Reporting - Real Time Agent Adherence


In the realm of contact center supervision, maintaining consistent and active monitoring of agents in real-time poses a challenge for supervisors. This becomes even more complex in larger contact centers where overseeing agents' scheduled and actual activities can be a daunting task without dedicated personnel. To tackle this issue head-on, the Realtime Agent Adherence report offers a comprehensive solution. This report meticulously compares agents' scheduled activity status with their actual activity status and presents this information to supervisors in a user-friendly format, eliminating the need for constant manual monitoring and ensuring they stay well-informed.

Real-time agent monitoring guarantees that agents are following their scheduled login, logout, availability, and shift times accurately. This serves as a crucial tool for supervisors to maintain the contact center's operations as planned.

How it works

Through this report, supervisors can effortlessly access vital information, including the number of agents adhering to their schedules and identifying those who might be out of adherence.

Sprinklr WFM efficiently keeps track of each agent's schedule and their respective activities. This stored data is systematically compared with agents' actual presence status, with any discrepancies reported in near-real time at 5-minute intervals.