Nextdoor Ads Reporting Metrics


Metrics Name



Total amount you've spent so far on your Ad Entity


Total number of impressions

Volume of Paid Initiatives

Number of paid initiatives/campaigns

Cost Per 1,000 Impressions (CPM)

Amount spent for every 1000 impressions

Cost Per Result

Total Spent divided by Total Results For Objective


Total number of clicks on your ad

Click Through Rate

Total number of clicks divided by the number of impressions

Cost Per Click

Total amount spent divided by the no. of clicks

Results per Amount Spent

Total result divided by total amount spent

Spend Cap

Overall limit on how much your Campaign can spend.

Volume of Ad Sets

Number of ad-sets

Total Results for Objective

This metric depicts the results of the default metric for your objective. For example, Link Clicks for Traffic objective, Video Views for Video Views objective, etc.

Cumulative Cost Per Click

Total cost per click

Cumulative Cost Per 1,000 Impressions (CPM)

Total cost per 1000 impressions

Nextdoor Conversions

Total conversions reached during that time frame

Note: In Sprinklr, the "channel-nextdoor" is now deprecated, and reporting for this channel will no longer be available. However, portal data and campaign information remain accessible. Please adjust your processes accordingly.