LINE Ads Reporting Metrics


Leverage this detailed list of all LINE metrics available in Sprinklr's Ads Reporting to operate the reporting dashboard better. Below is a list of all LINE metrics, along with their descriptions.

LINE Metric Name


Metric Name in Sprinklr


The number of events of adding to the cart in the App.

LINE App Add To Cart

Add-to-cart rate

The ratio of the number of events of adding to a cart in the App to clicks.

LINE App Add To Cart Rate


The number of events of App installs.

LINE App Install

Install Rate (Clicks), Install Rate (SKAdsNetwork)

The ratio of events of App install to clicks, The ratio of events of App install measured by SKAdNetwork to clicks.

LINE App Install Rate

view item

The number of viewing items.

LINE App Item View


CTR of the view item.

LINE App Item View Rate

Level achieved rate

The ratio of the number of events that achieved the level in the App to clicks.

LINE App Level Achieve Rate

Level achieved

The number of events achieved the level in the App.

LINE App Level Achieved

Open rate

The ratio of events of App opening to clicks.

LINE App Open Rate

Open rate

The number of events of App opening.

LINE App Opens


The number of events of purchase in the App.

LINE App Purchase

Purchase Rate

The ratio of events of purchase in the App to clicks.

LINE App Purchase Rate


The number of events of search in the App.

LINE App Search

search rate

The ratio of the number of events of search in the App to clicks.

LINE App Search Rate

Tutorial Complete

The number of events of completed the tutorial in the App.

LINE App Tutorial Complete

Tutorial Complete CTR

CTR of events of completed the tutorial in the App.

LINE App Tutorial Complete Rate

View Home Screen Rate

The ratio of events of the home screen views in the App to clicks.

LINE App View Home Rate

Category view rate

The ratio of events of the category views in the App to clicks.

LINE Category View Rate

Category view

The number of events of the category views in the App.

LINE Category Views


The number of CVR.

LINE Conversion Rate

Cost per add-to-cart

The costs per event of adding to cart in the App.

LINE Cost Per App Add To Cart

Cost per install

The costs per event of App install.

LINE Cost Per App Install

Cost per view (Product)

The costs per event of the item view in the App.

LINE Cost Per App Item View

Cost per level achieved

The costs per event of achieved the level in the App.

LINE Cost Per App Level Achieved

Cost per open

The costs per event of App opening.

LINE Cost Per App Open

Cost per purchase

The costs per event of purchase in the App.

LINE Cost Per App Purchase

Cost per search

The costs per event of search in the App.

LINE Cost Per App Search

Cost per tutorial completion

The costs per event of completed the tutorial in the App.

LINE Cost Per App Tutorial Complete

Cost per view (category)

The costs per event of the category view in the App.

LINE Cost Per Category View

Cost per view (home)

The costs per event of the home view in the App.

LINE Cost Per View Home


The number of CPA.

LINE Cost per Action


the number of times the Video was watched 100%.

LINE Video Completions

View Home Screen

The number of events of the home screen views in the App.

LINE View Home


The number of conversions.

Total LINE Conversions