Facebook & Instagram Ads Reporting Dimensions


Leverage this detailed list of all Facebook and Instagram dimensions available in Sprinklr's Ads Reporting to gain more insight into your Facebook and Instagram Ads. Given below is a list of all Facebook and Instagram dimensions, along with their descriptions.

Dimension Name

Sprinklr Dimension Name

Dimension Description



Breakdown of Data by Date.

Media Type

Media Type

Breakdown of Data by Media Type.


Day Of Week

Breakdown of Data by Day of the Week.


Facebook Age

The age ranges used in targeting for your ad set.


Facebook Gender

Breakdown of Data by Gender of the user.


Paid Initiative

Breakdown of Data by Paid Initiative.

Ad post

Ad Post

Breakdown of Data by your Ad Post.


Facebook Country

The countries where the people you've reached are located.


Facebook Device

The type of device, such as "Desktop," “Connected TV,” "Smartphone," and "Tablet."

Publisher Platform

Facebook Publisher Platform

Which platform your ad was shown on, for example, Facebook, Instagram, or Audience Network.

Platform Position

Facebook Position

Where your ad was shown within a platform, for example, on Facebook desktop Feed or Instagram Mobile Feed.

Ad Set

Ad Set

Breakdown of Data by Ad Set.

Month Of Year

Month Of Year

Breakdown of Data by Month Of Year.



Title of your Ad/Ad Variant/Campaign.

Ad Objective

Ad Objective

The objective that you selected for your campaign.

Paid Initiative Status

Paid Initiative Status

Status of the campaign.



The text displayed in the body of your ad.

Ad Account

Ad Account

Breakdown data by Account.

Time of Day

Time of Day (Ad Account Time Zone)

Each hour of the day, represented by 1 to 24.

Call To Action

Call To Action

View your data by call to action. These values are estimated. For offsite conversion metrics, this breakdown is in development.


Facebook Region

The regions where the people you've reached are located.

Impression Device

Impression Device

View your data by the devices that people were using when they saw your ads. These values are estimated.

Ad Set Name

Ad Variant Name

Breakdown of Data by Ad Name.

Ad group

Ad Account Group

Breakdown of Data by Account Group.

Image, Video and slideshow

Facebook Dynamic Creative Image

The ID of the image asset involved in impression, click or action.

Call to action

Facebook Dynamic Creative Call to Action

The ID of the call to action asset involved in impression, click, or action.


Facebook Dynamic Creative Description

The ID of the description asset involved in impression, click or action.

Website URL

Facebook Dynamic Creative Website Url

View your data by website URL.


Conversion Metric

Number of actions as a result of your ads.

Ad Variant ID

Ad Variant Id

Breakdown by ID of your Ad Variant.

Ad Set Status

Breakdown by Ad Set Run Status.

Ad Status

Ad Variant Status

Breakdown data by Google Ad Status.

Product ID


The ID and name of the product involved in impression, click, or action.

Buying type

Ad Buying Type

The method by which you pay for and target ads in your campaigns: through dynamic auction bidding, fixed-price bidding or reach and frequency buying. This field is currently only visible at the campaign level.

Ad post id

Ad Post Id

Breakdown of Data by Post ID.

Published Date

Published Date

Date Ad was published.

Ad Account Id

Ad Account Id

ID of the account through which ad is published.

Media Type

Ad Media Type

View your data by the type of media in your ad. Media can include image, video or both image and video.

Campaign Id

Ad Post Campaign Id

This shows the breakdown of results by campaign ID.

Ad Set Id

Ad Set Id

This shows the breakdown of results by ad set ID.


Designated Market Area

DMA (Designated Market Area) regions are the 210 geographic areas in the United States in which local television viewing is measured by The Nielsen Company (Facebook).



View your data by the URL by people went to after clicking your ad.

Facebook Carousel Card ID

Facebook Carousel Card ID

The ID of the specific carousel card that people engaged with when they saw your ad.

Facebook Carousel Card Name

Facebook Carousel Card Name

The specific carousel card that people engaged with when they saw your ad. The cards are identified by their headlines.

Facebook Device Platforms

Facebook Device Platforms

The type of device, mobile or desktop, used by people when they viewed or clicked on an ad, as shown in ads reporting.


Facebook Dynamic Creative Headline

View your data by Headline.

Image, Video and slideshow

Facebook Dynamic Creative Video

The ID of the video asset involved in impression, click or action.

Ad Name

Ad Name

This shows the breakdown of results by ad name.

Campaign ID

Paid Initiative Id

This shows the breakdown of results by campaign ID.



The number of purchase events tracked by the pixel or Conversions API on your website and attributed to your ads.

Tracking Pixel

Tracking Pixel

Track user behavior, site conversions, web traffic, and other metrics at Ad Variant level.

Instagram Page

Instagram Page

The Instagram Page associated with the Ad Variant.

Product Set

Product Set