How are Pacing Control Strategy Groups Metrics Calculated?
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7 months ago
, by [Redesign] Sprinklr Help Center
Pacing Control helps you monitor your spend throughout the campaign duration. It provides a straightforward representation of how your advertising campaigns perform on a daily basis in order to minimize under or overspends while simultaneously achieving your advertising goals.
We have specified all the Pacing Control Metric Calculation details below:
Values Specified/Available
Pacing Control Total Lifetime Budget
Spent on each campaign tagged to the Pacing Control
Pacing Control Start/End date
Spend Cap for each campaign
Values Calculated
Overall Pacing Control
Expected Spent = Time Elapsed(%) * Total Budget
Time Elapsed % = (From Start Time to Present Time) v/s Total Time (difference in Start Time and End Time calculated on most granular level i.e. milliseconds and then divided by total time in milliseconds)
Total Spent = Sum of spend on each campaign tagged to the Pacing Control
Remaining Budget = Pacing Control Total Lifetime Budget - Total Spent
The Time-Duration filter on the dashboard has no effect on the Pacing dashboard except for the Pacing Distribution Along with Campaigns, Distribution of Spent by Channel, and Distribution of Spent by Account widgets. It only considers the time duration to filter campaigns and not the data.
Basically, the Time Duration filter only works at Campaign level widgets to filter the time range. However, it does not work for Pacing Control entities.
Strategy Group Pacing Control Metrics
Click the New Tab icon. Under the Sprinklr Marketing (Ads) tab, click Ads Manager within Analyze.
In the top right corner of the Ads Manager window, click the Column Configuration icon.
On the pop-up window, search and select Strategy Group Pacing Control Metrics in the search bar or select from the given options.
Click Apply in the bottom right corner.
Once applied, all the Strategy Group Pacing Control metrics can be seen as columns.