Facebook & Instagram Ads Reporting Metrics


​Leverage this detailed list of all Facebook and Instagram metrics available in Sprinklr's Ads Reporting to operate the reporting dashboard better. Given below is a list of all Facebook and Instagram metrics, along with their descriptions.

Facebook Metric Name

Metric Name


not-in-native (Ad Variant) Lifetime actions (app)

Ad Variant Lifetime Facebook Mobile App Actions

The number of actions in your mobile app that were recorded as app events and attributed to your adverts for a lifetime date range.

not-in-native (Ad Variant) Lifetime Installs (mobile app)

Ad Variant Lifetime Facebook Mobile App Installs

The number of installs from a mobile device as a result of your ad, on a lifetime basis.

not-in-native (Ad Variant) Lifetime App starts (mobile)

Ad Variant Lifetime Facebook Mobile App Starts

The number of mobile app starts as a result of your ad., on a lifetime basis.

not-in-native (Ad Variant) Lifetime Video views

Ad Variant Lifetime Facebook Video Views

The number of times that your video was played for at least 3 seconds, or for nearly its total length if it\'s shorter than 3 seconds. For each impression of a video, video views are counted separately and any time spent replaying the video. is excluded., on a lifetime basis.

not-in-native (Ad Variant) Lifetime Percentage of video viewed

Ad Variant Lifetime Facebook Avg. % of Video Viewed

The average percentage of your video that people viewed. This is the total video watch percentage for your video divided by the total number of times your video was played., on a lifetime basis.

not-in-native (Ad Variant) Lifetime Unique actions (mobile)

Ad Variant Lifetime Facebook Mobile App Unique Actions

The number of unique actions in your mobile app that were recorded as app events and attributed to your adverts for a lifetime date range.

not-in-native (Ad Variant) Lifetime Unique installs (mobile)

Ad Variant Lifetime Facebook Mobile App Unique Installs

The number of unique installs from a mobile device as a result of your ad., on a lifetime basis.

not-in-native (Ad Variant) Lifetime Unique app starts (mobile)

Ad Variant Lifetime Facebook Mobile App Unique Starts

The number of mobile app unique starts as a result of your ad., on a lifetime basis.

not-in-native (Ad Variant) Lifetime News feed aerage position (mobile)

Ad Variant Lifetime Facebook News Feed Average Position

It shows the average of where the ad has been inserted into users’ news feeds, Position 1 being at the very top., on a lifetime basis.

not-in-native (Ad Variant) Lifetime News feed clicks (mobile)

Ad Variant Lifetime Facebook News Feed Clicks

The number of clicks generated by ads on news feed., on a lifetime basis.

not-in-native (Ad Variant) Lifetime News feed impressions (mobile)

Ad Variant Lifetime Facebook News Feed Impressions

The number of impressions generated by ads on news feed., on a lifetime basis.

not-in-native (Ad Variant) Lifetime Page engagement

Ad Variant Lifetime Facebook Page Engagement

The number of actions related to the Page and your Page\'s posts as a result of your ad., on a lifetime basis.

not-in-native (Ad Variant) Lifetime Unique page engagement

Ad Variant Lifetime Facebook Page Unique Engagement

The number of unique actions related to the Page and your Page\'s posts as a result of your ad., on a lifetime basis.

not-in-native (Ad Variant) Lifetime Post Comments

Ad Variant Lifetime Facebook Post Comments

The number of comments on your adverts., on a lifetime basis.

not-in-native (Ad Variant) Lifetime Post engagement

Ad Variant Lifetime Facebook Post Engagement

The total number of actions that people take involving your adverts., on a lifetime basis.

not-in-native (Ad Variant) Lifetime Post Likes

Ad Variant Lifetime Facebook Post Likes

The total number of likes on your adverts., on a lifetime basis.

not-in-native (Ad Variant) Lifetime Post Shares

Ad Variant Lifetime Facebook Post Shares

The total number of shares of your adverts., on a lifetime basis.

not-in-native (Ad Variant) Lifetime Unique comments

Ad Variant Lifetime Facebook Post Unique Comments

The total number of unique comments on your adverts., on a lifetime basis.

not-in-native (Ad Variant) Lifetime Unique post engagement

Ad Variant Lifetime Facebook Post Unique Engagement

The total number of unique actions that people take involving your adverts., on a lifetime basis.

not-in-native (Ad Variant) Lifetime Unique post likes

Ad Variant Lifetime Facebook Post Unique Likes

The total number of unique likes on your adverts., on a lifetime basis.

not-in-native (Ad Variant) Lifetime Unique post shares

Ad Variant Lifetime Facebook Post Unique Shares

The total number of unique shares of your adverts., on a lifetime basis.

not-in-native Social spend (lifetime)

Ad Variant Lifetime Facebook Social Spend

The total amount you\'ve spent so far, when it is shown with social information on a lifetime basis.

not-in-native (Ad Variant) Lifetime Unique video views

Ad Variant Lifetime Facebook Unique Video Views

The number of people who viewed your video for 3 seconds or more., on a lifetime basis.

not-in-native (Ad Variant) Lifetime Unique link cilcks

Ad Variant Lifetime Facebook Website Unique Clicks

The unique number of times that an offsite link on an ad has been clicked by a user on Facebook within 1 day of someone viewing your ad or 28 days after clicking on your ad. The number reflects the unique total number of times the link has been clicked, even if just from your Page. It counts the unique total number of times your ad is influencing traffic to that URL., on a lifetime basis.

Video plays

Facebook Video Plays

The number of times that your video started to play. This is counted for each impression of a video, and excludes replays.

not-in-native Video completion rate

Facebook Video Completion Rate

Complete Video views divided by number of impressions.

Video plays at 100% (total)

Facebook Video Plays to 100%

The number of times your video was viewed to 100%.

not-in-native 3-second video play rate (total)

Facebook Video Play Rate

3-sec Video views divided by number of impressions.

Cost per 3-second video play

Facebook Cost Per Video Play

The average cost per video view, calculated as the amount spent divided by the number of 3-sec video views.

Cost per complete video view

Facebook Cost per Complete Video View

The average cost per complete video view, calculated as the amount spent divided by the number of 100% video views.

Video plays at 50% (total)

Facebook Video Plays to 50%

The number of times your video was viewed to 50%.

Video plays at 25% (total)

Facebook Video Plays to 25%

The number of times your video was viewed to 25%.

Video plays at 75% (total)

Facebook Video Plays to 75%

The number of times your video was viewed to 75%.

Post engagement (total)

Facebook Post Engagement

The total number of actions that people take involving your adverts, based on audience interests.

Link clicks (total)

Facebook Link Clicks

The total number of link clicks as generated by your adverts based on audience interests.

Cost per post engagement (total)

Facebook Cost Per Post Engagement

The average cost per action related to your adverts.

CPC (cost per link click)

Facebook Cost Per Link Click

The average cost per clicks on links appearing on your ad or Page that direct people to your sites off Facebook as a result of your ad.

CTR (link click-through rate)

Facebook Link Click Through Rate

The number of link clicks you received divided by the number of impressions.

not-in-native Post engagement rate (total)

Facebook Post Engagement Rate

The number of engagements divided by the total number of impressions.

not-in-native Post likes (total)

Facebook Post Likes

The total number of likes on your adverts, based on audience interests.

not-in-native Post comments (total)

Facebook Post Comments

The number of comments on your adverts, based on audience interests.

Paid engagement rate (total)

Facebook Paid Engagement Rate

The number of engagements (Likes + Comments + Shares + Link Clicks + Photo Views + Video Views (to 3s)) due to advertising divided by the no of impressions.

Paid engagement (total)

Facebook Paid Engagement

The number of engagements (Likes + Comments + Shares + Link Clicks + Photo Views + Video Views (to 3s)) due to advertising.

Cost per paid engagement (total)

Facebook Cost Per Paid Engagement

The average cost for each paid engagement as a result of your ad.

Page likes (total)

Facebook Page Likes

The total number of likes on your adverts based on audience interests.

Purchases (website)

Facebook Purchase (Facebook Pixel)

The number of times a purchase was made tracked by your Facebook pixel on your website after people viewed or clicked on your ad.

Cost per page like (total)

Facebook Cost Per Page Like

The average cost for each Page like as a result of your ad.

Purchase conversion value (website)

Facebook Purchase Value (Facebook Pixel)

The value of a purchase made tracked by your Facebook pixel on your website after people viewed or clicked on your ad.

not-in-native Post shares (total)

Facebook Post Shares

The total number of shares of your adverts, based on audience interests.

App installs (total)

Facebook Mobile App Installs

The total number of mobile app installs as a result of your advert based on audience interests.

Cost per app install (total)

Facebook Cost Per Mobile App Installs

The average cost for each install from a mobile device as a result of your ad.

Cost per lead (total)

Cost Per On-Facebook Lead

The average cost of each lead.

Leads (total)

On-Facebook Leads

The number of leads generated by your ads.

not-in-native Daily frequency

Facebook Daily Frequency

The daily average number of times your ad was served to each person.

Cost per outbound click

Facebook Cost Per Outbound Clicks

The average cost for each outbound click.


Facebook Frequency

The average number of times that each person saw your ad.

Outbound clicks

Facebook Outbound Clicks

The number of clicks on links that take people off Facebook-owned properties.

not-in-native Wow reactions

Facebook Wow Reactions

The number of ‘wow’ reactions on your ads.

not-in-native Haha reactions

Facebook Haha Reactions

The number of ‘haha’ reactions on your ads.

Trials started (website) conversion value (1 D Click)

Facebook Conversions 1 Day Click Start Trial Website

The number of Start Trial facebook conversions 1 Day after Click Website.

not-in-native Angry reactions

Facebook Angry Reactions

The number of \'Angry\' reactions on your ads.

not-in-native Love reactions

Facebook Love Reactions

The number of ‘love’ reactions on your ads.

not-in-native Sad reactions

Facebook Sad Reactions

The number of ‘sad’ reactions on your ads.

not-in-native Like reactions

Facebook Like Reactions

The number of ‘Like’ reactions on your ads.

Post reactions

Facebook Reactions

The number of reactions on your ads. The reactions button on an ad allows people to share different reactions to its content: like, love, haha, wow, sad or angry.

Outbound CTR (click-through rate)

Facebook Outbound Clicks CTR

The click through rate of clicks on links that take people off Facebook-owned properties.

Landing page views (website)

Facebook Landing Page Views

The number of times that a person clicked on an ad link and successfully loaded the destination web page or Instant Experience. To report on landing page views, you must have created a Facebook pixel.

Video plays at 95%

Facebook Video Plays to 95%

This metric/dimension is deprecated by channel/Sprinklr and the data would be available till the last date metric was active.

App installs

Facebook App Installs

The number of app installs as a result of your ad.

not-in-native Leads rate

Facebook Lead Rate (Form)

The number of leads from a form divided by the number of link clicks.

Custom events

Facebook Conversions for Event

The number of custom events attributed to your ads, based on information received from one or more of your connected accounts.

not-in-native CPC (cost per link click) (13-17)

Facebook Cost Per Link Click (Age 13-17)

The average cost per clicks on links appearing on your ad or Page that direct people to your sites off Facebook as a result of your ad and from people in age group 13-17.


Facebook Video Thru Plays

The number of times your video was played to completion, or for at least 15 seconds.

Cost per ThruPlay

Facebook Cost Per Video Thru Play

The average cost for each ThruPlay.

Meta pixel (1 D Click) (website)

Facebook Lead (Facebook Pixel) 1 Day After Clicking

The number of leads tracked by your Facebook pixel on your website , 1 day after clicking the ad.

Cost per estimated recall lift rate (people) (daily)

Facebook Cost per Daily Estimated Ad Recall Lift (people)

The average cost for each estimated ad recall lift. This metric is only available for assets that are part of the Brand Awareness, Post Engagement and Video views objectives.

Subscriptions (total)

Facebook Conversions Subscribe Total

The number of Subscribe facebook ConversionsTotal.

Messaging conversations started

Facebook Messaging Conversations Started

The number of times people started messaging your business after at least 7 days of inactivity, attributed to your ads.

2-second continuous video plays

Facebook Continuous 2-Sec Plays

The number of times that your video was played for two continuous seconds or more. Most 2-second continuous video views will have at least 50% of the video pixels in view.

Adds of payment info (offline)

Facebook Offline Conversion Add Payment Info

The number of add payment info events that were recorded by your offline events data and attributed to your adverts.

not-in-native Photo views

Facebook Photo Views

The number of views of your photos as a result of your ad.

Adds to cart (website)

Facebook Add To Cart (Facebook Pixel)

The number of times an item was added to a shopping cart tracked by your Facebook pixel on your website after people clicked or viewed your ad.

App actions (lifetime) (mobile)

Ad Set Lifetime Facebook Mobile App Actions

The number of actions in your mobile app that were recorded as app events and attributed to your adverts for lifetime date range.

App installs

Ad Set Lifetime Facebook Mobile App Installs

The number of installs from a mobile device as a result of your ad.


Ad Set Lifetime Facebook Mobile App Starts

The number of mobile app starts as a result of your ad.

Video views

Ad Set Lifetime Facebook Video Views

The number of times that your video was played for at least 3 seconds, or for nearly its total length if it\'s shorter than 3 seconds. For each impression of a video, video views are counted separately and any time spent replaying the video. is excluded.

Average percentage of video play (total)

Ad Set Lifetime Facebook Avg. % of Video Viewed

The average percentage of your video that people viewed. This is the total video watch percentage for your video divided by the total number of times your video was played., on a lifetime basis.

Unique actions (lifetime) (mobile app)

Ad Set Lifetime Facebook Mobile App Unique Actions

The number of unique actions that occurred in your mobile app as a result of your ad., on a lifetime basis.

Unique installs

Ad Set Lifetime Facebook Mobile App Unique Installs

The number of unique installs from a mobile device as a result of your ad.

Unique starts

Ad Set Lifetime Facebook Mobile App Unique Starts

The number of mobile app unique starts as a result of your ad.

Page engagement

Ad Set Lifetime Facebook Page Engagement

The number of actions related to the Page and your Page\'s posts as a result of your ad.

Page unique engagement

Ad Set Lifetime Facebook Page Unique Engagement

The number of unique actions related to the Page and your Page\'s posts as a result of your ad.

Post comments

Ad Set Lifetime Facebook Post Comments

The number of comments on your adverts.

Post engagement

Ad Set Lifetime Facebook Post Engagement

The total number of actions that people take involving your adverts.

not-in-native Post likes

Ad Set Lifetime Facebook Post Likes

The total number of likes on your adverts.

not-in-native Post shares

Ad Set Lifetime Facebook Post Shares

The total number of shares of your adverts.

not-in-native Unique post comments

Ad Set Lifetime Facebook Post Unique Comments

The total number of unique comments on your adverts.

Unique Post unique engagement

Ad Set Lifetime Facebook Post Unique Engagement

The total number of unique actions that people take involving your adverts.

Unique Post unique likes

Ad Set Lifetime Facebook Post Unique Likes

The total number of unique likes on your adverts.

Unique Post unique shares

Ad Set Lifetime Facebook Post Unique Shares

The total number of unique shares of your adverts.

Unique Post unique video views

Ad Set Lifetime Facebook Unique Video Views

The number of people who viewed your video for 3 seconds or more.

Website unique clicks

Ad Set Lifetime Facebook Website Unique Clicks

The unique number of times that an offsite link on an ad has been clicked by a user on Facebook within 1 day of someone viewing your ad or 28 days after clicking on your ad. The number reflects the unique total number of times the link has been clicked, even if just from your Page. It counts the unique total number of times your ad is influencing traffic to that URL.

not-in-native 30-sec views

Facebook 30-Sec Views

This shows the number of total views of at least 30 seconds or to the end of your video, whichever occurs first.

not-in-native 30-sec views (conversions)

Facebook 30-Sec Views (Conversion)

This shows the number of total views of at least 30 seconds or to the end of your video, whichever occurs first, tracked by Conversions objective.

not-in-native 30-sec views (1 D Click)

Facebook 30-Sec Views 1 Day After Clicking

This shows the number of total views of at least 30 seconds or to the end of your video, whichever occurs first, 1 day after clicking.

not-in-native 30-sec views (1 D View)

Facebook 30-Sec Views 1 Day After Viewing

This shows the number of total views of at least 30 seconds or to the end of your video, whichever occurs first, 1 day after viewing.

not-in-native 30-sec views (28 D Click)

Facebook 30-Sec Views 28 Days After Clicking

This shows the number of total views of at least 30 seconds or to the end of your video, whichever occurs first, 28 days after clicking.

not-in-native 30-sec views (28 D View)

Facebook 30-Sec Views 28 Days After Viewing

This shows the number of total views of at least 30 seconds or to the end of your video, whichever occurs first, 28 days after viewing.

not-in-native 30-sec views (7 D Click)

Facebook 30-Sec Views 7 Days After Clicking

This shows the number of total views of at least 30 seconds or to the end of your video, whichever occurs first, 7 days after clicking.

not-in-native 30-sec views (7 D View)

Facebook 30-Sec Views 7 Days After Viewing

This shows the number of total views of at least 30 seconds or to the end of your video, whichever occurs first, 7 days after viewing.

not-in-native 30-sec auto-play views

Facebook 30-Sec Views By Auto Play

This shows the number of total views by autoplay of at least 30 seconds or to the end of your video, whichever occurs first.

not-in-native 30-sec auto-play views (1 D Click)

Facebook 30-Sec Views By Auto Play 1 Day After Clicking

This shows the number of total views by autoplay of at least 30 seconds or to the end of your video, whichever occurs first, 1 day after clicking.

not-in-native 30-sec auto-play views (1 D View)

Facebook 30-Sec Views By Auto Play 1 Day After Viewing

This shows the number of total views by autoplay of at least 30 seconds or to the end of your video, whichever occurs first, 1 day after viewing.

not-in-native 30-sec auto-play views (28 D Click)

Facebook 30-Sec Views By Auto Play 28 Days After Clicking

This shows the number of total views by autoplay of at least 30 seconds or to the end of your video, whichever occurs first, 28 days after clicking.

not-in-native 30-sec auto-play views (28 D View)

Facebook 30-Sec Views By Auto Play 28 Days After Viewing

This shows the number of total views by autoplay of at least 30 seconds or to the end of your video, whichever occurs first, 28 days after viewing.

not-in-native 30-sec auto-play views (7 D Click)

Facebook 30-Sec Views By Auto Play 7 Days After Clicking

This shows the number of total views by autoplay of at least 30 seconds or to the end of your video, whichever occurs first, 7 days after clicking.

not-in-native 30-sec auto-play views (7 D View)

Facebook 30-Sec Views By Auto Play 7 Days After Viewing

This shows the number of total views by autoplay of at least 30 seconds or to the end of your video, whichever occurs first, 7 days after viewing.

not-in-native 30-sec click-play views

Facebook 30-Sec Views By Click To Play

This shows the number of total views of at least 30 seconds or to the end of your video, whichever occurs first, for videos clicked by the user to play.

not-in-native 30-sec click-play views (1 D Click)

Facebook 30-Sec Views By Click To Play 1 Day After Clicking

This shows the number of total views 1 day after clicking, of at least 30 seconds or to the end of your video, whichever occurs first, for videos clicked by the user to play.

not-in-native 30-sec click-play views (1 D View)

Facebook 30-Sec Views By Click To Play 1 Day After Viewing

This shows the number of total views 1 day after viewing, of at least 30 seconds or to the end of your video, whichever occurs first, for videos clicked by the user to play.

not-in-native 30-sec click-play views (28 D Click)

Facebook 30-Sec Views By Click To Play 28 Days After Clicking

This shows the number of total views 28 days after clicking, of at least 30 seconds or to the end of your video, whichever occurs first, for videos clicked by the user to play.

not-in-native 30-sec click-play views (28 D View)

Facebook 30-Sec Views By Click To Play 28 Days After Viewing

This shows the number of total views 28 days after viewing, of at least 30 seconds or to the end of your video, whichever occurs first, for videos clicked by the user to play.

not-in-native 30-sec click-play views (7 D Click)

Facebook 30-Sec Views By Click To Play 7 Days After Clicking

This shows the number of total views 7 days after clicking, of at least 30 seconds or to the end of your video, whichever occurs first, for videos clicked by the user to play.

not-in-native 30-sec click-play views (7 D View)

Facebook 30-Sec Views By Click To Play 7 Days After Viewing

This shows the number of total views 7 days after viewing, of at least 30 seconds or to the end of your video, whichever occurs first, for videos clicked by the user to play.

not-in-native Audience reach percentage

Facebook Ad Set Audience Reached Percentage

The number of people who saw your ads at least once as a percentage of your set audience.

CPM (cost per 1000 impressions) (lifetime)

Facebook Ad Set Lifetime Cost per 1,000 People Reached

The amount spent for every 1000 People reached in the lifetime of an Ad Set.

Cost per estimated ad recall lift (people)

Facebook Ad Set Lifetime Cost per Estimated Ad Recall Lift (people)

The amount spent for every 1000 People estimated to recall your ad in the lifetime of an Ad Set.

CPM (cost per 1000 impressions) (lifetime)

Facebook Ad Variant Lifetime Cost per 1,000 People Reached

The amount spent for every 1000 People reached in the lifetime of an Ad.

Website clicks (lifetime)

Facebook Ad Variant Lifetime Interest Website Clicks

The total number of times that an offsite link on an ad has been clicked by a user on Facebook within 1 day of someone viewing your ad or 28 days after clicking on your ad based on audience interests. The number reflects the total number of times the link has been clicked, even if just from your Page based on audience interests. It counts the total number of times your ad is influencing traffic to that URL based on audience interests., on a lifetime basis.

Adds of payment info (website)

Facebook Add Payment Info (Facebook Pixel)

The number of times payment information was entered tracked by your Facebook pixel on your website after people clicked or viewed your ad.

not-in-native Adds of payment info (website) (1 D Click)

Facebook Add Payment Info (Facebook Pixel) 1 Day After Clicking

The number of times payment information was entered tracked by your Facebook pixel on your website after people clicked or viewed your ad, 1 day after clicking.

not-in-native Adds of payment info (website) (1 D View)

Facebook Add Payment Info (Facebook Pixel) 1 Day After Viewing

The number of times payment information was entered tracked by your Facebook pixel on your website after people clicked or viewed your ad, 1 day after viewing.

not-in-native Adds of payment info (website) (7 D Click)

Facebook Add Payment Info (Facebook Pixel) 7 Days After Clicking

The number of times payment information was entered tracked by your Facebook pixel on your website after people clicked or viewed your ad, 7 days after clicking.

not-in-native Adds of payment info (offline) (1 D Click)

Facebook Add Payment Info (Offline Conversion) 1 Day After Clicking

The number of add payment info events that were recorded by your offline events data and attributed to your adverts, 1 day after clicking.

not-in-native Adds of payment info (offline) (1 D View)

Facebook Add Payment Info (Offline Conversion) 1 Day After Viewing

The number of add payment info events that were recorded by your offline events data and attributed to your adverts, 1 day after viewing.

not-in-native Adds of payment info (offline) (28 D Click).

Facebook Add Payment Info (Offline Conversion) 28 Days After Clicking

The number of add payment info events that were recorded by your offline events data and attributed to your adverts, 28 days after clicking.

not-in-native Adds of payment info (offline) (28 D View).

Facebook Add Payment Info (Offline Conversion) 28 Days After Viewing

The number of add payment info events that were recorded by your offline events data and attributed to your adverts, 28 days after viewing.

not-in-native Adds of payment info (offline) (7 D Click)

Facebook Add Payment Info (Offline Conversion) 7 Days After Clicking.

The number of add payment info events that were recorded by your offline events data and attributed to your adverts, 7 days after clicking.

not-in-native Adds of payment info (offline) (7 D View)

Facebook Add Payment Info (Offline Conversion) 7 Days After Viewing

The number of add payment info events that were recorded by your offline events data and attributed to your adverts, 7 days after viewing.

Adds of payment info conversion value (website)

Facebook Add Payment Info Value (Facebook Pixel)

The number of times payment information was entered tracked by your Facebook pixel on your website after people clicked or viewed your ad.

not-in-native Adds of payment info conversion value (website) (1 D Click)

Facebook Add Payment Info Value (Facebook Pixel) 1 Day After Clicking

The total value of payment information entered and tracked by your Facebook pixel on your website after people clicked or viewed your ad, 1 day after clicking.

not-in-native Adds of payment info conversion value (website) (1 D View)

Facebook Add Payment Info Value (Facebook Pixel) 1 Day After Viewing

The total value of payment information entered and tracked by your Facebook pixel on your website after people clicked or viewed your ad, 1 day after viewing.

not-in-native Adds of payment info conversion value (website) (7 D Click)

Facebook Add Payment Info Value (Facebook Pixel) 7 Days After Clicking

The total value of payment information entered and tracked by your Facebook pixel on your website after people clicked or viewed your ad, 7 days after clicking.

not-in-native Adds of payment info conversion value (offline) (1 D Click)

Facebook Add Payment Info Value (Offline Conversion) 1 Day After Clicking

The total value returned from add payment info (offline conversion) conversions, 1 day after clicking your ad. This is based on the value you assigned when you set up the offline event.

not-in-native Adds of payment info conversion value (offline) (1 D View)

Facebook Add Payment Info Value (Offline Conversion) 1 Day After Viewing

The total value returned from add payment info (offline conversion) conversions, 1 day after viewing your ad. This is based on the value you assigned when you set up the offline event.

not-in-native Adds of payment info conversion value (offline) (28 D Click)

Facebook Add Payment Info Value (Offline Conversion) 28 Days After Clicking

The total value returned from add payment info (offline conversion) conversions, 28 days after clicking your ad. This is based on the value you assigned when you set up the offline event.

not-in-native Adds of payment info conversion value (offline) (28 D View)

Facebook Add Payment Info Value (Offline Conversion) 28 Days After Viewing

The total value returned from add payment info (offline conversion) conversions, 28 days after viewing your ad. This is based on the value you assigned when you set up the offline event.

not-in-native Adds of payment info conversion value (offline) (7 D Click)

Facebook Add Payment Info Value (Offline Conversion) 7 Days After Clicking

The total value returned from add payment info (offline conversion) conversions, 7 days after clicking your ad. This is based on the value you assigned when you set up the offline event.

not-in-native Adds of payment info conversion value (offline) (7 D View)

Facebook Add Payment Info Value (Offline Conversion) 7 Days After Viewing

The total value returned from add payment info (offline conversion) conversions, 7 days after viewing your ad. This is based on the value you assigned when you set up the offline event.

not-in-native Adds to cart (website) (1 D Click)

Facebook Add To Cart (Facebook Pixel) 1 Day After Clicking

The number of times an item was added to a shopping cart tracked by your Facebook pixel on your website 1 day after clicking on your ad.

not-in-native Adds to cart (website) (1 D View)

Facebook Add To Cart (Facebook Pixel) 1 Day After Viewing

The number of times an item was added to a shopping cart tracked by your Facebook pixel on your website 1 day after viewing your ad.

not-in-native Adds to cart (website) (7 D Click)

Facebook Add To Cart (Facebook Pixel) 7 Days After Clicking

The number of times an item was added to a shopping cart tracked by your Facebook pixel on your website 7 days after clicking on your ad.

Adds to cart (offline)

Facebook Add To Cart Value (Facebook Pixel)

The total value of adds-to-cart tracked by your Facebook pixel on your website after people clicked or viewed your ad.

not-in-native Adds to cart (offline) (1 D Click)

Facebook Add To Cart Value (Facebook Pixel) 1 Day After Clicking

The total value of adds-to-cart tracked by your Facebook pixel on your website, 1 day after clicking on your ad.

not-in-native Adds to cart (offline) (1 D View)

Facebook Add To Cart Value (Facebook Pixel) 1 Day After Viewing

The total value of adds-to-cart tracked by your Facebook pixel on your website, 1 day after viewing your ad.

not-in-native Adds to cart (offline) (7 D Click)

Facebook Add To Cart Value (Facebook Pixel) 7 Days After Clicking

The total value of adds-to-cart tracked by your Facebook pixel on your website, 7 days after clicking on your ad.

not-in-native Adds to wishlist (offline) (1 D Click)

Facebook Add To Wish List (Offline Conversion) 1 Day After Clicking

The number of add to wishlist events that were recorded by your offline events data and attributed to your adverts, 1 day after clicking.

not-in-native Adds to wishlist (offline) (1 D View)

Facebook Add To Wish List (Offline Conversion) 1 Day After Viewing

The number of add to wishlist events that were recorded by your offline events data and attributed to your adverts, 1 day after viewing.

not-in-native Adds to wishlist (offline) (28 D Click)

Facebook Add To Wish List (Offline Conversion) 28 Days After Clicking

The number of add to wishlist events that were recorded by your offline events data and attributed to your adverts, 28 days after clicking.

not-in-native Adds to wishlist (offline) (28 D View)

Facebook Add To Wish List (Offline Conversion) 28 Days After Viewing

The number of add to wishlist events that were recorded by your offline events data and attributed to your adverts, 28 days after viewing.

not-in-native Adds to wishlist (offline) (7 D Click)

Facebook Add To Wish List (Offline Conversion) 7 Days After Clicking

The number of add to wishlist events that were recorded by your offline events data and attributed to your adverts, 7 days after clicking.

not-in-native Adds to wishlist (offline) (7 D View)

Facebook Add To Wish List (Offline Conversion) 7 Days After Viewing

The number of add to wishlist events that were recorded by your offline events data and attributed to your adverts, 7 days after viewing.

not-in-native Adds to wishlist conversion value (offline) (1 D Click)

Facebook Add To Wish List Value (Offline Conversion) 1 Day After Clicking

The total value returned from add to wishlist (offline conversion) conversions, 1 day after clicking your ad. This is based on the value you assigned when you set up the offline event.

not-in-native Adds to wishlist conversion value (offline) (1 D View)

Facebook Add To Wish List Value (Offline Conversion) 1 Day After Viewing

The total value returned from add to wishlist (offline conversion) conversions, 1 day after viewing your ad. This is based on the value you assigned when you set up the offline event.

not-in-native Adds to wishlist conversion value (offline) (28 D Click)

Facebook Add To Wish List Value (Offline Conversion) 28 Days After Clicking

The total value returned from add to wishlist (offline conversion) conversions, 28 days after clicking your ad. This is based on the value you assigned when you set up the offline event.

not-in-native Adds to wishlist conversion value (offline) (28 D View)

Facebook Add To Wish List Value (Offline Conversion) 28 Days After Viewing

The total value returned from add to wishlist (offline conversion) conversions, 28 days after viewing your ad. This is based on the value you assigned when you set up the offline event.

not-in-native Adds to wishlist conversion value (offline) (7 D Click)

Facebook Add To Wish List Value (Offline Conversion) 7 Days After Clicking

The total value returned from add to wishlist (offline conversion) conversions, 7 days after clicking your ad. This is based on the value you assigned when you set up the offline event.

not-in-native Adds to wishlist conversion value (offline) (7 D View)

Facebook Add To Wish List Value (Offline Conversion) 7 Days After Viewing

The total value returned from add to wishlist (offline conversion) conversions, 7 days after viewing your ad. This is based on the value you assigned when you set up the offline event.

Adds to wishlist (website)

Facebook Add To Wishlist (Facebook Pixel)

The number of times an item was added to a wishlist tracked by your Facebook pixel on your website after people viewed or clicked on your ad.

not-in-native Adds to wishlist (website) (1 D Click)

Facebook Add To Wishlist (Facebook Pixel) 1 Day After Clicking

The number of times an item was added to a wishlist tracked by your Facebook pixel on your website,1 day after clicking your ad.

not-in-native Adds to wishlist (website) (1 D View)

Facebook Add To Wishlist (Facebook Pixel) 1 Day After Viewing

The number of times an item was added to a wishlist tracked by your Facebook pixel on your website , 1 day after viewing your ad.

not-in-native Adds to wishlist (website) (7 D Click)

Facebook Add To Wishlist (Facebook Pixel) 7 Days After Clicking

The number of times an item was added to a wishlist tracked by your Facebook pixel on your website , 7 day after clicking your ad.

not-in-native Adds to wishlist (website) (7 D Click)

Facebook Add To Wishlist (Facebook Pixel) 7 Days After Viewing

The number of times an item was added to a wishlist tracked by your Facebook pixel on your website , 7 day after viewing your ad.

Adds to wishlist conversion value (website)

Facebook Add To Wishlist Value (Facebook Pixel)

The total value returned from add to wishlist events tracked by your Facebook pixel on your website after people viewed or clicked on your ad.

not-in-native Adds to wishlist conversion value (website) (1 D Click)

Facebook Add To Wishlist Value (Facebook Pixel) 1 Day After Clicking

The total value returned from add to wishlist events tracked by your Facebook pixel on your website 1 day after clicking your ad.

not-in-native Adds to wishlist conversion value (website) (1 D View)

Facebook Add To Wishlist Value (Facebook Pixel) 1 Day After Viewing

The total value returned from add to wishlist events tracked by your Facebook pixel on your website 1 day after viewing your ad.

not-in-native Adds to wishlist conversion value (website) (7 D Click)

Facebook Add To Wishlist Value (Facebook Pixel) 7 Days After Clicking

The total value returned from add to wishlist events tracked by your Facebook pixel on your website, 7 day after clicking your ad.

not-in-native Adds to cart (shared items)

Facebook Add to Cart with Shared Items

The number of add to cart events of your product with other items.

not-in-native Adds to cart (shared items) (1 D Click)

Facebook Add to Cart with Shared Items 1 Days After Clicking

The number of add to cart events of your product with other items, 1 day after clicking of your ad.

not-in-native Adds to cart (shared items) (1 D View)

Facebook Add to Cart with Shared Items 1 Days After Viewing

The number of add to cart events of your product with other items, 1 day after viewing of your ad.

not-in-native Adds to cart (shared items) (7 D Click)

Facebook Add to Cart with Shared Items 7 Days After Clicking

The number of add to cart events of your product with other items, 7 days after clicking of your ad.

not-in-native Adds to cart (offline) (1 D Click)

Facebook Adds To Cart (Offline Conversion) 1 Day After Clicking

The number of add to cart events that were recorded by your offline events data and attributed to your adverts, 1 day after clicking.

not-in-native Adds to cart (offline) (1 D View)

Facebook Adds To Cart (Offline Conversion) 1 Day After Viewing

The number of add to cart events that were recorded by your offline events data and attributed to your adverts, 1 day after viewing.

not-in-native Adds to cart (offline) (28 D Click)

Facebook Adds To Cart (Offline Conversion) 28 Days After Clicking

The number of add to cart events that were recorded by your offline events data and attributed to your adverts, 28 days after clicking.

not-in-native Adds to cart (offline) (28 D View)

Facebook Adds To Cart (Offline Conversion) 28 Days After Viewing

The number of add to cart events that were recorded by your offline events data and attributed to your adverts, 28 days after viewing.

not-in-native Adds to cart (offline) (7 D Click)

Facebook Adds To Cart (Offline Conversion) 7 Days After Clicking

The number of add to cart events that were recorded by your offline events data and attributed to your adverts, 7 days after clicking.

not-in-native Adds to cart (offline) (7 D View)

Facebook Adds To Cart (Offline Conversion) 7 Days After Viewing

The number of add to cart events that were recorded by your offline events data and attributed to your adverts, 7 days after viewing.

not-in-native Adds to cart conversion value (offline) (1 D Click)

Facebook Adds To Cart Value (Offline Conversion) 1 Day After Clicking

The total value returned from add to cart (offline conversion) conversions, 1 day after clicking your ad. This is based on the value you assigned when you set up the offline event.

not-in-native Adds to cart conversion value (offline) (1 D View)

Facebook Adds To Cart Value (Offline Conversion) 1 Day After Viewing

The total value returned from add to cart (offline conversion) conversions, 1 day after viewing your ad. This is based on the value you assigned when you set up the offline event.

not-in-native Adds to cart conversion value (offline) (28 D Click)

Facebook Adds To Cart Value (Offline Conversion) 28 Days After Clicking

The total value returned from add to cart (offline conversion) conversions, 28 days after clicking your ad. This is based on the value you assigned when you set up the offline event.

not-in-native Adds to cart conversion value (offline) (28 D View)

Facebook Adds To Cart Value (Offline Conversion) 28 Days After Viewing

The total value returned from add to cart (offline conversion) conversions, 28 days after viewing your ad. This is based on the value you assigned when you set up the offline event.

not-in-native Adds to cart conversion value (offline) (7 D Click)

Facebook Adds To Cart Value (Offline Conversion) 7 Days After Clicking

The total value returned from add to cart (offline conversion) conversions, 7 days after clicking your ad. This is based on the value you assigned when you set up the offline event.

not-in-native Adds to cart conversion value (offline) (7 D View)

Facebook Adds To Cart Value (Offline Conversion) 7 Days After Viewing

The total value returned from add to cart (offline conversion) conversions, 7 days after viewing your ad. This is based on the value you assigned when you set up the offline event.

Desktop app engagement

Facebook App Engagement

The number of actions, including app installs, credit spends and uses, that were recorded as app events and attributed to your adverts based on audience interests.

Desktop app engagement (conversion)

Facebook App Engagement (Conversion)

The number of actions, including app installs, credit spends and uses as a result of your ad, tracked with the conversions objective.

Desktop app engagement (1 D Click)

Facebook App Engagement 1 Day After Clicking

The number of actions, including app installs, credit spends and uses as a result of your ad, 1 day after clicking.

Desktop app engagement (1 D View)

Facebook App Engagement 1 Day After Viewing

The number of actions, including app installs, credit spends and uses as a result of your ad, 1 day after viewing.

Desktop app engagement (28 D Click)

Facebook App Engagement 28 Days After Clicking

The number of actions, including app installs, credit spends and uses as a result of your ad, 28 days after clicking.

Desktop app engagement (28 D View)

Facebook App Engagement 28 Days After Viewing

The number of actions, including app installs, credit spends and uses as a result of your ad, 28 days after viewing.

Desktop app engagement (7 D Click)

Facebook App Engagement 7 Days After Clicking

The number of actions, including app installs, credit spends and uses as a result of your ad, 7 days after clicking.

Desktop app engagement (7 D View)

Facebook App Engagement 7 Days After Viewing

The number of actions, including app installs, credit spends and uses as a result of your ad, 7 days after viewing.

not-in-native Desktop app install rate

Facebook App Install Rate

It is defined as the number of Facebook App Installs divided by the number of Impressions.

not-in-native Desktop app install (conversion)

Facebook App Installs (Conversion)

The number of app installs as a result of your ad, tracked with the Conversions objective.

not-in-native Desktop app install (1 D Click)

Facebook App Installs 1 Day After Clicking

The number of app installs as a result of your ad, 1 day after clicking.

not-in-native Desktop app install (1 D View)

Facebook App Installs 1 Day After Viewing

The number of app installs as a result of your ad, 1 day after viewing.

not-in-native Desktop app install (7 D Click)

Facebook App Installs 7 Days After Clicking

The number of app installs as a result of your ad, 7 days after clicking.

not-in-native Desktop app install (7 D View)

Facebook App Installs 7 Days After Viewing

The number of app installs as a result of your ad, 7 days after viewing.

Desktop app story engagement

Facebook App Story Engagement

The number of actions related to the app story that were recorded as app events and attributed to your adverts.

Desktop app story engagement (conversion)

Facebook App Story Engagement (Conversion)

The number of actions related to the app story that were recorded as app events and attributed to your adverts, tracked on Conversions objective.

Desktop app story engagement (1 D Click)

Facebook App Story Engagement 1 Day After Clicking

The number of actions related to the app story that were recorded as app events and attributed to your adverts, 1 day after clicking.

Desktop app story engagement (1 D View)

Facebook App Story Engagement 1 Day After Viewing

The number of actions related to the app story that were recorded as app events and attributed to your adverts, 1 day after viewing.

Desktop app story engagement (28 D Click)

Facebook App Story Engagement 28 Days After Clicking

The number of actions related to the app story that were recorded as app events and attributed to your adverts, 28 dayss after clicking.

Desktop app story engagement (28 D View)

Facebook App Story Engagement 28 Days After Viewing

The number of actions related to the app story that were recorded as app events and attributed to your adverts, 28 dayss after viewing.

Desktop app story engagement (7 D Click)

Facebook App Story Engagement 7 Days After Clicking

The number of actions related to the app story that were recorded as app events and attributed to your adverts, 7 days after clicking.

Desktop app story engagement (7 D View)

Facebook App Story Engagement 7 Days After Viewing

The number of actions related to the app story that were recorded as app events and attributed to your adverts, 7 days after viewing.

Desktop app uses

Facebook App Uses

The number of uses of your app as a result of your ad. This includes the number of times your app was used for a minimum of 4 minutes in the last 14 days, or at least twice by the same person with one of those times occurring in the past 14 days.

Desktop app uses (conversion)

Facebook App Uses (Conversion)

The number of uses of your app as a result of your ad. This includes the number of times your app was used for a minimum of 4 minutes in the last 14 days, or at least twice by the same person with one of those times occurring in the past 14 days, tracked on Conversions objective.

Desktop app uses (1 D Click)

Facebook App Uses 1 Day After Clicking

The number of uses of your app as a result of your ad. This includes the number of times your app was used for a minimum of 4 minutes in the last 14 days, or at least twice by the same person with one of those times occurring in the past 14 days, 1 day after clicking.

Desktop app uses (1 D View)

Facebook App Uses 1 Day After Viewing

The number of uses of your app as a result of your ad. This includes the number of times your app was used for a minimum of 4 minutes in the last 14 days, or at least twice by the same person with one of those times occurring in the past 14 days, 1 day after viewing.

Desktop app uses (7 D Click)

Facebook App Uses 7 Days After Clicking

The number of uses of your app as a result of your ad. This includes the number of times your app was used for a minimum of 4 minutes in the last 14 days, or at least twice by the same person with one of those times occurring in the past 14 days, 7 days after clicking.

Desktop app uses (7 D View)

Facebook App Uses 7 Days After Viewing

The number of uses of your app as a result of your ad. This includes the number of times your app was used for a minimum of 4 minutes in the last 14 days, or at least twice by the same person with one of those times occurring in the past 14 days, 7 days after viewing.

not-in-native Average percentage of video by play (total)

Facebook Avg. % of Video Viewed

The value for this metric is approximate.

not-in-native Average percentage of video by play (total) (1 D Click)

Facebook Avg. % of Video Viewed 1 Day After Clicking

The average percentage of your video that people viewed. This is the total video watch percentage for your video divided by the total number of times your video was played, 1 day after clicking.

not-in-native Average percentage of video by play (total) (1 D View)

Facebook Avg. % of Video Viewed 1 Day After Viewing

The value for this metric is approximate.

not-in-native Average percentage of video by play (total) (28 D Click)

Facebook Avg. % of Video Viewed 28 Days After Clicking

The value for this metric is approximate.

not-in-native Average percentage of video by play (total) (28 D View)

Facebook Avg. % of Video Viewed 28 Days After Viewing

The average percentage of your video that people viewed. This is the total video watch percentage for your video divided by the total number of times your video was played, 28 days after viewing.

not-in-native Average percentage of video by play (total) (7 D Click)

Facebook Avg. % of Video Viewed 7 Days After Clicking

The value for this metric is approximate.

not-in-native Average percentage of video by play (total) (7 D View)

Facebook Avg. % of Video Viewed 7 Days After Viewing

The value for this metric is approximate.

not-in-native Average percentage of video by auto-play

Facebook Avg. % of Video Viewed By Auto Play

The value for this metric is approximate.

not-in-native Average percentage of video by auto-play (1 D Click)

Facebook Avg. % of Video Viewed By Auto Play 1 Day After Clicking

The value for this metric is approximate.

not-in-native Average percentage of video by auto-play (1 D View)

Facebook Avg. % of Video Viewed By Auto Play 1 Day After Viewing

The value for this metric is approximate.

not-in-native Average percentage of video by auto-play (28 D Click)

Facebook Avg. % of Video Viewed By Auto Play 28 Days After Clicking

The value for this metric is approximate.

not-in-native Average percentage of video by auto-play (28 D View)

Facebook Avg. % of Video Viewed By Auto Play 28 Days After Viewing

The value for this metric is approximate.

not-in-native Average percentage of video by auto-play (7 D Click)

Facebook Avg. % of Video Viewed By Auto Play 7 Days After Clicking

The value for this metric is approximate.

not-in-native Average percentage of video by auto-play (7 D View)

Facebook Avg. % of Video Viewed By Auto Play 7 Days After Viewing

The value for this metric is approximate.

not-in-native Average percentage of video by click-play

Facebook Avg. % of Video Viewed By Click To Play

The value for this metric is approximate.

not-in-native Average percentage of video by click-play (1 D Click)

Facebook Avg. % of Video Viewed By Click To Play 1 Day After Clicking

The value for this metric is approximate.

not-in-native Average percentage of video by click-play (1 D View)

Facebook Avg. % of Video Viewed By Click To Play 1 Day After Viewing

The average percentage of your video that people viewed by clicking to play the video as a result of your ad. This is the total video watch percentage for your video when clicked to play divided by the total number of times your video was clicked to play, 1 day after viewing.

not-in-native Average percentage of video by click-play (28 D Click)

Facebook Avg. % of Video Viewed By Click To Play 28 Days After Clicking

The average percentage of your video that people viewed by clicking to play the video as a result of your ad. This is the total video watch percentage for your video when clicked to play divided by the total number of times your video was clicked to play, 28 days after clicking.

not-in-native Average percentage of video by click-play (28 D View)

Facebook Avg. % of Video Viewed By Click To Play 28 Days After Viewing

The value for this metric is approximate.

not-in-native Average percentage of video by click-play (7 D Click)

Facebook Avg. % of Video Viewed By Click To Play 7 Days After Clicking

The value for this metric is approximate.

not-in-native Average percentage of video by click-play (7 D View)

Facebook Avg. % of Video Viewed By Click To Play 7 Days After Viewing

The average percentage of your video that people viewed by clicking to play the video as a result of your ad. This is the total video watch percentage for your video when clicked to play divided by the total number of times your video was clicked to play, 7 days after viewing.

Video average play time (total)

Facebook Avg. Duration of Video Played

The value for this metric is approximate.

Video average play time (total) (1 D Click)

Facebook Avg. Duration of Video Played 1 Day After Clicking

The average length of time people spent viewing your video. This is the total video watch time for your video divided by the total number of times your video was played, 1 day after clicking.

Video average play time (total) (1 D View)

Facebook Avg. Duration of Video Played 1 Day After Viewing

The average length of time people spent viewing your video. This is the total video watch time for your video divided by the total number of times your video was played, 1 day after viewing.

Video average play time (total) (28 D Click)

Facebook Avg. Duration of Video Played 28 Days After Clicking

The average length of time people spent viewing your video. This is the total video watch time for your video divided by the total number of times your video was played, 28 days after clicking.

Video average play time (total) (28 D View)

Facebook Avg. Duration of Video Played 28 Days After Viewing

The average length of time people spent viewing your video. This is the total video watch time for your video divided by the total number of times your video was played, 28 days after viewing.

Video average play time (total) (7 D Click)

Facebook Avg. Duration of Video Played 7 Days After Clicking

The average length of time people spent viewing your video. This is the total video watch time for your video divided by the total number of times your video was played, 7 days after clicking.

Video average play time (total) (7 D View)

Facebook Avg. Duration of Video Played 7 Days After Viewing

The average length of time people spent viewing your video. This is the total video watch time for your video divided by the total number of times your video was played, 7 days after viewing.

not-in-native Video average play time by auto-play (total)

Facebook Avg. Duration of Video Played By Auto Play

The value for this metric is approximate.

not-in-native Video average play time by auto-play (total) (1 D Click)

Facebook Avg. Duration of Video Played By Auto Play 1 Day After Clicking

The average length of time people spent viewing your video due to autoplay. This is the total video watch time for your video divided by the total number of times your video was played, 1 day after clicking.

not-in-native Video average play time by auto-play (total) (1 D View)

Facebook Avg. Duration of Video Played By Auto Play 1 Day After Viewing

The average length of time people spent viewing your video due to autoplay. This is the total video watch time for your video divided by the total number of times your video was played, 1 day after viewing.

not-in-native Video average play time by auto-play (total) (28 D Click)

Facebook Avg. Duration of Video Played By Auto Play 28 Days After Clicking

The average length of time people spent viewing your video due to autoplay. This is the total video watch time for your video divided by the total number of times your video was played, 28 days after clicking.

not-in-native Video average play time by auto-play (total) (28 D View)

Facebook Avg. Duration of Video Played By Auto Play 28 Days After Viewing

The average length of time people spent viewing your video due to autoplay. This is the total video watch time for your video divided by the total number of times your video was played, 28 days after viewing.

not-in-native Video average play time by auto-play (total) (7 D Click)

Facebook Avg. Duration of Video Played By Auto Play 7 Days After Clicking

The value for this metric is approximate.

not-in-native Video average play time by auto-play (total) (7 D View)

Facebook Avg. Duration of Video Played By Auto Play 7 Days After Viewing

The average length of time people spent viewing your video due to autoplay. This is the total video watch time for your video divided by the total number of times your video was played, 7 days after viewing.

not-in-native Video average play time by click-play (total)

Facebook Avg. Duration of Video Played By Click To Play

The value for this metric is approximate.

not-in-native Video average play time by click-play (total) (1 D Click)

Facebook Avg. Duration of Video Played By Click To Play 1 Day After Clicking

The average length of time people spent viewing your video by clicking to play the video as a result of your ad. This is the total video watch time for your video divided by the total number of times your video was clicked to play, 1 day after clicking.

not-in-native Video average play time by click-play (total) (1 D View)

Facebook Avg. Duration of Video Played By Click To Play 1 Day After Viewing

The average length of time people spent viewing your video by clicking to play the video as a result of your ad. This is the total video watch time for your video divided by the total number of times your video was clicked to play, 1 day after viewing.

not-in-native Video average play time by click-play (total) (28 D Click)

Facebook Avg. Duration of Video Played By Click To Play 28 Days After Clicking

The average length of time people spent viewing your video by clicking to play the video as a result of your ad. This is the total video watch time for your video divided by the total number of times your video was clicked to play, 28 days after clicking.

not-in-native Video average play time by click-play (total) (28 D View)

Facebook Avg. Duration of Video Played By Click To Play 28 Days After Viewing

The average length of time people spent viewing your video by clicking to play the video as a result of your ad. This is the total video watch time for your video divided by the total number of times your video was clicked to play, 28 days after viewing.

not-in-native Video average play time by click-play (total) (7 D View)

Facebook Avg. Duration of Video Played By Click To Play 7 Days After Viewing

The average length of time people spent viewing your video by clicking to play the video as a result of your ad. This is the total video watch time for your video divided by the total number of times your video was clicked to play, 7 days after viewing.

not-in-native CTA clicks

Facebook CTA Click

Then number of clicks on a Call to Action (CTA), which is designed to bring a business\' most important objective to the forefront of its Facebook presence. Call to action buttons link to any destination on or off Facebook that aligns with a business\'s goals.

not-in-native CTA clicks convesion value

Facebook CTA Click (Conversion)

Then number of clicks on a Call to Action (CTA), which is designed to bring a business\' most important objective to the forefront of its Facebook presence, tracked with Conversions objective. Call to action buttons link to any destination on or off Facebook that aligns with a business\'s goals.

not-in-native Unique average view duration canvas

Facebook Canvas Average View Duration

The average view duration of your ads on canvas on a unique basis.

not-in-native Unique average view percentage canvas

Facebook Canvas Average View Percentage

The average view percentage of your ads on canvas on a unique basis.

Component duration percentage canvas

Facebook Canvas Component Duration Percentage

The average percentage of time spent viewing each component of a Facebook canvas. Canvas is a screen that is opened on mobile after a person clicks the canvas link in your ad. It may include a series of interactive or multimedia components, including video, images, product catalogues and more.


Facebook Check-ins

The number of check-ins to your Facebook Page that are attributed to your ads. If your Page has a physical address associated with it, people can check in to your Page when they update their status in their Facebook News Feed or Timeline.

Check-ins (conversion)

Facebook Check-ins (Conversion)

The number of check-ins to your Facebook Page that are attributed to your ads tracked with Conversions objective. If your Page has a physical address associated with it, people can check in to your Page when they update their status in their Facebook News Feed or Timeline.

not-in-native Check-ins (1 D Click)

Facebook Check-ins 1 Day After Clicking

The number of check-ins to your Facebook Page that are attributed to your ads, 1 day after clicking. If your Page has a physical address associated with it, people can check in to your Page when they update their status in their Facebook News Feed or Timeline.

not-in-native Check-ins (1 D View)

Facebook Check-ins 1 Day After Viewing

The number of check-ins to your Facebook Page that are attributed to your ads, 1 day after viewing. If your Page has a physical address associated with it, people can check in to your Page when they update their status in their Facebook News Feed or Timeline.

not-in-native Check-ins (7 D Click)

Facebook Check-ins 7 Days After Clicking

The number of check-ins to your Facebook Page that are attributed to your ads, 7 days after clicking. If your Page has a physical address associated with it, people can check in to your Page when they update their status in their Facebook News Feed or Timeline.

not-in-native Check-ins (7 D View)

Facebook Check-ins 7 Days After Viewing

The number of check-ins to your Facebook Page that are attributed to your ads, 7 days after viewing. If your Page has a physical address associated with it, people can check in to your Page when they update their status in their Facebook News Feed or Timeline.

Checkouts initiated

Facebook Checkouts (Facebook Pixel)

The number of checkout initiations tracked by your Facebook pixel on your website after people viewed or clicked on your ad.

not-in-native Checkouts initiated (1 D Click)

Facebook Checkouts (Facebook Pixel) 1 Day After Clicking

The number of checkout initiations tracked by your Facebook pixel on your website after 1 day after clicking your ad.

not-in-native Checkouts initiated (1 D View)

Facebook Checkouts (Facebook Pixel) 1 Day After Viewing

The number of checkout initiations tracked by your Facebook pixel on your website after 1 day after viewing your ad.

not-in-native Checkouts initiated (7 D Click)

Facebook Checkouts (Facebook Pixel) 7 Days After Clicking

The number of checkout initiations tracked by your Facebook pixel on your website after 7 days after clicking your ad.

Checkouts initiated conversion value

Facebook Checkouts Value (Facebook Pixel)

The total value returned from checkouts using a Facebook pixel, which determines how many checkouts occurred as a result of your ad.

not-in-native Checkouts initiated conversion value (1 D Click)

Facebook Checkouts Value (Facebook Pixel) 1 Day After Clicking

The total value returned from checkouts using a Facebook pixel, which determines how many checkouts occurred as a result of your ad, 1 day after clicking.

not-in-native Checkouts initiated conversion value (1 D View)

Facebook Checkouts Value (Facebook Pixel) 1 Day After Viewing

The total value returned from checkouts using a Facebook pixel, which determines how many checkouts occurred as a result of your ad, 1 day after viewing.

not-in-native Checkouts initiated conversion value (7 D Click)

Facebook Checkouts Value (Facebook Pixel) 7 Days After Clicking

The total value returned from checkouts using a Facebook pixel, which determines how many checkouts occurred as a result of your ad, 7 days after clicking.

not-in-native Total clicks (video) (1 D Click)

Facebook Clicks To Play Video 1 Day After Clicking

The number of clicks to play a video as a result of your ad, 1 day after clicking.

not-in-native Total clicks (video) (1 D View)

Facebook Clicks To Play Video 1 Day After Viewing

The number of clicks to play a video as a result of your ad, 1 day after viewing.

not-in-native Total clicks (video) (28 D Click)

Facebook Clicks To Play Video 28 Days After Clicking

The number of clicks to play a video as a result of your ad, 28 days after clicking.

not-in-native Total clicks (video) (28 D View)

Facebook Clicks To Play Video 28 Days After Viewing

The number of clicks to play a video as a result of your ad, 28 days after viewing.

not-in-native Total clicks (video) (7 D Click)

Facebook Clicks To Play Video 7 Days After Clicking

The number of clicks to play a video as a result of your ad, 7 days after clicking.

not-in-native Total clicks (video) (7 D View)

Facebook Clicks To Play Video 7 Days After Viewing

The number of clicks to play a video as a result of your ad, 7 days after viewing.

Registrations completed (website)

Facebook Complete Registration (Facebook Pixel)

The number of registrations tracked by your Facebook pixel on your website after people viewed or clicked on your ad.

not-in-native Registrations completed (website) (1 D Click)

Facebook Complete Registration (Facebook Pixel) 1 Day After Clicking

The number of registrations tracked by your Facebook pixel on your website, 1 day after clicking your ad.

not-in-native Registrations completed (website) (1 D View)

Facebook Complete Registration (Facebook Pixel) 1 Day After Viewing

The number of registrations tracked by your Facebook pixel on your website , 1 day after viewing your ad.

not-in-native Registrations completed (website) (7 D Click)

Facebook Complete Registration (Facebook Pixel) 7 Days After Clicking

The number of registrations tracked by your Facebook pixel on your website, 7 days after clicking your ad.

Registrations completed conversion value (website)

Facebook Complete Registration Value (Facebook Pixel)

The total value of the registrations tracked by your Facebook pixel on your website after people viewed or clicked on your ad. This is based on the value assigned to the registration event in your Facebook pixel code.

not-in-native Registrations completed conversion value (website) (1 D Click)

Facebook Complete Registration Value (Facebook Pixel) 1 Day After Clicking

The total value of the registrations tracked by your Facebook pixel on your website, 1 day after clicking your ad. This is based on the value assigned to the registration event in your Facebook pixel code.

not-in-native Registrations completed conversion value (website) (1 D View)

Facebook Complete Registration Value (Facebook Pixel) 1 Day After Viewing

The total value of the registrations tracked by your Facebook pixel on your website, 1 day after viewing your ad. This is based on the value assigned to the registration event in your Facebook pixel code.

not-in-native Registrations completed conversion value (website) (7 D Click)

Facebook Complete Registration Value (Facebook Pixel) 7 Days After Clicking

The total value of the registrations tracked by your Facebook pixel on your website, 7 days after clicking your ad. This is based on the value assigned to the registration event in your Facebook pixel code.

not-in-native Registrations completed (offline)

Facebook Complete Registrations (Offline Conversion) 1 Day After Clicking

The number of complete registrations that were recorded by your offline events data and attributed to your adverts,1 day after clicking.

not-in-native Registrations completed (offline)

Facebook Complete Registrations (Offline Conversion) 1 Day After Viewing

The number of complete registrations that were recorded by your offline events data and attributed to your adverts,1 day after viewing.

not-in-native Registrations completed (offline)

Facebook Complete Registrations (Offline Conversion) 28 Days After Clicking

The number of complete registrations that were recorded by your offline events data and attributed to your adverts,28 days after clicking.

not-in-native Registrations completed (offline)

Facebook Complete Registrations (Offline Conversion) 28 Days After Viewing

The number of complete registrations that were recorded by your offline events data and attributed to your adverts,28 days after viewing.

not-in-native Registrations completed (offline)

Facebook Complete Registrations (Offline Conversion) 7 Days After Clicking

The number of complete registrations that were recorded by your offline events data and attributed to your adverts,7 days after clicking.

not-in-native Registrations completed (offline)

Facebook Complete Registrations (Offline Conversion) 7 Days After Viewing

The number of complete registrations that were recorded by your offline events data and attributed to your adverts,7 days after viewing.

not-in-native Registrations completed conversion value (offline)

Facebook Complete Registrations Value (Offline Conversion) 1 Day After Clicking

The total value returned from complete registration (offline conversion) conversions, 1 day after clicking your ad. This is based on the value you assigned when you set up the offline event.

not-in-native Registrations completed conversion value (offline)

Facebook Complete Registrations Value (Offline Conversion) 1 Day After Viewing

The total value returned from complete registration (offline conversion) conversions, 1 day after viewing your ad. This is based on the value you assigned when you set up the offline event.

not-in-native Registrations completed conversion value (offline)

Facebook Complete Registrations Value (Offline Conversion) 28 Days After Clicking

The total value returned from complete registration (offline conversion) conversions, 28 days after clicking your ad. This is based on the value you assigned when you set up the offline event.

not-in-native Registrations completed conversion value (offline)

Facebook Complete Registrations Value (Offline Conversion) 28 Days After Viewing

The total value returned from complete registration (offline conversion) conversions, 28 days after viewing your ad. This is based on the value you assigned when you set up the offline event.

not-in-native Registrations completed conversion value (offline)

Facebook Complete Registrations Value (Offline Conversion) 7 Days After Clicking

The total value returned from complete registration (offline conversion) conversions, 7 days after clicking your ad. This is based on the value you assigned when you set up the offline event.

not-in-native Registrations completed conversion value (offline)

Facebook Complete Registrations Value (Offline Conversion) 7 Days After Viewing

The total value returned from complete registration (offline conversion) conversions, 7 days after viewing your ad. This is based on the value you assigned when you set up the offline event.

Mobile app day 2 retention (1 D Click)

Facebook Conversions 1 Day Click App Custom Event Day2 Retention

The number of people who opened your app 24-48 hours after installing it. This metric is only available for 7-day and 28-day attribution windows, 1 Day after clicking.

not-in-native Earn virtual currency (1 D Click)

Facebook Conversions 1 Day Click App Custom Event Earn Virtual Currency

The number of virtual currency earned events that took place. This metric is only available for 7-day and 28-day attribution windows, 1 Day after clicking.

not-in-native Make dress (1 D Click)

Facebook Conversions 1 Day Click App Custom Event Make Dress 1

The number of custom events - make dress that took place. This metric is only available for 7-day and 28-day attribution windows, 1 Day after clicking.

not-in-native Make gift (1 D Click)

Facebook Conversions 1 Day Click App Custom Event Make Gift 1

The number of custom events - make gift that took place. This metric is only available for 7-day and 28-day attribution windows, 1 Day after clicking.

not-in-native NPC event (1 D Click)

Facebook Conversions 1 Day Click App Custom Event Npc Event 1

The number of custom events - NPC Event that took place. This metric is only available for 7-day and 28-day attribution windows, 1 Day after clicking.

not-in-native NPC send gift (1 D Click)

Facebook Conversions 1 Day Click App Custom Event Npc Send Gift 1

The number of custom events - send gift that took place. This metric is only available for 7-day and 28-day attribution windows, 1 Day after clicking.

not-in-native Player level 3 (1 D Click)

Facebook Conversions 1 Day Click App Custom Event Player Level 3

The number of players that achieved level 3. This metric is only available for 7-day and 28-day attribution windows, 1 Day after clicking.

not-in-native Player level 5 (1 D Click)

Facebook Conversions 1 Day Click App Custom Event Player Level 5

The number of players that achieved level 5. This metric is only available for 7-day and 28-day attribution windows, 1 Day after clicking.

not-in-native Shop recharge (1 D Click)

Facebook Conversions 1 Day Click App Custom Event Shop Recharge

The number of custom events - shop recharge that took place. This metric is only available for 7-day and 28-day attribution windows, 1 Day after clicking.

Products customised (1 D Click)

Facebook Conversions 1 Day Click Customize Product Total

The number of customise product events attributed to your ads, based on information received from one or more of your connected Meta Business Tools, 1 Day after clicking.

not-in-native Products customised (website) (1 D Click)

Facebook Conversions 1 Day Click Customize Product Website

The breakdown of number of customise product events attributed to your ads by website, based on information received from one or more of your connected Meta Business Tools, 1 Day after clicking.

Location searches (1 D Click)

Facebook Conversions 1 Day Click Find Location Total

The number of find location events attributed to your ads, based on information received from one or more of your connected Meta Business Tools, 1 Day after clicking.

not-in-native Location searches (website) (1 D Click)

Facebook Conversions 1 Day Click Find Location Website

The breakdown of number of find location events attributed to your ads by website, based on information received from one or more of your connected Meta Business Tools, 1 Day after clicking.

not-in-native Trials started (app) (1 D Click)

Facebook Conversions 1 Day Click Start Trial Mobile App

The breakdown of number of start trial events attributed to your ads by app, based on information received from one or more of your connected Meta Business Tools, 1 Day after clicking.

Trials started (1 D Click)

Facebook Conversions 1 Day Click Start Trial Total

The number of start trial events attributed to your ads, based on information received from one or more of your connected Meta Business Tools, 1 Day after clicking.

not-in-native Trials started (website) (1 D Click)

Facebook Conversions 1 Day Click Submit Application Total

The breakdown of number of start trial events attributed to your ads by website, based on information received from one or more of your connected Meta Business Tools, 1 Day after clicking.

Applications submitted (1 D Click)

Facebook Conversions 1 Day Click Submit Application Website

The number of submit application events attributed to your ads, based on information received from one or more of your connected Meta Business Tools, 1 Day after clicking.

not-in-native Applications submitted (website) (1 D Click)

Facebook Conversions 1 Day Click Subscribe Mobile App

The breakdown of number of submit application events attributed to your ads by website, based on information received from one or more of your connected Meta Business Tools, 1 Day after clicking.

not-in-native Applications submitted (app) (1 D Click)

Facebook Conversions 1 Day Click Subscribe Total

The breakdown of number of submit application events attributed to your ads by app, based on information received from one or more of your connected Meta Business Tools, 1 Day after clicking.

Subscriptions (1 D Click)

Facebook Conversions 1 Day Click Subscribe Website

The number of subscribe events attributed to your ads, based on information received from one or more of your connected Meta Business Tools, 1 Day after clicking.

not-in-native Subscriptions (website) (1 D Click)

Facebook Conversions 1 Day View App Custom Event Day2 Retention

The number of subscribe events attributed to your ads, based on information received from one or more of your connected Meta Business Tools, 1 Day after clicking.

Mobile app day 2 retention (1 D View)

Facebook Conversions 1 Day View App Custom Event Earn Virtual Currency

The number of people who opened your app 24-48 hours after installing it. This metric is only available for 7-day and 28-day attribution windows, 1 Day after viewing.

not-in-native Earn virtual currency (1 D View)

Facebook Conversions 1 Day View App Custom Event Make Dress 1

The number of virtual currency earned events that took place. This metric is only available for 7-day and 28-day attribution windows, 1 Day after viewing.

not-in-native Make dress (1 D View)

Facebook Conversions 1 Day View App Custom Event Make Gift 1

The number of custom events - make dress that took place. This metric is only available for 7-day and 28-day attribution windows, 1 Day after viewing.

not-in-native Make gift (1 D View)

Facebook Conversions 1 Day View App Custom Event Npc Event 1

The number of custom events - make gift that took place. This metric is only available for 7-day and 28-day attribution windows, 1 Day after viewing.

not-in-native NPC event (1 D View)

Facebook Conversions 1 Day View App Custom Event Npc Send Gift 1

The number of custom events - NPC Event that took place. This metric is only available for 7-day and 28-day attribution windows, 1 Day after viewing.

not-in-native NPC send gift (1 D View)

Facebook Conversions 1 Day View App Custom Event Player Level 3

The number of custom events - send gift that took place. This metric is only available for 7-day and 28-day attribution windows, 1 Day after viewing.

not-in-native Player level 3 (1 D View)

Facebook Conversions 1 Day View App Custom Event Player Level 5

The number of players that achieved level 3. This metric is only available for 7-day and 28-day attribution windows, 1 Day after viewing.

not-in-native Player level 5 (1 D View)

Facebook Conversions 1 Day View App Custom Event Shop Recharge

The number of players that achieved level 5. This metric is only available for 7-day and 28-day attribution windows, 1 Day after viewing.

not-in-native Shop recharge (1 D View)

Facebook Conversions 1 Day View Customize Product Total

The number of custom events - shop recharge that took place. This metric is only available for 7-day and 28-day attribution windows, 1 Day after viewing.

Products customised (1 D View)

Facebook Conversions 1 Day View Customize Product Website

The number of customise product events attributed to your ads, based on information received from one or more of your connected Meta Business Tools, 1 Day after viewing.

not-in-native Products customised (website) (1 D View)

Facebook Conversions 1 Day View Find Location Total

The breakdown of number of customise product events attributed to your ads by website, based on information received from one or more of your connected Meta Business Tools, 1 Day after viewing.

Location searches (1 D View)

Facebook Conversions 1 Day View Find Location Website

The number of find location events attributed to your ads, based on information received from one or more of your connected Meta Business Tools, 1 Day after viewing.

not-in-native Location searches (website) (1 D View)

Facebook Conversions 1 Day View Offsite Conversion Fb Pixel Custom Globalvars

The breakdown of number of find location events attributed to your ads by website, based on information received from one or more of your connected Meta Business Tools, 1 Day after viewing.

not-in-native Trials started (app) (1 D View)

Facebook Conversions 1 Day View Start Trial Total

The breakdown of number of start trial events attributed to your ads by app, based on information received from one or more of your connected Meta Business Tools, 1 Day after viewing.

Trials started (1 D View)

Facebook Conversions 1 Day View Start Trial Website

The number of start trial events attributed to your ads, based on information received from one or more of your connected Meta Business Tools, 1 Day after viewing.

not-in-native Trials started (website) (1 D View)

Facebook Conversions 1 Day View Submit Application Total

The breakdown of number of start trial events attributed to your ads by website, based on information received from one or more of your connected Meta Business Tools, 1 Day after viewing.

Applications submitted (1 D View)

Facebook Conversions 1 Day View Submit Application Website

The number of submit application events attributed to your ads, based on information received from one or more of your connected Meta Business Tools, 1 Day after viewing.

not-in-native Applications submitted (website) (1 D View)

Facebook Conversions 1 Day View Subscribe Mobile App

The breakdown of number of submit application events attributed to your ads by website, based on information received from one or more of your connected Meta Business Tools, 1 Day after viewing.

not-in-native Applications submitted (app) (1 D View)

Facebook Conversions 1 Day View Subscribe Total

The breakdown of number of submit application events attributed to your ads by app, based on information received from one or more of your connected Meta Business Tools, 1 Day after viewing.

Subscriptions (1 D View)

Facebook Conversions 1 Day View Subscribe Website

The number of subscribe events attributed to your ads, based on information received from one or more of your connected Meta Business Tools, 1 Day after viewing.

not-in-native Subscriptions (website) (1 D View)

Facebook Conversions 28 Day Click App Custom Event Day2 Retention

The number of subscribe events attributed to your ads, based on information received from one or more of your connected Meta Business Tools, 1 Day after viewing.

Mobile app day 2 retention (28 D Click)

Facebook Conversions 28 Day Click App Custom Event Earn Virtual Currency

The number of people who opened your app 24-48 hours after installing it. This metric is only available for 7-day and 28-day attribution windows, 28 Day after clicking.

not-in-native Earn virtual currency (28 D Click)

Facebook Conversions 28 Day Click App Custom Event Make Dress 1

The number of virtual currency earned events that took place. This metric is only available for 7-day and 28-day attribution windows, 28 Day after clicking.

not-in-native Make dress (28 D Click)

Facebook Conversions 28 Day Click App Custom Event Make Gift 1

The number of custom events - make dress that took place. This metric is only available for 7-day and 28-day attribution windows, 28 Day after clicking.

not-in-native Make gift (28 D Click)

Facebook Conversions 28 Day Click App Custom Event Npc Event 1

The number of custom events - make gift that took place. This metric is only available for 7-day and 28-day attribution windows, 28 Day after clicking.

not-in-native NPC event (28 D Click)

Facebook Conversions 28 Day Click App Custom Event Npc Send Gift 1

The number of custom events - NPC Event that took place. This metric is only available for 7-day and 28-day attribution windows, 28 Day after clicking.

not-in-native NPC send gift (28 D Click)

Facebook Conversions 28 Day Click App Custom Event Player Level 3

The number of custom events - send gift that took place. This metric is only available for 7-day and 28-day attribution windows, 28 Day after clicking.

not-in-native Player level 3 (28 D Click)

Facebook Conversions 28 Day Click App Custom Event Player Level 5

The number of players that achieved level 3. This metric is only available for 7-day and 28-day attribution windows, 28 Day after clicking.

not-in-native Player level 5 (28 D Click)

Facebook Conversions 28 Day Click App Custom Event Shop Recharge

The number of players that achieved level 5. This metric is only available for 7-day and 28-day attribution windows, 28 Day after clicking.

not-in-native Shop recharge (28 D Click)

Facebook Conversions 28 Day Click Customize Product Total

The number of custom events - shop recharge that took place. This metric is only available for 7-day and 28-day attribution windows, 28 Day after clicking.

Products customised (28 D Click)

Facebook Conversions 28 Day Click Customize Product Website

The number of customise product events attributed to your ads, based on information received from one or more of your connected Meta Business Tools, 28 Day after clicking.

not-in-native Products customised (website) (28 D Click)

Facebook Conversions 28 Day Click Find Location Total

The breakdown of number of customise product events attributed to your ads by website, based on information received from one or more of your connected Meta Business Tools, 28 Day after clicking.

Location searches (28 D Click)

Facebook Conversions 28 Day Click Find Location Website

The number of find location events attributed to your ads, based on information received from one or more of your connected Meta Business Tools, 28 Day after clicking.

not-in-native Location searches (website) (28 D Click)

Facebook Conversions 28 Day Click Offsite Conversion Fb Pixel Custom Globalvars

The breakdown of number of find location events attributed to your ads by website, based on information received from one or more of your connected Meta Business Tools, 28 Day after clicking.

not-in-native Trials started (app) (28 D Click)

Facebook Conversions 28 Day Click Start Trial Total

The breakdown of number of start trial events attributed to your ads by app, based on information received from one or more of your connected Meta Business Tools, 28 Day after clicking.

Trials started (28 D Click)

Facebook Conversions 28 Day Click Start Trial Website

The number of start trial events attributed to your ads, based on information received from one or more of your connected Meta Business Tools, 28 Day after clicking.

not-in-native Trials started (website) (28 D Click)

Facebook Conversions 28 Day Click Submit Application Total

The breakdown of number of start trial events attributed to your ads by website, based on information received from one or more of your connected Meta Business Tools, 28 Day after clicking.

Applications submitted (28 D Click)

Facebook Conversions 28 Day Click Submit Application Website

The number of submit application events attributed to your ads, based on information received from one or more of your connected Meta Business Tools, 28 Day after clicking.

not-in-native Applications submitted (website) (28 D Click)

Facebook Conversions 28 Day Click Subscribe Mobile App

The breakdown of number of submit application events attributed to your ads by website, based on information received from one or more of your connected Meta Business Tools, 28 Day after clicking.

not-in-native Applications submitted (app) (28 D Click)

Facebook Conversions 28 Day Click Subscribe Total

The breakdown of number of submit application events attributed to your ads by app, based on information received from one or more of your connected Meta Business Tools, 28 Day after clicking.

Subscriptions (28 D Click)

Facebook Conversions 28 Day Click Subscribe Website

The number of subscribe events attributed to your ads, based on information received from one or more of your connected Meta Business Tools, 28 Day after clicking.

not-in-native Subscriptions (website) (28 D Click)

Facebook Conversions 28 Day View App Custom Event Day2 Retention

The number of subscribe events attributed to your ads, based on information received from one or more of your connected Meta Business Tools, 28 Day after clicking.

Mobile app day 2 retention (28 D View)

Facebook Conversions 28 Day View App Custom Event Earn Virtual Currency

The number of people who opened your app 24-48 hours after installing it. This metric is only available for 7-day and 28-day attribution windows, 28 Day after viewing.

not-in-native Earn virtual currency (28 D View)

Facebook Conversions 28 Day View App Custom Event Make Dress 1

The number of virtual currency earned events that took place. This metric is only available for 7-day and 28-day attribution windows, 28 Day after viewing.

not-in-native Make dress (28 D View)

Facebook Conversions 28 Day View App Custom Event Make Gift 1

The number of custom events - make dress that took place. This metric is only available for 7-day and 28-day attribution windows, 28 Day after viewing.

not-in-native Make gift (28 D View)

Facebook Conversions 28 Day View App Custom Event Npc Event 1

The number of custom events - make gift that took place. This metric is only available for 7-day and 28-day attribution windows, 28 Day after viewing.

not-in-native NPC event (28 D View)

Facebook Conversions 28 Day View App Custom Event Npc Send Gift 1

The number of custom events - NPC Event that took place. This metric is only available for 7-day and 28-day attribution windows, 28 Day after viewing.

not-in-native NPC send gift (28 D View)

Facebook Conversions 28 Day View App Custom Event Player Level 3

The number of custom events - send gift that took place. This metric is only available for 7-day and 28-day attribution windows, 28 Day after viewing.

not-in-native Player level 3 (28 D View)

Facebook Conversions 28 Day View App Custom Event Player Level 5

The number of players that achieved level 3. This metric is only available for 7-day and 28-day attribution windows, 28 Day after viewing.

not-in-native Player level 5 (28 D View)

Facebook Conversions 28 Day View App Custom Event Shop Recharge

The number of players that achieved level 5. This metric is only available for 7-day and 28-day attribution windows, 28 Day after viewing.

not-in-native Shop recharge (28 D View)

Facebook Conversions 28 Day View Customize Product Total

The number of custom events - shop recharge that took place. This metric is only available for 7-day and 28-day attribution windows, 28 Day after viewing.

Products customised (28 D View)

Facebook Conversions 28 Day View Customize Product Website

The number of customise product events attributed to your ads, based on information received from one or more of your connected Meta Business Tools, 28 Day after viewing.

not-in-native Products customised (website) (28 D View)

Facebook Conversions 28 Day View Find Location Total

The breakdown of number of customise product events attributed to your ads by website, based on information received from one or more of your connected Meta Business Tools, 28 Day after viewing.

Location searches (28 D View)

Facebook Conversions 28 Day View Find Location Website

The number of find location events attributed to your ads, based on information received from one or more of your connected Meta Business Tools, 28 Day after viewing.

not-in-native Location searches (website) (28 D View)

Facebook Conversions 28 Day View Offsite Conversion Fb Pixel Custom Azurecombined

The breakdown of number of find location events attributed to your ads by website, based on information received from one or more of your connected Meta Business Tools, 28 Day after viewing.

not-in-native Trials started (app) (28 D View)

Facebook Conversions 28 Day View Start Trial Mobile App

The breakdown of number of start trial events attributed to your ads by app, based on information received from one or more of your connected Meta Business Tools, 28 Day after viewing.

Trials started (28 D View)

Facebook Conversions 28 Day View Start Trial Total

The number of start trial events attributed to your ads, based on information received from one or more of your connected Meta Business Tools, 28 Day after viewing.

not-in-native Trials started (website) (28 D View)

Facebook Conversions 28 Day View Start Trial Website

The breakdown of number of start trial events attributed to your ads by website, based on information received from one or more of your connected Meta Business Tools, 28 Day after viewing.

Applications submitted (28 D View)

Facebook Conversions 28 Day View Submit Application Total

The number of submit application events attributed to your ads, based on information received from one or more of your connected Meta Business Tools, 28 Day after viewing.

not-in-native Applications submitted (website) (28 D View)

Facebook Conversions 28 Day View Submit Application Website

The breakdown of number of submit application events attributed to your ads by website, based on information received from one or more of your connected Meta Business Tools, 28 Day after viewing.

not-in-native Applications submitted (app) (28 D View)

Facebook Conversions 28 Day View Subscribe Mobile App

The breakdown of number of submit application events attributed to your ads by app, based on information received from one or more of your connected Meta Business Tools, 28 Day after viewing.

Subscriptions (28 D View)

Facebook Conversions 28 Day View Subscribe Total

The number of subscribe events attributed to your ads, based on information received from one or more of your connected Meta Business Tools, 28 Day after viewing.

not-in-native Subscriptions (website) (28 D View)

Facebook Conversions 28 Day View Subscribe Website

The number of subscribe events attributed to your ads, based on information received from one or more of your connected Meta Business Tools, 28 Day after viewing.

Mobile app day 2 retention (7 D Click)

Facebook Conversions 7 Day Click App Custom Event Day2 Retention

The number of people who opened your app 24-48 hours after installing it. This metric is only available for 7-day and 28-day attribution windows, 7 Days after clicking.

not-in-native Earn virtual currency (7 D Click)

Facebook Conversions 7 Day Click App Custom Event Earn Virtual Currency

The number of virtual currency earned events that took place. This metric is only available for 7-day and 28-day attribution windows, 7 Days after clicking.

not-in-native Make dress (7 D Click)

Facebook Conversions 7 Day Click App Custom Event Make Dress 1

The number of custom events - make dress that took place. This metric is only available for 7-day and 28-day attribution windows, 7 Days after clicking.

not-in-native Make gift (7 D Click)

Facebook Conversions 7 Day Click App Custom Event Make Gift 1

The number of custom events - make gift that took place. This metric is only available for 7-day and 28-day attribution windows, 7 Days after clicking.

not-in-native NPC event (7 D Click)

Facebook Conversions 7 Day Click App Custom Event Npc Event 1

The number of custom events - NPC Event that took place. This metric is only available for 7-day and 28-day attribution windows, 7 Days after clicking.

not-in-native NPC send gift (7 D Click)

Facebook Conversions 7 Day Click App Custom Event Npc Send Gift 1

The number of custom events - send gift that took place. This metric is only available for 7-day and 28-day attribution windows, 7 Days after clicking.

not-in-native Player level 3 (7 D Click)

Facebook Conversions 7 Day Click App Custom Event Player Level 3

The number of players that achieved level 3. This metric is only available for 7-day and 28-day attribution windows, 7 Days after clicking.

not-in-native Player level 5 (7 D Click)

Facebook Conversions 7 Day Click App Custom Event Player Level 5

The number of players that achieved level 5. This metric is only available for 7-day and 28-day attribution windows, 7 Days after clicking.

not-in-native Shop recharge (7 D Click)

Facebook Conversions 7 Day Click App Custom Event Shop Recharge

The number of custom events - shop recharge that took place. This metric is only available for 7-day and 28-day attribution windows, 7 Days after clicking.

Products customised (7 D Click)

Facebook Conversions 7 Day Click Customize Product Total

The number of customise product events attributed to your ads, based on information received from one or more of your connected Meta Business Tools, 7 Days after clicking.

not-in-native Products customised (website) (7 D Click)

Facebook Conversions 7 Day Click Customize Product Website

The breakdown of number of customise product events attributed to your ads by website, based on information received from one or more of your connected Meta Business Tools, 7 Days after clicking.

Location searches (7 D Click)

Facebook Conversions 7 Day Click Find Location Total

The number of find location events attributed to your ads, based on information received from one or more of your connected Meta Business Tools, 7 Days after clicking.

not-in-native Location searches (website) (7 D Click)

Facebook Conversions 7 Day Click Find Location Website

The breakdown of number of find location events attributed to your ads by website, based on information received from one or more of your connected Meta Business Tools, 7 Days after clicking.

not-in-native Trials started (app) (7 D Click)

Facebook Conversions 7 Day Click Start Trial Mobile App

The breakdown of number of start trial events attributed to your ads by app, based on information received from one or more of your connected Meta Business Tools, 7 Days after clicking.

Trials started (7 D Click)

Facebook Conversions 7 Day Click Start Trial Total

The number of start trial events attributed to your ads, based on information received from one or more of your connected Meta Business Tools, 7 Days after clicking.

not-in-native Trials started (website) (7 D Click)

Facebook Conversions 7 Day Click Start Trial Website

The breakdown of number of start trial events attributed to your ads by website, based on information received from one or more of your connected Meta Business Tools, 7 Days after clicking.

Applications submitted (7 D Click)

Facebook Conversions 7 Day Click Submit Application Total

The number of submit application events attributed to your ads, based on information received from one or more of your connected Meta Business Tools, 7 Days after clicking.

not-in-native Applications submitted (website) (7 D Click)

Facebook Conversions 7 Day Click Submit Application Website

The breakdown of number of submit application events attributed to your ads by website, based on information received from one or more of your connected Meta Business Tools, 7 Days after clicking.

not-in-native Applications submitted (app) (7 D Click)

Facebook Conversions 7 Day Click Subscribe Mobile App

The breakdown of number of submit application events attributed to your ads by app, based on information received from one or more of your connected Meta Business Tools, 7 Days after clicking.

Subscriptions (7 D Click)

Facebook Conversions 7 Day Click Subscribe Total

The number of subscribe events attributed to your ads, based on information received from one or more of your connected Meta Business Tools, 7 Days after clicking.

not-in-native Subscriptions (website) (7 D Click)

Facebook Conversions 7 Day Click Subscribe Website

The number of subscribe events attributed to your ads, based on information received from one or more of your connected Meta Business Tools, 7 Days after viewing.

Mobile app day 2 retention (7 D View)

Facebook Conversions 7 Day View App Custom Event Day2 Retention

The number of people who opened your app 24-48 hours after installing it. This metric is only available for 7-day and 28-day attribution windows, 7 Days after viewing.

not-in-native Earn virtual currency (7 D View)

Facebook Conversions 7 Day View App Custom Event Earn Virtual Currency

The number of virtual currency earned events that took place. This metric is only available for 7-day and 28-day attribution windows, 7 Days after viewing.

not-in-native Make dress (7 D View)

Facebook Conversions 7 Day View App Custom Event Make Dress 1

The number of custom events - make dress that took place. This metric is only available for 7-day and 28-day attribution windows, 7 Days after viewing.

not-in-native Make gift (7 D View)

Facebook Conversions 7 Day View App Custom Event Make Gift 1

The number of custom events - make gift that took place. This metric is only available for 7-day and 28-day attribution windows, 7 Days after viewing.

not-in-native NPC event (7 D View)

Facebook Conversions 7 Day View App Custom Event Npc Event 1

The number of custom events - NPC Event that took place. This metric is only available for 7-day and 28-day attribution windows, 7 Days after viewing.

not-in-native NPC send gift (7 D View)

Facebook Conversions 7 Day View App Custom Event Npc Send Gift 1

The number of custom events - send gift that took place. This metric is only available for 7-day and 28-day attribution windows, 7 Days after viewing.

not-in-native Player level 3 (7 D View)

Facebook Conversions 7 Day View App Custom Event Player Level 3

The number of players that achieved level 3. This metric is only available for 7-day and 28-day attribution windows, 7 Days after viewing.

not-in-native Player level 5 (7 D View)

Facebook Conversions 7 Day View App Custom Event Player Level 5

The number of players that achieved level 5. This metric is only available for 7-day and 28-day attribution windows, 7 Days after viewing.

not-in-native Shop recharge (7 D View)

Facebook Conversions 7 Day View App Custom Event Shop Recharge

The number of custom events - shop recharge that took place. This metric is only available for 7-day and 28-day attribution windows, 7 Days after viewing.

Products customised (7 D View)

Facebook Conversions 7 Day View Customize Product Total

The number of customise product events attributed to your ads, based on information received from one or more of your connected Meta Business Tools, 7 Days after viewing.

not-in-native Products customised (website) (7 D View)

Facebook Conversions 7 Day View Customize Product Website

The breakdown of number of customise product events attributed to your ads by website, based on information received from one or more of your connected Meta Business Tools, 7 Days after viewing.

Location searches (7 D View)

Facebook Conversions 7 Day View Find Location Total

The number of find location events attributed to your ads, based on information received from one or more of your connected Meta Business Tools, 7 Days after viewing.

not-in-native Location searches (website) (7 D View)

Facebook Conversions 7 Day View Find Location Website

The breakdown of number of find location events attributed to your ads by website, based on information received from one or more of your connected Meta Business Tools, 7 Days after viewing.

not-in-native Trials started (app) (7 D View)

Facebook Conversions 7 Day View Start Trial Mobile App

The breakdown of number of start trial events attributed to your ads by app, based on information received from one or more of your connected Meta Business Tools, 7 Days after viewing.

Trials started (7 D View)

Facebook Conversions 7 Day View Start Trial Total

The number of start trial events attributed to your ads, based on information received from one or more of your connected Meta Business Tools, 7 Days after viewing.

not-in-native Trials started (website) (7 D View)

Facebook Conversions 7 Day View Start Trial Website

The breakdown of number of start trial events attributed to your ads by website, based on information received from one or more of your connected Meta Business Tools, 7 Days after viewing.

Applications submitted (7 D View)

Facebook Conversions 7 Day View Submit Application Total

The number of submit application events attributed to your ads, based on information received from one or more of your connected Meta Business Tools, 7 Days after viewing.

not-in-native Applications submitted (website) (7 D View)

Facebook Conversions 7 Day View Submit Application Website

The breakdown of number of submit application events attributed to your ads by website, based on information received from one or more of your connected Meta Business Tools, 7 Days after viewing.

not-in-native Applications submitted (app) (7 D View)

Facebook Conversions 7 Day View Subscribe Mobile App

The breakdown of number of submit application events attributed to your ads by app, based on information received from one or more of your connected Meta Business Tools, 7 Days after viewing.

Subscriptions (7 D View)

Facebook Conversions 7 Day View Subscribe Total

The number of subscribe events attributed to your ads, based on information received from one or more of your connected Meta Business Tools, 7 Days after viewing.

not-in-native Subscriptions (website) (7 D View)

Facebook Conversions 7 Day View Subscribe Website

The number of subscribe events attributed to your ads, based on information received from one or more of your connected Meta Business Tools, 7 Days after viewing.

Mobile app day 2 retention

Facebook Conversions App Custom Event Day2 Retention

The number of people who opened your app 24-48 hours after installing it. This metric is only available for 7-day and 28-day attribution windows.

not-in-native Earn virtual currency

Facebook Conversions App Custom Event Earn Virtual Currency

The number of virtual currency earned events that took place. This metric is only available for 7-day and 28-day attribution windows.

not-in-native Make dress

Facebook Conversions App Custom Event Make Dress 1

The number of custom events - make dress that took place. This metric is only available for 7-day and 28-day attribution windows.

not-in-native Make gift

Facebook Conversions App Custom Event Make Gift 1

The number of custom events - make gift that took place. This metric is only available for 7-day and 28-day attribution windows.

not-in-native NPC event

Facebook Conversions App Custom Event Npc Event 1

The number of custom events - NPC Event that took place. This metric is only available for 7-day and 28-day attribution windows.

not-in-native NPC send gift

Facebook Conversions App Custom Event Npc Send Gift 1

The number of custom events - send gift that took place. This metric is only available for 7-day and 28-day attribution windows.

not-in-native Player level 3

Facebook Conversions App Custom Event Player Level 3

The number of players that achieved level 3. This metric is only available for 7-day and 28-day attribution windows.

not-in-native Player level 5

Facebook Conversions App Custom Event Player Level 5

The number of players that achieved level 5. This metric is only available for 7-day and 28-day attribution windows.

not-in-native Shop recharge

Facebook Conversions App Custom Event Shop Recharge

The number of custom events - shop recharge that took place. This metric is only available for 7-day and 28-day attribution windows.

Products customised

Facebook Conversions Customize Product Total

The number of customise product events attributed to your ads, based on information received from one or more of your connected Meta Business Tools.

not-in-native Products customised (website)

Facebook Conversions Customize Product Website

The breakdown of number of customise product events attributed to your ads by website, based on information received from one or more of your connected Meta Business Tools.

Location searches

Facebook Conversions Find Location Total

The number of find location events attributed to your ads, based on information received from one or more of your connected Meta Business Tools.

not-in-native Location searches (website)

Facebook Conversions Find Location Website

The breakdown of number of find location events attributed to your ads by website, based on information received from one or more of your connected Meta Business Tools.

not-in-native Trials started (app)

Facebook Conversions Start Trial Mobile App

The breakdown of number of start trial events attributed to your ads by app, based on information received from one or more of your connected Meta Business Tools.

Trials started

Facebook Conversions Start Trial Total

The number of Start Trial facebook conversions Total.

not-in-native Trials started (website)

Facebook Conversions Start Trial Website

The number of Start Trial facebook conversions Website.

Applications submitted

Facebook Conversions Submit Application Total

The number of submit application events attributed to your ads, based on information received from one or more of your connected Meta Business Tools.

not-in-native Applications submitted (website)

Facebook Conversions Submit Application Website

The breakdown of number of submit application events attributed to your ads by website, based on information received from one or more of your connected Meta Business Tools.

not-in-native Applications submitted (app)

Facebook Conversions Subscribe Mobile App

The breakdown of number of submit application events attributed to your ads by app, based on information received from one or more of your connected Meta Business Tools.

not-in-native Subscriptions (website)

Facebook Conversions Subscribe Website

The number of Subscribe facebook ConversionsWebsite.

Cost per app engagement

Facebook Cost Per App Engagement

Total spend divided by the number of actions, including app installs, credit spends and uses, that were recorded as app events and attributed to your adverts.

Cost per app installs

Facebook Cost Per App Install

Total spend divided by the number of app installs as a result of your ad.

Cost per app story

Facebook Cost Per App Story

Total spend divided by the number of actions related to the app story that were recorded as app events and attributed to your adverts.

Cost per app use

Facebook Cost Per App Use

Total spend divided by the number of uses of your app as a result of your ad. This includes the number of times your app was used for a minimum of 4 minutes in the last 14 days, or at least twice by the same person with one of those times occurring in the past 14 days.

Cost per check-in

Facebook Cost Per Check-In

Total spend divided by number of check-in as a result of your ad.

Cost per 2-second continuous video play

Facebook Cost Per Continuous 2 Sec Play

The average cost of each 2-second continuous video view.

Cost per Mobile app day 2 retention (1 D Click)

Facebook Cost Per Conversion 1 Day Click App Custom Event Day2 Retention

The cost per number of people who opened your app 24-48 hours after installing it. This metric is only available for 7-day and 28-day attribution windows, 1 Day after clicking.

not-in-native Cost per Earn virtual currency (1 D Click)

Facebook Cost Per Conversion 1 Day Click App Custom Event Earn Virtual Currency

The cost per number of virtual currency earned events that took place. This metric is only available for 7-day and 28-day attribution windows, 1 Day after clicking.

not-in-native Cost per Make dress (1 D Click)

Facebook Cost Per Conversion 1 Day Click App Custom Event Make Dress 1

The cost per number of custom events - make dress that took place. This metric is only available for 7-day and 28-day attribution windows, 1 Day after clicking.

not-in-native Cost per Make gift (1 D Click)

Facebook Cost Per Conversion 1 Day Click App Custom Event Make Gift 1

The cost per number of custom events - make gift that took place. This metric is only available for 7-day and 28-day attribution windows, 1 Day after clicking.

not-in-native Cost per NPC event (1 D Click)

Facebook Cost Per Conversion 1 Day Click App Custom Event Npc Event 1

The cost per number of custom events - NPC Event that took place. This metric is only available for 7-day and 28-day attribution windows, 1 Day after clicking.

not-in-native Cost per NPC send gift (1 D Click)

Facebook Cost Per Conversion 1 Day Click App Custom Event Npc Send Gift 1

The cost per number of custom events - send gift that took place. This metric is only available for 7-day and 28-day attribution windows, 1 Day after clicking.

not-in-native Cost per Player level 3 (1 D Click)

Facebook Cost Per Conversion 1 Day Click App Custom Event Player Level 3

The cost per number of players that achieved level 3. This metric is only available for 7-day and 28-day attribution windows, 1 Day after clicking.

not-in-native Cost per Player level 5 (1 D Click)

Facebook Cost Per Conversion 1 Day Click App Custom Event Player Level 5

The cost per number of players that achieved level 5. This metric is only available for 7-day and 28-day attribution windows, 1 Day after clicking.

not-in-native Cost per Shop recharge (1 D Click)

Facebook Cost Per Conversion 1 Day Click App Custom Event Shop Recharge

The cost per number of custom events - shop recharge that took place. This metric is only available for 7-day and 28-day attribution windows, 1 Day after clicking.

Cost per Products customised (1 D Click)

Facebook Cost Per Conversion 1 Day Click Customize Product Total

The cost per number of customise product events attributed to your ads, based on information received from one or more of your connected Meta Business Tools, 1 Day after clicking.

not-in-native Cost per Products customised (website) (1 D Click)

Facebook Cost Per Conversion 1 Day Click Customize Product Website

The breakdown of cost per number of customise product events attributed to your ads by website, based on information received from one or more of your connected Meta Business Tools, 1 Day after clicking.

Cost per Location searches (1 D Click)

Facebook Cost Per Conversion 1 Day Click Find Location Total

The cost per number of find location events attributed to your ads, based on information received from one or more of your connected Meta Business Tools, 1 Day after clicking.

not-in-native Cost per Location searches (website) (1 D Click)

Facebook Cost Per Conversion 1 Day Click Find Location Website

The breakdown of cost per number of find location events attributed to your ads by website, based on information received from one or more of your connected Meta Business Tools, 1 Day after clicking.

not-in-native Cost per Trials started (app) (1 D Click)

Facebook Cost Per Conversion 1 Day Click Start Trial Mobile App

The breakdown of cost per number of start trial events attributed to your ads by app, based on information received from one or more of your connected Meta Business Tools, 1 Day after clicking.

Cost per Trials started (1 D Click)

Facebook Cost Per Conversion 1 Day Click Start Trial Total

The cost per number of start trial events attributed to your ads, based on information received from one or more of your connected Meta Business Tools, 1 Day after clicking.

not-in-native Cost per Trials started (website) (1 D Click)

Facebook Cost Per Conversion 1 Day Click Start Trial Website

The breakdown of cost per number of start trial events attributed to your ads by website, based on information received from one or more of your connected Meta Business Tools, 1 Day after clicking.

Cost per Applications submitted (1 D Click)

Facebook Cost Per Conversion 1 Day Click Submit Application Total

The cost per number of submit application events attributed to your ads, based on information received from one or more of your connected Meta Business Tools, 1 Day after clicking.

not-in-native Cost per Applications submitted (website) (1 D Click)

Facebook Cost Per Conversion 1 Day Click Submit Application Website

The breakdown of cost per number of submit application events attributed to your ads by website, based on information received from one or more of your connected Meta Business Tools, 1 Day after clicking.

not-in-native Cost per Applications submitted (app) (1 D Click)

Facebook Cost Per Conversion 1 Day Click Subscribe Mobile App

The breakdown of cost per number of submit application events attributed to your ads by app, based on information received from one or more of your connected Meta Business Tools, 1 Day after clicking.

Cost per Subscriptions (1 D Click)

Facebook Cost Per Conversion 1 Day Click Subscribe Total

The cost per number of subscribe events attributed to your ads, based on information received from one or more of your connected Meta Business Tools, 1 Day after clicking.

not-in-native Cost per Subscriptions (website) (1 D Click)

Facebook Cost Per Conversion 1 Day Click Subscribe Website

The cost per number of subscribe events attributed to your ads, based on information received from one or more of your connected Meta Business Tools, 1 Day after clicking.

Cost per Mobile app day 2 retention (1 D View)

Facebook Cost Per Conversion 1 Day View App Custom Event Day2 Retention

The cost per number of people who opened your app 24-48 hours after installing it. This metric is only available for 7-day and 28-day attribution windows, 1 Day after viewing.

not-in-native Cost per Earn virtual currency (1 D View)

Facebook Cost Per Conversion 1 Day View App Custom Event Earn Virtual Currency

The cost per number of virtual currency earned events that took place. This metric is only available for 7-day and 28-day attribution windows, 1 Day after viewing.

not-in-native Cost per Make dress (1 D View)

Facebook Cost Per Conversion 1 Day View App Custom Event Make Dress 1

The cost per number of custom events - make dress that took place. This metric is only available for 7-day and 28-day attribution windows, 1 Day after viewing.

not-in-native Cost per Make gift (1 D View)

Facebook Cost Per Conversion 1 Day View App Custom Event Make Gift 1

The cost per number of custom events - make gift that took place. This metric is only available for 7-day and 28-day attribution windows, 1 Day after viewing.

not-in-native Cost per NPC event (1 D View)

Facebook Cost Per Conversion 1 Day View App Custom Event Npc Event 1

The cost per number of custom events - NPC Event that took place. This metric is only available for 7-day and 28-day attribution windows, 1 Day after viewing.

not-in-native Cost per NPC send gift (1 D View)

Facebook Cost Per Conversion 1 Day View App Custom Event Npc Send Gift 1

The cost per number of custom events - send gift that took place. This metric is only available for 7-day and 28-day attribution windows, 1 Day after viewing.

not-in-native Cost per Player level 3 (1 D View)

Facebook Cost Per Conversion 1 Day View App Custom Event Player Level 3

The cost per number of players that achieved level 3. This metric is only available for 7-day and 28-day attribution windows, 1 Day after viewing.

not-in-native Cost per Player level 5 (1 D View)

Facebook Cost Per Conversion 1 Day View App Custom Event Player Level 5

The cost per number of players that achieved level 5. This metric is only available for 7-day and 28-day attribution windows, 1 Day after viewing.

not-in-native Cost per Shop recharge (1 D View)

Facebook Cost Per Conversion 1 Day View App Custom Event Shop Recharge

The cost per number of custom events - shop recharge that took place. This metric is only available for 7-day and 28-day attribution windows, 1 Day after viewing.

Cost per Products customised (1 D View)

Facebook Cost Per Conversion 1 Day View Customize Product Total

The cost per number of customise product events attributed to your ads, based on information received from one or more of your connected Meta Business Tools, 1 Day after viewing.

not-in-native Cost per Products customised (website) (1 D View)

Facebook Cost Per Conversion 1 Day View Customize Product Website

The breakdown of cost per number of customise product events attributed to your ads by website, based on information received from one or more of your connected Meta Business Tools, 1 Day after viewing.

Cost per Location searches (1 D View)

Facebook Cost Per Conversion 1 Day View Find Location Total

The cost per number of find location events attributed to your ads, based on information received from one or more of your connected Meta Business Tools, 1 Day after viewing.

not-in-native Cost per Location searches (website) (1 D View)

Facebook Cost Per Conversion 1 Day View Find Location Website

The breakdown of cost per number of find location events attributed to your ads by website, based on information received from one or more of your connected Meta Business Tools, 1 Day after viewing.

not-in-native Cost per Trials started (app) (1 D View)

Facebook Cost Per Conversion 1 Day View Start Trial Mobile App

The breakdown of cost per number of start trial events attributed to your ads by app, based on information received from one or more of your connected Meta Business Tools, 1 Day after viewing.

Cost per Trials started (1 D View)

Facebook Cost Per Conversion 1 Day View Start Trial Total

The cost per number of start trial events attributed to your ads, based on information received from one or more of your connected Meta Business Tools, 1 Day after viewing.

not-in-native Cost per Trials started (website) (1 D View)

Facebook Cost Per Conversion 1 Day View Start Trial Website

The breakdown of cost per number of start trial events attributed to your ads by website, based on information received from one or more of your connected Meta Business Tools, 1 Day after viewing.

Cost per Applications submitted (1 D View)

Facebook Cost Per Conversion 1 Day View Submit Application Total

The cost per number of submit application events attributed to your ads, based on information received from one or more of your connected Meta Business Tools, 1 Day after viewing.

not-in-native Cost per Applications submitted (website) (1 D View)

Facebook Cost Per Conversion 1 Day View Submit Application Website

The breakdown of cost per number of submit application events attributed to your ads by website, based on information received from one or more of your connected Meta Business Tools, 1 Day after viewing.

not-in-native Cost per Applications submitted (app) (1 D View)

Facebook Cost Per Conversion 1 Day View Subscribe Mobile App

The breakdown of cost per number of submit application events attributed to your ads by app, based on information received from one or more of your connected Meta Business Tools, 1 Day after viewing.

Cost per Subscriptions (1 D View)

Facebook Cost Per Conversion 1 Day View Subscribe Total

The cost per number of subscribe events attributed to your ads, based on information received from one or more of your connected Meta Business Tools, 1 Day after viewing.

not-in-native Cost per Subscriptions (website) (1 D View)

Facebook Cost Per Conversion 1 Day View Subscribe Website

The cost per number of subscribe events attributed to your ads, based on information received from one or more of your connected Meta Business Tools, 1 Day after viewing.

Cost per Mobile app day 2 retention (28 D Click)

Facebook Cost Per Conversion 28 Day Click App Custom Event Day2 Retention

The cost per number of people who opened your app 24-48 hours after installing it. This metric is only available for 7-day and 28-day attribution windows, 28 Day after clicking.

not-in-native Cost per Earn virtual currency (28 D Click)

Facebook Cost Per Conversion 28 Day Click App Custom Event Earn Virtual Currency

The cost per number of virtual currency earned events that took place. This metric is only available for 7-day and 28-day attribution windows, 28 Day after clicking.

not-in-native Cost per Make dress (28 D Click)

Facebook Cost Per Conversion 28 Day Click App Custom Event Make Dress 1

The cost per number of custom events - make dress that took place. This metric is only available for 7-day and 28-day attribution windows, 28 Day after clicking.

not-in-native Cost per Make gift (28 D Click)

Facebook Cost Per Conversion 28 Day Click App Custom Event Make Gift 1

The cost per number of custom events - make gift that took place. This metric is only available for 7-day and 28-day attribution windows, 28 Day after clicking.

not-in-native Cost per NPC event (28 D Click)

Facebook Cost Per Conversion 28 Day Click App Custom Event Npc Event 1

The cost per number of custom events - NPC Event that took place. This metric is only available for 7-day and 28-day attribution windows, 28 Day after clicking.

not-in-native Cost per NPC send gift (28 D Click)

Facebook Cost Per Conversion 28 Day Click App Custom Event Npc Send Gift 1

The cost per number of custom events - send gift that took place. This metric is only available for 7-day and 28-day attribution windows, 28 Day after clicking.

not-in-native Cost per Player level 3 (28 D Click)

Facebook Cost Per Conversion 28 Day Click App Custom Event Player Level 3

The cost per number of players that achieved level 3. This metric is only available for 7-day and 28-day attribution windows, 28 Day after clicking.

not-in-native Cost per Player level 5 (28 D Click)

Facebook Cost Per Conversion 28 Day Click App Custom Event Player Level 5

The cost per number of players that achieved level 5. This metric is only available for 7-day and 28-day attribution windows, 28 Day after clicking.

not-in-native Cost per Shop recharge (28 D Click)

Facebook Cost Per Conversion 28 Day Click App Custom Event Shop Recharge

The cost per number of custom events - shop recharge that took place. This metric is only available for 7-day and 28-day attribution windows, 28 Day after clicking.

Cost per Products customised (28 D Click)

Facebook Cost Per Conversion 28 Day Click Customize Product Total

The cost per number of customise product events attributed to your ads, based on information received from one or more of your connected Meta Business Tools, 28 Day after clicking.

not-in-native Cost per Products customised (website) (28 D Click)

Facebook Cost Per Conversion 28 Day Click Customize Product Website

The breakdown of cost per number of customise product events attributed to your ads by website, based on information received from one or more of your connected Meta Business Tools, 28 Day after clicking.

Cost per Location searches (28 D Click)

Facebook Cost Per Conversion 28 Day Click Find Location Total

The cost per number of find location events attributed to your ads, based on information received from one or more of your connected Meta Business Tools, 28 Day after clicking.

not-in-native Cost per Location searches (website) (28 D Click)

Facebook Cost Per Conversion 28 Day Click Find Location Website

The breakdown of cost per number of find location events attributed to your ads by website, based on information received from one or more of your connected Meta Business Tools, 28 Day after clicking.

not-in-native Cost per Trials started (app) (28 D Click)

Facebook Cost Per Conversion 28 Day Click Start Trial Mobile App

The breakdown of cost per number of start trial events attributed to your ads by app, based on information received from one or more of your connected Meta Business Tools, 28 Day after clicking.

Cost per Trials started (28 D Click)

Facebook Cost Per Conversion 28 Day Click Start Trial Total

The cost per number of start trial events attributed to your ads, based on information received from one or more of your connected Meta Business Tools, 28 Day after clicking.

not-in-native Cost per Trials started (website) (28 D Click)

Facebook Cost Per Conversion 28 Day Click Start Trial Website

The breakdown of cost per number of start trial events attributed to your ads by website, based on information received from one or more of your connected Meta Business Tools, 28 Day after clicking.

Cost per Applications submitted (28 D Click)

Facebook Cost Per Conversion 28 Day Click Submit Application Total

The cost per number of submit application events attributed to your ads, based on information received from one or more of your connected Meta Business Tools, 28 Day after clicking.

not-in-native Cost per Applications submitted (website) (28 D Click)

Facebook Cost Per Conversion 28 Day Click Submit Application Website

The breakdown of cost per number of submit application events attributed to your ads by website, based on information received from one or more of your connected Meta Business Tools, 28 Day after clicking.

not-in-native Cost per Applications submitted (app) (28 D Click)

Facebook Cost Per Conversion 28 Day Click Subscribe Mobile App

The breakdown of cost per number of submit application events attributed to your ads by app, based on information received from one or more of your connected Meta Business Tools, 28 Day after clicking.

Cost per Subscriptions (28 D Click)

Facebook Cost Per Conversion 28 Day Click Subscribe Total

The cost per number of subscribe events attributed to your ads, based on information received from one or more of your connected Meta Business Tools, 28 Day after clicking.

not-in-native Cost per Subscriptions (website) (28 D Click)

Facebook Cost Per Conversion 28 Day Click Subscribe Website

The cost per number of subscribe events attributed to your ads, based on information received from one or more of your connected Meta Business Tools, 28 Day after clicking.

Mobile app day 2 retention (28 D View)

Facebook Cost Per Conversion 28 Day View App Custom Event Day2 Retention

The cost per number of people who opened your app 24-48 hours after installing it. This metric is only available for 7-day and 28-day attribution windows, 28 Day after viewing.

not-in-native Cost per Earn virtual currency (28 D View)

Facebook Cost Per Conversion 28 Day View App Custom Event Earn Virtual Currency

The cost per number of virtual currency earned events that took place. This metric is only available for 7-day and 28-day attribution windows, 28 Day after viewing.

not-in-native Cost per Make dress (28 D View)

Facebook Cost Per Conversion 28 Day View App Custom Event Make Dress 1

The cost per number of custom events - make dress that took place. This metric is only available for 7-day and 28-day attribution windows, 28 Day after viewing.

not-in-native Cost per Make gift (28 D View)

Facebook Cost Per Conversion 28 Day View App Custom Event Make Gift 1

The cost per number of custom events - make gift that took place. This metric is only available for 7-day and 28-day attribution windows, 28 Day after viewing.

not-in-native Cost per NPC event (28 D View)

Facebook Cost Per Conversion 28 Day View App Custom Event Npc Event 1

The cost per number of custom events - NPC Event that took place. This metric is only available for 7-day and 28-day attribution windows, 28 Day after viewing.

not-in-native Cost per NPC send gift (28 D View)

Facebook Cost Per Conversion 28 Day View App Custom Event Npc Send Gift 1

The cost per number of custom events - send gift that took place. This metric is only available for 7-day and 28-day attribution windows, 28 Day after viewing.

not-in-native Cost per Player level 3 (28 D View)

Facebook Cost Per Conversion 28 Day View App Custom Event Player Level 3

The cost per number of players that achieved level 3. This metric is only available for 7-day and 28-day attribution windows, 28 Day after viewing.

not-in-native Cost per Player level 5 (28 D View)

Facebook Cost Per Conversion 28 Day View App Custom Event Player Level 5

The cost per number of players that achieved level 5. This metric is only available for 7-day and 28-day attribution windows, 28 Day after viewing.

not-in-native Cost per Shop recharge (28 D View)

Facebook Cost Per Conversion 28 Day View App Custom Event Shop Recharge

The cost per number of custom events - shop recharge that took place. This metric is only available for 7-day and 28-day attribution windows, 28 Day after viewing.

Cost per Products customised (28 D View)

Facebook Cost Per Conversion 28 Day View Customize Product Total

The cost per number of customise product events attributed to your ads, based on information received from one or more of your connected Meta Business Tools, 28 Day after viewing.

not-in-native Cost per Products customised (website) (28 D View)

Facebook Cost Per Conversion 28 Day View Customize Product Website

The breakdown of cost per number of customise product events attributed to your ads by website, based on information received from one or more of your connected Meta Business Tools, 28 Day after viewing.

Cost per Location searches (28 D View)

Facebook Cost Per Conversion 28 Day View Find Location Total

The cost per number of find location events attributed to your ads, based on information received from one or more of your connected Meta Business Tools, 28 Day after viewing.

not-in-native Cost per Location searches (website) (28 D View)

Facebook Cost Per Conversion 28 Day View Find Location Website

The breakdown of cost per number of find location events attributed to your ads by website, based on information received from one or more of your connected Meta Business Tools, 28 Day after viewing.

not-in-native Cost per Trials started (app) (28 D View)

Facebook Cost Per Conversion 28 Day View Start Trial Mobile App

The breakdown of cost per number of start trial events attributed to your ads by app, based on information received from one or more of your connected Meta Business Tools, 28 Day after viewing.

Cost per Trials started (28 D View)

Facebook Cost Per Conversion 28 Day View Start Trial Total

The cost per number of start trial events attributed to your ads, based on information received from one or more of your connected Meta Business Tools, 28 Day after viewing.

not-in-native Cost per Trials started (website) (28 D View)

Facebook Cost Per Conversion 28 Day View Start Trial Website

The breakdown of cost per number of start trial events attributed to your ads by website, based on information received from one or more of your connected Meta Business Tools, 28 Day after viewing.

Cost per Applications submitted (28 D View)

Facebook Cost Per Conversion 28 Day View Submit Application Total

The cost per number of submit application events attributed to your ads, based on information received from one or more of your connected Meta Business Tools, 28 Day after viewing.

not-in-native Cost per Applications submitted (website) (28 D View)

Facebook Cost Per Conversion 28 Day View Submit Application Website

The breakdown of cost per number of submit application events attributed to your ads by website, based on information received from one or more of your connected Meta Business Tools, 28 Day after viewing.

not-in-native Cost per Applications submitted (app) (28 D View)

Facebook Cost Per Conversion 28 Day View Subscribe Mobile App

The breakdown of cost per number of submit application events attributed to your ads by app, based on information received from one or more of your connected Meta Business Tools, 28 Day after viewing.

Cost per Subscriptions (28 D View)

Facebook Cost Per Conversion 28 Day View Subscribe Total

The cost per number of subscribe events attributed to your ads, based on information received from one or more of your connected Meta Business Tools, 28 Day after viewing.

not-in-native Cost per Subscriptions (website) (28 D View)

Facebook Cost Per Conversion 28 Day View Subscribe Website

The cost per number of subscribe events attributed to your ads, based on information received from one or more of your connected Meta Business Tools, 28 Day after viewing.

Cost per Mobile app day 2 retention (7 D Click)

Facebook Cost Per Conversion 7 Day Click App Custom Event Day2 Retention

The cost per number of people who opened your app 24-48 hours after installing it. This metric is only available for 7-day and 28-day attribution windows, 7 Days after clicking.

not-in-native Cost per Earn virtual currency (7 D Click)

Facebook Cost Per Conversion 7 Day Click App Custom Event Earn Virtual Currency

The cost per number of virtual currency earned events that took place. This metric is only available for 7-day and 28-day attribution windows, 7 Days after clicking.

not-in-native Cost per Make dress (7 D Click)

Facebook Cost Per Conversion 7 Day Click App Custom Event Make Dress 1

The cost per number of custom events - make dress that took place. This metric is only available for 7-day and 28-day attribution windows, 7 Days after clicking.

not-in-native Cost per Make gift (7 D Click)

Facebook Cost Per Conversion 7 Day Click App Custom Event Make Gift 1

The cost per number of custom events - make gift that took place. This metric is only available for 7-day and 28-day attribution windows, 7 Days after clicking.

not-in-native Cost per NPC event (7 D Click)

Facebook Cost Per Conversion 7 Day Click App Custom Event Npc Event 1

The cost per number of custom events - NPC Event that took place. This metric is only available for 7-day and 28-day attribution windows, 7 Days after clicking.

not-in-native Cost per NPC send gift (7 D Click)

Facebook Cost Per Conversion 7 Day Click App Custom Event Npc Send Gift 1

The cost per number of custom events - send gift that took place. This metric is only available for 7-day and 28-day attribution windows, 7 Days after clicking.

not-in-native Cost per Player level 3 (7 D Click)

Facebook Cost Per Conversion 7 Day Click App Custom Event Player Level 3

The cost per number of players that achieved level 3. This metric is only available for 7-day and 28-day attribution windows, 7 Days after clicking.

not-in-native Cost per Player level 5 (7 D Click)

Facebook Cost Per Conversion 7 Day Click App Custom Event Player Level 5

The cost per number of players that achieved level 5. This metric is only available for 7-day and 28-day attribution windows, 7 Days after clicking.

not-in-native Cost per Shop recharge (7 D Click)

Facebook Cost Per Conversion 7 Day Click App Custom Event Shop Recharge

The cost per number of custom events - shop recharge that took place. This metric is only available for 7-day and 28-day attribution windows, 7 Days after clicking.

Cost per Products customised (7 D Click)

Facebook Cost Per Conversion 7 Day Click Customize Product Total

The cost per number of customise product events attributed to your ads, based on information received from one or more of your connected Meta Business Tools, 7 Days after clicking.

not-in-native Cost per Products customised (website) (7 D Click)

Facebook Cost Per Conversion 7 Day Click Customize Product Website

The breakdown of cost per number of customise product events attributed to your ads by website, based on information received from one or more of your connected Meta Business Tools, 7 Days after clicking.

Cost per Location searches (7 D Click)

Facebook Cost Per Conversion 7 Day Click Find Location Total

The cost per number of find location events attributed to your ads, based on information received from one or more of your connected Meta Business Tools, 7 Days after clicking.

not-in-native Cost per Location searches (website) (7 D Click)

Facebook Cost Per Conversion 7 Day Click Find Location Website

The breakdown of cost per number of find location events attributed to your ads by website, based on information received from one or more of your connected Meta Business Tools, 7 Days after clicking.

not-in-native Cost per Trials started (app) (7 D Click)

Facebook Cost Per Conversion 7 Day Click Start Trial Mobile App

The breakdown of cost per number of start trial events attributed to your ads by app, based on information received from one or more of your connected Meta Business Tools, 7 Days after clicking.

Cost per Trials started (7 D Click)

Facebook Cost Per Conversion 7 Day Click Start Trial Total

The cost per number of start trial events attributed to your ads, based on information received from one or more of your connected Meta Business Tools, 7 Days after clicking.

not-in-native Cost per Trials started (website) (7 D Click)

Facebook Cost Per Conversion 7 Day Click Start Trial Website.

The breakdown of cost per number of start trial events attributed to your ads by website, based on information received from one or more of your connected Meta Business Tools, 7 Days after clicking.

Cost per Applications submitted (7 D Click)

Facebook Cost Per Conversion 7 Day Click Submit Application Total.

The cost per number of submit application events attributed to your ads, based on information received from one or more of your connected Meta Business Tools, 7 Days after clicking.

not-in-native Cost per Applications submitted (website) (7 D Click).

Facebook Cost Per Conversion 7 Day Click Submit Application Website

The breakdown of cost per number of submit application events attributed to your ads by website, based on information received from one or more of your connected Meta Business Tools, 7 Days after clicking.

not-in-native Cost per Applications submitted (app) (7 D Click).

Facebook Cost Per Conversion 7 Day Click Subscribe Mobile App

The breakdown of cost per number of submit application events attributed to your ads by app, based on information received from one or more of your connected Meta Business Tools, 7 Days after clicking.

Cost per Subscriptions (7 D Click).

Facebook Cost Per Conversion 7 Day Click Subscribe Total

The cost per number of subscribe events attributed to your ads, based on information received from one or more of your connected Meta Business Tools, 7 Days after clicking.

not-in-native Cost per Subscriptions (website) (7 D Click).

Facebook Cost Per Conversion 7 Day Click Subscribe Website

The cost per number of subscribe events attributed to your ads, based on information received from one or more of your connected Meta Business Tools, 7 Days after viewing.

Cost per Mobile app day 2 retention (7 D View)

Facebook Cost Per Conversion 7 Day View App Custom Event Day2 Retention

The cost per number of people who opened your app 24-48 hours after installing it. This metric is only available for 7-day and 28-day attribution windows, 7 Days after viewing.

not-in-native Cost per Earn virtual currency (7 D View)

Facebook Cost Per Conversion 7 Day View App Custom Event Earn Virtual Currency

The cost per number of virtual currency earned events that took place. This metric is only available for 7-day and 28-day attribution windows, 7 Days after viewing.

not-in-native Cost per Make dress (7 D View)

Facebook Cost Per Conversion 7 Day View App Custom Event Make Dress 1

The cost per number of custom events - make dress that took place. This metric is only available for 7-day and 28-day attribution windows, 7 Days after viewing.

not-in-native Cost per Make gift (7 D View)

Facebook Cost Per Conversion 7 Day View App Custom Event Make Gift 1

The cost per number of custom events - make gift that took place. This metric is only available for 7-day and 28-day attribution windows, 7 Days after viewing.

not-in-native Cost per NPC event (7 D View)

Facebook Cost Per Conversion 7 Day View App Custom Event Npc Event 1

The cost per number of custom events - NPC Event that took place. This metric is only available for 7-day and 28-day attribution windows, 7 Days after viewing.

not-in-native Cost per NPC send gift (7 D View)

Facebook Cost Per Conversion 7 Day View App Custom Event Npc Send Gift 1

The cost per number of custom events - send gift that took place. This metric is only available for 7-day and 28-day attribution windows, 7 Days after viewing.

not-in-native Cost per Player level 3 (7 D View)

Facebook Cost Per Conversion 7 Day View App Custom Event Player Level 3

The cost per number of players that achieved level 3. This metric is only available for 7-day and 28-day attribution windows, 7 Days after viewing.

not-in-native Cost per Player level 5 (7 D View)

Facebook Cost Per Conversion 7 Day View App Custom Event Player Level 5

The cost per number of players that achieved level 5. This metric is only available for 7-day and 28-day attribution windows, 7 Days after viewing.

not-in-native Cost per Shop recharge (7 D View)

Facebook Cost Per Conversion 7 Day View App Custom Event Shop Recharge

The cost per number of custom events - shop recharge that took place. This metric is only available for 7-day and 28-day attribution windows, 7 Days after viewingq.

Cost per Products customised (7 D View)

Facebook Cost Per Conversion 7 Day View Customize Product Total

The cost per number of customise product events attributed to your ads, based on information received from one or more of your connected Meta Business Tools, 7 Days after viewing.

not-in-native Cost per Products customised (website) (7 D View)

Facebook Cost Per Conversion 7 Day View Customize Product Website

The breakdown of cost per number of customise product events attributed to your ads by website, based on information received from one or more of your connected Meta Business Tools, 7 Days after viewing.

Cost per Location searches (7 D View)

Facebook Cost Per Conversion 7 Day View Find Location Total

The cost per number of find location events attributed to your ads, based on information received from one or more of your connected Meta Business Tools, 7 Days after viewing.

not-in-native Cost per Location searches (website) (7 D View)

Facebook Cost Per Conversion 7 Day View Find Location Website

The breakdown of cost per number of find location events attributed to your ads by website, based on information received from one or more of your connected Meta Business Tools, 7 Days after viewing.

not-in-native Cost per Trials started (app) (7 D View)

Facebook Cost Per Conversion 7 Day View Start Trial Mobile App

The breakdown of cost per number of start trial events attributed to your ads by app, based on information received from one or more of your connected Meta Business Tools, 7 Days after viewing.

Cost per Trials started (7 D View)

Facebook Cost Per Conversion 7 Day View Start Trial Total

The cost per number of start trial events attributed to your ads, based on information received from one or more of your connected Meta Business Tools, 7 Days after viewing.

not-in-native Cost per Trials started (website) (7 D View)

Facebook Cost Per Conversion 7 Day View Start Trial Website

The breakdown of cost per number of start trial events attributed to your ads by website, based on information received from one or more of your connected Meta Business Tools, 7 Days after viewing.

Cost per Applications submitted (7 D View)

Facebook Cost Per Conversion 7 Day View Submit Application Total

The cost per number of submit application events attributed to your ads, based on information received from one or more of your connected Meta Business Tools, 7 Days after viewing.

not-in-native Cost per Applications submitted (website) (7 D View)

Facebook Cost Per Conversion 7 Day View Submit Application Website

The breakdown of cost per number of submit application events attributed to your ads by website, based on information received from one or more of your connected Meta Business Tools, 7 Days after viewing.

not-in-native Cost per Applications submitted (app) (7 D View)

Facebook Cost Per Conversion 7 Day View Subscribe Mobile App

The breakdown of cost per number of submit application events attributed to your ads by app, based on information received from one or more of your connected Meta Business Tools, 7 Days after viewing.

Cost per Subscriptions (7 D View)

Facebook Cost Per Conversion 7 Day View Subscribe Total

The cost per number of subscribe events attributed to your ads, based on information received from one or more of your connected Meta Business Tools, 7 Days after viewing.

not-in-native Cost per Subscriptions (website) (7 D View)

Facebook Cost Per Conversion 7 Day View Subscribe Website

The cost per number of subscribe events attributed to your ads, based on information received from one or more of your connected Meta Business Tools, 7 Days after viewing.

Cost per Mobile app day 2 retention (7 D Click)

Facebook Cost Per Conversion App Custom Event Day2 Retention

The number of people who opened your app 24-48 hours after installing it. This metric is only available for 7-day and 28-day attribution windows.

not-in-native Cost per Earn virtual currency (7 D Click)

Facebook Cost Per Conversion App Custom Event Earn Virtual Currency

The number of virtual currency earned events that took place. This metric is only available for 7-day and 28-day attribution windows.

not-in-native Cost per Make dress (7 D Click)

Facebook Cost Per Conversion App Custom Event Make Dress 1

The number of custom events - make dress that took place. This metric is only available for 7-day and 28-day attribution windows.

not-in-native Cost per Make gift (7 D Click)

Facebook Cost Per Conversion App Custom Event Make Gift 1

The number of custom events - make gift that took place. This metric is only available for 7-day and 28-day attribution windows.

not-in-native Cost per NPC event (7 D Click)

Facebook Cost Per Conversion App Custom Event Npc Event 1

The number of custom events - NPC Event that took place. This metric is only available for 7-day and 28-day attribution windows.

not-in-native Cost per NPC send gift (7 D Click)

Facebook Cost Per Conversion App Custom Event Npc Send Gift 1

The number of custom events - send gift that took place. This metric is only available for 7-day and 28-day attribution windows.

not-in-native Cost per Player level 3 (7 D Click)

Facebook Cost Per Conversion App Custom Event Player Level 3

The number of players that achieved level 3. This metric is only available for 7-day and 28-day attribution windows.

not-in-native Cost per Player level 5 (7 D Click)

Facebook Cost Per Conversion App Custom Event Player Level 5

The number of players that achieved level 5. This metric is only available for 7-day and 28-day attribution windows.

not-in-native Cost per Shop recharge (7 D Click)

Facebook Cost Per Conversion App Custom Event Shop Recharge

The number of custom events - shop recharge that took place. This metric is only available for 7-day and 28-day attribution windows.

Cost per Products customised (7 D Click)

Facebook Cost Per Conversion Customize Product Total

The number of customise product events attributed to your ads, based on information received from one or more of your connected Meta Business Tools.

not-in-native Cost per Products customised (website) (7 D Click)

Facebook Cost Per Conversion Customize Product Website

The breakdown of number of customise product events attributed to your ads by website, based on information received from one or more of your connected Meta Business Tools.

Cost per Location searches (7 D Click)

Facebook Cost Per Conversion Find Location Total

The number of find location events attributed to your ads, based on information received from one or more of your connected Meta Business Tools.

not-in-native Cost per Location searches (website) (7 D Click)

Facebook Cost Per Conversion Find Location Website

The breakdown of number of find location events attributed to your ads by website, based on information received from one or more of your connected Meta Business Tools.

not-in-native Cost per Trials started (app) (7 D Click)

Facebook Cost Per Conversion Start Trial Mobile App

The breakdown of number of start trial events attributed to your ads by app, based on information received from one or more of your connected Meta Business Tools.

Cost per Trials started (7 D Click)

Facebook Cost Per Conversion Start Trial Total

The number of start trial events attributed to your ads, based on information received from one or more of your connected Meta Business Tools.

not-in-native Cost per Trials started (website) (7 D Click)

Facebook Cost Per Conversion Start Trial Website

The breakdown of number of start trial events attributed to your ads by website, based on information received from one or more of your connected Meta Business Tools.

Cost per Applications submitted (7 D Click)

Facebook Cost Per Conversion Submit Application Total

The number of submit application events attributed to your ads, based on information received from one or more of your connected Meta Business Tools.

not-in-native Cost per Applications submitted (website) (7 D Click)

Facebook Cost Per Conversion Submit Application Website

The breakdown of number of submit application events attributed to your ads by website, based on information received from one or more of your connected Meta Business Tools.

not-in-native Cost per Applications submitted (app) (7 D Click)

Facebook Cost Per Conversion Subscribe Mobile App

The breakdown of number of submit application events attributed to your ads by app, based on information received from one or more of your connected Meta Business Tools.

Cost per Subscriptions (7 D Click)

Facebook Cost Per Conversion Subscribe Total

The number of subscribe events attributed to your ads, based on information received from one or more of your connected Meta Business Tools.

not-in-native Cost per Subscriptions (website) (7 D Click)

Facebook Cost Per Conversion Subscribe Website

The number of subscribe events attributed to your ads, based on information received from one or more of your connected Meta Business Tools.

Cost per credit spend

Facebook Cost Per Credit Spend Action

The average cost for each credit spend action as a result of your ad..

Cost per custom event

Facebook Cost Per Event Conversion

The average cost of each custom event.

Cost per event response

Facebook Cost Per Event Response

The average cost for each person who responded going or interested in your event as a result of your ad.

Cost per game play

Facebook Cost Per Game Play

The average cost for each game play that occurred as a result of your ad.

Cost per install

Facebook Cost Per Install

The average cost for install as a result of your ad.

Cost per landing page view

Facebook Cost Per Landing Page Views

The average cost for each landing page view.

not-in-native CPC (cost per link click) (18-24)

Facebook Cost Per Link Click (Age 18-24)

The average cost per clicks on links appearing on your ad or Page that direct people to your sites off Facebook as a result of your ad from people in age group 18-24.

not-in-native CPC (cost per link click) (35-44)

Facebook Cost Per Link Click (Age 35-44)

The average cost per clicks on links appearing on your ad or Page that direct people to your sites off Facebook as a result of your ad from people in age group 25-44.

not-in-native CPC (cost per link click) (45-54)

Facebook Cost Per Link Click (Age 45-54)

The average cost per clicks on links appearing on your ad or Page that direct people to your sites off Facebook as a result of your ad from people in age group 45-54.

not-in-native CPC (cost per link click) (55-64)

Facebook Cost Per Link Click (Age 55-64)

The average cost per clicks on links appearing on your ad or Page that direct people to your sites off Facebook as a result of your ad from people in age group 55-64.

not-in-native CPC (cost per link click) (65+)

Facebook Cost Per Link Click (Age 65+)

The average cost per clicks on links appearing on your ad or Page that direct people to your sites off Facebook as a result of your ad from people in age group 65+.

not-in-native CPC (cost per link click) (All ages)

Facebook Cost Per Link Click (All Ages)

The average cost per clicks on links appearing on your ad or Page that direct people to your sites off Facebook as a result of your ad.

not-in-native CPC (cost per link click) (All gender)

Facebook Cost Per Link Click (All Gender)

The average cost per clicks on links appearing on your ad or Page that direct people to your sites off Facebook as a result of your ad.

not-in-native CPC (cost per link click) (Male)

Facebook Cost Per Link Click (Men)

The average cost per clicks on links appearing on your ad or Page that direct people to your sites off Facebook as a result of your ad and from gender male.

not-in-native CPC (cost per link click) (Unknown)

Facebook Cost Per Link Click (Unknown)

The average cost per clicks on links appearing on your ad or Page that direct people to your sites off Facebook as a result of your ad and from gender unknown.

not-in-native CPC (cost per link click) (Female)

Facebook Cost Per Link Click (Women)

The average cost per clicks on links appearing on your ad or Page that direct people to your sites off Facebook as a result of your ad and from gender female.

Cost per level achieved (mobile)

Facebook Cost Per Mobile App Achievement

The average cost for each level achieved action in your mobile app as a result of your ad.

Cost per action (mobile)

Facebook Cost Per Mobile App Action

This metric/dimension is deprecated by channel/Sprinklr and the data would be available till the last date metric was active.

Cost per add to cart (mobile)

Facebook Cost Per Mobile App Add To Cart

The average cost for each add to cart action in your mobile app as a result of your ad.

Cost per add to wishlist (mobile)

Facebook Cost Per Mobile App Add To Wishlist

The average cost for each add to wishlist action in your mobile app as a result of your ad.

Cost per checkout initiated (mobile)

Facebook Cost Per Mobile App Checkout

The average cost for each initiated checkout action in your mobile app as a result of your ad.

Cost per Content View (mobile)

Facebook Cost Per Mobile App Content View

The average cost for each content view action in your mobile app as a result of your ad.

Cost per credit spend (mobile)

Facebook Cost Per Mobile App Credit Spend

The average cost for each credit spend action in your mobile app as a result of your ad.

not-in-native Cost per feature unlock (mobile)

Facebook Cost Per Mobile App Feature Unlock

The average cost for each feature or achievement unlocked action in your mobile app as a result of your ad.

Cost per add of payment info (mobile)

Facebook Cost Per Mobile App Payment Detail

The average cost for each add payment information action in your mobile app as a result of your ad.

Cost per purchase (mobile)

Facebook Cost Per Mobile App Purchase

The average cost for each mobile purchase action in your mobile app as a result of your ad.

Cost per rating submitted (mobile)

Facebook Cost Per Mobile App Rating

The average cost for each rating action in your mobile app as a result of your ad.

Cost per registration completed (mobile)

Facebook Cost Per Mobile App Registration

The average cost for each registration action in your mobile app as a result of your ad.

Cost per search (mobile)

Facebook Cost Per Mobile App Search

The average cost for each search action in your mobile app as a result of your ad.

Cost per start (mobile)

Facebook Cost Per Mobile App Start

The average cost for each mobile app start action as a result of your ad.

Cost per tutorial completed (mobile)

Facebook Cost Per Mobile App Tutorial Completion

The average cost for each tutorial completion action in your mobile app as a result of your ad.

not-in-native Cost per offer claim (mobile)

Facebook Cost Per Offer Claim

The average cost for each offer claim as a result of your ad.

not-in-native Cost per other action (mobile)

Facebook Cost Per Other Mobile App Action

The average cost for each other action in your mobile app as a result of your ad.

Cost per page engagement

Facebook Cost Per Page Engagement

The average cost per action related to the Page and your Page\'s posts as a result of your ad.

not-in-native Cost per page mention

Facebook Cost Per Page Mention

The average cost for each Page mention as a result of your ad.

not-in-native Cost per page tab view

Facebook Cost Per Page Tab View

The average cost for each Page tab view as a result of your ad.

not-in-native Cost per photo view

Facebook Cost Per Photo View

The average cost for each photo view as a result of your ad.

not-in-native Cost per post comment

Facebook Cost Per Post Comment

The average cost for each comment on your adverts.

not-in-native Cost per post like

Facebook Cost Per Post Like

The average cost for each like on your adverts.

not-in-native Cost per post share

Facebook Cost Per Post Share

The average cost for each share on your adverts.

not-in-native Cost per question answer

Facebook Cost Per Question Answer

Average cost for each question answer as a result of your ad.

not-in-native Cost per question follow

Facebook Cost Per Question Follow

The average cost for each question follow as a result of your ad.

Cost per unique landing page view

Facebook Cost Per Unique Landing Page Views

The average cost of each unique landing page view.

Cost per unique outbound click

Facebook Cost Per Unique Outbound Clicks

The average cost of each unique outbound click.

not-in-native CPC (cost per link click) (All impressions)

Facebook Cost Per Website Click (All Impression Device)

The average cost of all clicks on your website after people viewed or clicked on your ad.

not-in-native CPC (cost per link click) (All placement)

Facebook Cost Per Website Click (All Placements)

The average cost of all clicks on your website after people viewed or clicked on your ad.

not-in-native CPC (cost per link click) (Android smartphone)

Facebook Cost Per Website Click (Android SmartPhone)

The average cost of all clicks on your website after people viewed or clicked on your ad on android smartphone.

not-in-native CPC (cost per link click) (Android tablet)

Facebook Cost Per Website Click (Android Tablet)

The average cost of all clicks on your website after people viewed or clicked on your ad on android tablet.

not-in-native CPC (cost per link click) (Desktop feed)

Facebook Cost Per Website Click (Desktop Feed)

The average cost of all clicks on your website after people viewed or clicked on your ad on desktop feed.

not-in-native CPC (cost per link click) (Desktop)

Facebook Cost Per Website Click (Desktop)

The average cost of all clicks on your website after people viewed or clicked on your ad on desktop.

not-in-native CPC (cost per link click) (iPad)

Facebook Cost Per Website Click (IPad)

The average cost of all clicks on your website after people viewed or clicked on your ad on Ipad.

not-in-native CPC (cost per link click) (iPhone)

Facebook Cost Per Website Click (IPhone)

The average cost of all clicks on your website after people viewed or clicked on your ad on IPhone.

not-in-native CPC (cost per link click) (iPod)

Facebook Cost Per Website Click (IPod)

The average cost of all clicks on your website after people viewed or clicked on your ad on IPod.

not-in-native CPC (cost per link click) (Logout)

Facebook Cost Per Website Click (Logout)

The average cost of all clicks on your website after people viewed or clicked on your ad.

not-in-native CPC (cost per link click) (Mobile external only)

Facebook Cost Per Website Click (Mobile External Only)

The average cost of all clicks on your website after people viewed or clicked on your ad on mobile.

not-in-native CPC (cost per link click) (Mobile feed)

Facebook Cost Per Website Click (Mobile Feed)

The average cost of all clicks on your website after people viewed or clicked on your ad on mobile feed.

not-in-native CPC (cost per link click) (Non feed)

Facebook Cost Per Website Click (Non Feed)

The average cost of all clicks on your website after people viewed or clicked on your ad on non feed placement positions.

not-in-native CPC (cost per link click) (Other device)

Facebook Cost Per Website Click (Other Device)

The average cost of all clicks on your website after people viewed or clicked on your ad on other devices.

not-in-native CPC (cost per link click) (Right hand)

Facebook Cost Per Website Click (Right Hand)

The average cost of all clicks on your website after people viewed or clicked on your ad on right hand column placement position.

not-in-native CPC (cost per link click) (Sponsored result)

Facebook Cost Per Website Click (Sponsored Result)

The average cost of all clicks on your website after people viewed or clicked on your ad on Sponsored result placement position.

not-in-native CPC (cost per link click) (Unknown device)

Facebook Cost Per Website Click (Unknown Device)

The average cost of all clicks on your website after people viewed or clicked on your ad on unknown device.

not-in-native CPC (cost per link click) (Unknown placement)

Facebook Cost Per Website Click (Unknown Placement)

The average cost of all clicks on your website after people viewed or clicked on your ad on unknown placement.

not-in-native Cost per app store click

Facebook Cost per App Store Click

Total spend divided by the number of total clicks to the App Store as a result of your ad.

not-in-native Cost per deep link click

Facebook Cost per Deep Link Click

The average cost per deep link click in your app ad.

not-in-native Cost per inline link click

Facebook Cost per Inline Link Click

The average cost of each inline link click, defined as the number of clicks on links appearing on your ad or Page that direct people off Facebook as a result of your ad or relate to specific advertising objectives. The Inline Link Clicks metric uses a fixed 1-day attribution window (1d click) from Link Click actions (actions: link click). Inline Link Clicks continues to be the metric used for click optimization and CPC billing.

not-in-native Cost per news feed click

Facebook Cost per News Feed Click

The average cost for each news feed click as a result of your ad.

not-in-native CPC (cost per link click) (All clicks website)

Facebook Cost per Website Click

The average cost of all clicks on your website after people viewed or clicked on your ad.

Credits spend

Facebook Credit Spends

The number of times credits were spent in your app as a result of your ad.

Credits spend (conversion)

Facebook Credit Spends (Conversion)

The number of times credits were spent in your app as a result of your ad, tracked with Conversions objective.

not-in-native Credits spend (1 D Click)

Facebook Credit Spends 1 Day After Clicking

The number of times credits were spent in your app as a result of your ad, 1 day after clicking.

not-in-native Credits spend (1 D View)

Facebook Credit Spends 1 Day After Viewing

The number of times credits were spent in your app as a result of your ad, 1 day after viewing.

not-in-native Credits spend (7 D Click)

Facebook Credit Spends 7 Days After Clicking

The number of times credits were spent in your app as a result of your ad, 7 days after clicking.

not-in-native Credits spend (7 D View)

Facebook Credit Spends 7 Days After Viewing

The number of times credits were spent in your app as a result of your ad, 7 days after viewing.

Credits spend conversion value

Facebook Credit Spends Conversion Value

The value of credits spent in your app as a result of your ad.

Credits spend conversion value (conversion)

Facebook Credit Spends Conversion Value (Conversion)

The value of credits spent in your app as a result of your ad, tracked with Conversions objective.

not-in-native Credits spend conversion value (1 D Click)

Facebook Credit Spends Conversion Value 1 Day After Clicking

The value of credits spent in your app as a result of your ad, 1 day after clicking.

not-in-native Credits spend conversion value (1 D View)

Facebook Credit Spends Conversion Value 1 Day After Viewing

The value of credits spent in your app as a result of your ad, 1 day after viewing.

not-in-native Credits spend conversion value (7 D Click)

Facebook Credit Spends Conversion Value 7 Days After Clicking

The value of credits spent in your app as a result of your ad, 7 days after clicking.

not-in-native Credits spend conversion value (7 D View)

Facebook Credit Spends Conversion Value 7 Days After Viewing

The value of credits spent in your app as a result of your ad, 7 days after viewing.

Meta pixel (1 D Click) (website)

Facebook Custom Pixel Offsite Conversions 1 Day After Clicking

The custom pixel allows you to optimize for and track offsite conversions that come from your ad, 1 day after clicking..

Meta pixel (1 D View) (website)

Facebook Custom Pixel Offsite Conversions 1 Day After Viewing

The custom pixel allows you to optimize for and track offsite conversions that come from your ad, 1 day after viewing.

Meta pixel (7 D Click) (website)

Facebook Custom Pixel Offsite Conversions 7 Days After Clicking

The custom pixel allows you to optimize for and track offsite conversions that come from your ad, 7 days after clicking.

Cost per unique link click (daily)

Facebook Daily Cost Per Link Unique Click

The average daily cost for each unique link click you\'ve received from your ad.

Unique link clicks (daily)

Facebook Daily Link Unique Clicks

The average daily cost for each unique link click you\'ve received from your ad.

Unique link clicks (daily) (conversion)

Facebook Daily Link Unique Clicks (Conversion)

The average daily cost for each unique link click you\'ve received from your ad, tracked with Conversions objective

not-in-native Unique app actions (daily) (mobile)

Facebook Daily Mobile App Unique Actions

The daily number of unique actions that occurred in your mobile app as a result of your ad.

not-in-native Unique app actions (daily) (mobile) (conversion)

Facebook Daily Mobile App Unique Actions (Conversion)

The daily number of unique actions that occurred in your mobile app as a result of your ad, tracked with conversions Objective.

not-in-native Unique app actions (daily) (mobile) (1 D Click)

Facebook Daily Mobile App Unique Actions 1 Day After Clicking

The daily number of unique actions that occurred in your mobile app as a result of your ad, 1 day after clicking.

not-in-native Unique app actions (daily) (mobile) (1 D View)

Facebook Daily Mobile App Unique Actions 1 Day After Viewing

The daily number of unique actions that occurred in your mobile app as a result of your ad, 1 day after viewing.

not-in-native Unique app actions (daily) (mobile) (7 D Click)

Facebook Daily Mobile App Unique Actions 7 Days After Clicking

The daily number of unique actions that occurred in your mobile app as a result of your ad, 7 days after clicking.

not-in-native Unique app actions (daily) (mobile) (7 D View)

Facebook Daily Mobile App Unique Actions 7 Days After Viewing

The daily number of unique actions that occurred in your mobile app as a result of your ad, 7 days after viewing.

not-in-native Unique app installs (daily) (mobile)

Facebook Daily Mobile App Unique Installs

The daily number of unique installs from a mobile device as a result of your ad.

not-in-native Unique app installs (daily) (mobile) (conversion)

Facebook Daily Mobile App Unique Installs (Conversion)

The daily number of unique installs from a mobile device as a result of your ad, tracked with Conversions objective

not-in-native Unique app installs (daily) (mobile) (1 D Click)

Facebook Daily Mobile App Unique Installs 1 Day After Clicking

The daily number of unique installs from a mobile device as a result of your ad, 1 day after clicking.

not-in-native Unique app installs (daily) (mobile) (1 D View)

Facebook Daily Mobile App Unique Installs 1 Day After Viewing

The daily number of unique installs from a mobile device as a result of your ad, 1 day after viewing.

not-in-native Unique app installs (daily) (mobile) (7 D Click)

Facebook Daily Mobile App Unique Installs 7 Days After Clicking

The daily number of unique installs from a mobile device as a result of your ad, 7 days after clicking.

not-in-native Unique app installs (daily) (mobile) (7 D View)

Facebook Daily Mobile App Unique Installs 7 Days After Viewing

The daily number of unique installs from a mobile device as a result of your ad, 7 days after viewing.

not-in-native Unique app starts (daily) (mobile)

Facebook Daily Mobile App Unique Starts

The daily number of unique mobile app starts as a result of your ad.

not-in-native Unique app starts (daily) (mobile) (conversion)

Facebook Daily Mobile App Unique Starts (Conversion)

The daily number of unique mobile app starts as a result of your ad, tracked with Conversions objective.

not-in-native Unique app starts (daily) (mobile) (1 D Click)

Facebook Daily Mobile App Unique Starts 1 Day After Clicking

The daily number of unique mobile app starts as a result of your ad, 1 day after clicking.

not-in-native Unique app starts (daily) (mobile) (1 D View)

Facebook Daily Mobile App Unique Starts 1 Day After Viewing

The daily number of unique mobile app starts as a result of your ad, 1 day after viewing.

not-in-native Unique app starts (daily) (mobile) (7 D Click)

Facebook Daily Mobile App Unique Starts 7 Days After Clicking

The daily number of unique mobile app starts as a result of your ad, 7 days after clicking.

not-in-native Unique app starts (daily) (mobile) (7 D View)

Facebook Daily Mobile App Unique Starts 7 Days After Viewing

The daily number of unique mobile app starts as a result of your ad, 7 days after viewing.

Unique page engagement (daily)

Facebook Daily Page Unique Engagement

The daily number of unique actions related to the Page and your Page\'s posts as a result of your ad.

Unique page engagement (daily) (conversion)

Facebook Daily Page Unique Engagement (Conversion)

The daily number of unique actions related to the Page and your Page\'s posts as a result of your ad, tracked with Conversions objective.

Unique post comments (daily)

Facebook Daily Post Unique Comments

The daily number of unique comments on your Page\'s posts as a result of your ad.

Unique post comments (daily) (conversion)

Facebook Daily Post Unique Comments (Conversion)

The daily number of unique comments on your Page\'s posts as a result of your ad, tracked with Conversions objective.

Unique post engagement (daily)

Facebook Daily Post Unique Engagement

The daily number of actions related to your Page\'s posts as a result of your ad.

Unique post engagement (daily) (conversion)

Facebook Daily Post Unique Engagement (Conversion)

The daily number of actions related to your Page\'s posts as a result of your ad, tracked with Conversions objective.

Unique post likes (daily)

Facebook Daily Post Unique Likes

The daily number of unique likes on your Page\'s posts as a result of your ad.

Unique post likes (daily) (conversion)

Facebook Daily Post Unique Likes (Conversion)

The daily number of unique likes on your Page\'s posts as a result of your ad, tracked with Conversions objective.

Unique post shares (daily)

Facebook Daily Post Unique Shares

The daily number of unique shares of your Page\'s posts as a result of your ad.

Unique post shares (daily) (conversion)

Facebook Daily Post Unique Shares (Conversion)

The daily number of unique shares of your Page\'s posts as a result of your ad, tracked with Conversions objective.

Unique video plays by click-play (daily) (1 D Click)

Facebook Daily Unique Clicks To Play Video 1 Day After Clicking

The daily number of unique clicks to play a video as a result of your ad, 1 day after clicking\n\n\n\n. Summation of daily metrics may not depict unique values.

Unique video plays by click-play (daily) (1 D View)

Facebook Daily Unique Clicks To Play Video 1 Day After Viewing

The daily number of unique clicks to play a video as a result of your ad, 1 day after viewing\n\n\n\n. Summation of daily metrics may not depict unique values.

Unique video plays by click-play (daily) (28 D Click)

Facebook Daily Unique Clicks To Play Video 28 Days After Clicking

The daily number of unique clicks to play a video as a result of your ad, 28 day after clicking\n\n\n\n. Summation of daily metrics may not depict unique values.

Unique video plays by click-play (daily) (28 D View)

Facebook Daily Unique Clicks To Play Video 28 Days After Viewing

The daily number of unique clicks to play a video as a result of your ad, 28 day after viewing\n\n\n\n. Summation of daily metrics may not depict unique values.

Unique video plays by click-play (daily) (7 D Click)

Facebook Daily Unique Clicks To Play Video 7 Days After Clicking

The daily number of unique clicks to play a video as a result of your ad, 7 days after clicking\n\n\n\n. Summation of daily metrics may not depict unique values.

Unique video plays by click-play (daily) (7 D View)

Facebook Daily Unique Clicks To Play Video 7 Days After Viewing

The daily number of unique clicks to play a video as a result of your ad, 7 days after viewing\n\n. Summation of daily metrics may not depict unique values.

Unique video plays by click-play (daily) (conversion)

Facebook Daily Unique Clicks To Play Video (Conversion)

The daily number of unique clicks to play a video as a result of your ad, tracked with Conversions Objective.\n \n. Summation of daily metrics may not depict unique values.

Unique outbound clicks (daily)

Facebook Daily Unique Outbound Clicks

The daily number of unique outbound clicks as a result of your ad\n\n. Summation of daily metrics may not depict unique values.

Unique video plays (daily)

Facebook Daily Unique Video Views

The daily number of unique times your video was viewed for 3 seconds or more.

Unique video plays (daily) (conversion)

Facebook Daily Unique Video Views (Conversion)

The daily number of unique times your video was viewed for 3 seconds or more, tracked with Conversions objective.

Unique video plays (daily) (1 D Click)

Facebook Daily Unique Video Views 1 Day After Clicking

The daily number of unique times your video was viewed for 3 seconds or more, 1 day after clicking.

Unique video plays (daily) (1 D View)

Facebook Daily Unique Video Views 1 Day After Viewing

The daily number of unique times your video was viewed for 3 seconds or more, 1 day after viewing.

Unique video plays (daily) (28 D Click)

Facebook Daily Unique Video Views 28 Days After Clicking

The daily number of unique times your video was viewed for 3 seconds or more, 28 days after clicking.

Unique video plays (daily) (28 D View)

Facebook Daily Unique Video Views 28 Days After Viewing

The daily number of unique times your video was viewed for 3 seconds or more, 28 days after viewing.

Unique video plays (daily) (7 D Click)

Facebook Daily Unique Video Views 7 Days After Clicking

The daily number of unique times your video was viewed for 3 seconds or more, 7 days after clicking.

Unique video plays (daily) (7 D View)

Facebook Daily Unique Video Views 7 Days After Viewing

The daily number of unique times your video was viewed for 3 seconds or more, 7 days after viewing.

Estimated call confirmation clicks

Facebook Estimated Call Confirmation Clicks

The estimated number of times that the call button is clicked on a call confirmation dialogue after an ad with a call destination is clicked.

Event responses

Facebook Event Responses

The number of people who responded going or interested in your event as a result of your ad.

not-in-native Event responses (1 D Click)

Facebook Event Responses 1 Day After Clicking

The number of people who responded going or interested in your event as a result of your ad,1 day after clicking.

not-in-native Event responses (1 D View)

Facebook Event Responses 1 Day After Viewing

The number of people who responded going or interested in your event as a result of your ad,1 day after viewing.

not-in-native Event responses (7 D Click)

Facebook Event Responses 7 Days After Clicking

The number of people who responded going or interested in your event as a result of your ad,7 days after clicking.

not-in-native Event responses (7 D View)

Facebook Event Responses 7 Days After Viewing

The number of people who responded going or interested in your event as a result of your ad,7 days after viewing.

Game plays

Facebook Game Plays

The number of game plays that occurred as a result of your ad.

Game plays (conversion)

Facebook Game Plays (Conversion)

The number of game plays that occurred as a result of your ad, tracked with Conversions objective.

not-in-native Game plays (1 D Click)

Facebook Game Plays 1 Day After Clicking

The number of game plays that occurred as a result of your ad.,1 day after clicking.

not-in-native Game plays (1 D View)

Facebook Game Plays 1 Day After Viewing

The number of game plays that occurred as a result of your ad.,1 day after viewing.

not-in-native Game plays (7 D Click)

Facebook Game Plays 7 Days After Clicking

The number of game plays that occurred as a result of your ad.,7 days after clicking.

not-in-native Game plays (7 D View)

Facebook Game Plays 7 Days After Viewing

The number of game plays that occurred as a result of your ad.,7 days after viewing.

not-in-native Checkouts initiated (offline) (1 D Click)

Facebook Initiate Checkouts (Offline Conversion) 1 Day After Clicking

The number of initiate checkout events that were recorded by your offline events data and attributed to your adverts,1 day after clicking.

not-in-native Checkouts initiated (offline) (1 D View)

Facebook Initiate Checkouts (Offline Conversion) 1 Day After Viewing

The number of initiate checkout events that were recorded by your offline events data and attributed to your adverts,1 day after viewing.

not-in-native Checkouts initiated (offline) (28 D Click)

Facebook Initiate Checkouts (Offline Conversion) 28 Days After Clicking

The number of initiate checkout events that were recorded by your offline events data and attributed to your adverts,28 days after clicking.

not-in-native Checkouts initiated (offline) (28 D View)

Facebook Initiate Checkouts (Offline Conversion) 28 Days After Viewing

The number of initiate checkout events that were recorded by your offline events data and attributed to your adverts,28 days after viewing.

not-in-native Checkouts initiated (offline) (7 D Click)

Facebook Initiate Checkouts (Offline Conversion) 7 Days After Clicking

The number of initiate checkout events that were recorded by your offline events data and attributed to your adverts,7 days after clicking.

not-in-native Checkouts initiated (offline) (7 D View)

Facebook Initiate Checkouts (Offline Conversion) 7 Days After Viewing

The number of initiate checkout events that were recorded by your offline events data and attributed to your adverts,7 days after viewing.

not-in-native Checkouts initiated conversion value (offline) (1 D Click)

Facebook Initiate Checkouts Value (Offline Conversion) 1 Day After Clicking

The total value returned from initiate checkouts (offline conversion) conversions, 1 day after clicking your ad. This is based on the value you assigned when you set up the offline event.

not-in-native Checkouts initiated conversion value (offline) (1 D View)

Facebook Initiate Checkouts Value (Offline Conversion) 1 Day After Viewing

The total value returned from initiate checkouts (offline conversion) conversions, 1 day after viewing your ad. This is based on the value you assigned when you set up the offline event.

not-in-native Checkouts initiated conversion value (offline) (28 D Click)

Facebook Initiate Checkouts Value (Offline Conversion) 28 Days After Clicking

The total value returned from initiate checkouts (offline conversion) conversions, 28 days after clicking your ad. This is based on the value you assigned when you set up the offline event.

not-in-native Checkouts initiated conversion value (offline) (28 D View)

Facebook Initiate Checkouts Value (Offline Conversion) 28 Days After Viewing

The total value returned from initiate checkouts (offline conversion) conversions, 28 days after viewing your ad. This is based on the value you assigned when you set up the offline event.

not-in-native Checkouts initiated conversion value (offline) (7 D Click)

Facebook Initiate Checkouts Value (Offline Conversion) 7 Days After Clicking

The total value returned from initiate checkouts (offline conversion) conversions, 7 days after clicking your ad. This is based on the value you assigned when you set up the offline event.

not-in-native Checkouts initiated conversion value (offline) (7 D View)

Facebook Initiate Checkouts Value (Offline Conversion) 7 Days After Viewing

The total value returned from initiate checkouts (offline conversion) conversions, 7 days after viewing your ad. This is based on the value you assigned when you set up the offline event.

not-in-native Inline link clicks

Facebook Inline Link Clicks

The number of clicks on links appearing on your ad or Page that direct people off Facebook as a result of your ad or relate to specific advertising objectives. The Inline Link Clicks metric uses a fixed 1-day attribution window (1d click) from Link Click actions (actions: link click). Inline Link Clicks continues to be the metric used for click optimization and CPC billing.

Landing page views (conversion) (total)

Facebook Landing Page Views (Conversion)

The number of times that a person clicked on an ad link and successfully loaded the destination web page or Instant Experience, tracked with Conversions objective. To report on landing page views, you must have created a Facebook pixel.

Leads (website)

Facebook Lead (Facebook Pixel)

The number of leads tracked by your Facebook pixel on your website after people viewed or clicked on your ad.

not-in-native Leads (website) (1 D View)

Facebook Lead (Facebook Pixel) 1 Day After Viewing

The number of leads tracked by your Facebook pixel on your website , 1 day after viewing the ad.

not-in-native Leads (website) (7 D Click)

Facebook Lead (Facebook Pixel) 7 Days After Clicking

The number of leads tracked by your Facebook pixel on your website , 7 days after clicking the ad.

Leads conversion value (website)

Facebook Lead Value (Facebook Pixel)

The total value of leads tracked by your Facebook pixel on your website after people viewed or clicked on your ad.

not-in-native Leads (website) (1 D Click)

Facebook Lead Value (Facebook Pixel) 1 Day After Clicking

The total value of leads tracked by your Facebook pixel on your website, 1 day after clicking your ad.

not-in-native Leads (website) (1 D View)

Facebook Lead Value (Facebook Pixel) 1 Day After Viewing

The total value of leads tracked by your Facebook pixel on your website, 1 day after viewing your ad.

not-in-native Leads (website) (7 D Click)

Facebook Lead Value (Facebook Pixel) 7 Days After Clicking

The total value of leads tracked by your Facebook pixel on your website, 7 days after clicking your ad.

not-in-native Leads (offline) (1 D Click)

Facebook Leads (Offline Conversion) 1 Day After Clicking

The number of leads that were recorded by your offline events data and attributed to your adverts,1 day after clicking.

not-in-native Leads (offline) (1 D View)

Facebook Leads (Offline Conversion) 1 Day After Viewing

The number of leads that were recorded by your offline events data and attributed to your adverts,1 day after viewing.

not-in-native Leads (offline) (28 D Click)

Facebook Leads (Offline Conversion) 28 Days After Clicking

The number of leads that were recorded by your offline events data and attributed to your adverts,28 days after clicking.

not-in-native Leads (offline) (28 D View)

Facebook Leads (Offline Conversion) 28 Days After Viewing

The number of leads that were recorded by your offline events data and attributed to your adverts,28 days after viewing.

not-in-native Leads (offline) (7 D Click)

Facebook Leads (Offline Conversion) 7 Days After Clicking

The number of leads that were recorded by your offline events data and attributed to your adverts,7 days after clicking.

not-in-native Leads (offline) (7 D View)

Facebook Leads (Offline Conversion) 7 Days After Viewing

The number of leads that were recorded by your offline events data and attributed to your adverts,7 days after viewing.

not-in-native Leads conversion value (offline) (1 D Click)

Facebook Leads Value (Offline Conversion) 1 Day After Clicking

The total value returned from leads (offline conversion) conversions, 1 day after clicking your ad. This is based on the value you assigned when you set up the offline event.

not-in-native Leads conversion value (offline) (1 D View)

Facebook Leads Value (Offline Conversion) 1 Day After Viewing

The total value returned from leads (offline conversion) conversions, 1 day after viewing your ad. This is based on the value you assigned when you set up the offline event.

not-in-native Leads conversion value (offline) (28 D Click)

Facebook Leads Value (Offline Conversion) 28 Days After Clicking

The total value returned from leads (offline conversion) conversions, 28 days after clicking your ad. This is based on the value you assigned when you set up the offline event.

not-in-native Leads conversion value (offline) (28 D View)

Facebook Leads Value (Offline Conversion) 28 Days After Viewing

The total value returned from leads (offline conversion) conversions, 28 days after viewing your ad. This is based on the value you assigned when you set up the offline event.

not-in-native Leads conversion value (offline) (7 D Click)

Facebook Leads Value (Offline Conversion) 7 Days After Clicking

The total value returned from leads (offline conversion) conversions, 7 days after clicking your ad. This is based on the value you assigned when you set up the offline event.

not-in-native Leads conversion value (offline) (7 D View)

Facebook Leads Value (Offline Conversion) 7 Days After Viewing

The total value returned from leads (offline conversion) conversions, 7 days after viewing your ad. This is based on the value you assigned when you set up the offline event.

Link clicks (total)

Facebook Link Clicks (Conversion)

The number of clicks on links appearing on your ad or Page that direct people to your sites off Facebook as a result of your ad, tracked with Conversions objective.

Unique link clicks (total)

Facebook Link Unique Clicks

The number of unique clicks on links appearing on your ad or Page that direct people to your sites off Facebook as a result of your ad.

not-in-native Unique clicks (total) (1 D Click)

Facebook Link Unique Clicks 1 Day After Clicking

The number of unique clicks on links appearing on your ad or Page that direct people to your sites off Facebook as a result of your ad, 1 day after clicking.

not-in-native Unique clicks (total) (1 D View)

Facebook Link Unique Clicks 1 Day After Viewing

The number of unique clicks on links appearing on your ad or Page that direct people to your sites off Facebook as a result of your ad, 1 day after viewing.

not-in-native Unique clicks (total) (7 D Click)

Facebook Link Unique Clicks 7 Days After Clicking

The number of unique clicks on links appearing on your ad or Page that direct people to your sites off Facebook as a result of your ad, 7 days after clicking.

not-in-native Unique clicks (total) (7 D View)

Facebook Link Unique Clicks 7 Days After Viewing

The number of unique clicks on links appearing on your ad or Page that direct people to your sites off Facebook as a result of your ad, 7 days after viewing.

not-in-native Achievements unlocked (mobile)

Facebook Mobile App Achievements

The number of levels achieved in your mobile app as a result of your ad.

not-in-native Achievements unlocked (mobile) (1 D Click)

Facebook Mobile App Achievements 1 Day After Clicking

The number of levels achieved in your mobile app as a result of your ad.

not-in-native Achievements unlocked (mobile) (1 D View)

Facebook Mobile App Achievements 1 Day After Viewing

The number of levels achieved in your mobile app as a result of your ad.

not-in-native Achievements unlocked (mobile) (7 D Click)

Facebook Mobile App Achievements 7 Days After Clicking

The number of levels achieved in your mobile app as a result of your ad, 7 days after clicking.

not-in-native Achievements unlocked (mobile) (7 D View)

Facebook Mobile App Achievements 7 Days After Viewing

The number of levels achieved in your mobile app as a result of your ad, 7 days after viewing.

not-in-native Actions conversion value (mobile)

Facebook Mobile App Actions Conversion Value

The total value returned from actions that occurred in your mobile app as a result of your ad.

not-in-native Actions conversion value (conversion - mobile)

Facebook Mobile App Actions Conversion Value (Conversion)

The total value returned from actions that occurred in your mobile app as a result of your ad, tracked by Conversions objective.

not-in-native Adds to wishlist (mobile) (1 D Click)

Facebook Mobile App Actions Conversion Value 1 Day After Clicking

The total value returned from actions that occurred in your mobile app as a result of your ad, 1 day after clicking.

not-in-native Adds to wishlist (mobile) (1 D View)

Facebook Mobile App Actions Conversion Value 1 Day After Viewing

The total value returned from actions that occurred in your mobile app as a result of your ad, 1 day after viewing.

not-in-native Adds to wishlist (mobile) (7 D Click)

Facebook Mobile App Actions Conversion Value 7 Days After Clicking

The total value returned from actions that occurred in your mobile app as a result of your ad, 7 days after clicking.

not-in-native Adds to wishlist (mobile) (7 D View)

Facebook Mobile App Actions Conversion Value 7 Days After Viewing

The total value returned from actions that occurred in your mobile app as a result of your ad, 7 days after viewing.

Adds to cart

Facebook Mobile App Adds To Cart

The number of times something was added to a shopping cart in your mobile app as a result of your ad.

Adds to cart (1 D Click)

Facebook Mobile App Adds To Cart 1 Day After Clicking

The number of times something was added to a shopping cart in your mobile app as a result of your ad, 1 day after clicking.

Adds to cart (1 D View)

Facebook Mobile App Adds To Cart 1 Day After Viewing

The number of times something was added to a shopping cart in your mobile app as a result of your ad, 1 day after viewing.

Adds to cart (7 D Click)

Facebook Mobile App Adds To Cart 7 Days After Clicking

The number of times something was added to a shopping cart in your mobile app as a result of your ad, 7 days after clicking.

Adds to cart (7 D View)

Facebook Mobile App Adds To Cart 7 Days After Viewing

The number of times something was added to a shopping cart in your mobile app as a result of your ad, 7 days after viewing.

not-in-native Adds to wishlist (mobile)

Facebook Mobile App Adds To Wishlist

The number of times something was added to a wishlist in your mobile app as a result of your ad.

not-in-native Adds to wishlist (mobile) (1 D Click)

Facebook Mobile App Adds To Wishlist 1 Day After Clicking

The number of times something was added to a wishlist in your mobile app as a result of your ad, 1 day after clicking.

not-in-native Adds to wishlist (mobile) (1 D View)

Facebook Mobile App Adds To Wishlist 1 Day After Viewing

The number of times something was added to a wishlist in your mobile app as a result of your ad, 1 day after viewing.

not-in-native Adds to wishlist (mobile) (7 D Click)

Facebook Mobile App Adds To Wishlist 7 Days After Clicking

The number of times something was added to a wishlist in your mobile app as a result of your ad, 7 days after clicking.

not-in-native Adds to wishlist (mobile) (7 D View)

Facebook Mobile App Adds To Wishlist 7 Days After Viewing

The number of times something was added to a wishlist in your mobile app as a result of your ad, 7 days after viewing.

Adds to cart conversion value

Facebook Mobile App Adds to Cart Conversion Value

The total value returned from items added to a cart in your mobile app as a result of your ad. This is based on the value assigned to the conversion type in your pixel code.

Adds to cart conversion value (mobile)

Facebook Mobile App Adds to Cart Conversion Value (Conversion)

The total value returned from items added to a cart in your mobile app as a result of your ad, tracked with Conversions objective. This is based on the value assigned to the conversion type in your pixel code.

Adds to cart conversion value (1 D Click)

Facebook Mobile App Adds to Cart Conversion Value 1 Day After Clicking

The total value returned from items added to a cart in your mobile app as a result of your ad, 1 day after clicking This is based on the value assigned to the conversion type in your pixel code.

Adds to cart conversion value (1 D View)

Facebook Mobile App Adds to Cart Conversion Value 1 Day After Viewing

The total value returned from items added to a cart in your mobile app as a result of your ad, 1 day after viewing. This is based on the value assigned to the conversion type in your pixel code.

Adds to cart conversion value (28 D Click)

Facebook Mobile App Adds to Cart Conversion Value 28 Days After Clicking

The total value returned from items added to a cart in your mobile app as a result of your ad, 28 days after clicking. This is based on the value assigned to the conversion type in your pixel code.

Adds to cart conversion value (28 D View)

Facebook Mobile App Adds to Cart Conversion Value 28 Days After Viewing

The total value returned from items added to a cart in your mobile app as a result of your ad, 28 days after viewing. This is based on the value assigned to the conversion type in your pixel code.

Adds to cart conversion value (7 D Click)

Facebook Mobile App Adds to Cart Conversion Value 7 Days After Clicking

The total value returned from items added to a cart in your mobile app as a result of your ad, 7 days after clicking. This is based on the value assigned to the conversion type in your pixel code.

Adds to cart conversion value (7 D View)

Facebook Mobile App Adds to Cart Conversion Value 7 Days After Viewing

The total value returned from items added to a cart in your mobile app as a result of your ad, 7 days after viewing. This is based on the value assigned to the conversion type in your pixel code.

Adds to wishlist conversion value

Facebook Mobile App Adds to Wishlist Conversion Value

The total value returned from items added to a wishlist in your mobile app as a result of your ad. This is based on the value assigned to the conversion type in your pixel code.

Adds to wishlist conversion value (mobile)

Facebook Mobile App Adds to Wishlist Conversion Value (Conversion)

The total value returned from items added to a wishlist in your mobile app as a result of your ad, tracked with Conversions objective. This is based on the value assigned to the conversion type in your pixel code.

Adds to wishlist conversion value (1 D Click)

Facebook Mobile App Adds to Wishlist Conversion Value 1 Day After Clicking

The total value returned from items added to a wishlist in your mobile app as a result of your ad, 1 day after clicking This is based on the value assigned to the conversion type in your pixel code.

Adds to wishlist conversion value (1 D View)

Facebook Mobile App Adds to Wishlist Conversion Value 1 Day After Viewing

The total value returned from items added to a wishlist in your mobile app as a result of your ad, 1 day after viewing. This is based on the value assigned to the conversion type in your pixel code.

Adds to wishlist conversion value (7 D Click)

Facebook Mobile App Adds to Wishlist Conversion Value 7 Days After Clicking

The total value returned from items added to a wishlist in your mobile app as a result of your ad, 7 days after clicking This is based on the value assigned to the conversion type in your pixel code.

Adds to wishlist conversion value (7 D View)

Facebook Mobile App Adds to Wishlist Conversion Value 7 Days After Viewing

The total value returned from items added to a wishlist in your mobile app as a result of your ad, 7 days after viewing. This is based on the value assigned to the conversion type in your pixel code.

Checkouts initiated

Facebook Mobile App Checkouts

The number of checkouts initiated in your mobile app as a result of your ad.

Checkouts initiated (1 D Click)

Facebook Mobile App Checkouts 1 Day After Clicking

The number of checkouts initiated in your mobile app as a result of your ad, 1 day after clicking.

Checkouts initiated (1 D View)

Facebook Mobile App Checkouts 1 Day After Viewing

The number of checkouts initiated in your mobile app as a result of your ad, 1 day after viewing.

Checkouts initiated (7 D Click)

Facebook Mobile App Checkouts 7 Days After Clicking

The number of checkouts initiated in your mobile app as a result of your ad, 7 days after clicking.

Checkouts initiated (7 D View)

Facebook Mobile App Checkouts 7 Days After Viewing

The number of checkouts initiated in your mobile app as a result of your ad, 7 days after viewing.

Checkouts initiated conversion value

Facebook Mobile App Checkouts Conversion Value

The total value returned from checkouts initiated in your mobile app as a result of your ad. This is based on the value assigned to the conversion type in your pixel code.

Checkouts initiated conversion value (mobile)

Facebook Mobile App Checkouts Conversion Value (Conversion)

The total value returned from checkouts initiated in your mobile app as a result of your ad tracked with Conversions objective. This is based on the value assigned to the conversion type in your pixel code.

Checkouts initiated conversion value (1 D Click)

Facebook Mobile App Checkouts Conversion Value 1 Day After Clicking

The total value returned from checkouts initiated in your mobile app as a result of your ad, 1 day after clicking This is based on the value assigned to the conversion type in your pixel code.

Checkouts initiated conversion value (1 D View)

Facebook Mobile App Checkouts Conversion Value 1 Day After Viewing

The total value returned from checkouts initiated in your mobile app as a result of your ad, 1 day after viewing. This is based on the value assigned to the conversion type in your pixel code.

Checkouts initiated conversion value (7 D Click)

Facebook Mobile App Checkouts Conversion Value 7 Days After Clicking

The total value returned from checkouts initiated in your mobile app as a result of your ad, 7 days after clicking This is based on the value assigned to the conversion type in your pixel code.

Checkouts initiated conversion value (7 D View)

Facebook Mobile App Checkouts Conversion Value 7 Days After Viewing

The total value returned from checkouts initiated in your mobile app as a result of your ad, 7 days after viewing. This is based on the value assigned to the conversion type in your pixel code.

Content views

Facebook Mobile App Content Views

The number of content views in your mobile app as a result of your ad.

Content views (1 D Click)

Facebook Mobile App Content Views 1 Day After Clicking

The number of content views in your mobile app as a result of your ad, 1 day after clicking.

Content views (1 D View)

Facebook Mobile App Content Views 1 Day After Viewing

The number of content views in your mobile app as a result of your ad, 1 day after viewing.

Content views (7 D Click)

Facebook Mobile App Content Views 7 Days After Clicking

The number of content views in your mobile app as a result of your ad, 7 days after clicking.

Content views (7 D View)

Facebook Mobile App Content Views 7 Days After Viewing

The number of content views in your mobile app as a result of your ad, 7 days after viewing.

Content views conversion value

Facebook Mobile App Content Views Conversion Value

The total value returned from content views in your mobile app as a result of your ad. This is based on the value assigned to the conversion type in your pixel code.

Content views conversion value (mobile)

Facebook Mobile App Content Views Conversion Value (Conversion)

The total value returned from content views in your mobile app as a result of your ad, tracked with Conversions objective. This is based on the value assigned to the conversion type in your pixel code.

Content views conversion value (1 D Click)

Facebook Mobile App Content Views Conversion Value 1 Day After Clicking

The total value returned from content views in your mobile app as a result of your ad, 1 day after clicking. This is based on the value assigned to the conversion type in your pixel code

Content views conversion value (1 D View)

Facebook Mobile App Content Views Conversion Value 1 Day After Viewing

The total value returned from content views in your mobile app as a result of your ad, 1 day after viewing. This is based on the value assigned to the conversion type in your pixel code.

Content views conversion value (7 D Click)

Facebook Mobile App Content Views Conversion Value 7 Days After Clicking

The total value returned from content views in your mobile app as a result of your ad, 7 days after clicking. This is based on the value assigned to the conversion type in your pixel code

Content views conversion value (7 D View)

Facebook Mobile App Content Views Conversion Value 7 Days After Viewing

The total value returned from content views in your mobile app as a result of your ad, 7 days after viewing. This is based on the value assigned to the conversion type in your pixel code.

Credit spends

Facebook Mobile App Credit Spends

The number of times credits were spent in your app as a result of your ad.

Credit spends (1 D Click)

Facebook Mobile App Credit Spends 1 Day After Clicking

The number of times credits were spent in your app as a result of your ad, 1 day after clicking.

Credit spends (1 D View)

Facebook Mobile App Credit Spends 1 Day After Viewing

The number of times credits were spent in your app as a result of your ad, 1 day after viewing.

Credit spends (7 D Click)

Facebook Mobile App Credit Spends 7 Days After Clicking

The number of times credits were spent in your app as a result of your ad, 7 days after clicking.

Credit spends (7 D View)

Facebook Mobile App Credit Spends 7 Days After Viewing

The number of times credits were spent in your app as a result of your ad, 7 days after viewing.

Credit spends conversion value

Facebook Mobile App Credit Spends Conversion Value

The total value returned from credits spent in your desktop app as a result of your ad. This is based on the value assigned to the conversion type in your pixel code.

Credit spends conversion value (mobile)

Facebook Mobile App Credit Spends Conversion Value (Conversion)

The total value returned from credits spent in your desktop app as a result of your ad, tracked with Conversions objective.This is based on the value assigned to the conversion type in your pixel code.

Credit spends conversion value (1 D Click)

Facebook Mobile App Credit Spends Conversion Value 1 Day After Clicking

The total value returned from credits spent in your desktop app as a result of your ad, 1 day after clicking. This is based on the value assigned to the conversion type in your pixel code

Credit spends conversion value (1 D View)

Facebook Mobile App Credit Spends Conversion Value 1 Day After Viewing

The total value returned from credits spent in your desktop app as a result of your ad, 1 day after viewing. This is based on the value assigned to the conversion type in your pixel code.

Credit spends conversion value (7 D Click)

Facebook Mobile App Credit Spends Conversion Value 7 Days After Clicking

The total value returned from credits spent in your desktop app as a result of your ad, 7 days after clicking. This is based on the value assigned to the conversion type in your pixel code

Credit spends conversion value (7 D View)

Facebook Mobile App Credit Spends Conversion Value 7 Days After Viewing

The total value returned from credits spent in your desktop app as a result of your ad, 7 days after viewing. This is based on the value assigned to the conversion type in your pixel code.

Achievements unlocked

Facebook Mobile App Feature Unlocks

The number of features, levels or achievements that were unlocked in your mobile app as a result of your ad.

Achievements unlocked (1 D Click)

Facebook Mobile App Feature Unlocks 1 Day After Clicking

The number of features, levels or achievements that were unlocked in your mobile app as a result of your ad, 1 day after clicking.

Achievements unlocked (1 D View)

Facebook Mobile App Feature Unlocks 1 Day After Viewing

The number of features, levels or achievements that were unlocked in your mobile app as a result of your ad, 1 day after viewing.

Achievements unlocked (7 D Click)

Facebook Mobile App Feature Unlocks 7 Days After Clicking

The number of features, levels or achievements that were unlocked in your mobile app as a result of your ad, 7 days after clicking.

Achievements unlocked (7 D View)

Facebook Mobile App Feature Unlocks 7 Days After Viewing

The number of features, levels or achievements that were unlocked in your mobile app as a result of your ad, 7 days after viewing.

App installs

Facebook Mobile App Installs (Conversion)

The total number of installs from a mobile device as a result of your ad, tracked with Conversions objective

App installs (1 D Click)

Facebook Mobile App Installs 1 Day After Clicking

The number of installs from a mobile device as a result of your ad, 1 day after clicking.

App installs (1 D View)

Facebook Mobile App Installs 1 Day After Viewing

The number of installs from a mobile device as a result of your ad, 1 day after viewing.

App installs (7 D Click)

Facebook Mobile App Installs 7 Days After Clicking

The number of installs from a mobile device as a result of your ad, 7 days after clicking.

App installs (7 D View)

Facebook Mobile App Installs 7 Days After Viewing

The number of installs from a mobile device as a result of your ad, 7 days after viewing.

Adds of payment info

Facebook Mobile App Payment Details

The number of times payment information was entered in your mobile app as a result of your ad.

Adds of payment info (1 D Click)

Facebook Mobile App Payment Details 1 Day After Clicking

The number of times payment information was entered in your mobile app as a result of your ad, 1 day after clicking.

Adds of payment info (1 D View)

Facebook Mobile App Payment Details 1 Day After Viewing

The number of times payment information was entered in your mobile app as a result of your ad, 1 day after viewing.

Adds of payment info (7 D Click)

Facebook Mobile App Payment Details 7 Days After Clicking

The number of times payment information was entered in your mobile app as a result of your ad, 7 days after clicking.

Adds of payment info (7 D View)

Facebook Mobile App Payment Details 7 Days After Viewing

The number of times payment information was entered in your mobile app as a result of your ad, 7 days after viewing.

Purchases (Mobile app)

Facebook Mobile App Purchases

The number of times a purchase was made in your mobile app as a result of your ad.

Purchases (1 D Click) (Mobile app)

Facebook Mobile App Purchases 1 Day After Clicking

The number of times a purchase was made in your mobile app as a result of your ad, 1 day after clicking.

Purchases (1 D View) (Mobile app)

Facebook Mobile App Purchases 1 Day After Viewing

The number of times a purchase was made in your mobile app as a result of your ad, 1 day after viewing.

Purchases (7 D Click) (Mobile app)

Facebook Mobile App Purchases 7 Days After Clicking

The number of times a purchase was made in your mobile app as a result of your ad, 7 days after clicking.

Purchases (7 D View) (Mobile app)

Facebook Mobile App Purchases 7 Days After Viewing

The number of times a purchase was made in your mobile app as a result of your ad, 7 days after viewing.

Purchases conversion value (Mobile app)

Facebook Mobile App Purchases Conversion Value

The total value returned from purchases made in your mobile app as a result of your ad. This is based on the value assigned to the conversion type in your pixel code.

Purchases conversion value (mobile)

Facebook Mobile App Purchases Conversion Value (Conversion)

The total value returned from purchases made in your mobile app as a result of your ad, tracked with Conversions objective. This is based on the value assigned to the conversion type in your pixel code.

Purchases conversion value (1 D Click) (Mobile app)

Facebook Mobile App Purchases Conversion Value 1 Day After Clicking

The total value returned from purchases made in your mobile app as a result of your ad, 1 day after clicking. This is based on the value assigned to the conversion type in your pixel code.

Purchases conversion value (1 D View) (Mobile app)

Facebook Mobile App Purchases Conversion Value 1 Day After Viewing

The total value returned from purchases made in your mobile app as a result of your ad, 1 day after viewing. This is based on the value assigned to the conversion type in your pixel code.

Purchases conversion value (7 D Click) (Mobile app)

Facebook Mobile App Purchases Conversion Value 7 Days After Clicking

The total value returned from purchases made in your mobile app as a result of your ad, 7 days after clicking. This is based on the value assigned to the conversion type in your pixel code.

Purchases conversion value (7 D View) (Mobile app)

Facebook Mobile App Purchases Conversion Value 7 Days After Viewing

The total value returned from purchases made in your mobile app as a result of your ad, 7 days after viewing. This is based on the value assigned to the conversion type in your pixel code.

Ratings submitted

Facebook Mobile App Ratings

The number of ratings in your mobile app as a result of your ad.

Ratings submitted (1 D Click)

Facebook Mobile App Ratings 1 Day After Clicking

The number of ratings in your mobile app as a result of your ad, 1 day after clicking.

Ratings submitted (1 D View)

Facebook Mobile App Ratings 1 Day After Viewing

The number of ratings in your mobile app as a result of your ad, 1 day after viewing.

Ratings submitted (7 D Click)

Facebook Mobile App Ratings 7 Days After Clicking

The number of ratings in your mobile app as a result of your ad, 7 days after clicking.

Ratings submitted (7 D View)

Facebook Mobile App Ratings 7 Days After Viewing

The number of ratings in your mobile app as a result of your ad, 7 days after viewing.

Ratings submitted conversion value

Facebook Mobile App Ratings Conversion Value

The total value returned from ratings in your mobile app as a result of your ad. This is based on the value assigned to the conversion type in your pixel code.

Ratings submitted conversion value (mobile)

Facebook Mobile App Ratings Conversion Value (Conversion)

The total value returned from ratings in your mobile app as a result of your ad, tracked with Conversions objective. This is based on the value assigned to the conversion type in your pixel code.

Ratings submitted conversion value (1 D Click)

Facebook Mobile App Ratings Conversion Value 1 Day After Clicking

The total value returned from ratings in your mobile app as a result of your ad, 1 day after clicking. This is based on the value assigned to the conversion type in your pixel code.

Ratings submitted conversion value (1 D View)

Facebook Mobile App Ratings Conversion Value 1 Day After Viewing

The total value returned from ratings in your mobile app as a result of your ad, 1 day after viewing. This is based on the value assigned to the conversion type in your pixel code.

Ratings submitted conversion value (7 D Click)

Facebook Mobile App Ratings Conversion Value 7 Days After Clicking

The total value returned from ratings in your mobile app as a result of your ad, 7 days after clicking. This is based on the value assigned to the conversion type in your pixel code.

Ratings submitted conversion value (7 D View)

Facebook Mobile App Ratings Conversion Value 7 Days After Viewing

The total value returned from ratings in your mobile app as a result of your ad, 7 days after viewing. This is based on the value assigned to the conversion type in your pixel code.

Registrations completed

Facebook Mobile App Registrations

The number of mobile app registrations as a result of your ad.

Registrations completed (1 D Click)

Facebook Mobile App Registrations 1 Day After Clicking

The number of mobile app registrations as a result of your ad, 1 day after clicking.

Registrations completed (1 D View)

Facebook Mobile App Registrations 1 Day After Viewing

The number of mobile app registrations as a result of your ad, 1 day after viewing.

Registrations completed (7 D Click)

Facebook Mobile App Registrations 7 Days After Clicking

The number of mobile app registrations as a result of your ad, 7 days after clicking.

Registrations completed (7 D View)

Facebook Mobile App Registrations 7 Days After Viewing

The number of mobile app registrations as a result of your ad, 7 days after viewing.


Facebook Mobile App Searches

The number of searches in your mobile app as a result of your ad.

Searches (1 D Click)

Facebook Mobile App Searches 1 Day After Clicking

The number of searches in your mobile app as a result of your ad, 1 day after clicking.

Searches (1 D View)

Facebook Mobile App Searches 1 Day After Viewing

The number of searches in your mobile app as a result of your ad, 1 day after viewing.

Searches (7 D Click)

Facebook Mobile App Searches 7 Days After Clicking

The number of searches in your mobile app as a result of your ad, 7 days after clicking.

Searches (7 D View)

Facebook Mobile App Searches 7 Days After Viewing

The number of searches in your mobile app as a result of your ad, 7 days after viewing.

App activations

Facebook Mobile App Starts

The total number of mobile app starts as a result of your advert based on audience interests.

App activations (1 D Click)

Facebook Mobile App Starts 1 Day After Clicking

The number of mobile app starts as a result of your ad, 1 day after clicking.

App activations (1 D View)

Facebook Mobile App Starts 1 Day After Viewing

The number of mobile app starts as a result of your ad, 1 day after viewing.

App activations (7 D Click)

Facebook Mobile App Starts 7 Days After Clicking

The number of mobile app starts as a result of your ad, 7 days after clicking.

App activations (7 D View)

Facebook Mobile App Starts 7 Days After Viewing

The number of mobile app starts as a result of your ad, 7 days after viewing.

Tutorials completed

Facebook Mobile App Tutorial Completions

The number of tutorials completed in your mobile app as a result of your ad

Tutorials completed (1 D Click)

Facebook Mobile App Tutorial Completions 1 Day After Clicking

The number of tutorials completed in your mobile app as a result of your ad,1 day after clicking the ad

Tutorials completed (1 D View)

Facebook Mobile App Tutorial Completions 1 Day After Viewing

The number of tutorials completed in your mobile app as a result of your ad,1 day after viewing the ad

Tutorials completed (7 D Click)

Facebook Mobile App Tutorial Completions 7 Days After Clicking

The number of tutorials completed in your mobile app as a result of your ad,7 days after clicking the ad

Tutorials completed (7 D View)

Facebook Mobile App Tutorial Completions 7 Days After Viewing

The number of tutorials completed in your mobile app as a result of your ad,7 days after viewing the ad

not-in-native Unique actions (mobile)

Facebook Mobile App Unique Actions

The number of unique actions in your mobile app as a result of your ad

not-in-native Unique actions (mobile) (1 D Click)

Facebook Mobile App Unique Actions 1 Day After Clicking

The number of unique actions in your mobile app as a result of your ad,1 day after clicking the ad

not-in-native Unique actions (mobile) (1 D View)

Facebook Mobile App Unique Actions 1 Day After Viewing

The number of unique actions in your mobile app as a result of your ad,1 day after viewing the ad

not-in-native Unique actions (mobile) (28 D Click)

Facebook Mobile App Unique Actions 28 Days After Clicking

The number of unique actions in your mobile app as a result of your ad,28 days after clicking the ad

not-in-native Unique actions (mobile) (28 D View)

Facebook Mobile App Unique Actions 28 Days After Viewing

The number of unique actions in your mobile app as a result of your ad,28 days after viewing the ad

not-in-native Unique actions (mobile) (7 D Click)

Facebook Mobile App Unique Actions 7 Days After Clicking

The number of unique actions in your mobile app as a result of your ad,7 days after clicking the ad

not-in-native Unique actions (mobile) (7 D View)

Facebook Mobile App Unique Actions 7 Days After Viewing

The number of unique actions in your mobile app as a result of your ad,7 days after viewing the ad

Unique App installs (mobile)

Facebook Mobile App Unique Installs

The number of unique app installs as a result of your ad

not-in-native Unique App installs (mobile) (1 D Click)

Facebook Mobile App Unique Installs 1 Day After Clicking

The number of unique app installs as a result of your ad,1 day after clicking the ad

not-in-native Unique App installs (mobile) (1 D View)

Facebook Mobile App Unique Installs 1 Day After Viewing

The number of unique app installs as a result of your ad,1 day after viewing the ad

not-in-native Unique App installs (mobile) (7 D Click)

Facebook Mobile App Unique Installs 7 Days After Clicking

The number of unique app installs as a result of your ad,7 days after clicking the ad

not-in-native Unique App installs (mobile) (7 D View)

Facebook Mobile App Unique Installs 7 Days After Viewing

The number of unique app installs as a result of your ad,7 days after viewing the ad

Unique Starts (mobile)

Facebook Mobile App Unique Starts

The number of unique app starts as a result of your ad

not-in-native Unique Starts (mobile) (1 D Click)

Facebook Mobile App Unique Starts 1 Day After Clicking

The number of unique app starts as a result of your ad,1 day after clicking the ad

not-in-native Unique Starts (mobile) (1 D View)

Facebook Mobile App Unique Starts 1 Day After Viewing

The number of unique app starts as a result of your ad,1 day after viewing the ad

not-in-native Unique Starts (mobile) (7 D Click)

Facebook Mobile App Unique Starts 7 Days After Clicking

The number of unique app starts as a result of your ad,7 days after clicking the ad

not-in-native Unique Starts (mobile) (7 D View)

Facebook Mobile App Unique Starts 7 Days After Viewing

The number of unique app starts as a result of your ad,7 days after viewing the ad

not-in-native Installs to clicks (mobile)

Facebook Mobile Installs to Clicks

The number of mobile installs that lead to clicks.

Adds of payment info (offline)

Facebook Offline Conversion Add Payment Info Value

The total value returned from add payment info (offline conversion) conversions. This is based on the value you assigned when you set up the offline event.

Adds to cart (offline)

Facebook Offline Conversion Add To Cart

The number of add to cart events that were recorded by your offline events data and attributed to your adverts

Adds to cart conversion value (offline)

Facebook Offline Conversion Add To Cart Value

The total value returned from add to cart (offline conversion) conversions. This is based on the value you assigned when you set up the offline event.

Adds to wishlist (offline)

Facebook Offline Conversion Add To Wishlist

The number of add to wishlist events that were recorded by your offline events data and attributed to your adverts

Adds to wishlist conversion value (offline)

Facebook Offline Conversion Add To Wishlist Value

The total value returned from add to wishlist (offline conversion) conversions. This is based on the value you assigned when you set up the offline event.

Registrations completed (offline)

Facebook Offline Conversion Complete Registration

The number of complete registration events that were recorded by your offline events data and attributed to your adverts

Registrations completed conversion value (offline)

Facebook Offline Conversion Complete Registration Value

The total value returned from complete registration (offline conversion) conversions. This is based on the value you assigned when you set up the offline event.

Checkouts initiated (offline)

Facebook Offline Conversion Initiate Checkout

The number of initiate checkout events that were recorded by your offline events data and attributed to your adverts

Checkouts initiated conversion value (offline)

Facebook Offline Conversion Initiate Checkout Value

The total value returned from initiate checkout (offline conversion) conversions. This is based on the value you assigned when you set up the offline event.

Leads (offline)

Facebook Offline Conversion Leads

The number of leads that were recorded by your offline events data and attributed to your adverts

Leads conversion value (offline)

Facebook Offline Conversion Leads Value

The total value returned from leads (offline conversion) conversions. This is based on the value you assigned when you set up the offline event.

not-in-native Other conversion (offline)

Facebook Offline Conversion Other

The number of other events that were recorded by your offline events data and attributed to your adverts.

not-in-native Other conversion value (offline)

Facebook Offline Conversion Other Value

The total value returned from other (offline conversion) conversions. This is based on the value you assigned when you set up the offline event.

Purchase (offline)

Facebook Offline Conversion Purchase

The number of purchase events that were recorded by your offline events data and attributed to your adverts.

Purchase conversion value (offline)

Facebook Offline Conversion Purchase Value

The total value returned from purchase (offline conversion) conversions. This is based on the value you assigned when you set up the offline event.

Searches (offline)

Facebook Offline Conversion Search

The number of search events that were recorded by your offline events data and attributed to your adverts.

Searches conversion value (offline)

Facebook Offline Conversion Search Value

The total value returned from search (offline conversion) conversions. This is based on the value you assigned when you set up the offline event.

Content views (offline)

Facebook Offline Conversion View Content

The number of view content events that were recorded by your offline events data and attributed to your adverts.

Content views conversion value (offline)

Facebook Offline Conversion View Content Value

The total value returned from view content (offline conversion) conversions. This is based on the value you assigned when you set up the offline event.

Other engagements

Facebook Other Engagements

The number of actions that took place on your ads that were labelled as other events.

Other actions (mobile)

Facebook Other Mobile App Actions

The number of other actions in your mobile app as a result of your ad.

not-in-native Other actions (mobile) (1 D Click)

Facebook Other Mobile App Actions 1 Day After Clicking

The number of other actions in your mobile app as a result of your ad,1 day after clicking the ad.

not-in-native Other actions (mobile) (1 D View)

Facebook Other Mobile App Actions 1 Day After Viewing

The number of other actions in your mobile app as a result of your ad,1 day after viewing the ad.

not-in-native Other actions (mobile) (7 D Click)

Facebook Other Mobile App Actions 7 Days After Clicking

The number of other actions in your mobile app as a result of your ad,7 days after clicking the ad.

not-in-native Other actions (mobile) (7 D View)

Facebook Other Mobile App Actions 7 Days After Viewing

The number of other actions in your mobile app as a result of your ad,7 days after viewing the ad.

not-in-native Other conversions (offline) (1 D Click)

Facebook Other Website Conversions (Offline Conversion) 1 Day After Clicking

The number of other website conversion events that were recorded by your offline events data and attributed to your adverts,1 day after clicking the ad.

not-in-native Other conversions (offline) (1 D View)

Facebook Other Website Conversions (Offline Conversion) 1 Day After Viewing

The number of other website conversion events that were recorded by your offline events data and attributed to your adverts,1 day after viewing the ad.

not-in-native Other conversions (offline) (28 D Click)

Facebook Other Website Conversions (Offline Conversion) 28 Days After Clicking

The number of other website conversion events that were recorded by your offline events data and attributed to your adverts,28 days after clicking the ad.

not-in-native Other conversions (offline) (28 D View)

Facebook Other Website Conversions (Offline Conversion) 28 Days After Viewing

The number of other website conversion events that were recorded by your offline events data and attributed to your adverts,28 days after viewing the ad.

not-in-native Other conversions (offline) (7 D Click)

Facebook Other Website Conversions (Offline Conversion) 7 Days After Clicking

The number of other website conversion events that were recorded by your offline events data and attributed to your adverts,7 days after clicking the ad.

not-in-native Other conversions (offline) (7 D View)

Facebook Other Website Conversions (Offline Conversion) 7 Days After Viewing

The number of other website conversion events that were recorded by your offline events data and attributed to your adverts,7 days after viewing the ad.

not-in-native Other conversions conversion value (offline) (1 D Click)

Facebook Other Website Conversions Value (Offline Conversion) 1 Day After Clicking

Based on the value you assigned when you set up the offline event, the total value returned from other website (offline conversion) conversions,1 day after clicking the ad.

not-in-native Other conversions conversion value (offline) (1 D View)

Facebook Other Website Conversions Value (Offline Conversion) 1 Day After Viewing

Based on the value you assigned when you set up the offline event, the total value returned from other website (offline conversion) conversions,1 day after viewing the ad.

not-in-native Other conversions conversion value (offline) (28 D Click)

Facebook Other Website Conversions Value (Offline Conversion) 28 Days After Clicking

Based on the value you assigned when you set up the offline event, the total value returned from other website (offline conversion) conversions,28 days after clicking the ad.

not-in-native Other conversions conversion value (offline) (28 D View)

Facebook Other Website Conversions Value (Offline Conversion) 28 Days After Viewing

Based on the value you assigned when you set up the offline event, the total value returned from other website (offline conversion) conversions,28 days after viewing the ad.

not-in-native Other conversions conversion value (offline) (7 D Click)

Facebook Other Website Conversions Value (Offline Conversion) 7 Days After Clicking

Based on the value you assigned when you set up the offline event, the total value returned from other website (offline conversion) conversions,7 days after clicking the ad.

not-in-native Other conversions conversion value (offline) (7 D View)

Facebook Other Website Conversions Value (Offline Conversion) 7 Days After Viewing

Based on the value you assigned when you set up the offline event, the total value returned from other website (offline conversion) conversions,7 days after viewing the ad.

Page engagement

Facebook Page Engagement

The total number of actions that people took on your Facebook Page and its posts, attributed to your ads, based on audience interests.

Page likes (conversion)

Facebook Page Likes (Conversion)

The number of likes on your Page as a result of your ad, tracked with Conversions Objective.

not-in-native Page mentions

Facebook Page Mentions

The number of mentions of your Page as a result of your ad.

not-in-native Page mentions (conversion)

Facebook Page Mentions (Conversion)

The number of mentions of your Page as a result of your ad, tracked with conversions objective.

not-in-native Page mentions (1 D Click)

Facebook Page Mentions 1 Day After Clicking

The number of mentions of your Page as a result of your ad,1 day after clicking the ad.

not-in-native Page mentions (1 D View)

Facebook Page Mentions 1 Day After Viewing

The number of mentions of your Page as a result of your ad,1 day after viewing the ad.

not-in-native Page mentions (28 D Click)

Facebook Page Mentions 28 Days After Clicking

The number of mentions of your Page as a result of your ad,28 days after clicking the ad.

not-in-native Page mentions (28 D View)

Facebook Page Mentions 28 Days After Viewing

The number of mentions of your Page as a result of your ad,28 days after viewing the ad.

not-in-native Page mentions (7 D Click)

Facebook Page Mentions 7 Days After Clicking

The number of mentions of your Page as a result of your ad,7 days after clicking the ad.

not-in-native Page mentions (7 D View)

Facebook Page Mentions 7 Days After Viewing

The number of mentions of your Page as a result of your ad,7 days after viewing the ad.

not-in-native Page tab views

Facebook Page Tab Views

The number of views of tabs on your Page as a result of your ad.

not-in-native Page tab views (conversion)

Facebook Page Tab Views (Conversion)

The number of views of tabs on your Page as a result of your ad, tracked with Conversions objective.

not-in-native Page tab views (1 D Click)

Facebook Page Tab Views 1 Day After Clicking

The number of views of tabs on your Page as a result of your ad,1 day after clicking the ad.

not-in-native Page tab views (1 D View)

Facebook Page Tab Views 1 Day After Viewing

The number of views of tabs on your Page as a result of your ad,1 day after viewing the ad.

not-in-native Page tab views (28 D Click)

Facebook Page Tab Views 28 Days After Clicking

The number of views of tabs on your Page as a result of your ad,28 days after clicking the ad.

not-in-native Page tab views (28 D View)

Facebook Page Tab Views 28 Days After Viewing

The number of views of tabs on your Page as a result of your ad,28 days after viewing the ad.

not-in-native Page tab views (7 D Click)

Facebook Page Tab Views 7 Days After Clicking

The number of views of tabs on your Page as a result of your ad,7 days after clicking the ad.

not-in-native Page tab views (7 D View)

Facebook Page Tab Views 7 Days After Viewing

The number of views of tabs on your Page as a result of your ad,7 days after viewing the ad.

not-in-native Unique page engagement

Facebook Page Unique Engagement

The total number of unique actions that people took on your Facebook Page and its posts, attributed to your ads.

not-in-native Unique page engagement (1 D Click)

Facebook Page Unique Engagement 1 Day After Clicking

The total number of unique actions that people took on your Facebook Page and its posts, attributed to your ads,1 day after clicking the ad.

not-in-native Unique page engagement (1 D View)

Facebook Page Unique Engagement 1 Day After Viewing

The total number of unique actions that people took on your Facebook Page and its posts, attributed to your ads,1 day after viewing the ad.

not-in-native Unique page engagement (7 D Click)

Facebook Page Unique Engagement 7 Days After Clicking

The total number of unique actions that people took on your Facebook Page and its posts, attributed to your ads,7 days after clicking the ad.

not-in-native Unique page engagement (7 D View)

Facebook Page Unique Engagement 7 Days After Viewing

The total number of unique actions that people took on your Facebook Page and its posts, attributed to your ads,7 days after viewing the ad.

Cost per estimated ad recall lift (people) (lifetime)

Facebook Paid Initiative Lifetime Cost per Estimated Ad Recall Lift (people)

The amount spent for every 1000 People estimated to recall your ad in the lifetime of a Paid Initiative.

Photo views (conversion)

Facebook Photo Views (Conversion)

The number of views of your photos as a result of your ad, tracked with Conversions objective.

Post comments (conversion)

Facebook Post Comments (Conversion)

The number of comments on your adverts, tracked with Conversions objective.

Post likes (conversion)

Facebook Post Likes (Conversion)

The number of reactions on your ads, tracked with Conversions objective. The reactions button on an ad allows people to share different reactions to its content: like, love, haha, wow, sad or angry.

Post saves

Facebook Post Saves

The total number of times your ad has been saved.

Post shares (conversion)

Facebook Post Shares (Conversion)

The number of shares of your adverts, tracked with conversions objective. People can share your adverts or posts on their own or friends\' Timelines, in groups and on their own Pages.

not-in-native Unique Comment

Facebook Post Unique Comments

The number of unique comments on your adverts.

not-in-native Unique Comment (1 D View)

Facebook Post Unique Comments 1 Day After Viewing

The number of unique comments on your adverts,1 day after viewing the ad.

not-in-native Unique Comment (7 D Click)

Facebook Post Unique Comments 7 Days After Clicking

The number of unique comments on your adverts,7 days after clicking the ad.

not-in-native Unique Comment (7 D View)

Facebook Post Unique Comments 7 Days After Viewing

The number of unique comments on your adverts,7 days after viewing the ad.

not-in-native Unique post engagement

Facebook Post Unique Engagement

The total number of unique actions that people take involving your adverts.

not-in-native Unique post engagement (1 D Click)

Facebook Post Unique Engagement 1 Day After Clicking

The total number of unique actions that people take involving your adverts,1 day after clicking the ad.

not-in-native Unique post engagement (1 D View)

Facebook Post Unique Engagement 1 Day After Viewing

The total number of unique actions that people take involving your adverts,1 day after viewing the ad.

not-in-native Unique post engagement (28 D Click)

Facebook Post Unique Engagement 7 Days After Clicking

The total number of unique actions that people take involving your adverts,7 days after clicking the ad.

not-in-native Unique post engagement (7 D View)

Facebook Post Unique Engagement 7 Days After Viewing

The total number of unique actions that people take involving your adverts,7 days after viewing the ad.

not-in-native Unique post reactions (1 D Click)

Facebook Post Unique Reactions 1 Day After Clicking

The number of unique reactions on your ads,1 day after clicking the ad.

not-in-native Unique post reactions (1 D View)

Facebook Post Unique Reactions 1 Day After Viewing

The number of unique reactions on your ads,1 day after viewing the ad.

not-in-native Unique post reactions (7 D Click)

Facebook Post Unique Reactions 7 Days After Clicking

The number of unique reactions on your ads,7 days after clicking the ad.

not-in-native Unique post reactions (7 D View)

Facebook Post Unique Reactions 7 Days After Viewing

The number of unique reactions on your ads,7 days after viewing the ad.

Unique post shares

Facebook Post Unique Shares

The number of unique shares of your ads.

not-in-native Unique post shares (1 D Click)

Facebook Post Unique Shares 1 Day After Clicking

The number of unique shares of your ads,1 day after clicking the ad.

not-in-native Unique post shares (1 D View)

Facebook Post Unique Shares 1 Day After Viewing

The number of unique shares of your ads,1 day after viewing the ad.

not-in-native Unique post shares (7 D Click)

Facebook Post Unique Shares 7 Days After Clicking

The number of unique shares of your ads,7 days after clicking the ad.

not-in-native Unique post shares (7 D View)

Facebook Post Unique Shares 7 Days After Viewing

The number of unique shares of your ads,7 days after viewing the ad.

not-in-native Purchases (website) (1 D Click)

Facebook Purchase (Facebook Pixel) 1 Day After Clicking

The number of times a purchase was made tracked by your Facebook pixel on your website \n \n ,1 day after clicking the ad.

not-in-native Purchases (website) (1 D View)

Facebook Purchase (Facebook Pixel) 1 Day After Viewing

The number of times a purchase was made tracked by your Facebook pixel on your website \n \n ,1 day after viewing the ad.

not-in-native Purchases (website) (7 D Click)

Facebook Purchase (Facebook Pixel) 7 Days After Clicking

The number of times a purchase was made tracked by your Facebook pixel on your website \n \n ,7 days after clicking the ad.

not-in-native Purchases (offline) (1 D Click)

Facebook Purchase (Offline Conversion) 1 Day After Clicking

The number of purchase events that were recorded by your offline events data and attributed to your adverts,1 day after clicking the ad.

not-in-native Purchases (offline) (1 D View)

Facebook Purchase (Offline Conversion) 1 Day After Viewing

The number of purchase events that were recorded by your offline events data and attributed to your adverts,1 day after viewing the ad.

not-in-native Purchases (offline) (28 D Click)

Facebook Purchase (Offline Conversion) 28 Days After Clicking

The number of purchase events that were recorded by your offline events data and attributed to your adverts,28 days after clicking the ad.

not-in-native Purchases (offline) (28 D View)

Facebook Purchase (Offline Conversion) 28 Days After Viewing

The number of purchase events that were recorded by your offline events data and attributed to your adverts,28 days after viewing the ad.

not-in-native Purchases (offline) (7 D Click)

Facebook Purchase (Offline Conversion) 7 Days After Clicking

The number of purchase events that were recorded by your offline events data and attributed to your adverts,7 days after clicking the ad.

not-in-native Purchases (offline) (7 D View)

Facebook Purchase (Offline Conversion) 7 Days After Viewing

The number of purchase events that were recorded by your offline events data and attributed to your adverts,7 days after viewing the ad.

not-in-native Purchases conversion value (website) (1 D Click)

Facebook Purchase Value (Facebook Pixel) 1 Day After Clicking

The value of a purchase made tracked by your Facebook pixel on your website\n \n ,1 day after clicking the ad.

not-in-native Purchases conversion value (website) (1 D View)

Facebook Purchase Value (Facebook Pixel) 1 Day After Viewing

The value of a purchase made tracked by your Facebook pixel on your website\n \n ,1 day after viewing the ad.

not-in-native Purchases conversion value (website) (7 D Click)

Facebook Purchase Value (Facebook Pixel) 7 Days After Clicking

The value of a purchase made tracked by your Facebook pixel on your website\n \n ,7 days after clicking the ad.

not-in-native Purchases conversion value (offline) (1 D Click)

Facebook Purchase Value (Offline Conversion) 1 Day After Clicking

Based on the value you assigned when you set up the offline event, the total value returned from purchase (offline conversion) conversions,1 day after clicking the ad.

not-in-native Purchases conversion value (offline) (1 D View)

Facebook Purchase Value (Offline Conversion) 1 Day After Viewing

Based on the value you assigned when you set up the offline event, the total value returned from purchase (offline conversion) conversions,1 day after viewing the ad.

not-in-native Purchases conversion value (offline) (28 D Click)

Facebook Purchase Value (Offline Conversion) 28 Days After Clicking

Based on the value you assigned when you set up the offline event, the total value returned from purchase (offline conversion) conversions,28 days after clicking the ad.

not-in-native Purchases conversion value (offline) (28 D View)

Facebook Purchase Value (Offline Conversion) 28 Days After Viewing

Based on the value you assigned when you set up the offline event, the total value returned from purchase (offline conversion) conversions,28 days after viewing the ad.

not-in-native Purchases conversion value (offline) (7 D Click)

Facebook Purchase Value (Offline Conversion) 7 Days After Clicking

Based on the value you assigned when you set up the offline event, the total value returned from purchase (offline conversion) conversions,7 days after clicking the ad.

not-in-native Purchases conversion value (offline) (7 D View)

Facebook Purchase Value (Offline Conversion) 7 Days After Viewing

Based on the value you assigned when you set up the offline event, the total value returned from purchase (offline conversion) conversions,7 days after viewing the ad.

not-in-native Purchases (shared items)

Facebook Purchase with Shared Items

Breakdown of the total number of purchases that contain shared items.

not-in-native Purchases (shared items) (1 D Click)

Facebook Purchases with Shared Items 1 Days After Clicking

The number of purchase events of your product with other items, 1 day after clicking of your ad.

not-in-native Purchases (shared items) (1 D View)

Facebook Purchases with Shared Items 1 Days After Viewing

The number of purchase events of your product with other items, 1 day after viewing of your ad.

not-in-native Purchases (shared items) (7 D Click)

Facebook Purchases with Shared Items 7 Days After Clicking

The number of purchase events of your product with other items, 7 days after clicking of your ad.

not-in-native Question answers

Facebook Question Answers

The number of answers to your questions as a result of your ad.

not-in-native Question answers (conversion)

Facebook Question Answers (Conversion)

The number of answers to your questions as a result of your ad, tracked with conversions objective.

not-in-native Question answers (1 D Click)

Facebook Question Answers 1 Day After Clicking

The number of answers to your questions as a result of your ad,1 day after clicking the ad.

not-in-native Question answers (1 D View)

Facebook Question Answers 1 Day After Viewing

The number of answers to your questions as a result of your ad,1 day after viewing the ad.

not-in-native Question answers (28 D Click)

Facebook Question Answers 28 Days After Clicking

The number of answers to your questions as a result of your ad,28 days after clicking the ad.

not-in-native Question answers (28 D View)

Facebook Question Answers 28 Days After Viewing

The number of answers to your questions as a result of your ad,28 days after viewing the ad.

not-in-native Question answers (7 D Click)

Facebook Question Answers 7 Days After Clicking

The number of answers to your questions as a result of your ad,7 days after clicking the ad.

not-in-native Question answers (7 D View)

Facebook Question Answers 7 Days After Viewing

The number of answers to your questions as a result of your ad,7 days after viewing the ad.

not-in-native Follows

Facebook Question Follows

The number of follows of your questions as a result of your ad.

not-in-native Follows (conversion)

Facebook Question Follows (Conversion)

The number of follows of your questions as a result of your ad, tracked with conversions objective.

not-in-native Follows (1 D Click)

Facebook Question Follows 1 Day After Clicking

The number of follows of your questions as a result of your ad,1 day after clicking the ad.

not-in-native Follows (1 D View)

Facebook Question Follows 1 Day After Viewing

The number of follows of your questions as a result of your ad,1 day after viewing the ad.

not-in-native Follows (28 D Click)

Facebook Question Follows 28 Days After Clicking

The number of follows of your questions as a result of your ad,28 days after clicking the ad.

not-in-native Follows (28 D View)

Facebook Question Follows 28 Days After Viewing

The number of follows of your questions as a result of your ad,28 days after viewing the ad.

not-in-native Follows (7 D Click)

Facebook Question Follows 7 Days After Clicking

The number of follows of your questions as a result of your ad,7 days after clicking the ad.

not-in-native Follows (7 D View)

Facebook Question Follows 7 Days After Viewing

The number of follows of your questions as a result of your ad,7 days after viewing the ad.

Searches (website)

Facebook Search (Facebook Pixel)

The number of searches tracked by your Facebook pixel on your website after people viewed or clicked on your ad.

not-in-native Searches (website) (1 D Click)

Facebook Search (Facebook Pixel) 1 Day After Clicking

The number of searches tracked by your Facebook pixel on your website ,1 day after clicking the ad.

not-in-native Searches (website) (1 D View)

Facebook Search (Facebook Pixel) 1 Day After Viewing

The number of searches tracked by your Facebook pixel on your website ,1 day after viewing the ad.

not-in-native Searches (website) (7 D Click)

Facebook Search (Facebook Pixel) 7 Days After Clicking

The number of searches tracked by your Facebook pixel on your website ,7 days after clicking the ad.

not-in-native Searches (offline) (1 D Click)

Facebook Search (Offline Conversion) 1 Day After Clicking

The number of search events that were recorded by your offline events data and attributed to your adverts,1 day after clicking the ad.

not-in-native Searches (offline) (1 D View)

Facebook Search (Offline Conversion) 1 Day After Viewing

The number of search events that were recorded by your offline events data and attributed to your adverts,1 day after viewing the ad.

not-in-native Searches (offline) (28 D Click)

Facebook Search (Offline Conversion) 28 Days After Clicking

The number of search events that were recorded by your offline events data and attributed to your adverts,28 days after clicking the ad.

not-in-native Searches (offline) (28 D View)

Facebook Search (Offline Conversion) 28 Days After Viewing

The number of search events that were recorded by your offline events data and attributed to your adverts,28 days after viewing the ad.

not-in-native Searches (offline) (7 D Click)

Facebook Search (Offline Conversion) 7 Days After Clicking

The number of search events that were recorded by your offline events data and attributed to your adverts,7 days after clicking the ad.

not-in-native Searches (offline) (7 D View)

Facebook Search (Offline Conversion) 7 Days After Viewing

The number of search events that were recorded by your offline events data and attributed to your adverts,7 days after viewing the ad.

Searches conversion value (website)

Facebook Search Value (Facebook Pixel)

The value of searches tracked by your Facebook pixel on your website after people viewed or clicked on your ad.

not-in-native Searches conversion value (website) (1 D Click)

Facebook Search Value (Facebook Pixel) 1 Day After Clicking

The value of searches tracked by your Facebook pixel on your website ,1 day after clicking the ad.

not-in-native Searches conversion value (website) (1 D View)

Facebook Search Value (Facebook Pixel) 1 Day After Viewing

The value of searches tracked by your Facebook pixel on your website ,1 day after viewing the ad.

not-in-native Searches conversion value (website) (7 D Click)

Facebook Search Value (Facebook Pixel) 7 Days After Clicking

The value of searches tracked by your Facebook pixel on your website ,7 days after clicking the ad.

not-in-native Searches conversion value (offline) (1 D Click)

Facebook Search Value (Offline Conversion) 1 Day After Clicking

Based on the value you assigned when you set up the offline event, the total value returned from search (offline conversion) conversions,1 day after clicking the ad.

not-in-native Searches conversion value (offline) (1 D View)

Facebook Search Value (Offline Conversion) 1 Day After Viewing

Based on the value you assigned when you set up the offline event, the total value returned from search (offline conversion) conversions,1 day after viewing the ad.

not-in-native Searches conversion value (offline) (28 D Click)

Facebook Search Value (Offline Conversion) 28 Days After Clicking

Based on the value you assigned when you set up the offline event, the total value returned from search (offline conversion) conversions,28 days after clicking the ad.

not-in-native Searches conversion value (offline) (28 D View)

Facebook Search Value (Offline Conversion) 28 Days After Viewing

Based on the value you assigned when you set up the offline event, the total value returned from search (offline conversion) conversions,28 days after viewing the ad.

not-in-native Searches conversion value (offline) (7 D Click)

Facebook Search Value (Offline Conversion) 7 Days After Clicking

Based on the value you assigned when you set up the offline event, the total value returned from search (offline conversion) conversions,7 days after clicking the ad.

not-in-native Searches conversion value (offline) (7 D View)

Facebook Search Value (Offline Conversion) 7 Days After Viewing

Based on the value you assigned when you set up the offline event, the total value returned from search (offline conversion) conversions,7 days after viewing the ad.

not-in-native Social spend

Facebook Social Spend

The total amount you\'ve spent so far, when it is shown with social information on a daily basis.

not-in-native Title clicks

Facebook Title Clicks

The amount of your Facebook page title clicks as a result of your ad.

not-in-native Title clicks conversion value

Facebook Title Clicks (Conversion)

The amount of your Facebook page title clicks as a result of your ad, tracked by Conversions objective.

Unique 2-second continuous video play

Facebook Unique Continuous 2-Sec Plays

The number of people who performed a 2-second continuous video view.

Unique landing page views

Facebook Unique Landing Page Views

The number of people who caused a landing page view.

Unique outbound clicks

Facebook Unique Outbound Clicks

The number of people who performed an outbound click.

Unique outbound CTR (click-through rate)

Facebook Unique Outbound Clicks CTR

The percentage of people who saw your ad and performed an outbound click.

Unique purchases

Facebook Unique Purchases

The estimated number of people who have completed atleast one purchase as a result of your Facebook Ads.

not-in-native Unique purchases (1 D Click)

Facebook Unique Purchases 1 Day After Clicking

The estimated number of people who have completed atleast one purchase as a result of your Facebook Ads, 1 day after clicking.

not-in-native Unique purchases (1 D View)

Facebook Unique Purchases 1 Day After Viewing

The estimated number of people who have completed atleast one purchase as a result of your Facebook Ads, 1 day after viewing.

not-in-native Unique purchases (7 D Click)

Facebook Unique Purchases 7 Days After Clicking

The estimated number of people who have completed atleast one purchase as a result of your Facebook Ads, 7 days after clicking.

not-in-native Unique purchases (7 D View)

Facebook Unique Purchases 7 Days After Viewing

The estimated number of people who have completed atleast one purchase as a result of your Facebook Ads, 7 days after viewing.

not-in-native Unique post reactions

Facebook Unique Reactions

The number of unique reactions on your posts as a result of your ads.

not-in-native Reactions

Facebook Unique Reactions

The number of people who added a reaction to your ad.

not-in-native Unique unlikes

Facebook Unique Unlikes

The number of people who unliked your ad.

not-in-native Unique unlikes conversion value

Facebook Unique Unlikes (Conversion)

The number of people who unliked your ad, tracked with Conversions objective.

Unique video plays

Facebook Unique Video Plays

The number of unique times that your video started to play. This is counted for each impression of a video, and excludes replays.

Unique 2-second continuous video plays

Facebook Unique Video Views

Number of unique times your video was viewed for 2 seconds or more.

not-in-native Unique 2-second continuous video plays (1 D Click)

Facebook Unique Video Views 1 Day After Clicking

Number of unique times your video was viewed for 3 seconds or more, 1 day after clicking.

not-in-native Unique 2-second continuous video plays (1 D View)

Facebook Unique Video Views 1 Day After Viewing

Number of unique times your video was viewed for 3 seconds or more, 1 day after viewing.

not-in-native Unique 2-second continuous video plays (28 D Click)

Facebook Unique Video Views 28 Days After Clicking

Number of unique times your video was viewed for 3 seconds or more, 28 days after clicking.

not-in-native Unique 2-second continuous video plays (28 D View)

Facebook Unique Video Views 28 Days After Viewing

Number of unique times your video was viewed for 3 seconds or more, 28 days after viewing.

not-in-native Unique 2-second continuous video plays (7 D Click)

Facebook Unique Video Views 7 Days After Clicking

Number of unique times your video was viewed for 3 seconds or more, 7 days after clicking.

not-in-native Unique 2-second continuous video plays (7 D View)

Facebook Unique Video Views 7 Days After Viewing

Number of unique times your video was viewed for 3 seconds or more, 7 days after viewing.

not-in-native Unlikes

Facebook Unlikes

Total number of unlikes on your adverts.

not-in-native Unlikes conversion value

Facebook Unlikes (Conversion)

Total number of unlikes on your adverts, tracked with conversions objective.

Video plays

Facebook Video Plays (Conversion)

The number of times that your video started to play. This is counted for each impression of a video, and excludes replays.

not-in-native 3-second video plays (1 D Click)

Facebook Video Plays 1 Day After Clicking

The number of times that your video started to play, 1 day after clicking.

not-in-native 3-second video plays (1 D View)

Facebook Video Plays 1 Day After Viewing

The number of times that your video started to play, 1 day after viewing.

not-in-native 3-second video plays (28 D Click)

Facebook Video Plays 28 Days After Clicking

The number of times that your video started to play, 28 days after clicking.

not-in-native 3-second video plays (28 D View)

Facebook Video Plays 28 Days After Viewing

The number of times that your video started to play, 28 days after viewing.

not-in-native 3-second video plays (7 D Click)

Facebook Video Plays 7 Days After Clicking

The number of times that your video started to play, 7 days after clicking.

not-in-native 3-second video plays (7 D View)

Facebook Video Plays 7 Days After Viewing

The number of times that your video started to play, 7 days after viewing.

3-second video auto-plays

Facebook Video Plays By Auto Play

The number of times that your video started to play through auto play.

3-second video auto-plays (conversion)

Facebook Video Plays By Auto Play (Conversion)

The number of times that your video started to play through auto play, tracked with conversions objective.

not-in-native 3-second video auto-plays (1 D Click)

Facebook Video Plays By Auto Play 1 Day After Clicking

The number of times that your video started to play through auto play, 1 day after clicking.

not-in-native 3-second video auto-plays (1 D View)

Facebook Video Plays By Auto Play 1 Day After Viewing

The number of times that your video started to play through auto play, 1 day after viewing.

not-in-native 3-second video auto-plays (28 D Click)

Facebook Video Plays By Auto Play 28 Days After Clicking

The number of times your video was viewed for 3 seconds or more through auto play, 28 days after clicking.

not-in-native 3-second video auto-plays (28 D View)

Facebook Video Plays By Auto Play 28 Days After Viewing

The number of times that your video started to play through auto play, 28 days after viewing.

not-in-native 3-second video auto-plays (7 D Click)

Facebook Video Plays By Auto Play 7 Days After Clicking

The number of times that your video started to play through auto play, 7 days after clicking.

not-in-native 3-second video auto-plays (7 D View)

Facebook Video Plays By Auto Play 7 Days After Viewing

The number of times that your video started to play through auto play, 7 days after viewing.

not-in-native Video auto-plays at 100%

Facebook Video Plays By Auto Play to 100%

The number of times your video was viewed to 100% through auto play.

not-in-native Video auto-plays at 100% (1 D Click)

Facebook Video Plays By Auto Play to 100% 1 Day After Clicking

The number of times your video was viewed to 100% through auto play, 1 day after clicking.

not-in-native Video auto-plays at 100% (1 D View)

Facebook Video Plays By Auto Play to 100% 1 Day After Viewing

The number of times your video was viewed to 100% through auto play, 1 day after viewing.

not-in-native Video auto-plays at 100% (28 D Click)

Facebook Video Plays By Auto Play to 100% 28 Days After Clicking

The number of times your video was viewed to 100% through auto play, 28 days after clicking.

not-in-native Video auto-plays at 100% (28 D View)

Facebook Video Plays By Auto Play to 100% 28 Days After Viewing

The number of times your video was viewed to 100% through auto play, 28 days after viewing.

not-in-native Video auto-plays at 100% (7 D Click)

Facebook Video Plays By Auto Play to 100% 7 Days After Clicking

The number of times your video was viewed to 100% through auto play, 7 days after clicking.

not-in-native Video auto-plays at 100% (7 D View)

Facebook Video Plays By Auto Play to 100% 7 Days After Viewing

The number of times your video was viewed to 100% through auto play, 7 days after viewing.

not-in-native Video auto-plays at 25%

Facebook Video Plays By Auto Play to 25%

The number of times your video was viewed to 25% through auto play.

not-in-native Video auto-plays at 25% (1 D Click)

Facebook Video Plays By Auto Play to 25% 1 Day After Clicking

The number of times your video was viewed to 25% through auto play, 1 day after clicking.

not-in-native Video auto-plays at 25% (1 D View)

Facebook Video Plays By Auto Play to 25% 1 Day After Viewing

The number of times your video was viewed to 25% through auto play, 1 day after viewing.

not-in-native Video auto-plays at 25% (28 D Click)

Facebook Video Plays By Auto Play to 25% 28 Days After Clicking

The number of times your video was viewed to 25% through auto play, 28 days after clicking.

not-in-native Video auto-plays at 25% (28 D View)

Facebook Video Plays By Auto Play to 25% 28 Days After Viewing

The number of times your video was viewed to 25% through auto play, 28 days after viewing.

not-in-native Video auto-plays at 25% (7 D Click)

Facebook Video Plays By Auto Play to 25% 7 Days After Clicking

The number of times your video was viewed to 25% through auto play, 7 days after clicking.

not-in-native Video auto-plays at 25% (7 D View)

Facebook Video Plays By Auto Play to 25% 7 Days After Viewing

The number of times your video was viewed to 25% through auto play, 7 days after viewing.

not-in-native Video auto-plays at 50%

Facebook Video Plays By Auto Play to 50%

The number of times your video was viewed to 50% through auto play.

not-in-native Video auto-plays at 50% (1 D Click)

Facebook Video Plays By Auto Play to 50% 1 Day After Clicking

The number of times your video was viewed to 50% through auto play, 1 day after clicking.

not-in-native Video auto-plays at 50% (1 D View)

Facebook Video Plays By Auto Play to 50% 1 Day After Viewing

The number of times your video was viewed to 50% through auto play, 1 day after viewing.

not-in-native Video auto-plays at 50% (28 D Click)

Facebook Video Plays By Auto Play to 50% 28 Days After Clicking

The number of times your video was viewed to 50% through auto play, 28 days after clicking.

not-in-native Video auto-plays at 50% (28 D View)

Facebook Video Plays By Auto Play to 50% 28 Days After Viewing

The number of times your video was viewed to 50% through auto play, 28 days after viewing.

not-in-native Video auto-plays at 50% (7 D Click)

Facebook Video Plays By Auto Play to 50% 7 Days After Clicking

The number of times your video was viewed to 50% through auto play, 7 days after clicking.

not-in-native Video auto-plays at 50% (7 D View)

Facebook Video Plays By Auto Play to 50% 7 Days After Viewing

The number of times your video was viewed to 50% through auto play, 7 days after viewing.

not-in-native Video auto-plays at 75%

Facebook Video Plays By Auto Play to 75%

The number of times your video was viewed to 75% through auto play.

not-in-native Video auto-plays at 75% (1 D Click)

Facebook Video Plays By Auto Play to 75% 1 Day After Clicking

The number of times your video was viewed to 75% through auto play, 1 day after clicking.

not-in-native Video auto-plays at 75% (1 D View)

Facebook Video Plays By Auto Play to 75% 1 Day After Viewing

The number of times your video was viewed to 75% through auto play, 1 day after viewing.

not-in-native Video auto-plays at 75% (28 D Click)

Facebook Video Plays By Auto Play to 75% 28 Days After Clicking

The number of times your video was viewed to 75% through auto play, 28 days after clicking.

not-in-native Video auto-plays at 75% (28 D View)

Facebook Video Plays By Auto Play to 75% 28 Days After Viewing

The number of times your video was viewed to 75% through auto play, 28 days after viewing.

not-in-native Video auto-plays at 75% (7 D Click)

Facebook Video Plays By Auto Play to 75% 7 Days After Clicking

The number of times your video was viewed to 75% through auto play, 7 days after clicking.

not-in-native Video auto-plays at 75% (7 D View)

Facebook Video Plays By Auto Play to 75% 7 Days After Viewing

The number of times your video was viewed to 75% through auto play, 7 days after viewing.

not-in-native Video auto-plays at 95%

Facebook Video Plays By Auto Play to 95%

The number of times your video was viewed to 95% through auto play.

not-in-native Video auto-plays at 95% (1 D Click)

Facebook Video Plays By Auto Play to 95% 1 Day After Clicking

The number of times your video was viewed to 95% through auto play, 1 day after clicking.

not-in-native Video auto-plays at 95% (1 D View)

Facebook Video Plays By Auto Play to 95% 1 Day After Viewing

The number of times your video was viewed to 95% through auto play, 1 day after viewing.

not-in-native Video auto-plays at 95% (28 D Click)

Facebook Video Plays By Auto Play to 95% 28 Days After Clicking

The number of times your video was viewed to 95% through auto play, 28 days after clicking.

not-in-native Video auto-plays at 95% (28 D View)

Facebook Video Plays By Auto Play to 95% 28 Days After Viewing

The number of times your video was viewed to 95% through auto play, 28 days after viewing.

not-in-native Video auto-plays at 95% (7 D Click)

Facebook Video Plays By Auto Play to 95% 7 Days After Clicking

The number of times your video was viewed to 95% through auto play, 7 days after clicking.

not-in-native Video auto-plays at 95% (7 D View)

Facebook Video Plays By Auto Play to 95% 7 Days After Viewing

The number of times your video was viewed to 95% through auto play, 7 days after viewing.

Video total click-plays

Facebook Video Plays By Click To Play

The number of times your video was viewed after clicking to play.

Video total click-plays (conversion)

Facebook Video Plays By Click To Play (Conversion)

The number of times your video was viewed after clicking to play, tracked with conversions objective

not-in-native Video total click-plays (1 D Click)

Facebook Video Plays By Click To Play 1 Day After Clicking

The number of times your video was viewed after clicking to play, 1 day after clicking.

not-in-native Video total click-plays (1 D View)

Facebook Video Plays By Click To Play 1 Day After Viewing

The number of times your video was viewed after clicking to play, 1 day after viewing.

not-in-native Video total click-plays (28 D Click)

Facebook Video Plays By Click To Play 28 Days After Clicking

The number of times your video was viewed after clicking to play, 28 days after clicking.

not-in-native Video total click-plays (28 D View)

Facebook Video Plays By Click To Play 28 Days After Viewing

The number of times your video was viewed after clicking to play, 28 days after viewing.

not-in-native Video total click-plays (7 D Click)

Facebook Video Plays By Click To Play 7 Days After Clicking

The number of times your video was viewed after clicking to play, 7 days after clicking.

not-in-native Video total click-plays (7 D View)

Facebook Video Plays By Click To Play 7 Days After Viewing

The number of times your video was viewed after clicking to play, 7 days after viewing.

Video click-plays at 100%

Facebook Video Plays By Click To Play to 100%

The number of times your video was viewed to 100% after clicking to play.

not-in-native Video click-plays at 100% (1 D Click)

Facebook Video Plays By Click To Play to 100% 1 Day After Clicking

The number of times your video was viewed to 100% after clicking to play, 1 day after clicking.

not-in-native Video click-plays at 100% (1 D View)

Facebook Video Plays By Click To Play to 100% 1 Day After Viewing

The number of times your video was viewed to 100% after clicking to play, 1 day after viewing.

not-in-native Video click-plays at 100% (28 D Click)

Facebook Video Plays By Click To Play to 100% 28 Days After Clicking

The number of times your video was viewed to 100% after clicking to play, 28 days after clicking.

not-in-native Video click-plays at 100% (28 D View)

Facebook Video Plays By Click To Play to 100% 28 Days After Viewing

The number of times your video was viewed to 100% after clicking to play, 28 days after viewing.

not-in-native Video click-plays at 100% (7 D Click)

Facebook Video Plays By Click To Play to 100% 7 Days After Clicking

The number of times your video was viewed to 100% after clicking to play, 7 days after clicking.

not-in-native Video click-plays at 100% (7 D View)

Facebook Video Plays By Click To Play to 100% 7 Days After Viewing

The number of times your video was viewed to 100% after clicking to play, 7 days after viewing.

Video click-plays at 25%

Facebook Video Plays By Click To Play to 25%

The number of times your video was viewed to 25% after clicking to play.

not-in-native Video click-plays at 25% (1 D Click)

Facebook Video Plays By Click To Play to 25% 1 Day After Clicking

The number of times your video was viewed to 25% after clicking to play, 1 day after clicking.

not-in-native Video click-plays at 25% (1 D View)

Facebook Video Plays By Click To Play to 25% 1 Day After Viewing

The number of times your video was viewed to 25% after clicking to play, 1 day after viewing.

not-in-native Video click-plays at 25% (28 D Click)

Facebook Video Plays By Click To Play to 25% 28 Days After Clicking

The number of times your video was viewed to 25% after clicking to play, 28 days after clicking.

not-in-native Video click-plays at 25% (28 D View)

Facebook Video Plays By Click To Play to 25% 28 Days After Viewing

The number of times your video was viewed to 25% after clicking to play, 28 days after viewing.

not-in-native Video click-plays at 25% (7 D Click)

Facebook Video Plays By Click To Play to 25% 7 Days After Clicking

The number of times your video was viewed to 25% after clicking to play, 7 days after clicking.

not-in-native Video click-plays at 25% (7 D View)

Facebook Video Plays By Click To Play to 25% 7 Days After Viewing

The number of times your video was viewed to 25% after clicking to play, 7 days after viewing.

Video click-plays at 50%

Facebook Video Plays By Click To Play to 50%

The number of times your video was viewed to 50% after clicking to play.

not-in-native Video click-plays at 50% (1 D Click)

Facebook Video Plays By Click To Play to 50% 1 Day After Clicking

The number of times your video was viewed to 50% after clicking to play, 1 day after clicking.

not-in-native Video click-plays at 50% (1 D View)

Facebook Video Plays By Click To Play to 50% 1 Day After Viewing

The number of times your video was viewed to 50% after clicking to play, 1 day after viewing.

not-in-native Video click-plays at 50% (28 D Click)

Facebook Video Plays By Click To Play to 50% 28 Days After Clicking

The number of times your video was viewed to 50% after clicking to play, 28 days after clicking.

not-in-native Video click-plays at 50% (28 D View)

Facebook Video Plays By Click To Play to 50% 28 Days After Viewing

The number of times your video was viewed to 50% after clicking to play, 28 days after viewing.

not-in-native Video click-plays at 50% (7 D Click)

Facebook Video Plays By Click To Play to 50% 7 Days After Clicking

The number of times your video was viewed to 50% after clicking to play, 7 days after clicking.

not-in-native Video click-plays at 50% (7 D View)

Facebook Video Plays By Click To Play to 50% 7 Days After Viewing

The number of times your video was viewed to 50% after clicking to play, 7 days after viewing.

Video click-plays at 75%

Facebook Video Plays By Click To Play to 75%

The number of times your video was viewed to 75% after clicking to play.

not-in-native Video click-plays at 75% (1 D Click)

Facebook Video Plays By Click To Play to 75% 1 Day After Clicking

The number of times your video was viewed to 75% after clicking to play, 1 day after clicking.

not-in-native Video click-plays at 75% (1 D View)

Facebook Video Plays By Click To Play to 75% 1 Day After Viewing

The number of times your video was viewed to 75% after clicking to play, 1 day after viewing.

not-in-native Video click-plays at 75% (28 D Click)

Facebook Video Plays By Click To Play to 75% 28 Days After Clicking

The number of times your video was viewed to 75% after clicking to play, 28 days after clicking.

not-in-native Video click-plays at 75% (28 D View)

Facebook Video Plays By Click To Play to 75% 28 Days After Viewing

The number of times your video was viewed to 75% after clicking to play, 28 days after viewing.

not-in-native Video click-plays at 75% (7 D Click)

Facebook Video Plays By Click To Play to 75% 7 Days After Clicking

The number of times your video was viewed to 75% after clicking to play, 7 days after clicking.

not-in-native Video click-plays at 75% (7 D View)

Facebook Video Plays By Click To Play to 75% 7 Days After Viewing

The number of times your video was viewed to 75% after clicking to play, 7 days after viewing.

Video click-plays at 95%

Facebook Video Plays By Click To Play to 95%

The number of times your video was viewed to 95% after clicking to play.

not-in-native Video click-plays at 95% (1 D Click)

Facebook Video Plays By Click To Play to 95% 1 Day After Clicking

The number of times your video was viewed to 95% after clicking to play, 1 day after clicking.

not-in-native Video click-plays at 95% (1 D View)

Facebook Video Plays By Click To Play to 95% 1 Day After Viewing

The number of times your video was viewed to 95% after clicking to play, 1 day after viewing.

not-in-native Video click-plays at 95% (28 D Click)

Facebook Video Plays By Click To Play to 95% 28 Days After Clicking

The number of times your video was viewed to 95% after clicking to play, 28 days after clicking.

not-in-native Video click-plays at 95% (28 D View)

Facebook Video Plays By Click To Play to 95% 28 Days After Viewing

The number of times your video was viewed to 95% after clicking to play, 28 days after viewing.

not-in-native Video click-plays at 95% (7 D Click)

Facebook Video Plays By Click To Play to 95% 7 Days After Clicking

The number of times your video was viewed to 95% after clicking to play, 7 days after clicking.

not-in-native Video click-plays at 95% (7 D View)

Facebook Video Plays By Click To Play to 95% 7 Days After Viewing

The number of times your video was viewed to 95% after clicking to play, 7 days after viewing.

Video click-plays at 100%

Facebook Video Plays to 100% (Conversion)

The number of times your video was viewed to 100%, tracked with conversions objective

not-in-native Video click-plays at 100% (1 D Click)

Facebook Video Plays to 100% 1 Day After Clicking

The number of times your video was viewed to 100%, 1 day after clicking.

not-in-native Video click-plays at 100% (1 D View)

Facebook Video Plays to 100% 1 Day After Viewing

The number of times your video was viewed to 100%, 1 day after viewing.

not-in-native Video click-plays at 100% (28 D Click)

Facebook Video Plays to 100% 28 Days After Clicking

The number of times your video was viewed to 100%, 28 days after clicking.

not-in-native Video click-plays at 100% (28 D View)

Facebook Video Plays to 100% 28 Days After Viewing

The number of times your video was viewed to 100%, 28 days after viewing.

not-in-native Video click-plays at 100% (7 D Click)

Facebook Video Plays to 100% 7 Days After Clicking

The number of times your video was viewed to 100%, 7 days after clicking.

not-in-native Video click-plays at 100% (7 D View)

Facebook Video Plays to 100% 7 Days After Viewing

The number of times your video was viewed to 100%, 7 days after viewing.

Video total-plays at 25%

Facebook Video Plays to 25% (Conversion)

The number of times your video was viewed to 25%, tracked with Conversions objective.

not-in-native Video total-plays at 25% (1 D Click)

Facebook Video Plays to 25% 1 Day After Clicking

The number of times your video was viewed to 25%, 1 day after clicking.

not-in-native Video total-plays at 25% (1 D View)

Facebook Video Plays to 25% 1 Day After Viewing

The number of times your video was viewed to 25%, 1 day after viewing.

not-in-native Video total-plays at 25% (28 D Click)

Facebook Video Plays to 25% 28 Days After Clicking

The number of times your video was viewed to 25%, 28 days after clicking.

not-in-native Video total-plays at 25% (28 D View)

Facebook Video Plays to 25% 28 Days After Viewing

The number of times your video was viewed to 25%, 28 days after viewing.

not-in-native Video total-plays at 25% (7 D Click)

Facebook Video Plays to 25% 7 Days After Clicking

The number of times your video was viewed to 25%, 7 days after clicking.

not-in-native Video total-plays at 25% (7 D View)

Facebook Video Plays to 25% 7 Days After Viewing

The number of times your video was viewed to 25%, 7 days after viewing.

Video total-plays at 50%

Facebook Video Plays to 50% (Conversion)

The number of times your video was viewed to 50%, tracked with conversions objective

not-in-native Video total-plays at 50% (1 D Click)

Facebook Video Plays to 50% 1 Day After Clicking

The number of times your video was viewed to 50%, 1 day after clicking.

not-in-native Video total-plays at 50% (1 D View)

Facebook Video Plays to 50% 1 Day After Viewing

The number of times your video was viewed to 50%, 1 day after viewing.

not-in-native Video total-plays at 50% (28 D Click)

Facebook Video Plays to 50% 28 Days After Clicking

The number of times your video was viewed to 50%, 28 days after clicking.

not-in-native Video total-plays at 50% (28 D View)

Facebook Video Plays to 50% 28 Days After Viewing

The number of times your video was viewed to 50%, 28 days after viewing.

not-in-native Video total-plays at 50% (7 D Click)

Facebook Video Plays to 50% 7 Days After Clicking

The number of times your video was viewed to 50%, 7 days after clicking.

not-in-native Video total-plays at 50% (7 D View)

Facebook Video Plays to 50% 7 Days After Viewing

The number of times your video was viewed to 50%, 7 days after viewing.

Video total-plays at 75%

Facebook Video Plays to 75% (Conversion)

The number of times your video was viewed to 75%,tracked with Conversions objective.

not-in-native Video total-plays at 75% (1 D Click)

Facebook Video Plays to 75% 1 Day After Clicking

The number of times your video was viewed to 75%, 1 day after clicking.

not-in-native Video total-plays at 75% (1 D View)

Facebook Video Plays to 75% 1 Day After Viewing

The number of times your video was viewed to 75%, 1 day after viewing.

not-in-native Video total-plays at 75% (28 D Click)

Facebook Video Plays to 75% 28 Days After Clicking

The number of times your video was viewed to 75%, 28 days after clicking.

not-in-native Video total-plays at 75% (28 D View)

Facebook Video Plays to 75% 28 Days After Viewing

The number of times your video was viewed to 75%, 28 days after viewing.

not-in-native Video total-plays at 75% (7 D Click)

Facebook Video Plays to 75% 7 Days After Clicking

The number of times your video was viewed to 75%, 7 days after clicking.

not-in-native Video total-plays at 75% (7 D View)

Facebook Video Plays to 75% 7 Days After Viewing

The number of times your video was viewed to 75%, 7 days after viewing.

Video total-plays at 95%

Facebook Video Plays to 95% (Conversion)

The number of times your video was viewed to 95%,tracked with Conversions objective.

not-in-native Video total-plays at 95% (1 D Click)

Facebook Video Plays to 95% 1 Day After Clicking

The number of times your video was viewed to 95%, 1 day after clicking.

not-in-native Video total-plays at 95% (1 D View)

Facebook Video Plays to 95% 1 Day After Viewing

The number of times your video was viewed to 95%, 1 day after viewing.

not-in-native Video total-plays at 95% (28 D Click)

Facebook Video Plays to 95% 28 Days After Clicking

The number of times your video was viewed to 95%, 28 days after clicking.

not-in-native Video total-plays at 95% (28 D View)

Facebook Video Plays to 95% 28 Days After Viewing

The number of times your video was viewed to 95%, 28 days after viewing.

not-in-native Video total-plays at 95% (7 D Click)

Facebook Video Plays to 95% 7 Days After Clicking

The number of times your video was viewed to 95%, 7 days after clicking.

not-in-native Video total-plays at 95% (7 D View)

Facebook Video Plays to 95% 7 Days After Viewing

The number of times your video was viewed to 95%, 7 days after viewing.

not-in-native Video thru-plays (1 D Click)

Facebook Video Thru Plays 1 Day After Clicking

The number of times your video was played to completion, or for at least 15 seconds, one day after clicking.

not-in-native Video thru-plays (1 D View)

Facebook Video Thru Plays 1 Day After Viewing

The number of times your video was played to completion, or for at least 15 seconds, one day after viewing.

not-in-native Video thru-plays (28 D Click)

Facebook Video Thru Plays 28 Days After Clicking

The number of times your video was played to completion, or for at least 15 seconds, twenty-eight days after clicking.

not-in-native Video thru-plays (28 D View)

Facebook Video Thru Plays 28 Days After Viewing

The number of times your video was played to completion, or for at least 15 seconds, twenty-eight days after viewing.

not-in-native Video thru-plays (7 D Click)

Facebook Video Thru Plays 7 Days After Clicking

The number of times your video was played to completion, or for at least 15 seconds, seven days after clicking.

not-in-native Video thru-plays (7 D View)

Facebook Video Thru Plays 7 Days After Viewing

The number of times your video was played to completion, or for at least 15 seconds, seven days after viewing.

Content views (website)

Facebook View Content (Facebook Pixel)

The number of content views tracked by your Facebook pixel on your website after people viewed or clicked on your ad.

Content views (website) (1 D Click)

Facebook View Content (Facebook Pixel) 1 Day After Clicking

The number of content views tracked by your Facebook pixel on your website ,1 day after clicking the ad.

Content views (website) (1 D View)

Facebook View Content (Facebook Pixel) 1 Day After Viewing

The number of content views tracked by your Facebook pixel on your website ,1 day after viewing the ad.

Content views (website) (7 D Click)

Facebook View Content (Facebook Pixel) 7 Days After Clicking

The number of content views tracked by your Facebook pixel on your website ,7 days after clicking the ad.

not-in-native Other conversions (offline) (1 D Click)

Facebook View Content (Offline Conversion) 1 Day After Clicking

The number of view content events that were recorded by your offline events data and attributed to your adverts,1 day after clicking the ad.

not-in-native Other conversions (offline) (1 D View)

Facebook View Content (Offline Conversion) 1 Day After Viewing

The number of view content events that were recorded by your offline events data and attributed to your adverts,1 day after viewing the ad.

not-in-native Other conversions (offline) (28 D Click)

Facebook View Content (Offline Conversion) 28 Days After Clicking

The number of view content events that were recorded by your offline events data and attributed to your adverts,28 days after clicking the ad.

not-in-native Other conversions (offline) (28 D View)

Facebook View Content (Offline Conversion) 28 Days After Viewing

The number of view content events that were recorded by your offline events data and attributed to your adverts,28 days after viewing the ad.

not-in-native Other conversions (offline) (7 D Click)

Facebook View Content (Offline Conversion) 7 Days After Clicking

The number of view content events that were recorded by your offline events data and attributed to your adverts,7 days after clicking the ad.

not-in-native Other conversions (offline) (7 D View)

Facebook View Content (Offline Conversion) 7 Days After Viewing

The number of view content events that were recorded by your offline events data and attributed to your adverts,7 days after viewing the ad.

Content views (website) conversion value

Facebook View Content Value (Facebook Pixel)

The total value of the content views tracked by your Facebook pixel on your website after people viewed or clicked on your ad. This is based on the value assigned to the content view event in your Facebook pixel code.

Content views (website) conversion value (1 D Click)

Facebook View Content Value (Facebook Pixel) 1 Day After Clicking

The total value of the content views tracked by your Facebook pixel on your website after people viewed or clicked on your ad. This is based on the value assigned to the content view event in your Facebook pixel code,1 day after clicking the ad.

Content views (website) conversion value (1 D View)

Facebook View Content Value (Facebook Pixel) 1 Day After Viewing

The total value of the content views tracked by your Facebook pixel on your website after people viewed or clicked on your ad. This is based on the value assigned to the content view event in your Facebook pixel code,1 day after viewing the ad.

Content views (website) conversion value (7 D Click)

Facebook View Content Value (Facebook Pixel) 7 Days After Clicking

The total value of the content views tracked by your Facebook pixel on your website after people viewed or clicked on your ad. This is based on the value assigned to the content view event in your Facebook pixel code,7 days after clicking the ad.

not-in-native Other conversions (offline) (1 D Click)

Facebook View Content Value (Offline Conversion) 1 Day After Clicking

The number of content view events that were recorded by your offline events data and attributed to your adverts,1 day after clicking the ad.

not-in-native Other conversions (offline) (1 D View)

Facebook View Content Value (Offline Conversion) 1 Day After Viewing

The number of content view events that were recorded by your offline events data and attributed to your adverts,1 day after viewing the ad.

not-in-native Other conversions (offline) (28 D Click)

Facebook View Content Value (Offline Conversion) 28 Days After Clicking

The number of content view events that were recorded by your offline events data and attributed to your adverts,28 days after clicking the ad.

not-in-native Other conversions (offline) (28 D View)

Facebook View Content Value (Offline Conversion) 28 Days After Viewing

The number of content view events that were recorded by your offline events data and attributed to your adverts,28 days after viewing the ad.

not-in-native Other conversions (offline) (7 D Click)

Facebook View Content Value (Offline Conversion) 7 Days After Clicking

The number of content view events that were recorded by your offline events data and attributed to your adverts,7 days after clicking the ad.

not-in-native Other conversions (offline) (7 D View)

Facebook View Content Value (Offline Conversion) 7 Days After Viewing

The number of content view events that were recorded by your offline events data and attributed to your adverts,7 days after viewing the ad.

not-in-native Leads conversion value

On-Facebook Leads (Conversion)

The total value of the Leads generated on Facebook as a result of your ads.

not-in-native Lifetime actions (app)

Paid Initiative Lifetime Facebook Mobile App Actions

The total value returned from actions that occurred in your mobile app as a result of your ad, on a lifetime basis.

not-in-native Lifetime Installs (mobile app)

Paid Initiative Lifetime Facebook Mobile App Installs

The total number of app installs as a result of your ad, on a lifetime basis.

not-in-native Lifetime App starts (mobile)

Paid Initiative Lifetime Facebook Mobile App Starts

The total number of app starts as a result of your ad, on a lifetime basis.

not-in-native Lifetime Video views

Paid Initiative Lifetime Facebook Video Views

The number of times your video was viewed for 3 seconds or more., on a lifetime basis.

not-in-native Lifetime Percentage of video viewed

Paid Initiative Lifetime Facebook Avg. % of Video Viewed

The average percentage of your video that people viewed. This is the total video watch percentage for your video divided by the total number of times your video was played., on a lifetime basis.

not-in-native Lifetime Unique actions (mobile)

Paid Initiative Lifetime Facebook Mobile App Unique Actions

The total number of people who performed any action on a mobile app as a result of your ad, on a lifetime basis.

not-in-native Lifetime Unique installs (mobile)

Paid Initiative Lifetime Facebook Mobile App Unique Installs

The total number of people who installed mobile app as a result of your ad, on a lifetime basis.

not-in-native Lifetime Unique app starts (mobile)

Paid Initiative Lifetime Facebook Mobile App Unique Starts

The total number of people who started mobile app as a result of your ad, on a lifetime basis.

not-in-native Lifetime Page engagement

Paid Initiative Lifetime Facebook Page Engagement

The total number of actions that people took on your Facebook Page and its posts, attributed to your ads., on a lifetime basis.

not-in-native Lifetime Unique page engagement

Paid Initiative Lifetime Facebook Page Unique Engagement

The total number of people that took actions on your Facebook Page and its posts, attributed to your ads., on a lifetime basis.

not-in-native Lifetime Post Comments

Paid Initiative Lifetime Facebook Post Comments

The number of comments on your adverts, on a lifetime basis.

not-in-native Lifetime Post engagement

Paid Initiative Lifetime Facebook Post Engagement

The total number of actions that people take involving your adverts, on a lifetime basis.

not-in-native Lifetime Post Likes

Paid Initiative Lifetime Facebook Post Likes

The number of likes on your ads., on a lifetime basis.

not-in-native Lifetime Post Shares

Paid Initiative Lifetime Facebook Post Shares

The number of shares of your adverts. People can share your adverts or posts on their own or friends\' Timelines, in groups and on their own Pages., on a lifetime basis.

not-in-native Lifetime Unique comments

Paid Initiative Lifetime Facebook Post Unique Comments

The total number of people who commented on your adverts, on a lifetime basis.

not-in-native Lifetime Unique post engagement

Paid Initiative Lifetime Facebook Post Unique Engagement

The total number of people who took actions involving your adverts, on a lifetime basis.

not-in-native Lifetime Unike post likes

Paid Initiative Lifetime Facebook Post Unique Likes

The total number of people who added reaction to your adverts, on a lifetime basis.

not-in-native Lifetime Unique post shares

Paid Initiative Lifetime Facebook Post Unique Shares

The total number of people who shared your adverts, on a lifetime basis.

not-in-native Lifetime Unique video views

Paid Initiative Lifetime Facebook Unique Video Views

The number of people who viewed your video for 3 seconds or more., on a lifetime basis.

not-in-native Lifetime Unique link cilcks

Paid Initiative Lifetime Facebook Website Unique Clicks

The number of people who click on an offsite link on an ad within 1 day of viewing your ad or 28 days after clicking on your ad. The number reflects the total number of people who clicked the link, even if just from your Page. It counts the total number of unique times your ad is influencing traffic to that URL., on a lifetime basis.

Unique estimated ad recall lift (people)

Estimated Ad Recall Lift (people)

An estimate of the number of additional people who may remember seeing your ads, if asked, within two days. This metric is only available for assets that are part of the Brand Awareness, Post Engagement and Video Views objectives.

CPM (Cost per 1000 impressions) (lifetime)

Facebook Paid Initiative Lifetime Cost per 1,000 People Reached

The amount spent for every 1000 People reached in the lifetime of a Paid Initiative.

not-in-native New messaging conversations (1 D Click)

New Messaging Conversations 1 Day After Clicking

The number of times people started messaging your business after at least 7 days of inactivity, attributed to your ads.

not-in-native New messaging conversations (1 D View)

New Messaging Conversations 1 Day After Viewing

The number of times people started messaging your business after at least 7 days of inactivity, attributed to your ads.

not-in-native New messaging conversations (7 D Click)

New Messaging Conversations 7 Days After Clicking

The number of times people started messaging your business after at least 7 days of inactivity, attributed to your ads.

not-in-native New messaging conversations (7 D View)

New Messaging Conversations 7 Days After Viewing

The number of times people started messaging your business after at least 7 days of inactivity, attributed to your ads.

Blocked messaging conversations

Blocked Messaging Conversations

The number of times that people blocked a messaging connection with your business, attributed to your ads.

New messaging conversations

New Messaging Conversations

The number of times people started messaging your business after at least 7 days of inactivity, attributed to your ads.

not-in-native Blocked messaging conversations (1 D Click)

Blocked Messaging Conversations 1 Day After Clicking

The number of times that people blocked a messaging connection with your business, 1 day after clicking attributed to your ads.

not-in-native Blocked messaging conversations (1 D View)

Blocked Messaging Conversations 1 Day After Viewing

The number of times that people blocked a messaging connection with your business, 1 day after viewing attributed to your ads.

not-in-native Blocked messaging conversations (7 D Click)

Blocked Messaging Conversations 7 Days After Clicking

The number of times that people blocked a messaging connection with your business, 7 days after clicking attributed to your ads.

not-in-native Blocked messaging conversations (7 D View)

Blocked Messaging Conversations 7 Days After Viewing

The number of times that people blocked a messaging connection with your business, 7 days after viewing attributed to your ads.

Estimated ad recall lift (people)

Daily Estimated Ad Recall Lift (people)

Estimated ad recall lift (people) is the estimated number of people likely to remember your ads within 2 days. It\'s the difference between the predicted recall of people who saw your ad compared to people who didn\'t see your ad.

not-in-native Estimated ad recall lift (people) (lower bound)

Daily Estimated Ad Recall Lift (people) Lower Bound

Lower bound on the difference between the predicted recall of people who saw your ad compared to people who didn\'t see your ad.

not-in-native Estimated ad recall lift (people) (upper bound)

Daily Estimated Ad Recall Lift (people) Upper Bound

Upper bound on the difference between the predicted recall of people who saw your ad compared to people who didn\'t see your ad.

Estimated ad recall lift rate (people)

Daily Estimated Ad Recall Lift Rate

Number of people who are likely to remember your ad two days after seeing it divided by the number of people you’ve reached, expressed as a percentage.

not-in-native Estimated ad recall lift rate (people) (lower bound)

Daily Estimated Ad Recall Lift Rate Lower Bound

Lower bound on the difference between the predicted recall of people who saw your ad compared to people who didn\'t see your ad.

not-in-native Estimated ad recall lift rate (people) (upper bound)

Daily Estimated Ad Recall Lift Rate Upper Bound

Upper bound on the difference between the predicted recall of people who saw your ad compared to people who didn\'t see your ad.

not-in-native Unique estimated ad recall lift (people) (lower bound)

Estimated Ad Recall Lift (people) Lower Bound

Lower bound on the difference between the predicted recall of unique people who saw your ad compared to people who didn\'t see your ad.

not-in-native Unique estimated ad recall lift (people) (upper bound)

Estimated Ad Recall Lift (people) Upper Bound

Upper bound on the difference between the predicted recall of unique people who saw your ad compared to people who didn\'t see your ad.

Unique estimated ad recall lift rate (people)

Estimated Ad Recall Lift Rate

Number of people who are likely to remember your ad two days after seeing it divided by the number of people you’ve reached, expressed as a percentage.

not-in-native Unique estimated ad recall lift rate (people) (lower bound)

Estimated Ad Recall Lift Rate Lower Bound

Lower bound on the number of people who are likely to remember your ad two days after seeing it divided by the number of people you’ve reached, expressed as a percentage.

not-in-native Unique estimated ad recall lift rate (people) (upper bound)

Estimated Ad Recall Lift Rate Upper Bound

Upper bound on the number of people who are likely to remember your ad two days after seeing it divided by the number of people you’ve reached, expressed as a percentage.

Lifetime estimated ad recall lift (people)

Lifetime Estimated Ad Recall Lift (people)

the difference between the predicted recall of people who saw your ad compared to people who didn\'t see your ad., on a lifetime basis.

not-in-native Lifetime estimated ad recall lift (people) (lower bound)

Lifetime Estimated Ad Recall Lift (people) Lower Bound

Lower bound on the difference between the predicted recall of people who saw your ad compared to people who didn\'t see your ad., on a lifetime basis.

not-in-native Lifetime estimated ad recall lift (people) (upper bound)

Lifetime Estimated Ad Recall Lift (people) Upper Bound

Upper bound on the difference between the predicted recall of people who saw your ad compared to people who didn\'t see your ad., on a lifetime basis.

Lifetime estimated ad recall lift rate (people)

Lifetime Estimated Ad Recall Lift Rate

Number of people who are likely to remember your ad two days after seeing it divided by the number of people you’ve reached, expressed as a percentag on a lifetime basis.

not-in-native Lifetime estimated ad recall lift rate (people) (lower bound)

Lifetime Estimated Ad Recall Lift Rate Lower Bound

Lower bound on the Estimated Lift(people) who will recall your advertisement in its lifetime (Estimated Value).

not-in-native Lifetime estimated ad recall lift rate (people) (upper bound)

Lifetime Estimated Ad Recall Lift Rate Upper Bound

Upper bound on the Estimated Lift(people) who will recall your advertisement in its lifetime (Estimated Value).

Instant Experience clicks to open

Facebook Canvas Clicks to Open

The number of clicks on your ad that open an Instant Experience.

Instant Experience outbound clicks

Facebook Canvas Outbound clicks

The number of clicks on links in an Instant Experience that take people off Meta technologies.


Facebook Canvas Impressions

The number of times your ads were on screen.


Facebook Canvas Reach

The number of people who saw your ads at least once. Reach is different from impressions, which may include multiple views of your ads by the same people. This metric is estimated.

Instant Experience clicks to start

Facebook Canvas Clicks to Start

The number of times that an interactive component in an Instant Experience starts.

Website purchase ROAS (return on advertising spend)

Facebook Website Purchase ROAS

The total return on ad spend (ROAS) from website purchases. This is based on the value of all conversions recorded by the Meta pixel or Conversions API on your website and attributed to your ads.

Mobile app purchase ROAS (return on advertising spend)

Facebook Mobile App Purchase ROAS

The total return on advertising spend (ROAS) from mobile app purchases. This is based on the value that you assigned when you set up the app event.

Content Views

Facebook Content Views with Shared Items

The number of view content events that contain at least one shared item, attributed to your ads, based on information from one or more of this partner's connected Facebook Business tools.

Offline contacts

Facebook Conversions Contact Offline

The number of contact events that occurred offline and are attributed to your ads, based on information received from your offline event set.


Facebook Conversions Contact Total

The number of contact events attributed to your ads, based on information received from one or more of your connected Meta Business Tools.

Website contacts

Facebook Conversions Contact Website

The number of contact events that occurred on your website and are attributed to your ads, based on information received from your Meta pixel or Conversions API.

Offline products customised

Facebook Conversions Customize Product Offline

The number of customise product events that occurred offline and are attributed to your ads, based on information received from your offline event set.

Products customised

Facebook Conversions Customize Product Total

The number of customise product events attributed to your ads, based on information received from one or more of your connected Meta Business Tools.

Website products customised

Facebook Conversions Customize Product Website

The number of customise product events that occurred on your website and are attributed to your ads, based on information received from your Meta pixel or Conversions API.

Offline donations

Facebook Conversions Donate Offline

The number of donate events that occurred offline and are attributed to your ads, based on information received from your offline event set.


Facebook Conversions Donate Total

The number of donate events attributed to your ads, based on information received from one or more of your connected Meta Business Tools.

Website donations

Facebook Conversions Donate Web

The number of donate events that occurred on your website and are attributed to your ads, based on information received from your Meta pixel or Conversions API.

Offline location searches

Facebook Conversions Find Location Offline

The number of find location events that occurred offline and are attributed to your ads, based on information received from your offline event set.

Location searches

Facebook Conversions Find Location Total

The number of find location events attributed to your ads, based on information received from one or more of your connected Meta Business Tools.

Website location searches

Facebook Conversions Find Location Web

The number of find location events that occurred on your website and are attributed to your ads, based on information received from your Meta pixel or Conversions API.

Offline appointments scheduled

Facebook Conversions Schedule Offline

The number of schedule events that occurred offline and are attributed to your ads, based on information received from your offline event set.

Appointments scheduled

Facebook Conversions Schedule Total

The number of schedule events attributed to your ads, based on information received from one or more of your connected Meta Business Tools

Website appointments scheduled

Facebook Conversions Schedule Web

The number of schedule events that occurred on your website and are attributed to your ads, based on information received from your Meta pixel or Conversions API.

Offline applications submitted

Facebook Conversions Submit Application Offline

The number of submit application events that occurred offline and are attributed to your ads, based on information received from your offline event set.

Applications submitted

Facebook Conversions Submit Application Total

The number of submit application events attributed to your ads, based on information received from one or more of your connected Meta Business Tools.

Website applications submitted

Facebook Conversions Submit Application Web

The number of submit application events that occurred on your website and are attributed to your ads, based on information received from your Meta pixel or Conversions API.

Offline trials started

Facebook Conversions Start Trial Offline

The number of start trial events that occurred offline and are attributed to your ads, based on information received from your offline event set.

Trials started

Facebook Conversions Start Trial Total

The number of start trial events attributed to your ads, based on information received from one or more of your connected Meta Business Tools.

Website trials started

Facebook Conversions Start Trial Web

The number of start trial events that occurred on your website and are attributed to your ads, based on information received from your Meta pixel or Conversions API.

App activiations

Facebook Mobile App Activations

The number of times that your app was activated attributed to your ads, based on information received from one or more of your connected Meta Business Tools.

In-app ad clicks

Facebook Mobile In-App Ad click

The number of in-app ad click events that occurred on your mobile app and are attributed to your ads, based on information received from your Facebook SDK.

In-app ad impressions

Facebook Mobile In-App Ad impression

The number of in-app ad impression events that occurred on your mobile app and are attributed to your ads, based on information received from your Facebook SDK.

Mobile app tutorials completed

Facebook Conversions Complete Tutorial Mobile App

The number of tutorials completed in your mobile app that were recorded as app events and attributed to your adverts.

Mobile app contact

Facebook Conversions Contact Mobile App

The number of contact events that occurred in your mobile app and are attributed to your ads, based on information received from your Facebook SDK.

Mobile app products customised

Facebook Conversions Customize Product Mobile App

The number of customise product events that occurred on your mobile app and are attributed to your ads, based on information received from your Facebook SDK.

Mobile app donations

Facebook Conversions Donate Mobile App

The number of donate events that occurred on your mobile app and are attributed to your ads, based on information received from your Facebook SDK.

Mobile app find location conversion value

Facebook Conversions Find Location Mobile App

The total value of find location conversions that occurred on your mobile app.

Mobile app appointments scheduled

Facebook Conversions Schedule Mobile App

The number of schedule events that occurred on your mobile app and are attributed to your ads, based on information received from your Facebook SDK.

Mobile app applications submitted

Facebook Conversions Submit Application Mobile App

The number of submit application events that occurred on your mobile app and are attributed to your ads, based on information received from your Facebook SDK.

Mobile app subscriptions

Facebook Conversions Subscribe Mobile App

The number of subscribe events that occurred on your mobile app and are attributed to your ads, based on information received from your Facebook SDK.