Reporting on Facebook Catalog Ads


Facebook creates different posts for different Products picked from the Product Catalog. In Sprinklr, you can view actionable insights and comments for Products (from Catalog) with the ability to filter and pivot on all product dimensions (category, size, etc.) as well as analyze comments for a particular product.

You can analyze data in the following areas:

To learn more about getting this capability enabled in your environment, please work with your Success Manager.

Value Proposition




Brand Manager

Lack of visibility into Product level insights for Facebook Catalog Ads across any platform leads to missed opportunities

Sprinklr provides an end-to-end reporting of Catalog Ads with:

  • An enhanced brand experience by acting on granular product-level, retailer-level insights.

  • Overall visibility into Dynamic posts and comments with the ability to filter down on specific product-level attributes.

Analyst, Ads Insights

Inability to make data-driven decisions for Dynamic Product Ads with no granularity into products attributes

Analyze consumer feedback and sentiment on a particular product or retailer or brand to derive actionable insights for management.

Ads Reporting

Using the following dimensions in Ads Reporting, you can plot individual product levels and view granular reporting data against Impressions, Clicks, Sentiment Count, etc.

  • Product

  • Product Brand

  • Product Name

  • Product Retailer

  • Product Retailer Group

  • Product Price

  • Product Type

  • Product Category

  • Product Sale Price

  • Product Discount Value

  • Product Discount Percentage

  • Product Catalog (can also be used as a filter)

  • Product Condition

  • Product Description

  • Product Link

  • Product Image Link

  • Product Pattern

  • Product Size

  • Product Feed Id

Facebook DPA Reporting in Ads Reporting

Reporting on sentiment, impressions, etc.

DPA Ads Reporting

Engagement Dashboard

You can view the Dynamic Product posts and comments stream within Engagement Dashboard columns and filter them based on individual Product levels.


Dynamic Post Comments will pull in going forward from the next day after the setup is done.

  1. Follow the steps outlined in Create an Engagement Dashboard Column.

  2. On the Add New Column window, select Facebook.

  3. On the Add New Facebook Column window, select from the following based on your desired use case:

    • Facebook Dynamic Posts

    • Facebook Dynamic Posts Comments

  4. Provide the necessary details such as Name and Account.


    Ensure that you have selected an Ad Account for Dynamic Posts and Comments to populate.

  5. To filter the posts or comments, select from the product-level Custom Properties you have created and synced. For example, you can filter comments on products belonging to a particular Retailer.

Configuration for Filtering

Refer to Filter Dynamic Posts and Comments.

Facebook Dynamic Product Comments

Filter Facebook Dynamic Product Posts

Filter Dynamic Posts and Comments

Dynamic Post and Comment column streams and reporting data can be filtered using custom properties synced with the individual product-level custom properties. (Refer to Video for a preview)

1. Create a custom field with its Asset class as Message. Learn more about custom fields in Add a Custom Field.

2. Provide a product level name (for eg, Facebook Product Retailer Group ID) you want to sync the custom property with and Save it.

Create a Custom Field

3. Now, navigate to the Rule Engine to configure a Copy Action Inbound Rule.

4. On the Rule Builder window, click the Screen Shot 2017-10-05 at 1.11.49 PM.png icon and set the following Conditions and Actions:

Conditions Applies to "The Source of the Message

Message Type


  • Facebook Dynamic Ad Post

  • Facebook Dynamic Ad Post Comment

Account (optional)


Facebook Ad Account


If you are selecting an Account, ensure that you have selected an Ad Account for the rule to work.

Actions to "Copy properties from Source to Destination"
Copy Action Source


Self Inbound Message

Copy Action Destination


Self Inbound Message

Select a Dynamic Product Level Property from:

  • Dynamic Post Product Name

  • Dynamic Post Product ID

  • Dynamic Post Product Category

  • Dynamic Post Product Brand

  • Dynamic Post Product Retailer ID


[Custom Property created in step 2]

Example: Facebook Dynamic Product Name

To access more Dynamic Product Level Properties for your Rule, please work with your Success Manager.

Copy Action Inbound Rule

5. Save and trigger the rule to sync the values into the message-level custom property.

Inbound Analytics

You can view reporting insights on Dynamic Product comments using the Inbound Message dimension in Inbound Analytics.

Plot Inbound Message against Message Count to view the number of inbound messages along with the product-level custom properties (as shown in Filter Dynamic Posts and Comments) to group/filter the comments.


For filtering your Inbound Analytics widgets, ensure that you have selected an Ad Account.

DPA Comments Reporting in Inbound Analytics
Comments by Retailer


No. Only the comments linked to currently running Ad Posts and its child posts will be pulled in.

  • Only the comments which happen after the required setup in Sprinklr will have the Facebook Catalog dimensions like Facebook Product Name, Facebook Retailer Ids, etc. associated with them. Thus the old comments will not show up while viewing the widget data.

  • Also, Product Catalogs need to be present in Sprinklr for us to be able to associate Facebook Catalog dimensions with the individual Comments. If the relevant Business Manager is not added in Sprinklr (which has the Product Catalogs in it), then you will just have comments for those DPA ads.

Due to API limitations, you cannot reply to the Dynamic Post Comments.

Currently, the Dynamic Ad Post comments are only available for the e-commerce catalog type.

If you are interested in this capability for any other Catalog type, please work with your Success Manager.

a) For Dynamic Post Comments to pull in:

  • Capability is enabled and set up by Sprinklr Support

b) For Dynamic Post Comments to be viewed — filtered/grouped by Facebook Catalog dimensions:

  • Business Manager is added in Sprinklr and the Product Catalog is pulled in

  • Capability is enabled and set up by Sprinklr Support

  • Inbound Rule is configured to copy Dynamic Product level properties

Video Reference