Tracking past assignments from reporting


Supervisors can use Sprinklr's powerful Care Reporting module for tracking details of any past assignment with respect to Agent or Work queue. In this article, we will learn about different reporting metrics and how to plot reporting widget for checking past assignments.

Creating Past Assignment Widget

1. Click on Care Reporting module in launchpad and create a new reporting dashboard.

2. On the new dashboard, click on Add Widget. This will open a new screen to configure
the metrics in the widget.

3. Select the Data Source as Social Analytics, Visualization as Table. Click on Column field and type in the following metics one by one.

  • Case/Case Number

  • Agent

  • User Assign Time (Group By) - Time when the case was assigned to agent.

  • ActionTime (Group By) - Time when any action has been taken on the case.

  • Case User SLA - Time difference between the case assignment time and case unassignment time for a case.

  • Last Work Queue - Work Queue through which the case was assigned to user

4. Add the following filters in the Advanced Options section.

  • Case Action Type - - - containing - - - User Un-Assignment

  • Ignore Multiple Queu Records - - - containing - - - True

5. For easy understanding of the meaning of the metrics, label the columns with suitable
names as shown. Click on Update Widget on the bottom right.

6. The widget is plotted in the dashboard with all the available details. You can also select the Date Range on the top of the dashboard to view the assignments for a particular date range. The date range in the widget shown below is 30 Days.

7. You can sort the data in the widget by any column. Click on the dropdown button in any
column and select the sorting criteria.

Past Assignments of an Agent

To check the past assignments of any one agent, follow these steps.

1. Click on the Filter icon on the top right corner of the widget. Here you can see the already applied filters. Click on Add New Filter button and apply the filter as follows :

Agent - - - containing - - - <Agent Name>

2. Select the agent(s) name form the dropdown and click Apply. You will see that the widget is now filtered for the selected agent.

Past Assignments of a Work Queue

To check the past assignments of any one or more work queues, follow these steps.

1. Click on the Filter icon on the top right corner of the widget. Here you can see the already applied filters. Click on Add New Filter button and apply the filter as follows :

Last Work Queue - - - containing - - - <Work Queue name>

2. Select the Work Queue name(s) form the dropdown and click Apply. You will see that the widget is now filtered for the selected Work Queue.

As we have filtered the widget for a particualr Agent and Work Queue, similar filter canbe done for a particular Case Number.

Plot Case Skills, User Skills and Priority

Supervsiors can also plot the skills tagged to the case, the skills and proficiency assigned to the user, and case priority rank. These can be used to check what all skills were tagged to different cases and those assigned to the user to check if skill based routing is working correctly or not.

1. Add the following columns in the widget :

  • Required Skills (CF) : This is a custom field which tagged with skills when the skills are tagged to the case.

  • User Skill and Proficiency (CSV) : Returns the skills and proficiency assigned to the agent.

  • Case Priority Rank : Returns the priority rank of set for the case.


Required Skills (CF) is only a custom field defined to be used in reporting. It might possible that any other custom field is in set for the skills in your environment. Please check with your success manager for this

2. Change the labels of the metrics for better understanding. Click on Update widget.

3. The widget is plotted in the dashboard.