Create and Share Task Forms



Task Forms allow you to collect actionable data from various stakeholders and collaborators and add them as tasks in your project. You can use Task Forms to generate tickets, collect feedback and suggestions, manage requests and more.

Task Forms let various internal and external stakeholders add tasks for your Project without having to share the Project with them.

Note: Only Project Owners and Admins can create Task Forms for that Project

Create a Task Form

1. In any Task view for a particular Project, click the dropdown next to the Add Task button. From the dropdown menu select, Create Task Form.  


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2. In the Create Task Form window, you can customize the details of your form using the right pane and preview your form on the left. You can also give your form a cover image by clicking the Add Cover Image button. 


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3. The Header section allows you to give your form a title and description. 

4. The Fields section allows you to add various fields to your form. The default fields selected are Title, Description and Due Date but you can add, remove or rearrange fields as per your needs. You can also import the fields directly from views in your Project by selecting Import from View. 


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5. Click the fields in the preview section on the left side for advanced customization. Here, you can give your field a description, designate it as a mandatory field, select default value (for multi-select or single-select fields) or set visibility conditions.  

6. Setting visibility conditions will ensure that the field is hidden unless certain conditions are met. For example, you can set a visibility condition that field is only visible when a certain option in another field has been selected. 


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7. The Post Submission section lets you customize a message to be displayed after a form is submitted.  

8. The Preview button on the top right of the window lets you preview your form.  

9. Clicking the Save button will save your form so you can start sharing it.  

Share Task Forms

1. To share a Task Form created by you, navigate to request form record manager. If you are in a project, you can click the dropdown next to Create Task and select Manage Forms. You can also click Settings icon in the left navigation menu and select Request Form.  

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2. Find the Task Form you want to share, click the Options icon and click Copy Link. Please note that this link will allow only the internal users to view and submit request forms. 


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3. You can also select Share, to share the form in a particular Workspace, with specific Users or User Groups. You can also copy shareable link from here that can be accessed by external users.