Google Analytics Ads Reporting Metrics & Dimensions


Once your Google Analytics profile is integrated, you'll be able to view analytics data alongside social data in Reporting Insights and Ads Reporting. The following metrics are available and can be used to build widgets in custom dashboards.

Select Measurement
All Goal Values

The total numeric value for all goals defined in the profile.

New Users

The number of sessions marked as a user's first sessions.

All Goal Starts

The total number of starts for all goals defined in the profile.

Daily Users

The total number of daily active users for the requested time period.


The total number of sessions.

Page Views

The total number of page views for the property.

Time On Page

Time (in seconds) users spent on a particular page, calculated by subtracting the initial view time for a particular page from the initial view time for a subsequent page. This metric does not apply to exit pages of the property.

Single Page Session Percentage

The percentage of a single session.


The number of entrances to the property measured as the first-page view in a session and typically used with the landing page path.

Transaction Revenue

The total sale revenue (excluding shipping and tax) of the transaction.

Entrance Rate

The percentage of page views in which this page was the entrance.

Page Value

The average value of this page or set of pages, which is equal to (Transaction Revenue + All Goal Values) / Unique Page Views.

Exit Rate

The percentage of exits from the property that occurred out of the total page views.

Organic Searches

The number of organic searches happened in a session. This metric is search engine agnostic.

Unique Page Views

Unique Page Views is the number of sessions during which the specified page was viewed at least once. A unique page view is counted for each page URL + page title combination.

Item Quantity

The total number of items purchased. For example, if users purchase 2 frisbees and 5 tennis balls, this will be 7.

Goal Value Per Session

The average goal value of a session.

Average Time On Page

The average time users spent viewing this page or a set of pages.


The total number of transactions.

Session Duration

Total duration (in seconds) of users' sessions.

Average Session Duration

The average duration (in seconds) of users' sessions.

All Goal Completions

The total number of completions for all goals defined in the profile.


The number of exits from the property.

Single Page Session

A single session can contain multiple page views, events, social interactions, and e-commerce transactions.

Pages Per Session

The average number of pages viewed during a session, including repeated views of a single page.

% of New Sessions

The percentage of sessions by users who had never visited the page before.

Page Load Time

Total time (in milliseconds), from pageview initiation (e.g., a click on a page link) to page load completion in the browser, the pages in the sample take to load.

Sessions Per User

The total number of sessions divided by the total number of users.

Average Page Load Time in Sec

The average time (in seconds) pages from the sample set take to load, from initiation of the pageview (e.g., a click on a page link) to load completion in the browser.

Server Connection Time (ms)

Total time (in milliseconds) spent by the samples in establishing a TCP connection to this page.

Average Server Connection Time (sec)

The average time (in seconds) spent in establishing a TCP connection to this page.

Page Download Time (ms)
The total time (in milliseconds) to download this page among all samples.
Average Page Download Time (sec)

The average time (in seconds) to download a page.

Select Paid Measurement
Ad GA Page Views

The total number of page views for the property.

Ad GA Unique Page Views

Unique Page Views are the number of sessions during which the specified page was viewed at least once. A unique page view is counted for each page URL + page title combination.

Ad GA Page Views Per Session

The average number of pages viewed during a session, including repeated views of a single page.

Ad GA Entrances

The number of entrances to the property measured as the first-page view in a session and typically used with the landing page path.

Ad GA Entrance Rate

The percentage of page views in which this page was the entrance.

Ad GA Time On Page

Time (in seconds) users spent on a particular page, calculated by subtracting the initial view time for a particular page from the initial view time for a subsequent page. This metric does not apply to exit pages of the property

Ad GA Average Time On Page

The average time users spent viewing this page or a set of pages.

Ad GA Exits

The number of exits from the property.

Ad GA Exit Rate

The percentage of exits from the property that occurred out of the total page views.

Ad GA All Goal Values

The total numeric value for all goals defined in the profile.

Ad GA All Goal Abandons

The overall number of times users started goals without actually completing them.

Ad GA All Goal Conversion Rate

The percentage of sessions which resulted in a conversion to at least one of the goals.

Ad GA All Goal Completions

The total number of completions for all goals defined in the profile.

Ad GA All Goal Abandon Rate

The goal abandonment rate.

Ad GA All Goal Starts

The total number of starts for all goals defined in the profile.

Ad GA Goal Value Per Session

The average goal value of a session.

Ad GA Users

The total number of users for the requested time period.

Ad GA New Users

The number of sessions marked as a user's first sessions.

Ad GA Sessions

The total number of sessions.

Ad GA Average Session Duration

The average duration (in seconds) of users' sessions.

Ad GA Session Duration

The total duration (in seconds) of users' sessions.

Ad GA New Session Percentage

The percentage of sessions by users who had never visited the property before.

Ad GA Single Page Session

A single session can contain multiple page views, events, social interactions, and e-commerce transactions.

Ad GA Single Page Session Percentage

The percentage of a single session.


The number of organic searches that took place in a session. This metric is search engine agnostic.

Ad GA Total Events

The total number of events for the profile, across all categories.

Ad GA Unique Events

The number of unique events. Events in different sessions are counted as separate events.

Ad GA Event Value

The total value of events for the profile.

Ad GA Sessions with Event

The total number of sessions with events.


The total number of single page (or single interaction hit) sessions for the property.

Bounce Rate

The percentage of single-page sessions (i.e. sessions in which the person left the property from the first page).

% New Sessions

The percentage of sessions by users who had never visited the property before.

Select Paid Product Measurements

To learn more about enabling Google Analytics Ecommerce Reporting in your environment, please work with your Success Manager.

Ad GA Quantity

The total number of items purchased. For example, if users purchase 2 frisbees and 5 tennis balls, this will be 7.

Ad GA Unique Purchases

The number of product sets purchased. For example, if users purchase 2 frisbees and 5 tennis balls from the site, this will be 2.

Ad GA Product Revenue

The total revenue from purchased product items.

Ad GA Avg. Price

The average revenue per item.

Ad GA Buy-to-Detail Rate

Unique purchases divided by views of product detail pages.

Ad GA Cart-to-Detail Rate

Product adds divided by views of product details.

Ad GA Product Adds To Cart

Number of times the product was added to the shopping cart.

Ad GA Product Checkouts

Number of times the product was included in the check-out process.

Ad GA Product Detail Views

Number of times users viewed the product-detail page.

Ad GA Product List Views

Number of times the product appeared in a product list.

Ad GA Product List CTR

The rate at which users clicked through on the product in a product list.

Ad GA Product List Clicks

Number of times users clicked the product when it appeared in the product list.

Ad GA Product Removes From Cart

Number of times the product was removed from the shopping cart.

Ad GA Quantity Added To Cart

Number of product units added to the shopping cart.

Ad GA Quantity Checked Out

Number of product units included in check out.

Ad GA Quantity Removed From Cart

Number of product units removed from a shopping cart.