Google DV360 Ads Reporting Dimensions


Leverage this detailed list of all DV360 dimensions available in Sprinklr's Ads Reporting to operate the reporting dashboard better.

Below helps you to understand the DV360 Channel Dimensions, their corresponding Sprinklr Dimension Names along with their description:-

Dimension Name

Sprinklr Dimension Name

Dimension Description

Active View: Custom Metric ID

Google DV360 Active View: Custom Metric ID

Custom Metric ID

Active View: Custom Metric Name

Google DV360 Active View: Custom Metric Name

Custom Metric Name

Ad Position

Google DV360 Ad Position

Identifies where an ad was located on a screen. Values include above-the-fold, below-the-fold, and unknown.

Ad Type

Google DV360 Ad Type

The type of ad. For example, standard, in-stream video, etc.

Advertiser ID

Google DV360 Advertiser ID

The ID of an advertiser.

Advertiser Currency

Google DV360 Advertiser Currency

The currency set for the given advertiser or partner.

Advertiser Integration Code

Google DV360 Advertiser Integration Code

An external identifier entered in the Basic Details section of a given advertiser,  insertion order, line item, or creative.

Advertiser Status

Google DV360 Advertiser Status

Advertiser Status


Google DV360 Advertiser

The name of an advertiser.

Advertiser Time Zone

Google DV360 Advertiser Time Zone

Advertiser Time Zone


Google DV360 App/URL

The name of a site, or mobile app. 

App/URL Excluded

Google DV360 App/URL Excluded

App/URL Excluded

Audience List

Google DV360 Audience List

Audience List: ID (identifier)

Audience List Cost

Google DV360 Audience List Cost

Cost (cost to use the list)

Audience List Type

Google DV360 Audience List Type

Type (what source the data came from)

Billable Outcome

Google DV360 Billable Outcome

Billable Outcome

Browser ID

Google DV360 Browser ID

Browser ID

Budget Segment Budget

Google DV360 Budget Segment Budget

The budget amount set for the budget segment.

Budget Segment Description

Google DV360 Budget Segment Description

Budget Segment Description

Budget Segment End Date

Google DV360 Budget Segment End Date

The day on which the budget segment starts.

Budget Segment Pacing Percentage

Google DV360 Budget Segment Pacing Percentage

The percent of the assigned budget that is expected to be spent in the budget segment.

Budget Segment Start Date

Google DV360 Budget Segment Start Date

The day on which the budget segment starts.

Budget Type (Segment)

Google DV360 Budget Type (Segment)

The budget type, either impressions or currency, for the current segment.

Insertion Order Daily Frequency

Google DV360 Insertion Order Daily Frequency

Use this dimension to determine which frequencies are correlated with the most conversions or clicks. Optimization tip: To bid only on the most promising impressions, set your insertion order's frequency cap to the frequency where performance drops off.

ISP or Carrier ID

Google DV360 ISP or Carrier ID

The ID of an internet service provider (ISP) or wireless carrier.

ISP or Carrier

Google DV360 ISP or Carrier

Internet service provider (ISP) or wireless carrier. ISP includes wifi and wired connections based on the public IP given by the provider. Wireless carrier includes only cellular data connections.

Channel ID

Google DV360 Channel ID

Channel ID


Google DV360 Channel

A channel is a list of websites. Channels can be used to quickly target or exclude a group of related websites.

Channel Type

Google DV360 Channel Type

Channel Type

City ID

Google DV360 City ID

The ID of a specific city.


Google DV360 City

Names of cities. Use this dimension to identify geographic locations that perform well and perform poorly.

CM 360 Placement ID

Google DV360 CM 360 Placement ID

Placement ID


Google DV360 Country

Names of countries. Use this dimension to identify geographic locations that perform well and perform poorly.


Google DV360 Creative

A creative in Display & Video 360 is a placement in Campaign Manager 360. These placements should be named to identify the creative that is served.

Creative Height

Google DV360 Creative Height

Creative Height(e.g. 600, 250, 90)

Creative ID

Google DV360 Creative ID

Creative ID

Creative Integration Code

Google DV360 Creative Integration Code

An external identifier entered in the Basic Details section of a given creative.

Creative Size

Google DV360 Creative Size

Creative width (e.g. 120, 300, 728) and height (e.g. 600, 250, 90)

Creative Source

Google DV360 Creative Source

Creative Source

Creative Status

Google DV360 Creative Status

The status of a creative. This can be active or paused.

Creative Type

Google DV360 Creative Type

Creative Type

Creative Width

Google DV360 Creative Width

Creative width (e.g. 120, 300, 728)

Data Source

Google DV360 Data Source

Additional information about the source of the reporting data, to help with troubleshooting. See the measurement source dimension for more information about specific values.

Possible values with impressions and / or clicks include:

  • Measured (Google measured)

  • Provided (with the provider name)

  • Inferred (only for impressions)

Possible values with floodlight impressions (representing the source of the floodlight call) include:

  • iframe

  • image

  • OGT (Global site tag)

  • GTM (Google Tag Manager)

  • AMP (accelerated mobile pages)

  • Firebase

  • API (offline conversions API)

  • Google Play Store

  • A third party provider (the provider's name)


Google DV360 Date


Device Make ID

Google DV360 Device Make ID

The brand of mobile device, such "Acer", "Amazon", "Apple", and so on.

Device Model ID

Google DV360 Device Model ID

The brand and model of mobile device, such "Amazon Kindle Fire", "Apple iPhone", "Samsung Galaxy" and so on.

Device Type

Google DV360 Device Type

The type of device, such as "Desktop", “Connected TV”,"Smartphone",  and "Tablet".

DMA Code

Google DV360 DMA Code

DMA Code


Google DV360 DMA

Names of designated market areas (DMAs). Use this dimension to identify geographic locations that perform well.


Google DV360 Exchange

The exchange where through which the ad is served. Optimization tip: Move higher performing exchanges into unique line items and bid higher.

Exchange ID

Google DV360 Exchange ID

The ID of a specific exchange.

Floodlight Activity

Google DV360 Floodlight Activity

Floodlight Activity

Floodlight Activity ID

Google DV360 Floodlight Activity ID

The ID of a Floodlight Activity


Rejection Reason

Google DV360 Rejection Reason

Pair the Rejection Reason dimension with the Targeted Impressions metric to show the number of targeted impressions lost for a given reason.

Insertion Order ID

Google DV360 Insertion Order ID

Insertion Order ID

Insertion Order Goal Type

Google DV360 Insertion Order Goal Type

The goal type chosen for the insertion order.

Insertion Order Integration Code

Google DV360 Insertion Order Integration Code

An external identifier entered in the Basic Details section of a given advertiser,  insertion order, line item, or creative.

Insertion Order

Google DV360 Insertion Order

The name of an insertion order.

Insertion Order Status

Google DV360 Insertion Order Status

Insertion Order Status

Line Item ID

Google DV360 Line Item ID

Line Item ID

Line Item Budget

Google DV360 Line Item Budget

The budget assigned to the line item.

Line Item Daily Frequency

Google DV360 Line Item Daily Frequency

Use this dimension to determine which frequencies are correlated with the most conversions or clicks.

Line Item End Date

Google DV360 Line Item End Date

The date on which the line item will stop serving.

Line Item Integration Code

Google DV360 Line Item Integration Code

An external identifier entered in the Basic Details section of a given advertiser,  insertion order, line item, or creative.

Line Item Lifetime Frequency

Google DV360 Line Item Lifetime Frequency

Use this dimension to determine which frequencies are correlated with the most conversions or clicks, and evaluate where a lifetime cap should be set.

Line Item

Google DV360 Line Item

The name of a line item.

Line Item Start Date

Google DV360 Line Item Start Date

The date on which the line item will be eligible to start serving.

Line Item Status

Google DV360 Line Item Status

Line Item Status

Line Item Type

Google DV360 Line Item Type

The type of line item, such as "Real-time bidding" or "Video real-time bidding".

Matched Genre Target

Google DV360 Matched Genre Target

Matched Genre Target

Measurement Source

Google DV360 Measurement Source

How the data was measured. Possible values include:

  • Measured - The data for the metric was directly measured by client code that either Google controls or with which Google has intimate familiarity, or it uses OMID data from client code that was certified by Google or IAB Tech Lab.

  • Provided - The data for the metric was measured on the client by a third party who then provides the data to Google over a server-to-server integration, or it uses OMID data from client code that was not certified by Google or IAB Tech Lab.

  • Inferred - The data for the metric was inferred using sound judgment, however it was not directly measured on the client. The inferred metric may originate from Google or a third party.

Campaign ID

Google DV360 Campaign ID

Campaign ID


Google DV360 Campaign


Operating System ID

Google DV360 Operating System ID

The name of an operating system.


Google DV360 Environment

The environment where your ads served. Values include:

  • App

  • Web optimized for device (inventory designed for the device it was viewed on, such as mobile websites viewed on a mobile device)

  • Web not optimized for device (inventory that wasn’t designed for a device but viewed on it, such as websites optimized for desktop but viewed on a mobile device)

  • Unknown

Partner Currency

Google DV360 Partner Currency

The currency set for the given advertiser or partner.


Google DV360 Platform


Position in Content

Google DV360 Position in Content

Identifies where an ad was located in relation to other content. Values include in-article, in-banner, in-feed, interstitial, unknown, pre-roll, mid-roll, and post-roll.

Public Inventory

Google DV360 Public Inventory

Indicates whether or not the inventory was publicly available or sold through a private/direct deal.

Region ID

Google DV360 Region ID

The ID of a specific geographic region.


Google DV360 Region

Names of geographic regions, including states (when possible). Use this dimension to identify geographic locations that perform well and perform poorly.


Google DV360 Rewarded



Google DV360 App/URL ID

The name of a site, or mobile app.

Video Skippable Support

Google DV360 Video Skippable Support

For video ads, indicates if videos are skippable or not.

Targeted Data Providers

Google DV360 Targeted Data Providers

The data provider(s) of the targeted audience list(s).

Time of Day

Google DV360 Time of Day

Each hour of the day, represented by 1 to 24. For Campaign Manager 360 users, the time is based on Campaign Manager 360 reporting timezone settings. Otherwise, this time is based on Display & Video 360 advertiser settings. Use this data to find a time of day that performs better. Assign dayparting to a line item, and bid up during this time.

YouTube Ad

Google DV360 YouTube Ad

The name of a specific YouTube ad.

YouTube Ad Group

Google DV360 YouTube Ad Group

The name of the YouTube ad group. Ad groups contain one or more ads.

YouTube Ad ID

Google DV360 YouTube Ad ID

The ID of a specific YouTube ad.

YouTube Ad Group ID

Google DV360 YouTube Ad Group ID

The ID of the YouTube ad group. Ad groups contain one or more ads.


Google DV360 Age

The age group of your audience. For example: 18-24, 25-34, 35-44, 45-54, 55-64, 65+, or Unknown.


Google DV360 City

Names of cities. Use this dimension to identify geographic locations that perform well and perform poorly.


Google DV360 Country

Names of countries. Use this dimension to identify geographic locations that perform well and perform poorly.

DMA Name

Google DV360 DMA Name

Names of designated market areas (DMAs). Use this dimension to identify geographic locations that perform well.


Google DV360 Gender

The gender of your audience. For example: Male, Female, or Unknown.

Household Income

Google DV360 Household Income

The household income

demographic you’re targeting.

Parental Status

Google DV360 Parental Status

The parental status of your audience. For example: Parent, Not a parent, or Unknown.


Google DV360 Region

Names of geographic regions, including states (when possible). Use this dimension to identify geographic locations that perform well and perform poorly.

Audience List ID

Google DV360 Audience List ID

A first party audience list is built and managed for the advertiser exclusively, whereas a third-party audience list is managed by a third-party data provider, and made available for a fee to individual advertisers. Audience List: ID (identifier), Type (what source the data came from), and Cost (cost to use the list) are available as dimensions.

Video Content Duration

Google DV360 Video Content Duration

The length (in milliseconds) of a YouTube video you’ve used as an ad in a YouTube & partners line item. If you group by YouTube Ad Video in the YouTube report, you’ll see columns for this dimension and the video’s ID in the generated report.

Video Content Live Stream

Google DV360 Video Content Live Stream

Video Content Live Stream

Video Continuous Play

Google DV360 Video Continuous Play

Whether or not the video impression came from a continuous play environment. Possible values include "continuous", "not continuous", and "not set" (when continuous play information couldn't be determined). 

Max Video Duration

Google DV360 Max Video Duration

The maximum duration of a video creative.

Video Player Size

Google DV360 Video Player Size

The resolution or size of the video player. "Small" means the dimensions of the video player is less than 400×300 (desktop), or up to 20% of screen covered (mobile). "Large" means the dimensions of the video player is 400 × 300 pixels or greater (desktop), or 20% to 90% of the screen covered (mobile). "HD" means the dimensions of the video player is 1280×720 or greater (desktop), or greater than 90% of the screen covered (mobile).

Zip Code ID

Google DV360 Zip Code ID

​Zip Code ID

Zip Code

Google DV360 Zip Code

The postal code to identify a geographic location. Note that the value for YouTube line items will be "unknown".