Attempt Wise Campaign Summary


In the Outbound system, multiple calls might be attempted for the same customer as a part of Campaign conversions. Attempt Wise Campaign Summary report details on these repeat call attempts, its dispositions and the time stats.

Values Plotted:

  • Conversation Id is an unique ID created for every call made against a case.

  • Conversation Completion Status: States the completion status of the call, if it was connected/ line was busy/ etc.

  • Manual Call: Boolean field telling if the call was manual or not.

  • Campaign Call attempt number: Call count for the number of attempted calls for that particular campaign (Nth call). If its the 3rd call for a customer number, then Campaign Call Attempt Number = 3.

  • Call Disposition Plan Id: The product for which the disposition plan is there.

  • Call Disposition: This will come from the call disposition screen (Intent of the customer).

  • Call Sub-Disposition: Reason of the intent (why).

  • Call Start Time: Time when the Call has been initiated/ triggered time.

  • All Participated Agents Csv mentions the name of all the agents who were part of the call through transfers.

  • Is Rechurned Call: Boolean field stating if the call is rechurned or not.

  • Call Count: Number of calls.

  • Talk Time: Total time spent by an agent in interaction with the customer.