Appointment Booking Reporting


Following are the metrics and dimensions used for appointment booking reporting widgets.

Past Reporting: Count

Future Reporting: Task Count

Common Metrics:

  • Appointment Slot Duration

  • Appointment Duration

  • Appointment Slot Capacity

All Dimensions

  • Appointment Status

  • Appointment Status Reason

  • Appointment Assigned To

  • Appointment Declined By

  • Appointment Case Number

  • Appointment Start Time

  • Appointment End Time

  • Appointment Started At

  • Appointment Ended At

  • Appointment Confirmed At

  • Appointment Assigned At

  • Appointment Canceled At

  • Appointment Reserved At

  • Appointment Expired At

  • Appointment Reserved Till

Create Custom Metrics to view reporting data on appointments. (Names can be modified as per the use case).

There are 2 components of Reporting:

For all past reporting - Data Source will be ‘Social Analytics’.

For all future reporting - Data Source will be ‘Spr Task’.

Future Reporting

1. Upcoming Appointments Slot (F) - Total number of upcoming slots in the future selected time range.

2. Appointment Slot Any Activity - Total number of slots on which there has been any kind of activity i.e. New, In-progress, Completed, Canceled, No Show, Rescheduled.

3. Appointments Due (F) - Number of appointments in the future that are booked.

4. Available Appointment Slots (F) - Total number of available appointments slot in the future.

5. Appointments Canceled - Appointments in the future that were canceled.

6. Appointments Rescheduled (F) - Appointments in the future that were rescheduled.

7. Appointments Canceled By User (F) - Appointments in the future that were canceled by the customer.

8. Appointments Canceled By Brand (F) - Appointments in the future that were canceled by the brand.

​9. Appointment Capacity Utilisation (F) (%) - % capacity utilized for future appointments.

10. Any Activity (F) (%) - % of appointments in the future on which there was any activity.

11. Appointment Slot (Hours) (F) - Total number of appointment hours in the future.

1. Appointments Slot - Total number of slots in the past selected time range.

2. Appointments Unreserved - Total number of slots that went unreserved in the past.

3. Appointments Reserved - Total number of slots that are in a reserved state. It refers to all the appointments which were reserved but not proceeded further.

4. Appointments Booked - Total number of appointments that were booked.

5. Appointments Completed - Total number of appointments that were completed.

6. Appointments All Canceled - Total number of appointments that were canceled.

7. Appointments Canceled by Brand - The total number of appointments that were canceled by the brand.

8. Appointments Canceled by User - Total number of appointments that were canceled by the customer.

9. Appointments Rescheduled - Total number of appointments that were rescheduled.

10. Appointments No Show - Total number of appointments in which customers did not show.

11. Appointments Expired - Total number of appointments that were expired because customers did not confirm the appointment in the stipulated time after reserving it.

12. Appointment Capacity Utilisation (%) - % capacity booked for the past appointments.

13. Appointment Completed vs Capacity (%) - % capacity completed for the past appointments.

14. Appointments Completed vs Booked (%) - % capacity completed vs booked for the past appointments.

15. Appointment Slot Duration (Average) - Average slot duration for the past appointments.

16. Appointments Duration (Average) - Average duration for the past appointments.

Reporting Widgets on Past Appointments

Reporting Widgets on Future Appointments