Facebook Ad Quality Ranking


Ad Quality Ranking dimensions allow you to diagnose whether the Ads you ran were relevant to the target audience. If your ads aren't meeting your advertising objectives, you can then make decisions on what to improvise in your creative assets or audience targeting to improve the quality of your Ads performance.

In this article we will guide you through the following:

To learn more about getting this capability enabled in your environment, please work with your Success Manager.

Ad Quality Ranking Dimensions

Facebook Quality Ranking

Quality ranking explains how your ad's perceived quality is compared to the ads competing for the same audience. It is measured via various signals, including feedback from people viewing or hiding the ad and assessments of low-quality attributes in the ad, such as too much text in the ad's image, withholding information, sensationalized language, and engagement bait.

Facebook Conversion Rate Ranking

Conversion rate ranking explains how your ad's expected conversion rate is compared to the ads with the same optimization goal competing for the same audience. The expected conversion rate calculates the likelihood that a person who viewed your ad will complete your optimization goal.

Facebook Engagement Rate Ranking

Engagement rate ranking explains how your ad's expected engagement rate is compared to the ads competing for the same audience. The expected engagement rate calculates the likelihood that a person will click, react to, comment on, share, or expand an ad.

Facebook Ad Quality Ranking Dimensions

Ad Quality Ranking Categorization 

Ad Quality is measured through various signals such as feedback from people viewing or hiding your Ads and assessments of quality attributes like too much text in an ad's image or an engagement bait. 

Given below are the possible values for the Ad Quality Ranking dimensions (where average represents the 35th to 55th percentile):

  • Above average

  • Average

  • Below average (bottom 35% of ads)

  • Below average (bottom 20% of ads)

  • Below average (bottom 10% of ads)

For example, if your Ad is in the bottom 20%, i.e below average; it denotes that the perceived quality of your ad as compared to other ads competing for the same target audience was amongst the lowest 20% of ads. At least 80% of ads competing for the same audience were perceived as higher quality.

Use Cases 

Reviewing the quality ranking diagnostics will give you a better insight as to reviewing each diagnostic individually. It is more impactful to move a ranking from low to average than it is to move from average to above average, so focus on improving rankings that are low rather than on improving average rankings.

If you use Ad Quality Ranking dimensions for any Time Range within Ads Reporting to capture the average ranking of your Facebook Ads, it will provide you with the data for the last 3 Days preset. You can also configure these ranking fields as Columns at the Ad Variant level within Ads Manager.

Given below is a table that will assist you in drawing inferences from a combination of ad quality ranking diagnostics.

Ad Quality Ranking Dimensions



Quality Ranking
Conversion Rate Ranking
Engagement Rate Ranking
Creative Agency
Media Practitioner

Average or Above

Average or Above

Average or Above

You are all good!

Optimize for your Advertising Objective.

Below Average

The Ad is perceived as low quality.

Improve the quality of your Creative assets. Avoid low-quality attributes for your creatives.

Target an audience more likely to perceive the Ad as high quality.

Average or Above

Average or Above

Below Average

The Ad isn't producing Conversions.

Improve the call-to-action of your Ad or post-click experience.

Some products and services naturally exhibit lower conversion rates than others. If your conversions meet your expectations, you may not need to adjust your ad.

Target your Ad towards a higher-intent audience.

Average or Above

Below Average

Average or Above

The Ad isn't spurring interest.

Improve your Ad's relevance to your audience by making it engaging, interesting, and eye-catching.

Target an audience more likely to interact with this Ad.

Below Average

Average or Above

Average or Above

The Ad is perceived as low quality.

Improve the quality of your Creative assets. Avoid low-quality attributes for your creatives.

Target an audience more likely to perceive the Ad as high quality.

Average or Above

Below Average

Below Average

The Ad isn't spurring interest or producing Conversions.

Improve both the Ad's relevance to your audience (for example, by making it more eye-engaging, interesting, or eye-catching) and the call to action of your ad or post-click experience.

Target an audience more likely to interact with and convert from your Ad.

Below Average

Below Average

Average or Above

This ad is perceived as low quality and isn't spurring interest.

Improve the quality of your Creative assets while also making it more relevant to your audience (for example, by making it more engaging, interesting, or eye-catching).

Avoid low-quality attributes for your creatives.

Target an audience more likely to perceive the ad as high quality and relevant.

Below Average

Average or Above

Below Average

The Ad is click-bait or controversial.

Adjust your ad to more clearly represent the product or service you are advertising.

Some products and services naturally exhibit lower conversion rates than others. Avoid low-quality attributes from your creative.

Below Average

Below Average

Below Average

There is room for improvement across the board.

Try testing different creatives, post-click experiences, and so on.

Try testing different targeting strategies, optimization goals, and so on.


Facebook will only begin to rank the Ads if the Ads have served 500 impressions or more.

You will only be able to view the latest ranking of the Ads in Sprinklr.

Facebook Ad Quality Ranking is not supported for Dynamic Ads or Dynamic Creatives.

Ad Quality Ranking dimensions are only supported for the following Optimization Goals:

Quality Ranking
  • Ad Recall Lift

  • App Installs

  • Brand Awareness

  • Event Responses

  • Impressions

  • Landing Page Views

  • Lead Generation

  • Link Clicks

  • Standard Offsite Conversions

  • Custom Offsite Conversions

  • Page Likes

  • Post Engagement

  • Reach Replies

  • ROAS

  • Video Views

Conversion Rate & Engagement Rate Ranking

Available for all the above optimization goals except the following:

  • Ad Recall Lift

  • Brand Awareness

  • Impressions

  • Custom Offsite Conversions

  • ROAS

  • Reach