Reporting Glossary for Quality Management and Conversational Analytics


Audit Checklist Response Report

Field Name
Checklist Response Count

Number of times the checklist is evaluated.


Person who performed the evaluation.


Name of the checklist used for evaluations.

For User

Agent evaluated in the assessment.

Evaluation ID

Unique identifier for each evaluation.

Checklist Response Date

Date when the evaluation was performed.

Evaluated Agent Manager

Manager of the evaluated agent.

Auditor Manager

Manager of the auditor.


Campaign associated with the evaluated case.

Evaluation Submitted At

Date of the first evaluation submission.

Assigned for Re-evaluation At

Date when a dispute was raised for re-evaluation.

Re-evaluated At

Date when the disputed evaluation was re-evaluated.

<Item_Name> (Checklist_Name)

Responses filled during evaluation for the item - <Item_Name> (Checklist_Name).

<Item_Name> Score (Checklist_Name)

Score for the item - <Item_Name> (Checklist_Name).

<Item_Name> Score (D) (Checklist_Name)

Dimension score for the item - <Item_Name> (Checklist_Name).

<Item_Name> Weightage (Checklist_Name)

Weightage for the item - <Item_Name> (Checklist_Name).

Unique Case Interaction Count

Number of unique interactions in a case.

(Checklist) Unique Case Count

Total number of unique cases evaluated with the checklist.

Engaged Agents Count

Total count of agents engaged in a case.

(Checklist) Unique Agents Count

Total number of unique agents evaluated with the checklist.

<Item_Name> Score (Disputed) (Checklist_Name)

Initial disputed score for the item - <Item_Name> (Checklist_Name).

Evaluation Acknowledged By

Person who acknowledged the evaluation (accepts or disputes).

Evaluation Assigned By

Person who assigned the evaluation.

<Item_Name> Comment (Checklist_Name)

Comment provided for the item - <Item_Name> (Checklist_Name).

User Manager

Manager of the auditor.

Evaluation Score (Without Criticality)

Score excluding critical questions in the checklist.

Case Interaction ID

ID of the case interaction, including social network and start time.

Evaluation Time

Time taken between audit start and submission.

Evaluation Status

The current status of the evaluation.

Evaluation Dispute Approved or Rejected by

The person who approved or rejected the dispute raised by an agent on an evaluation. This dimension stores the last user to take action on the dispute.

Evaluation Dispute Approved or Rejected On

The date and time when the dispute raised by the agent on an evaluation was either approved or rejected. This dimension captures the most recent dispute resolution timestamp.

Dispute Rejected Reason

The reason provided by the agent’s manager or supervisor for rejecting the dispute. This dimension stores the latest reason submitted for rejecting the dispute.

Evaluation Score (Disputed)

Initial disputed score for the evaluation.

Disputed Items

Checklist items disputed.

Disputed Item List

List of disputed checklist items.

Dispute Comment

Comments provided during dispute.

Total Disputes Raised

Total number of disputes raised for the evaluation.

Assigned for Evaluation At

Date when the evaluation was assigned.

Evaluation Completed At

Date when the evaluation was completed or re-evaluated.

Agent Audit Review Time

The review time is measured from when the agent opens the audit card in Case Analytics until the agent either accepts or disputes the evaluation. If the user closes and reopens the audit card, the review time gets accumulated. If another user, such as the agent manager or a supervisor team member, views and disputes the audit, the review time continues to add up. The review time is tracked until the agent accepts or raises a dispute. In cases of multiple dispute flows, the review time keeps accumulating. If the agent, manager, or supervisor views the audit but does not accept or dispute it and the audit is auto-acknowledged, the review time is still recorded.

Agent Audit Review Users

This identifies the users that were involved in the audit dispute process in the reporting. Review users can be plotted when Agent Audit Review Time is recorded, ensuring the review time is split based on the users who reviewed the audits.

Auditor Audit Review Time

The review time for auditors is measured from when the auditor opens the audit card in Case Analytics until the auditor submits the evaluation. When plotted with Auditor Audit Review Users, the review time is split based on the auditors involved in the process.

Auditor Audit Review Users

This identifies in reporting which users were involved in the audit dispute process.

Inbound Case Report

Field Name
Total Evaluations

Count of total evaluations (Manual + AI). This can be plotted at the case, case-interaction, or call level.

Total AI Evaluations

Total count of AI evaluations. This can be plotted at the case, case-interaction, or call level.

Total Manual Evaluations

Total count of manual evaluations performed. This can be plotted at the case, case-interaction, or call level.

Evaluation Score

Total score received on the evaluation form. This can be plotted at the case, case-interaction, or call level.

Auditor (QM)

User who performed the evaluation.

Evaluation Form

Name of the checklist used for performing the evaluations.

Evaluated Interaction

Unique identifier of the case-interaction on which the evaluation is performed. This consists of the social network and start time of the interaction. This can be plotted at the case and call level.

Evaluated Interaction Channel

Social network of the case-interaction on which the evaluation is performed.

Evaluated Agent

Agent evaluated.

Pending Evaluations (Case)

Total count of evaluations pending to be evaluated. This can be plotted at the case, case-interaction, or call level.

Agent Acknowledgement Pending

Total count of evaluations pending acknowledgment by the agent. This can be plotted at the case, case-interaction, or call level.

Pending Re-evaluations (Case)

Total count of evaluations pending re-evaluation by the auditor. This can be plotted at the case, case-interaction, or call level.

Assigned for Evaluation At

Date when the evaluation was assigned. This can be plotted at the case, case-interaction, or call level.

Evaluated Agent Manager

Manager of the evaluated agent.

Evaluation Status

The current status of the evaluation.

Evaluation Dispute Approved or Rejected by

The user who approved or rejected the dispute raised by an agent on an evaluation. This dimension stores the last user to take action on the dispute.

Evaluation Dispute Approved or Rejected On

The date and time when the dispute raised by the agent on an evaluation was either approved or rejected. This dimension captures the most recent dispute resolution timestamp.

Dispute Rejected Reason

The reason provided by the agent’s manager or supervisor for rejecting the dispute. This dimension stores the latest reason submitted for rejecting the dispute.

Case Detected Primary Intent

First intent detected within the messages of the case. This can be plotted at the case, case-interaction, or call level.

Case Detected Intent L1 Group

All intents detected at the L1 level in the messages within the case based on intent grouping. This can be plotted at the case, case-interaction, or call level.

Case Detected Intent L2 Group

All intents detected at the L2 level in the messages within the case based on intent grouping. This can be plotted at the case, case-interaction, or call level.

Case Detected Intent L3 Group

All intents detected at the L3 level in the messages within the case based on intent grouping. This can be plotted at the case, case-interaction, or call level.

Case Detected Intent

All intents detected in the messages within the case. This can be plotted at the case, case-interaction, or call level.

Contact Driver

All contact drivers detected in the case, including the initial and root contact drivers. This can be plotted at the case, case-interaction, call, or message level.

Primary Contact Driver

Primary contact driver of the case-interaction. This can be plotted at the case, case-interaction, call, or message level.


Final sentiment of the case.

Initial CSAT Score

Initial CSAT score captured for the case.

Predicted CSAT Score (Inbound Case)

Final CSAT score captured for the case.

Assigned for Evaluation By

User who assigned the evaluation. This can be plotted at the case, case-interaction, or call level.

Contact Drivers List

All contact drivers detected in the case, including the initial and root contact drivers, as a comma-separated list. This can be plotted at the case, case-interaction, call, or message level.

Contact Driver Model

Name of the contact driver model from which the contact drivers are detected. This can be plotted at the case, case-interaction, call, or message level.

Intent Conversation ID

Unique ID mapped against the case-interactions on which contact drivers are detected.

Contact Driver L1 Group

Contact driver group detected at the L1 level. This can be plotted at the case, case-interaction, call, or message level.

Contact Driver L2 Group

Contact driver group detected at the L2 level. This can be plotted at the case, case-interaction, call, or message level.

Contact Driver L3 Group

Contact driver group detected at the L3 level. This can be plotted at the case, case-interaction, call, or message level.

Contact Driver L4 Group

Contact driver group detected at the L4 level. This can be plotted at the case, case-interaction, call, or message level.

Contact Driver L5 Group

Contact driver group detected at the L5 level. This can be plotted at the case, case-interaction, call, or message level.

Contact Driver L6 Group

Contact driver group detected at the L6 level. This can be plotted at the case, case-interaction, call, or message level.

Contact Driver L7 Group

Contact driver group detected at the L7 level. This can be plotted at the case, case-interaction, call, or message level.

Contact Driver L8 Group

Contact driver group detected at the L8 level. This can be plotted at the case, case-interaction, call, or message level.

Contact Driver L9 Group

Contact driver group detected at the L9 level. This can be plotted at the case, case-interaction, call, or message level.

Contact Driver L10 Group

Contact driver group detected at the L10 level. This can be plotted at the case, case-interaction, call, or message level.

Case Detected Intents Concat

All intents detected in the messages within the case as a comma-separated list. This can be plotted at the case or case-interaction level.

Case Detected Intent Count

Count of all intents detected in the case.

Contact Driver Unified Interaction ID

Unique identifier of the case-interactions on which contact drivers are detected, consisting of the social network and start time of the interactions.

Case Intent Evaluated Interaction

Provides the specific case interaction in which the intent was detected. This data can be plotted at the case level.

Audit Checklist Report

Field Name

Details filled in the comment boxes of checklist items during evaluation.

Checklist Item

All checklist items from the checklist on which the evaluation is performed.

Item Score

Scores for the checklist items on which the evaluation is performed.

Checklist Item Responses Count

Number of times the checklist item is evaluated.


User who performed the evaluation.


Name of the checklist used for performing the evaluations.

For User

Agent on which the evaluation is performed.

All Checklist Response

Responses filled on checklist items during evaluation.

Checklist Response Date

Date when the evaluation was performed.

Evaluated Agent Manager

Manager of the evaluated agent.

Auditor Manager

Manager of the auditor.


Campaign of the case on which the evaluation is performed.


Category names of the checklist on which the evaluation is performed.

Item Score (D)

Scores for the checklist items as dimensions.

Auditor Designation

Designation of the auditor who performed the evaluation.

Auditor Federation ID

Federation ID of the auditor who performed the evaluation.

Auditor Department

Department of the auditor who performed the evaluation.

Evaluated Agent Department

Department of the agent on which the evaluation is performed.

Assigned for Evaluation At

Date when the case-interactions were assigned for evaluation.

Evaluation Type

Different levels of evaluations performed.

Evaluated Agent Designation

Designation of the agent on which the evaluation is performed.

Evaluated Agent Federation ID

Federation ID of the agent on which the evaluation is performed.

Evaluated Agent Department

Department of the agent on which the evaluation is performed.

Audit Calibration Report

Field Name

Name of the checklist used for performing the evaluations.

Evaluated Agent

Agent on which the evaluation is performed.


User who performed the evaluation.


User who performed the calibration evaluation.

% Alignment

Level of alignment between the calibrator and auditor on the evaluation.

Evaluated Agent Manager

Manager of the evaluated agent.

Auditor Manager

Manager of the auditor.

Calibrator Manager

Manager of the calibrator.

Auditor Evaluation Date

Date when the auditor submitted the evaluation.

Auditor Evaluation Type

Evaluation type of the evaluation done by the auditor.

Calibration Count

Total number of calibrations computed.

Calibration Evaluation Date

Date when the calibrator submitted the evaluation.

Calibration Modified Date

Date when the calibration evaluation was modified.

Auditor Score

Evaluation score given by the auditor.

Calibrator Score

Evaluation score given by the calibrator.

Evaluation Type

Different levels of evaluations performed.

Calibration With

Auditor against whom the calibration evaluation is performed.

Evaluated Interaction Channel

Social network of the evaluated case-interactions.

<ChecklistItemName> + Auditor Response List (Checklist_Name)

Response submitted by the auditor for checklist item - <ChecklistItemName> (Checklist_Name) in list format.

<ChecklistItemName> + Auditor Response (Checklist_Name)

Response submitted by the auditor for checklist item - <ChecklistItemName> (Checklist_Name).

<ChecklistItemName> + Calibrator Response List (Checklist_Name)

Response submitted by the calibrator for checklist item - <ChecklistItemName> (Checklist_Name) in list format.

<ChecklistItemName> + Calibrator Response (Checklist_Name)

Response submitted by the calibrator for checklist item - <ChecklistItemName> (Checklist_Name).

Evaluation Score (Disputed)

Initial score of the evaluation on which the auditor raised a dispute.

Disputed Items

Checklist items on which a dispute is raised.

Disputed Item List

List of checklist items on which a dispute is raised.

Dispute Comment

Comments or explanations provided while raising a dispute on an evaluation.

Total Disputes Raised

Total number of disputes raised on the evaluation.

<CategoryName> + Alignment % ( + <Checklist_Name> + )

Alignment percentage of the checklist category - <CategoryName> + (<Checklist_Name>).

<Item_Name> Variance (Checklist_Name)

Variance (difference between the calibrator score and auditor score) of the checklist item - <Item_Name> (Checklist_Name).

<CategoryName> + Variance (Checklist_Name)

Variance (difference between the calibrator score and auditor score) of the checklist category - <Category_Name> (Checklist_Name).

Item Variance (M)

The variance refers to the difference between the calibrator score and the auditor score of the checklist items.

Voice Report

Field Name
Total Evaluations

Count of total evaluations (Manual + AI). This can be plotted at the case, case-interaction, or call level.

Total AI Evaluations

Total count of AI evaluations. This can be plotted at the case, case-interaction, or call level.

Total Manual Evaluations

Total count of manual evaluations performed. This can be plotted at the case, case-interaction, or call level.

Evaluation Score

Total score received on the evaluation form. This can be plotted at the case, case-interaction, or call level.

Call Start Time

Timestamp when the call was initiated.

Call Audio URL

Recording URL of the call.

Pending Evaluations (Call)

Total count of evaluations pending to be evaluated. This can be plotted at the case, case-interaction, or call level.

Agent Acknowledgement Pending (Call)

Total count of evaluations pending acknowledgment by the agent. This can be plotted at the case, case-interaction, or call level.

Pending Re-evaluations (Call)

Total count of evaluations pending re-evaluation by the auditor. This can be plotted at the case, case-interaction, or call level.

Assigned for Evaluation At

Date when the evaluation was assigned. This can be plotted at the case, case-interaction, or call level.

Assigned for Evaluation By

User who assigned the evaluation. This can be plotted at the case, case-interaction, or call level.

Conversation Intents

All contact drivers detected on the case, including the initial as well as root contact driver. This can be plotted at the case, case-interaction, call, or message level.

Primary Conversation Intent

Primary contact driver detected. This can be plotted at the case, case-interaction, call, or message level.

Conversation Intents List

All contact drivers detected on the case, including the initial as well as root contact driver, represented as a comma-separated list. This can be plotted at the case, case-interaction, call, or message level.

Conversation Intent Model

Name of the contact driver model from which contact drivers are detected. This can be plotted at the case, case-interaction, call, or message level.

Intent Conversation Id

Unique ID mapped against the call on which contact drivers are detected.

Conversation Intent L1 Group

Contact driver group detected at the L1 level. This can be plotted at the case, case-interaction, call, or message level.

Conversation Intent L2 Group

Contact driver group detected at the L2 level. This can be plotted at the case, case-interaction, call, or message level.

Conversation Intent L3 Group

Contact driver group detected at the L3 level. This can be plotted at the case, case-interaction, call, or message level.

Conversation Intent L4 Group

Contact driver group detected at the L4 level. This can be plotted at the case, case-interaction, call, or message level.

Conversation Intent L5 Group

Contact driver group detected at the L5 level. This can be plotted at the case, case-interaction, call, or message level.

Conversation Intent L6 Group

Contact driver group detected at the L6 level. This can be plotted at the case, case-interaction, call, or message level.

Conversation Intent L7 Group

Contact driver group detected at the L7 level. This can be plotted at the case, case-interaction, call, or message level.

Conversation Intent L8 Group

Contact driver group detected at the L8 level. This can be plotted at the case, case-interaction, call, or message level.

Conversation Intent L9 Group

Contact driver group detected at the L9 level. This can be plotted at the case, case-interaction, call, or message level.

Conversation Intent L10 Group

Contact driver group detected at the L10 level. This can be plotted at the case, case-interaction, call, or message level.

Conversation Intent Interaction Id

Unique identifier of the case-interactions on which contact drivers are detected, including the social network of interactions and interaction start time.

Case Detected Primary Intent

First granular level intent detected on the case.

Case Detected Intent L1 Group

Grouping or categorization of intents detected on a case, based on L2 intents in the intent grouping configured.

Case Detected Intent L2 Group

Grouping or categorization of intents detected at the granular level on a case, based on L3 intents in the intent grouping configured.

Case Detected Intent L3 Group

Intents detected at the granular level on a case, typically at the lowest level of intent categorization.

Case Detected Intent

Intents detected at the most granular level on the case.

Auditor (QM)

User who performed the evaluation.

Evaluation Form

Name of the checklist used for performing the evaluations.

Evaluated Interaction

Unique identifier of the case-interaction on which the evaluation is performed. This consists of the social network and start time of the interaction. This can be plotted at the case and call level.

Evaluated Interaction Channel

Social network of the evaluated case-interactions.

Evaluated Agent

Agent on which the evaluation is performed.

Inbound Message

Field Name
Number of Insights

Total count of insights detected at the message level. Insights are identified through AI evaluations conducted on the case-interactions.

Number of Positive Insights

Total count of positive insights detected at the message level. Insights are identified through AI evaluations conducted on the case-interactions.

Number of Negative Insights

Total count of negative insights detected at the message level. Insights are identified through AI evaluations conducted on the case-interactions.

Insight Phrase

Specific phrase within a message on which an insight is detected. Insights are identified through AI evaluations conducted on the case-interactions.

Insight Reason

Reason due to which an insight is detected on a message. Insights are identified through AI evaluations conducted on the case-interactions.

Insight for Checklist Item

Checklist item against which an insight is detected on the message.

Inbound Message

Text of the inbound message.

Mistake Category

Category of the mistake where the insight is detected on the message.

Suggested Corrections for Mistake

Suggested corrections or improvements for insights on the messages where mistakes are detected.

Number of Mistakes

Total mistakes on the message where the insight is detected.

Associated Case ID

Case number associated with the message.

Detected Intent

All intents detected on the messages within the case.

Detected Intent L1 Group

All intents detected at the L1 level on the messages within the case based on the intent grouping.

Detected Intent L2 Group

All intents detected at the L2 level on the messages within the case based on the intent grouping.

Detected Intent L3 Group

All intents detected at the L3 level on the messages within the case based on the intent grouping.


Sentiment of the message.

Predicted CSAT Score for Message

CSAT score of the message.

Contact Drivers

All contact drivers detected on the case including the initial as well as root contact driver. This can be plotted at the case, case-interaction, call, or message level.

Primary Contact Driver

Primary contact driver detected. This can be plotted at the case, case-interaction, call, or message level.

Contact Drivers List

All contact drivers detected on the case including the initial as well as root contact driver represented as a comma-separated list. This can be plotted at the case, case-interaction, call, or message level.

Contact Driver Model

Name of the contact driver model from which contact drivers are detected. This can be plotted at the case, case-interaction, call, or message level.

Intent Coversation Id

Unique ID mapped against the message on which contact drivers are detected.

Contact Driver L1 Group

Contact driver group detected at the L1 level. This can be plotted at the case, case-interaction, call, or message level.

Contact Driver L2 Group

Contact driver group detected at the L2 level. This can be plotted at the case, case-interaction, call, or message level.

Contact Driver L3 Group

Contact driver group detected at the L3 level. This can be plotted at the case, case-interaction, call, or message level.

Contact Driver L4 Group

Contact driver group detected at the L4 level. This can be plotted at the case, case-interaction, call, or message level.

Contact Driver L5 Group

Contact driver group detected at the L5 level. This can be plotted at the case, case-interaction, call, or message level.

Contact Driver L6 Group

Contact driver group detected at the L6 level. This can be plotted at the case, case-interaction, call, or message level.

Contact Driver L7 Group

Contact driver group detected at the L7 level. This can be plotted at the case, case-interaction, call, or message level.

Contact Driver L8 Group

Contact driver group detected at the L8 level. This can be plotted at the case, case-interaction, call, or message level.

Contact Driver L9 Group

Contact driver group detected at the L9 level. This can be plotted at the case, case-interaction, call, or message level.

Contact Driver L10 Group

Contact driver group detected at the L10 level. This can be plotted at the case, case-interaction, call, or message level.

Contact Driver Unified Interaction Id

Unique identifier of the case-interactions on which contact drivers are detected, consisting of the social network of interactions and interaction start time.


Field Name
Session Status

Indicates the status of the coaching session, such as Completed, Canceled, Started, or Scheduled.

Session Creator

Refers to the user who initiated and created the coaching session.


Encompasses all users involved in the coaching session.

Participant Type

Specifies whether the participant plays the role of Coach or Trainee.


Identifies the user responsible for conducting the coaching session.


Represents users who actively participate in the coaching session.

Is Participant Declined

Indicates whether a participant declined the coaching session request.

Participant Declination Reason

Provides the reason behind a participant's decision to decline the coaching session.

Reference Cases

Lists reference cases selected for discussion during the coaching session.

Coaching Areas

Describes the specific areas or topics covered in the coaching session.

Session Mode

Specifies whether the session took place online or offline.

Session Cancellation Reason

Offers insights into why a coaching session was canceled.

Session Cancellation Type

Differentiates between auto-cancellation, cancellation by the coach, or participants declining.

Session Canceled By

Identifies the user responsible for canceling the session.

Session Last Modified By

Displays the last timestamp when session details were modified.

Scheduled Start Time

Indicates the scheduled commencement time of the coaching session.

Scheduled End Time

Specifies the planned conclusion time of the coaching session.

Session Modified Time

Reflects the time when the coaching session details were last modified.

Session Scheduled At

Denotes the time at which the session was initially scheduled.

Session Started At

Represents the time when the coaching session officially began.

Session Completed At

Indicates the time when the coaching session was successfully concluded.

Session Canceled At

Specifies the time when the coaching session was canceled.

Coaching Session ID

Refers to the unique identifier associated with each coaching session.

Coaching Session Note

Refers to the notes taken during the coaching session.

Session Duration (M)

Quantifies the duration of the coaching session in minutes.

Total Participants (M)

Enumerates the total number of participants involved in the session.

Session Count (M)

Records the overall count of coaching sessions.

Session Creation Time

Indicates the time when the coaching session was created.

QM Unassignment

Field Name
Evaluation Unassigned At

Date and Time on which evaluations get unassigned automatically by the system.

Assigned for Evaluation At

Date on which the evaluation was assigned. This can be plotted at the case, case-interaction or call level.


User who performed the evaluation.

Evaluated Agent

Agent on which an evaluation is performed.

Calibration against Auditor

Auditor against whom the calibration evaluation is performed.

Evaluated Agent Manager

Manager of the evaluated agent.

Unassigned Evaluations Count (M)

The count of evaluations that get unassigned.

Feedback Reporting

Field Name
AI Score Feedback Type

Feedback provided is positive or negative.

AI Score Feedback Reason

Feedback reason selected by the user providing the negative feedback.

AI Score Feedback Provided by

The username of the individual who provided the feedback.

AI Score Feedback Provided on

The date and time when the user provided the feedback.

Incorrect Evidences

Insights selected in the feedback which are incorrectly detected.

Missing Evidences

Messages selected in the feedback where an insight should have been detected.


Comment inputted by the user in the feedback.

Incorrect Score

Expected score of the checklist item on which feedback is provided.

Case Number

The ID associated with the case number.

Checklist Item Feedback Count

The total number of feedback entries provided on the checklist item.

Checklist Item

The checklist item on which feedback is provided.

Checklist Item Score

The AI score on the checklist item.

Checklist Item Variance

The difference between the feedback score and the original score for the checklist item.

Feedback Interaction ID

The interaction ID of the case interaction on which the feedback is provided.