Create Facebook Campaign Shells for Brand Lift Study


Measure the market impact of your brand awareness using measurements like brand polling and enhance the performance of your ads.

Facebook Brand Lift Study helps you measure the real impact of your brand awareness campaigns based on customers’ behaviors throughout your funnel. It uses brand polling and other brand awareness measurements to help understand the real value of your advertising. It also measures how well your ad is performing, independent of other marketing efforts.

With the help of Brand Lift, you can easily answer questions like; Are people aware of your brand? Do they remember it? Do they want to buy from you? and use the results to optimize your future campaign decisions?

To learn more about Brand Lift Study, see Facebook Brand Lift Study Test.

Brand study hierarchy

  • Study - Understand the lift as a result of your campaign efforts.

  • Objective - Each study can be for one or more objectives - Sales Conversions, Non-Sales Conversions, and Mobile App Installs.

  • Cell - Each objective can cover performance measurement across one or more campaigns. For each campaign, a cell is created with a treatment and control group.

    • Treatment Group - People who have seen your ads

    • Control Group - People who have not seen your ads

  • Experiment - The poll questions are shown across the cell groups. For example, 2 questions across 3 cells = 6 experiments

Why create campaign shells?

In order to study the Brand Lift of your Sprinklr campaign, you need to create a shell campaign and share the Campaign ID with Facebook. Facebook then uses the Campaign ID to create a holdout group — a group of people who matches your ad audience but are intentionally withheld from seeing your ads.

With the help of this holdout, Facebook executes a brand lift test to understand the incremental effect of your ad. The test helps you understand the causal impact on your business objectives, such as brand recognition or conversion.

Use case of brand lift study




  • You can calculate the real business values, not only clicks.

  • It provides insights into marketing spends and generates more value from the investments.

  • You can observe the causal impact of your marketing efforts.

To create a Facebook campaign shell for brand lift study 

  1. Click the New Tab icon Space Add New Tab Icon. Under the Sprinklr Marketing (Ads) tab, click Ads Composer within Execute.

  2. On the Ads Composer window, select your Facebook ad account.

  3. In the Campaign Details section, fill in the campaign details including your ObjectiveCampaign Name, and any custom fields as required. Click Save as Draft in the bottom right corner. 

  4. Click Save as Draft on the Audience section is not valid confirmation pop-up window. You will be redirected to the Ads Manager

  5. On the Ads Manager window, update the campaign Status from Draft to Paused from the drop-down menu. 

  6. Click Review & Save Changes in the bottom right corner.

  7. On the Review Changes window, click Apply Changes in the bottom right corner.

  8. Now, click the Column Configuration icon Hyperspace_Column_Configuration.png in the top right corner of the Ads Manager window and select Manage Columns

  9. On the Column Template pop-up window, search and select Paid Initiative Channel Id dimension. Click Modify Columns in the bottom right corner. 

  10. Navigate to the Paid Initiative Channel Id column on the Ads Manager window. You can copy and share this Id with the Facebook account manager to set up a holdout group.
    Once they set up the holdout group, you will be able to change/edit your campaign and add the desired information via 
    Ads Manager

  11. Metrics that are supported for BLS are :

    Brand Lift

    Brand Lift Percent

    Brand Lift (Advanced)

    Brand Lift (Advanced) Cumulative

    Brand Lift Cumulative

    Brand Lift Percent (Advanced)

    Brand Lift Percent (Advanced) Cumulative

    Brand Lift Percent Cumulative

    Brand Lift Percent Region Benchmark Cumulative

    Brand Lift Percent Vertical Benchmark Cumulative

    Brand Lift Region Benchmark

    Brand Lift Region Cumulative

    Brand Lift Vertical Benchmark

    Brand Lift Vertical Cumulative

    Cost Per Brand Lift

    Cost Per Brand Lift (Advanced)

    Cost Per Brand Lift (Advanced) Cumulative

    Cost Per Brand Lift Cumulative

    Cost Per Brand Lift Region Benchmark

    Cost Per Brand Lift Region Benchmark Cumulative

    Cost Per Brand Lift Vertical Benchmark

    Cost Per Brand Lift Vertical Benchmark Cumulative

    Percent Chance This Cell Is Winner for Cost Per Brand Lift (Advanced Bayesian) Cumulative

    Percent Chance This Cell Is Winner for Cost Per Brand Lift (Bayesian) Cumulative

    Percent Chance of Positive Brand Lift (Advanced Bayesian) Cumulative

    Percent Chance of Positive Brand Lift (Bayesian) Cumulative