Reporting on Facebook Conversion Lift Study


Conversion Lift study helps to track your conversions, including standard and custom events. You can use the conversion lift to understand the true value of your Facebook ads. This also allows you to understand how your ad is performing independently of your other marketing efforts.

It works by dividing people into randomized test and control groups in an intent-to-treat test methodology and comparing the performance of these groups over time. For more information, see About Facebook Conversion Lift Tests.

Use Cases

  • Calculate the real business values, not only clicks

  • Improve Return on Ad Spend (ROAS)

  • Learn the accuracy of your attribution model

  • Provide insights into marketing spends and generate more value from the investments

  • Observe the causal impact of your marketing

Why Measure Lift?

Measuring lift allows you to gain insight into the causal impact of your ads on true business value. Conversion lift uses a gold-standard methodology to capture the causal impact that Facebook, Instagram, and Audience Network ads have on business performance.

Conversion lift compares the actions of real people in randomized test and control groups to measure the additional online, offline, or mobile app business driven by Facebook, Instagram, and Audience Network ads. For more information, see Conversion Lift.

Reporting on Facebook Conversion Lift Study

Sprinklr provides various metrics and dimensions apart from traditional ones for Facebook Conversion Lift Study reporting. You can no longer break down your conversion lift data by Age and Gender. However, in Sprinklr, Day wise breakdown of your conversion lift study data is supported. This will enhance your reporting experience by improving your social ads' incrementality and reducing the cost per incremental subscriber as measured by the Facebook conversion lift studies.

We have included a list of metrics that can be used in reporting on your lift study data. For more information, see Supported Metrics for Conversion Lift Study Reporting.

To learn more about getting this capability enabled in your environment, please work with your Success Manager.

Facebook Brand Lift

Supported Metrics for Conversion Lift Study Reporting

Cost Per Incremental Buyer

This metric is calculated as spend divided by the number of incremental buyers.

Cost Per Incremental Conversion

This metric is calculated as spend divided by the number of incremental conversions.

Cost per Incrementally advanced conversion

This metric is calculated as spend divided by the number of incremental conversions after applying advanced adjustments.

Cost per incremental Sales

This metric is calculated as spend divided by the number of incremental sales.

Cost per incremental Advanced Sales

This metric is calculated as spend divided by the number of incremental sales after applying advanced adjustments.

Population Test

The number of people in the test group for the experiment.

Population Control

The number of people in the control group of the experiment.

Population Reached

The number of people in the test group reached by one or more ads associated with the study.


The number of billable ad impressions for ads associated with the lift study.


Total amount spent up to the current time for your study in the currency USD.


The average number of times your ad displayed to each person in the population reached.

Buyers Test

The number of people from the experiment's test group who purchased.

Buyers Control

The number of people from the experiment's control group who purchased.

Buyers Scaled

The number of people in the control group, factored by population tests divided by population control. This produces a fairer comparison with the buyers' test.

Buyers Incremental

Net increase in the number of people who made purchases as a result of the ad campaigns. Calculated as buyers test minus buyers scaled.

Buyers Reached

The number of people reached by your ads who also converted.

Buyers Reached Percent

This metric is calculated as buyers reached divided by buyers test.

Buyers Baseline

This metric is calculated as buyers reached minus by buyers incremental.

Buyers Lift

This metric is calculated as buyers incremental divided by buyers baseline.

Conversions Test

The number of conversion events, such as purchases, from the experiment's test group.

Conversions Control

The number of conversion events, such as purchases, from the experiment's control group.

Conversions Scale

The number of conversion events in the control group, factored by the ratio of population test divided by population control. This produces a fairer comparison for the conversions test.

Conversions Incremental

Net increase in the number of conversions as a result of running ads. Calculated as: conversions test minus conversions scaled.

Conversions Reached

The number of conversion events from people who purchased and were reached by your ads.

Conversions Reached Percent

This metric is calculated as conversions reached divided by conversions test

Conversions Baseline

This metric is calculated as conversions reached minus conversions incremental

Conversions Lift

This metric is calculated as conversions incremental divided by conversions baseline

Advanced Conversions Test

The number of conversion events, such as purchases, from the experiment's test group, after applying advanced adjustments.

Advanced Conversions Control

The number of conversion events, such as purchases, from the experiment's control group after applying advanced adjustments.

Advanced Conversions Scaled

The number of conversion events in the control group after applying advanced adjustments, factored by the ratio of population test divided by population control. This produces a fairer comparison for advanced conversion tests.

Advanced Conversions Incremental

Net increase in the number of conversions as a result of running ads after applying advanced adjustments. Calculated as advanced conversions test minus advanced conversions scaled advanced conversions baseline.

Advanced Conversions Baseline

advanced conversions reached subtracted by advanced conversions incremental.

Advanced Conversions Lift

advanced conversions incremental divided by advanced conversions baseline.

Incremental ROAS

Incremental return on ad Spends (ROAS). Calculated as sales incremental divided by spend.

Sales Test

Amount of sales from the test group of the experiment.

Sales Control

Amount of sales from the control group of the experiment.

Sales Scaled

Amount of sales in the control group, factored by the ratio of population test divided by population control. This produces a fairer comparison for sales tests.

Sales Incremental

Net increase in sales as a result of running campaigns. Calculated as: sales test - sales scaled.

Sales Reached

The number of sales from purchasers reached by your ads.

Sales Baseline

This metric is calculated as sales reached minus sales incremental

Sales Lift

This metric is calculated as sales incremental divided by sales baseline

Advanced Incremental ROAS

Incremental return on ad spend (ROAS). Calculated as advanced sales incremental divided by spend.

Advanced Sales Test

Amount of sales from the test group of the experiment after applying advanced adjustments.

Advanced Sales Control

Amount of sales from the control group of the experiment after applying advanced adjustments.

Advanced Sales Scaled

Amount of sales from the control group after applying advanced adjustments, factored by the ratio of population test divided by population control. This produces a fairer comparison for advanced sales tests.

Advanced Sales Incremental

Net increase in the number of sales as a result of running ads after applying advanced adjustments. Calculated as advanced sales test minus advanced sales scaled.

Advanced Sales Baseline

This metric is calculated as advanced sales reached minus advanced sales incremental.

Advanced Sales Lift

This metric is calculated as advanced sales incremental divided by advanced sales baseline.