How to use Google Anlaytics 4 Realtime Ads Reporting


What is a real-time report?

Real-time reporting refers to the feature that allows you to view and analyse website or app data as it occurs in real-time. It provides immediate insights into user activities, interactions, and events on your website or app, enabling you to monitor and respond to user behaviour as it happens. Here are some key aspects of real-time reporting: 


1. Immediate Data Updates: Real-time reporting provides data updates without delay. You can see the latest user actions, such as pageviews, events, conversions, and traffic sources, as they occur on your site or app. 


2. Live User Activity:  You can track the number of active users on your site or app at any given moment, including information about their geographical locations, referral sources, and device types. 


3. Event Tracking:  Real-time reporting allows you to monitor specific events or user interactions in real-time. For example, you can track live data on video views, button clicks, form submissions, and more. 


4. Traffic Sources: You can identify the sources of incoming traffic in real-time, including direct, organic, referral, and paid sources. This helps you understand where your current users are coming from. 


5.  Content Engagement: Real-time reporting also provides insights into the content users are engaging with at that moment. You can see which pages or screens are currently being viewed the most. 


6. Goal and Conversion Tracking: If you have set up goals or conversions in GA4, you can monitor their progress in real-time. This is particularly useful for e-commerce sites to track live sales data. 


7. Session Information: You can view details about the current user sessions, including the duration of sessions, the number of pages viewed, and user engagement. 


Real-time reporting is valuable for businesses and website operators who need immediate insights into user behaviour, especially during events, product launches, marketing campaigns, or other time-sensitive situations. It allows you to make informed decisions and adjustments to your online strategies in real-time, optimizing user experiences and conversions. 

Sprinklr’s Real-Time report Vs GA4 real-time reports 




Refresh Time 

15 Minutes 

1 Minutes 

How to use real time reporting in Sprinklr?

After successfully integrating Google Analytics 4 (GA4) with Sprinklr, the next step involves enabling dynamic properties for these dimensions and metrics to facilitate the creation of reports within the Sprinklr platform. 

Dimension Name

Dimension Name in Sprinklr


Ad GA4 Realtime City


Ad GA4 Realtime Country

Device Category

Ad GA4 Realtime Category

Event Name

Ad GA4 Realtime Event Name


Ad GA4 Realtime Plaftfom

Stream Name

Ad GA4 Realtime Stream Name

Screen Title

Ad GA4 Realtime Page Title and Screen Name

Page Title

Ad GA4 Realtime Page Title and Screen Name

Metric Name

Metric Name in Sprinklr

Active Users

Ad GA4 Realtime Active Users

Event Count

Ad GA4 Realtime Event Count


Ad GA4 Realtime Conversions


Ad GA4 Realtime Views

 Refer to this KP article for any assistance with integrating GA4 in Sprinklr: