How does Sprinklr Calculate the Trend Data?


Trend Metrics provide an analytical edge to predict future outcomes; provide better understanding of cause and effect; Insight into changes over time. From aggregated data from the API, Sprinklr stores data trends over different time periods and provides these in the form of Trend Metrics. This article already covers more details on how and what you can achieve from them.

Here, we share how this calculation is done for Trend data in Sprinklr.

How does Sprinklr Calculate the Trend Data?

Most social channels (for example - Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, etc.) provide only present performance values for the posts through their APIs which are commutative. Additionally, for a Facebook post, at any point in time, the Facebook API provides only a present Metric value - so far, this post has received 100 impressions. The channels do not provide a breakdown by date or any other metadata. 

The Trend Metrics seen in Reporting Dashboards are calculated by Sprinklr each day, by subtracting the overall value of the Metric from the overall value which we got on the previous day. 

Day Since Post Was Published

Current Total Value Reported by Channel API - Total Engagements

Daily Trend Metric Value - Total Engagements Trend










Trend Metrics are calculated for a post for as long its lifetime data is updated. This is 60 days for most of the social channels