Reddit Ads Reporting Metrics


Leverage this detailed list of all Reddit metrics available in Sprinklr's Ads Reporting to operate the reporting dashboard better.

Reddit metrics in Ads Reporting

The table below helps you to understand the Reddit Channel Metrics and descriptions along with thier corresponding Metric name in Sprinklr

Note: For Reddit conversions data, please use the metrics set as the default attribution (i.e., Day/Week/Month for click/view) at the Ad Account level.

Reddit Metrics


Sprinklr Name


General Metrics



The total amount of money you have spent on your campaign, ad group, or ad.



The number of times your ad was on the screen.



The number of clicks on the destination URL on your promoted post. For posts without a destination URL, it is the number of clicks to view the post.



The average amount of money you've spent per thousand impressions.


Click Through Rate

The percentage of people who saw your ad and performed a click.


Cost Per Click

The average amount of money you've spent for each click.

Videos Metrics

Video Views

Reddit Video Views

The number of times your video was played for 2 continuous seconds or more with at least 50% of video pixels in view.

Full Video Views

Reddit Full Video Views

The number of times your video was played for 3 continuous seconds or more with 100% of video pixels in view.

Plays with Sound

Reddit Plays with Sound

The number of times a video was played with the sound on.

Plays Expanded

Reddit Plays Expanded

The number of times a video was played in expanded (full-screen) mode at any point during playback.

Watches at 25%

Reddit Watches at 25%

The number of times your video was played at 25% of its length, including plays that skipped to this point.

Watches at 50%

Reddit Watches at 50%

The number of times your video was played at 50% of its length, including plays that skipped to this point.

Watches at 75%

Reddit Watches at 75%

The number of times your video was played at 75% of its length, including plays that skipped to this point.

Watches at 95%

Reddit Watches at 95%

The number of times your video was played at 95% of its length, including plays that skipped to this point.

Watches at 100%

Reddit Watches at 100%

The number of times your video was played at 100% of its length, including plays that skipped to this point.

Video Starts

Reddit Video Starts

The number of times your video started to play.

3 Second Views

Reddit 3 Second Viewsq

The number of times your video played for at least 3 seconds, or for nearly its total length if it's shorter than 3 seconds.

5 Second Views

Reddit 5 Second Views

The number of times your video played for at least 5 seconds, or for nearly its total length if it's shorter than 5 seconds.

10 Second Views

Reddit 10 Second Views

The number of times your video played for at least 10 seconds, or for nearly its total length if it's shorter than 10 seconds.


Reddit CPV

Cost per view, the average cost for each video view.

Video Completion Rate

Reddit Video Completion Rate

The number of video watched 100% of its length per the number of times your video was played for 3 continuous seconds or more with 100% of video pixels in view.

Video Views Rate

Reddit Video Views Rate

The number of times your video was played for 3 continuous seconds or more with 100% of video pixels in view per the number of times your ad was on screen.

App Installs


App Installs

Reddit Total App Installs

The number of times app was first opened which corresponds to an ad click or impression.


App Sign Ups

Reddit Total App Sign Ups

The number of times user completed registration corresponding to an ad click or impression.


App Purchases

Reddit Total App Purchases

The number of times A purchase of in-app content (Non-USD Currency will not be included) to an ad click or impression.


App Add to Cart

Reddit Total App Add to Cart

The number of times Item added to shopping cart to an ad click or impression.


App Launches

Reddit Total App Launches

The number of times User opened the app to an ad click or impression.


App Searches

Reddit Total App Searches

The number of times User made a search operation to an ad click or impression.


App View Content

Reddit Total App View Content

The number of times User views in-app content (i.e. video, etc.) to an ad click or impression.


App Add Payment Info

Reddit Total App Add Payment Info

The number of times Payment info (credit card, PayPal, etc.) added to user’s account to an ad click or impression.


App Completed Tutorial

Reddit Total App Completed Tutorial

The number of times User completed the tutorial to an ad click or impression.


App Level Achieved

Reddit Total App Level Achieved

The number of times Use reached a specific level to an ad click or impression.


App Spend Credits

Reddit Total App Spend Credits

The number of times User spent in-app credits to an ad click or impression.


eCPI (Cost per Install)

Reddit Cost Per Install

Cost Per Action, The number of times A purchase of in-app content (Non-USD Currency will not be included) from an ad click or impression.


App Sign Ups

Reddit Cost per App Sign Ups

Cost Per Action, The number of times Item added to shopping cart from an ad click or impression.


App Purchases

Reddit Cost per App Purchases

Cost Per Action, The number of times User opened the app from an ad click or impression.


App Add to Cart

Reddit Cost per App Add to Cart

Cost Per Action, The number of times User made a search operation from an ad click or impression.


App Launches

Reddit Cost per App Launches

Cost Per Action, The number of times User views in-app content (i.e. video, etc.) from an ad click or impression.


App Searches

Reddit Cost per App Searches

Cost Per Action, The number of times Payment info (credit card, PayPal, etc.) added to user’s account from an ad click or impression.


App View Content

Reddit Cost per App View Content

Cost Per Action, The number of times User completed the tutorial from an ad click or impression.


App Add Payment Info

Reddit Cost per App Add Payment Info

Cost Per Action, The number of times Use reached a specific level from an ad click or impression.


App Completed Tutorial

Reddit Cost per App Completed Tutorial

Cost Per Action, The number of times User spent in-app credits from an ad click or impression.


App Level Achieved

Reddit Cost per App Level Achieved

Cost Per Action, The number of times from an ad click or impression.


App Spend Credits

Reddit Cost per App Spend Credits

Cost Per Action, The number of times from an ad click or impression.

Conversion Rate

App Installs

Reddit Conversion Rate of App Installs

App Installs which have been done per click on Destination URL or number of clicks to view the post.

Conversion Rate

App Sign Ups

Reddit Conversion Rate of App Sign Ups

App Sign Ups which have been done per click on Destination URL or number of clicks to view the post.

Conversion Rate

App Purchases

Reddit Conversion Rate of App Purchases

App Purchases which have been done per click on Destination URL or number of clicks to view the post.

Conversion Rate

App Add to Cart

Reddit Conversion Rate of App Add to Cart

Add to Cart which have been done per click on Destination URL or number of clicks to view the post.

Conversion Rate

App Launches

Reddit Conversion Rate of App Launches

App Launches which have been done per click on Destination URL or number of clicks to view the post.

Conversion Rate

App Searches

Reddit Conversion Rate of App Searches

App Searches which have been done per click on Destination URL or number of clicks to view the post.

Conversion Rate

App View Content

Reddit Conversion Rate of App View Content

App View Content which have been done per click on Destination URL or number of clicks to view the post.

Conversion Rate

App Add Payment Info

Reddit Conversion Rate of App Add Payment Info

Payment Info that have been added in the app per click on Destination URL or number of clicks to view the post.

Conversion Rate

App Completed Tutorial

Reddit Conversion Rate of App Completed Tutorial

Tutorials which have been completed in app per click on Destination URL or number of clicks to view the post.

Conversion Rate

App Level Achieved

Reddit Conversion Rate of App Level Achieved

Specific Level which have been achieved in app per click on Destination URL or number of clicks to view the post.

Conversion Rate

App Spend Credits

Reddit Conversion Rate of App Spend Credits

Spend Credits which have been spent in app per click on Destination URL or number of clicks to view the post.

App ROAS (Return on Ad Spend)

Reddit App ROAS (Return on Ad Spend)

The number of App Conversion event happened which corresponds to an ad click or impression per Spend on ad entity.

Total App Conversions

Reddit Total App Conversions

The number of App Conversion event happened which corresponds to an ad click or impression.




Reddit Click Through Conversion Purchase (X Day, Y Week and Z Month)

The number of Purchase conversion events corresponding to an ad click.


Add to Cart

Reddit Click Through Conversion Add to Cart (X Day, Y Week and Z Month)

The number of Add to Cart conversion events corresponding to an ad click.


Add to Wishlist

Reddit Click Through Conversion Add to Wishlist (X Day, Y Week and Z Month)

The number of Add to Wishlist conversion events corresponding to an ad click.



Reddit Click Through Conversion Lead (X Day, Y Week and Z Month)

The number of Lead conversion events corresponding to an ad click.



Reddit Click Through Conversion Custom (X Day, Y Week and Z Month)

The number of custom conversion events corresponding to an ad click.


Sign Up

Reddit Click Through Conversion Sign Up (X Day, Y Week and Z Month)

The number of Sign up conversion events corresponding to an ad click.



Reddit Click Through Conversion Search (X Day, Y Week and Z Month)

The number of Search conversion events corresponding to an ad click.


View Content

Reddit Click Through Conversion View Content (X Day, Y Week and Z Month)

The number of View Content conversion events corresponding to an ad click.


Page Visit

Reddit Click Through Conversion Page Visit (X Day, Y Week and Z Month)

The number of Page Visit conversion events corresponding to an ad click.



Reddit View Through Conversion Purchase (X Day, Y Week and Z Month)

The number of Purchase conversion events corresponding to an ad impression.


Add to Cart

Reddit View Through Conversion Add to Cart (X Day, Y Week and Z Month)

The number of Add to Cart conversion events corresponding to an ad impression.


Add to Wishlist

Reddit View Through Conversion Add to Wishlist (X Day, Y Week and Z Month)

The number of Add to Wishlist conversion events corresponding to an ad impression.



Reddit View Through Conversion Lead (X Day, Y Week and Z Month)

The number of Lead conversion events corresponding to an ad impression.



Reddit View Through Conversion Custom (X Day, Y Week and Z Month)

The number of custom conversion events corresponding to an ad impression.


Sign Up

Reddit View Through Conversion Sign Up (X Day, Y Week and Z Month)

The number of Sign up conversion events corresponding to an ad impression.



Reddit View Through Conversion Search (X Day, Y Week and Z Month)

The number of Search conversion events corresponding to an ad impression.


View Content

Reddit View Through Conversion View Content (X Day, Y Week and Z Month)

The number of View Content conversion events corresponding to an ad impression.


Page Visit

Reddit View Through Conversion Page Visit (X Day, Y Week and Z Month)

The number of Page Visit conversion events corresponding to an ad impression.



Reddit CPA Purchase (X Day, Y Week and Z Month)

Cost per action, the average cost for each Purchase event.


Add to Cart

Reddit CPA Add to Cart (X Day, Y Week and Z Month)

Cost per action, the average cost for each Add To Cart action event.


Add to Wishlist

Reddit CPA Add to Wishlist (X Day, Y Week and Z Month)

Cost per action, the average cost for each Add To Wishlist event.



Reddit CPA Lead (X Day, Y Week and Z Month)

Cost per action, the average cost for each Lead event.



Reddit CPA Custom (X Day, Y Week and Z Month)

Cost per action, the average cost for each custom event.


Sign Up

Reddit CPA Sign Up (X Day, Y Week and Z Month)

Cost per action, the average cost for each Sign Up event.



Reddit CPA Search (X Day, Y Week and Z Month)

Cost per action, the average cost for each Search event.


View Content

Reddit CPA View Content (X Day, Y Week and Z Month)

Cost per action, the average cost for each View Content event.


Page Visit

Reddit CPA Page Visit (X Day, Y Week and Z Month)

Cost per action, the average cost for each Page Visit event.


Add to Cart

Reddit Size of Add to Cart

The size of Add to Cart which has been added through conversion events corresponding to an ad click or impressions.



Reddit Size of Wishlist

The size of Wishlist which has been added through conversion events corresponding to an ad click or impressions.



Reddit Size of Custom

The size of custom which has been added through conversion events corresponding to an ad click or impressions.

Total Value


Reddit Total Value Purchase

The Total Value of Purchase which has been done through conversion events corresponding to an ad click or impressions.

Total Value

Add to Cart

Reddit Total Value of Add to Cart Conversions

The Total Value of Items which has been added to Cart through conversion events corresponding to an ad click or impressions.

Total Value

Add to Wishlist

Reddit Total Value of Add to Wishlist Conversions

The Total Value of Wishlist which has been added through conversion events corresponding to an ad click or impressions.

Total Value


Reddit Total Value of Lead Conversions

The Total Value of Leads which were generated through conversion events corresponding to an ad click or impressions.

Total Value


Reddit Total Value of Custom Conversions

The Total Value of Custom Conversions which were generated through conversion events corresponding to an ad click or impressions.

Total Value

Sign Up

Reddit Total Value of Sign Up Conversions

The Total Value of SignUps which were generated through conversion events corresponding to an ad click or impressions.

Total Value


Reddit Total Value of Search Conversions

The Total Value of Search which were generated through conversion events corresponding to an ad click or impressions.

Average Value


Reddit Average Value of Purchase Conversions

The Average Value of Purchase which has been done through conversion events corresponding to an ad click or impressions.

Average Value

Add to Cart

Reddit Average Value of Add to Cart Conversions

The Average Value of Carts which has been added through conversion events corresponding to an ad click or impressions.

Average Value

Add to Wishlist

Reddit Average Value of Add to Wishlist Conversions

The Average Value of Wishlist which has been added through conversion events corresponding to an ad click or impressions.

Average Value


Reddit Average Value of Lead Conversions

The Average Value of Leads which were generated through conversion events corresponding to an ad click or impressions.

Average Value


Reddit Average Value of Custom Conversions

The Average Value of Custom Conversions which were generated through conversion events corresponding to an ad click or impressions.

Average Value

Sign Up

Reddit Average Value of Sign Up Conversions

The Average Value of SignUps which were generated through conversion events corresponding to an ad click or impressions.

Average Value


Reddit Average Value of Search Conversions

The Average Value of Search which were generated through conversion events corresponding to an ad click or impressions.