Facebook Daily & Lifetime Reach Metrics


You can report on Reach/Frequency metrics for your Facebook Ads based on various use cases. In this article, we are providing you the metrics along with the examples/details about the use cases they serve.

To gain unique data insights in Ads Reporting, you need to Add a Widget in Reporting Dashboard.

Use Case & Limitations
How to Use (Hover to Zoom)

Daily Reach

It reflects the number of unique people reached each day. If you are using this metric without using the Date dimension, the sum across days will not be unique. So it is advised to use Date dimension while using this metric.


  • Jan 1st: 4000 unique people reached

  • Jan 2nd: 3000 unique people reached

Let's say, 1000 people across the 2 days are the same if the time range selected is Jan 1st-2nd and the value depicted by the metric Daily reach = 7000 (4000+3000).

Actual unique people reached across 2 days = 6000 (because 1000 people are the same).

Calculating Day Wise Reach

Paid Initiative Lifetime Reach

It reflects the number of unique people reached via a paid initiative. If you are using this metric without using the Paid Initiative dimension, the sum across Paid Initiatives will not be unique. It is important to add the ad end date in the date range.


  • Paid Initiative A (ran 1st - 5th Jan): 4000 unique people reached

  • Paid Initiative B (ran 2nd - 8th Jan): 3000 unique people reached

It is advised to filter on any one Paid Initiative or use the Paid Initiative dimension. Use the time range more than 1st - 5th Jan when reporting on Paid Initiative A.

Analyzing Paid Initiative Wise Reach

Ad Set Lifetime Reach

The behavior of this metric is similar to the Paid Initiative Lifetime Reach metric at the ad set level. It is important to add the ad end date in the date range.

Analyzing Ad Set Wise Reach

Ad Variant Lifetime Reach

The behavior of this metric is similar to the Paid Initiative Lifetime Reach metric at the ad variant level.

Note that the Ad Variant Lifetime Reach metric is mapped only to Facebook, and it would not be possible to separately view the metric for Instagram posts. It is important to add the ad end date in the date range.

Ad Variant Wise Reach Data


Unlike the above metrics, this metric lets you report unique reach across Dates/Paid Initiatives. These metrics require a unique metric configuration for the ad-account for which you wish to view unique reach for the whole account/ across Paid Initiatives/Ads.

If you want to Configure and Use these metrics, see, Configure Facebook Advertising Unique Metrics.

Analysing Data on Account Reach