The percentage of followers by the Country associated with your LinkedIn followers' profile. This metric should be used in conjunction with the dimension Country.

LinkedIn Follower Count By Function

The percentage of LinkedIn followers by Function. This metric should be used in conjunction with the dimension LinkedIn Function.

LinkedIn Follower Count By Industry

The percentage of LinkedIn followers by the industries associated with their profile. This metric should be used in conjunction with the dimension LinkedIn Industry.

LinkedIn Follower Count By Region

The percentage of LinkedIn followers by Region associated with your LinkedIn follower's profile. This metric should be used in conjunction with the dimension LinkedIn Region.

LinkedIn Follower Count By Seniority

The percentage of followers by LinkedIn Seniority. This metric should be used in conjunction with the dimension LinkedIn Seniority.

LinkedIn Function

The name of the job function of your followers. Values include None, Accounting, Administrative, Arts and Design, Business Development, Community and Social Services, Consulting, Education, Engineering, Entrepreneurship, Finance, Healthcare Services, Human Resources, Information Technology, Legal, Marketing, Media and Communication, Military and Protective Services, Operations, Product Management, Program and Project Management, Purchasing, Quality Assurance, Real Estate, Research, Sales, Support.

LinkedIn Industry

The industry in which your LinkedIn followers work.

LinkedIn Jobs Page Views By Company Size

Number of Views of the Job Page brokenn down by Company Size.

LinkedIn Jobs Page Views By Country

Number of Views of the Job Page broken down by Country.

LinkedIn Jobs Page Views By Function

Number of Views of Job Page broken down by Function.

LinkedIn Jobs Page Views By Industry

Number of Views of Job Page broken down by Industry.

LinkedIn Jobs Page Views By Region

Number of Views of Job Page broken down by Region.

LinkedIn Jobs Page Views By Seniority

Number of Views of Job Page broken down by Seniority.

LinkedIn Life At Page Views By Company Size

Number of Views of Life At Page broken down by Company Size.

LinkedIn Life At Page Views By Country

Number of Views of Life At Page broken down by Country.

LinkedIn Life At Page Views By Function

Number of Views of Life At Page broken down by Function.

LinkedIn Life At Page Views By Industry

Number of Views of Life At Page broken down by Industry.

LinkedIn Life At Page Views By Region

Number of Views of Life At Page broken down by Region.

LinkedIn Life At Page Views By Seniority

Number of Views of Life At Page broken down by Seniority.

LinkedIn Mobile Jobs Page Views By Company Size

Number of Views of Job Page broken down by Company Size, only mobile traffic.

LinkedIn Mobile Jobs Page Views By Country

Number of Views of Job Page broken down by Country, only mobile traffic.

LinkedIn Mobile Jobs Page Views By Function

Number Of Views Of Job Page broken down by Function, only mobile traffic.

LinkedIn Mobile Jobs Page Views By Industry

Number Of Views Of Job Page broken down by Industry, only mobile traffic.

LinkedIn Mobile Jobs Page Views By Region

Number Of Views Of Job Page broken down by Region, only mobile traffic.

LinkedIn Mobile Jobs Page Views By Seniority

Number Of Views Of Job Page broken down by Seniority, only mobile traffic.

LinkedIn Mobile Life At Page Views By Company Size

Number Of Views Of Life At Page broken down by Company Size, only mobile traffic.

LinkedIn Mobile Life At Page Views By Country

Number Of Views Of Life At Page broken down by Country, only mobile traffic.

LinkedIn Mobile Life At Page Views By Function

Number Of Views Of Life At Page broken down by Function, only mobile traffic.

LinkedIn Mobile Life At Page Views By Industry

Number Of Views Of Life At Page broken down by Industry, only mobile traffic.

LinkedIn Mobile Life At Page Views By Region

Number Of Views Of Life At Page broken down by Region, only mobile traffic.

LinkedIn Mobile Life At Page Views By Seniority

Number Of Views Of Life At Page broken down by Seniority, only mobile traffic.

LinkedIn Mobile Overview Page Views By Company Size

Number Of Views Of Overview Page broken down by Company Size, only mobile traffic.

LinkedIn Mobile Overview Page Views By Country

Number Of Views Of Overview Page broken down by Country, only mobile traffic.

LinkedIn Mobile Overview Page Views By Function

Number Of Views Of Overview Page broken down by Function, only mobile traffic.

LinkedIn Mobile Overview Page Views By Industry

Number Of Views Of Overview Page broken down by Industry, only mobile traffic.

LinkedIn Mobile Overview Page Views By Region

Number Of Views Of Overview Page broken down by Region, only mobile traffic.

LinkedIn Mobile Overview Page Views By Seniority

Number Of Views Of Overview Page broken down by Seniority, only mobile traffic.

LinkedIn Organic Follower Count By Company Size

The number Of Organic Followers broken down by Company Size.

LinkedIn Organic Follower Count By Country

The number Of Organic Followers broken down by Country.

LinkedIn Organic Follower Count By Function

The number Of Organic Followers broken down by Function.

LinkedIn Organic Follower Count By Industry

The number Of Organic Followers broken down by Industry.

LinkedIn Organic Follower Count By Region

The number Of Organic Followers broken down by Region.

LinkedIn Organic Follower Count By Seniority

The number Of Organic Followers broken down by Seniority.

LinkedIn Overview Page Views By Company Size

Number Of Views Of Overview Page broken down by Company Size.

LinkedIn Overview Page Views By Country

Number Of Views Of Overview Page broken down by Country.

LinkedIn Overview Page Views By Function

Number Of Views Of Overview Page broken down by Function.

LinkedIn Overview Page Views By Industry

Number Of Views Of Overview Page broken down by Industry.

LinkedIn Overview Page Views By Region

Number Of Views Of Overview Page broken down by Region.

LinkedIn Overview Page Views By Seniority

Number Of Views Of Overview Page broken down by Seniority.

LinkedIn Paid Follower Count By Company Size

The number Of Paid Followers broken down by Company Size.

LinkedIn Paid Follower Count By Country*

The number Of Paid Followers broken down by Country.

LinkedIn Paid Follower Count By Function

The number Of Paid Followers broken down by Function.

LinkedIn Paid Follower Count By Industry

The number Of Paid Followers broken down by Industry.

LinkedIn Paid Follower Count By Region

The number Of Paid Followers broken down by Region.

LinkedIn Paid Follower Count By Seniority

The number Of Paid Followers broken down by Seniority.

LinkedIn Region

The region associated with the profile of your LinkedIn followers.

LinkedIn Seniority

The level of experience of your LinkedIn followers. Values include Unpaid, Training, Entry, Senior, Manager, Director, VP, CXO, Partner, Owner.

LinkedIn Video Total Watch Time (ms)

The time the video was watched in milliseconds.

LinkedIn Video Total Watch Time With Play-Pause Cycles (ms)

The time watched in milliseconds for video play-pause cycles that are at least 3 seconds.

LinkedIn Video Unique Viewers

Unique viewers who made engaged plays on the video.

LinkedIn Video Views

Video views with play-pause cycles for at least 3 seconds.

LinkedIn Company Followers

The total number of LinkedIn members following your Company Page. The number displayed here is updated only once a day, so it may be different from the current number on your Overview tab, which is updated in real-time.

LinkedIn Company Post Clicks

This metric is provided from the LinkedIn API. It is the number of clicks on the content, the company name, or the company logo. This metric is not to be confused with other Sprinklr click metrics derived from the URL shortener used.

LinkedIn Company Post Clicks Trend

This metric is provided from the LinkedIn API. It is the number of clicks on the content, the company name, or the company logo. This metric is not to be confused with other Sprinklr click metrics derived from the URL shortener used. This is a trend metric, presenting a value by the Date of engagement.

LinkedIn Company Post Comments

This metric is provided from the LinkedIn API. This is the number of comments on a LinkedIn Company page status post.

LinkedIn Company Post Comments Trend

This metric is provided from the LinkedIn API. This is the number of comments on a LinkedIn Company page status post. This is a trend metric, presenting a value by the Date of engagement.

LinkedIn Company Post Engagement Rate

This metric is provided from the LinkedIn API. This is the total number of likes, comments, shares, clicks and followers acquired, divided by the number of impressions.

LinkedIn Company Post Reach

This metric is provided from the LinkedIn API. It is the number of times each update was shown to LinkedIn unique members.

LinkedIn Company Post Reach Trend

This metric is provided from the LinkedIn API. It is the number of times each update was shown to LinkedIn unique members. This is a trend metric, presenting a value by the Date of engagement.

LinkedIn Company Post Impressions

This metric is provided from the LinkedIn API. It is the number of times each update was shown to LinkedIn members.

LinkedIn Company Post Impressions Trend

This metric is provided from the LinkedIn API. It is the number of times each update was shown to LinkedIn members. This is a trend metric, presenting a value by the Date of engagement.

LinkedIn Company Post Likes and Reactions

This metric is provided from the LinkedIn API. This is the number of Likes on a LinkedIn Company page status post.

LinkedIn Company Post Likes and Reactions Trend

This metric is provided from the LinkedIn API. This is the number of Likes on a LinkedIn Company page status post. This is a trend metric, presenting a value by the Date of engagement.

LinkedIn Company Post Shares

This metric is provided from the LinkedIn API. This is the number of Shares on a LinkedIn Company page status post.

LinkedIn Company Post Shares Trend

This metric is provided from the LinkedIn API. This is the number of Shares on a LinkedIn Company page status post. This is a trend metric, presenting a value by the Date of engagement.

LinkedIn Group Followers

The number of members of your LinkedIn Group.

LinkedIn Status All Page Views

Number of Views of All Pages.

LinkedIn Status Careers Page Banner Promo Clicks

The number of clicks on the banner promo on the careers page. Available only for organizations pages that have set up career pages.

LinkedIn Status Careers Page Employees Clicks

The number of clicks on the employees' section on the careers page. Available only for organizations pages that have set up career pages.

LinkedIn Status Careers Page Jobs Clicks

The number of clicks on the jobs section on the careers page. Available only for organizations pages that have set up career pages.

LinkedIn Status Careers Page Promo Links Clicks

The number of clicks on the promo links on the careers page. Available only for organizations pages that have set up career pages.

LinkedIn Status Careers Page Unique Views

The number of Unique Views of careers Page.

LinkedIn Status Careers Page Views

The number of views of the Careers Page.

LinkedIn Page Organic Engagement Rate

Organic engagement rate on a LinkedIn page.

LinkedIn Page Organic Unique Impressions

Organic unique impressions on a LinkedIn page.

LinkedIn Page Organic Clicks

As defined by LinkedIn, this metric is the number of clicks on status messages posted to LinkedIn.

LinkedIn Page Organic Comments

The number of comments on a LinkedIn status update.

LinkedIn Page Organic Impressions

The number of Impressions of a LinkedIn status update.

LinkedIn Status Jobs Page Unique Views

The number of Unique views of the Jobs Page.

LinkedIn Status Jobs Page Views

The number of views of Jobs Page.

LinkedIn Status Life At Page Unique Views

The number of Unique Views of Life-At Page.

LinkedIn Status Life At Page Views

Number of Views of Life-At Page.

LinkedIn Page Organic Likes

The number of Likes on a LinkedIn status update.

LinkedIn Status Mobile Careers Page Employees Clicks

The number of clicks on the promo links on the careers page, only mobile traffic. Available only for organizations pages that have set up career pages.

LinkedIn Status Mobile Careers Page Jobs Clicks

The number of clicks on the jobs section on the careers page, only mobile traffic. Available only for organizations pages that have set up career pages.

LinkedIn Status Mobile Careers Page Promo Links Clicks

The number of clicks on the promo links on the careers page, only mobile traffic. Available only for organizations pages that have set up career pages.

LinkedIn Status Mobile Jobs Page Unique Views

The number of Unique Views of Jobs Page, only mobile traffic.

LinkedIn Status Mobile Jobs Page Views

Number of Views of Jobs Page, only mobile traffic.

LinkedIn Status Mobile Life At Page Unique Views

The number of Unique Views of Life-At Page, only mobile traffic.

LinkedIn Status Mobile Life At Page Views

The number of Unique Views of Life-At Page, only mobile traffic.

LinkedIn Status Mobile Overview Page Unique Views

The number of Unique Views of Overview Page, only mobile traffic.

LinkedIn Status Mobile Overview Page Views

Number of Views of Overview Page, only mobile traffic.

LinkedIn Status Overview Page Unique Views

The number of Unique Views of Overview Page.

LinkedIn Status Overview Page Views

Number of Views of Overview Page.

LinkedIn Page Organic Shares

The number of Shares of a LinkedIn status update.

Targeted Geography

The name of the Geography where a post is targeted.

Targeted Industry

The Industry is targeted in a post.

Targeted Job Function

The Job Function is targeted in a post.

Targeted Seniority

The Seniority level is targeted in a post.

LinkedIn Company Post Organic Engagements

This metric is the sum of LinkedIn Company Post Organic Likes + LinkedIn Company Post Organic Comments + LinkedIn Company Post Shares + LinkedIn Company Post Clicks.

LinkedIn Company Post Organic Likes and Reactions

This metric is provided from the LinkedIn API. This is the number of Organic only Likes on a LinkedIn Company page status post.

LinkedIn Company Post Organic Likes and Reactions Trend

This metric is provided from the LinkedIn API. This is the number of Organic only Likes on a LinkedIn Company page status post. This is a trend metric, presenting a value by the Date of engagement.

LinkedIn Company Post Organic Comments

This metric is provided from the LinkedIn API. This is the number of Organic-only comments on a LinkedIn Company page status post.

LinkedIn Company Post Organic Comments Trend

This metric is provided from the LinkedIn API. This is the number of Organic-only comments on a LinkedIn Company page status post. This is a trend metric, presenting a value by the Date of engagement.

LinkedIn Company Post Like Reaction Count

This metric is provided from the Linkedin API. This is the number of Like Reactions on a Linkedin Company page status post.

LinkedIn Company Post Celebrate Reaction Count

This metric is provided from the LinkedIn API. This is the number of Celebrate Reactions on a LinkedIn Company page status post.

LinkedIn Company Post Support Reaction Count

This metric is provided from the LinkedIn API. This is the number of Support Reactions on a LinkedIn Company page status post.

LinkedIn Company Post Curious Reaction Count

This metric is provided from the LinkedIn API. This is the number of Curious Reactions on a LinkedIn Company page status post.

LinkedIn Company Post Love Reaction Count

This metric is provided from the LinkedIn API. This is the number of Love Reactions on a LinkedIn Company page status post.

LinkedIn Company Post Insightful Reaction Count

This metric is provided from the LinkedIn API. This is the number of Insightful Reactions on a LinkedIn Company page status post.