Stop Loss Strategy Groups & Ads Reporting


Sprinklr supports reporting for Stop Loss within Strategy Groups to provide you with better visibility of Ads that have Stop Loss enabled. This will allow you to track and monitor your most effective strategy groups based on performance, and align your ads based on the analyzed data.

Reporting on Strategy Groups Stop Loss also helps you to take calculated and well-informed decisions i.e., how to spend on ads, when to stop spending on an ad, what are the driving forces behind an ad, etc.

To Navigate to Strategy Groups Reporting Dashboard

  1. Click the New Tab icon Space Add New Tab Icon. Under the Sprinklr Marketing (Ads) tab, click Ads Manager within Analyze.

  2. On the Ads Manager window, click Strategy Group in the top left corner of the section bar. 

  3. On the Strategy Groups window, click the View Insights icon Hyperspace_View_Insights.png alongside the desired Stop Loss Strategy GroupYou will be redirected to the Strategy Group Stop Loss reporting window.


It takes 10-15 minutes to generate a Strategy Group Reporting Dashboard after the creation of the Strategy Group.

To learn more about creating a Strategy Group, see Create a Strategy Group.

Viewing Strategy Groups Insights

4. On the Strategy Groups Reporting window, you can view all the insights.

Strategy Groups Stop Loss Insight

Overview of the Stop Loss Reporting

Widget + Supported Dimensions
Pictorial Reference (Hover to Zoom)

Stop Loss Changes Summary

  • Ad Variant

  • Date

Double click on any projection of the reporting data to view the audit trail, such as a change in the Ad Status value from the right-hand pane. You can view all the changes in the Audit Trail view.

Overview of Stop Loss Reporting

Lifetime Stop Loss

  • Ad Variant

  • Ad Set

  • Paid Initiative

  • Stop Loss Lifetime CPA

  • Stop Loss Lifetime Net Value

Overview of Stop Loss Reporting