TikTok Ads Custom Conversion Events


Custom Conversion Events allow advertisers to track and optimize specific actions or events that users take within their TikTok ad campaigns. 

These events are user actions that hold particular value for the advertiser, such as completing a purchase, signing up for a service, or adding items to a cart. By setting up Custom Conversion Events, advertisers can gain deeper insights into the effectiveness of their ad campaigns and better understand user behaviour. 

Supporting Dimensions and Metrics :

Sprinklr Name 

Metrics Supported

TikTok Custom Conversion Event 


TikTok App Install 

TikTok Total Custom App Event 

TikTok Total Custom Page Event 

TikTok Total Custom Page Event Value 

TikTok Unique Custom App Event 

TikTok Value per Custom App Event 

TikTok Value per Custom Page Event 

TikTok Ad Type  

All daily user metrics are supported for this dimension 

​Tiktok Custom Coversion Dimension with Clicks Metric

​Tiktok Ad Type Dimension with Clicks Metric