Scheduled Callbacks Report


When any Inbound Calls are missed/ left unattended or the customer wants a callback during the first connection, those calls are Scheduled for a 2nd Callback. This section reports on all the scheduled calls.
Values Plotted:

  • Total Scheduled Callback: Number of Scheduled callback tasks assigned for the agents.

  • Scheduled Callbacks Completed: Number of Scheduled callback tasks completed by the agents.

  • Yet to be called: Number of Scheduled callback tasks yet to be attempted by the agents.

  • Agent Missed: Number of Scheduled callback tasks missed or skipped by the agent during the scheduled time.

  • Calls Canceled: Number of Scheduled callback tasks canceled by the agent prior to the scheduled time.

This segment provides a case level entry for all the Scheduled calls.

  • Call Back Case: Details of the case which is scheduled for a callback.

  • Created Time: Timestamp when the case is scheduled for a callback.

  • Call Back Triggered By: Record of the user who has scheduled the callback.

  • Assignee Type: States user type of the person who has assigned the task. (If it is a user/ manager).

  • First Conversation Time: Timestamp when the first conversation is made. 

  • Call Back Number: Customer number to which the callback is to be made.

  • Called At: Timestamp when the task is executed. 

  • Call Back SLA: Time difference between the 1st conversation & the scheduled call.

  • Assigned To: Agent to whom the task is assigned to. 

  • Work Queue: States the work queue of the case. 

  • Voice Status: Refers to the status of the task (If the task is scheduled / completed / missed).

  • Task Count: Number of tasks assigned for a particular case.