X (formerly Twitter) Reporting Updates


X Insights Track Deprecation

X will be deprecating InsightsTrack metrics from 1st August, 2023. These metrics provide real-time data for reporting metrics. In addition to the InsightsTrack metric, the following additional metrics will also be deprecated as these metrics were copied from your respective InsightsTrack metrics:

  • X Unique Impressions

  • X Un-favorites

  • X Un-replies

  • X Unique Engagements

  • X Un-quote tweets

  • X Un-retweets

  • X Video Viewed 95%

Note: The existing dashboard will continue to work but data will stop coming for these metrics post 1st August, 2023.

List of InsightsTrack metrics


Recommended Metrics for Replacement


X App Install Attempts (Insights)

X App Install Attempts 

X App Opens (Insights)

X App Opens 

X Detail Expands (Insights)

X Detail Expands 

X Email Tweet Clicks (Insights)

X Email Tweet

X Favorites (Insights)

X Post Likes 

X Hashtag Clicks (Insights)

X Hashtag Clicks 

X Impressions (Insights)

X Impressions 

X Permalink Clicks (Insights)

X Permalink Clicks 

X Profile Clicks (Insights)

X Profile Clicks 

X Quote Tweets (Insights)

X Quote Tweets 

X Replies (Insights)

X Post Replies 

X Retweets (Insights)

X Post Retweets 

X Total Engagements (Insights)

X Total Engagements 

X URL clicks (Insights)

X URL Clicks 

X Un-favorites (Insights)


No equivalent metric available

X Un-quote tweets (Insights)


No equivalent metric available

X Un-replies (Insights)


No equivalent metric available

X Un-retweets (Insights)


No equivalent metric available

X Unique Engagements (Insights)


No equivalent metric available

X Unique Impressions (Insights)

X Post Estimated Reach

Note that this is an estimated metric and consider followers of X account and users that have retweeted the tweet.

X User Follows (Insights)

X User Follows 

X Video Starts (Insights)

X Video Starts 

X Video Viewed 100% (Insights)

X Video Viewed 100% 

X Video Viewed 25% (Insights)

X Video Viewed 25% 

X Video Viewed 50% (Insights)

X Video Viewed 50% 

X Video Viewed 75% (Insights)

X Video Viewed 75% 

X Video Viewed 95% (Insights)


No equivalent metric available

X Video Views (Insights)

X Video Views 

X Media Views (Insights)

X Media Views 

X Media Engagements (Insights)

X Media Engagements 

X V2 Metrics

We are also launching new metrics for X that will give organic and paid breakdowns for Impressions, Video Views, Likes, Replies, Retweets, URL Clicks and Profile Clicks.

List of V2 metrics



X Post Organic Impressions (V2)

A count of how many times the Tweet has been viewed (not unique by user) from an organic context. A view is counted if any part of the Tweet is visible on the screen.

X Post Promoted Impressions (V2)

A count of how many times the Tweet has been viewed (not unique by user) from a promoted context. A view is counted if any part of the Tweet is visible on the screen.

X Post Organic Likes (V2)

A count of how many times the tweet viewed from an organic context has been liked.

X Post Promoted Likes (V2)

A count of how many times the tweet viewed from a promoted context has been liked.

X Post Organic Video Starts (V2)

A count of how many times a video in the Tweet was started when viewed from an organic context. The metric includes the combined views from any instance where the video has been Retweeted or reposted in separate Tweets.

X Post Organic Video Viewed 25% (V2)

A count of how many times 25% of a video in the Tweet was viewed from an organic context. The metric includes the combined views from any instance where the video has been Retweeted or reposted in separate Tweets.

X Post Organic Video Viewed 50% (V2)

A count of how many times 50% of a video in the Tweet was viewed from an organic context. The metric includes the combined views from any instance where the video has been Retweeted or reposted in separate Tweets.

X Post Organic Video Viewed 75% (V2)

A count of how many times 75% of a video in the Tweet was viewed from an organic context. The metric includes the combined views from any instance where the video has been Retweeted or reposted in separate Tweets.

X Post Organic Video Viewed 100% (V2)

A count of how many times 100% of a video in the Tweet was viewed from an organic context. The metric includes the combined views from any instance where the video has been Retweeted or reposted in separate Tweets.

X Post Promoted Video Starts (V2)

A count of how many times a video in the Tweet was started when viewed from a promoted context. The metric includes the combined views from any instance where the video has been Retweeted or reposted in separate Tweets.

X Post Promoted Video Viewed 25% (V2)

A count of how many times 25% of a video in the Tweet was viewed from a promoted context. The metric includes the combined views from any instance where the video has been Retweeted or reposted in separate Tweets.

X Post Promoted Video Viewed 50% (V2)

A count of how many times 50% of a video in the Tweet was viewed from a promoted context. The metric includes the combined views from any instance where the video has been Retweeted or reposted in separate Tweets.

X Post Promoted Video Viewed 75% (V2)

A count of how many times 75% of a video in the Tweet was viewed from a promoted context. The metric includes the combined views from any instance where the video has been Retweeted or reposted in separate Tweets.

X Post Promoted Video Viewed 100% (V2)

A count of how many times 100% of a video in the Tweet was viewed from a promoted context. The metric includes the combined views from any instance where the video has been Retweeted or reposted in separate Tweets.

X Post Organic Replies (V2)

A count of how many times the tweet viewed from an organic context has been replied to.

X Post Promoted Replies (V2)

A count of how many times the tweet viewed from a promoted context has been replied to.

X Post Organic Retweets (V2)

A count of how many times the tweet viewed from an organic context has been retweeted. Please note that this does not include Quote Tweets (“Retweets with comment”).

X Post Promoted Retweets (V2)

A count of how many times the tweet viewed from a promoted context has been retweeted. Please note that this does not include Quote Tweets (“Retweets with comment”).

X Post Organic URL Link Clicks (V2)

A count of the number of times a user clicks on a URL link or URL preview card in a Tweet viewed from an organic context.

X Post Promoted URL Link Clicks (V2)

A count of the number of times a user clicks on a URL link or URL preview card in a Tweet viewed from a promoted context.

X Post Organic User Profile Clicks (V2)

A count of the number of times a user clicks the display name, user name or profile picture of a Tweet viewed from an organic context.

X Post Promoted User Profile Clicks (V2)

A count of the number of times a user clicks the display name, user name or profile picture of a Tweet viewed from a promoted context.

X Post Organic Video Views (V2)

A count of how many times the video included in the Tweet has been viewed from an organic context. The metric includes the combined views from any instance where the video has been retweeted or reposted in separate Tweets.

X Post Promoted Video Views (V2)

A count of how many times the video included in the Tweet has been viewed from a promoted context. The metric includes the combined views from any instance where the video has been Retweeted or reposted in separate Tweets.


Q. Will there be any new metrics that will provide real-time data?

Ans. No, X hasn’t announced any new metrics that will provide real-time data to replace InsightsTrack.

Q. What action do I need to take to ensure dashboards are not failing?

Ans. Replace existing InsightsTrack widgets with respective metrics mentioned in the list. In case, you don’t make any changes, the dashboards will continue to work with data shown as zero for these metrics.

Q. How do I access the new X V2 metrics?

Ans. You need to re-add your X account after 1-Aug-2023. The data will start coming for Tweets.

Q. I can see X Impressions and 2 additional metrics for Impressions. How are they different?

Ans. Existing X Impressions metric is updated for 60 days after it is published whereas the new X Post Organic Impressions and X Post Paid Impressions are updated for only 30 days.