Telephony Outcome Retry Strategy


Business use case

Whenever outbound calling is done from a campaign, each call has different call outcomes. Based on the call outcomes, the admin tries to reach out to the customers again.

Retry Strategy in Sprinklr

Sprinklr offers an automated, configurable, and scalable Retry Strategy solution. Easily retry your customers basis on Business and Telephony outcomes.

Impact created by Retry Strategy

  • Increase in call outreach

  • Increase in connected calls

  • Automated

  • Easily scalable and configurable

Types of Retry Strategy

Sprinklr offers 3 types of Retry strategy:

Target personas

  • Campaign Manager

  • Sales Manager

  • Supervisor

  • Agent

To configure Telephony Outcome Retry Strategy

Easily define Retry Strategy based on Telephony Outcomes like customer busy, customer no answer, etc. Telephony Outcome Retry Strategy is applied whenever agent and customer are not connected with each other.

  1. Click the New Tab icon. Under the Sprinklr Service tab, click Voice Care within Listen.

  2. Under Voice Settings, click Call Retry Strategy on the left pane.

  3. Click Create Strategy in the top right corner.

  4. Now, provide a strategy Name and Description.

  5. Select Conditions as Telephony Outcome.



    Telephony Outcome

    Select the telephony outcome for which you want the system to retry.

    Retry After

    Select the time after which the system should retry again. Retry after time can be in seconds, minutes, hours, or days.

  6. Add Retry After time for different telephony outcomes and check the preview for the same on the right.

  7. Click Save in the bottom right corner.

Telephony Outcomes

Telephony outcomes are divided into following categories:

Sprinklr Outcomes: These are Sprinklr created or specific outcomes.

Ozonetel Outcomes: These are outcomes by Ozonetel. If you are using Ozonetel voice application then these would be there apart from Sprinklr outcomes.

Twilio Outcomes: These are outcomes by Twilio. If you are using Twilio voice application then these would be there apart from Sprinklr outcomes.

Telephony Mapped Outcomes: Customer specific mapped outcomes.


You can add customer specific telephony mapped outcomes, too.

Telephony Outcome



Call Failed

Sprinklr Outcomes

It means call failed

Agent Missed Offer

Sprinklr Outcomes

If an agent misses any offer due to an internet issue or timeout, etc.

Agent Rejected Offer

Sprinklr Outcomes

When an agent rejects an offer in agent first dialer

Call Abandoned

Sprinklr Outcomes

Customer dropped from call before agent could answer

Call Complete

Sprinklr Outcomes

Call successfully completed

Agent Call Failed

Sprinklr Outcomes

If, for some reason, the mapping is not given by customer and a new mapping is sent by telephony

Customer Call Failed

Sprinklr Outcomes

If, for some reason, the mapping is not given by customer and a new mapping is sent by telephony

Call Skip

Sprinklr Outcomes

When agent skips the call in case of agent first dialer

ISD Not Allowed

Sprinklr Outcomes

ISD (international) calls

Fax Detected

Ozonetel Outcomes

Call sent to fax


Ozonetel Outcomes

Call sent to voicemail

Unknown Error Occurred

Ozonetel Outcomes

Whenever some unknown error occurs from Ozonetel

Agent Invalid Number

Ozonetel Outcomes

Agent has invalid phone number of SIP configured

Customer Invalid Number

Ozonetel Outcomes

Invalid phone number was dialed

Phone Number Mandatory

Ozonetel Outcomes

Phone number mandatory

Internal API Error

Ozonetel Outcomes

Internal API error

Authentication Error

Ozonetel Outcomes

Error in authentication

Agent Do Not Disturb

Ozonetel Outcomes

Agent not available

Customer Do Not Disturb

Ozonetel Outcomes

Customer has DND mode on his phone

TRAI Restricted Period

Ozonetel Outcomes

TRAI as put restrictions to dial

Customer CallerID Not Provided Properly

Ozonetel Outcomes

Invalid caller ID provided

Agent CallerID Not Provided Properly

Ozonetel Outcomes

Invalid caller ID for agent

Telephony Error

Ozonetel Outcomes

Trunk down

Max Connections Reached

Ozonetel Outcomes

Call channels consumed

Credit Limit Exceed

Ozonetel Outcomes

Specific to account payment

Agent couldn't be brought into conference

Ozonetel Outcomes

Error in bringing agent into a conference call

Customer couldn't be brought into conference

Ozonetel Outcomes

Conference couldn't be done with customer

Agent Dial Time Exceeded

Ozonetel Outcomes


Customer Dial Time Exceeded

Ozonetel Outcomes


Agent Disconnected

Ozonetel Outcomes


Customer Disconnected

Ozonetel Outcomes


Agent Forwarded

Twilio Outcomes

Twilio Outcome

Customer Forwarded

Twilio Outcomes

Twilio Outcome

Customer Temporarily Unavailable

Twilio Outcomes

Twilio Outcome

General Error Occurred

Twilio Outcomes

Twilio Outcome

Unknown Error Occurred

Twilio Outcomes

Twilio Outcome


Twilio Outcomes

Twilio Outcome

Fax Detected

Twilio Outcomes

Twilio Outcome

Agent All Trunks Busy

Twilio Outcomes

Twilio Outcome

Customer All Trunks Busy

Twilio Outcomes

Twilio Outcome

Telephony Outcomes Basis SIP Codes

Telephony Outcome




Ozonetel Outcomes

Shows that the request was successful.

Bad Request

Ozonetel Outcomes

The request could not be understood due to malformed syntax.


Ozonetel Outcomes

The request requires user authentication. This response is issued by UASs and registrars.

Forbidden - Not Allowed

Ozonetel Outcomes

The server understood the request, but is refusing to fulfill it.

Customer Invalid Number

Ozonetel Outcomes

The server has definitive information that the user does not exist (user not found).

Method Not Allowed

Ozonetel Outcomes

The method specified in the Request-Line is understood, but not allowed.

Not Acceptable

Ozonetel Outcomes

The resource is only capable of generating responses with unacceptable content.

Request Timeout

Ozonetel Outcomes

Couldn't find the user in time.

Number Changed

Ozonetel Outcomes

The user existed once, but is not available here any more.

Interworking Unspecified

Ozonetel Outcomes

The request has been rejected because it was anonymous.

Customer No Answer

Ozonetel Outcomes

Callee is currently unavailable.

Customer Busy

Ozonetel Outcomes

Callee is busy.

Bearer Compability Not Available

Ozonetel Outcomes

Some aspects of the session description of the Request-URI are not acceptable.

Customer Disconnected

Ozonetel Outcomes

Request has terminated by bye or cancel.

Customer Network Out Of Order

Ozonetel Outcomes

The server could not fulfill the request due to some unexpected condition.

Service Unspecified

Ozonetel Outcomes

The SIP request method is not implemented here.

Bad Gateway

Ozonetel Outcomes

The server received an invalid response from a downstream server while trying to fulfill a request.

Service Unavailable

Ozonetel Outcomes

The server is in maintenance or is temporarily overloaded and cannot process the request.

Server Time-out

Ozonetel Outcomes

The server tried to access another server while trying to process a request, no timely response.

Busy Everywhere

Ozonetel Outcomes

All possible destinations are busy.

Call Rejected

Ozonetel Outcomes

Destination cannot/doesn't wish to participate in the call, no alternative destinations.

No Route to Network

Ozonetel Outcomes

The server has authoritative information that the requested user does not exist anywhere.

Number Not Acceptable

Ozonetel Outcomes

The user's agent was contacted successfully but some aspects of the session description were not acceptable.


Ozonetel Outcomes

The called party did not want the call from the calling party. Future attempts from the calling party are likely to be similarly rejected.

To View, Edit and Delete Telephony Outcome Retry Strategy

View Retry Strategy

To view retry strategy, Hover over the Options icon and select View.

Edit Retry Strategy

To edit a retry strategy, Hover over the Options icon and select Edit. Make changes and click Save.

View and Edit Retry Strategy

Click View and then click Edit on the third pane.

Delete Retry Strategy

Hover over the Options icon and select Delete.

To add Telephony Outcome Retry Strategy to a Campaign

You can add Telephony Outcome Retry strategy in the following ways.

Dial Plan: Add telephony outcome retry strategy via retry plan in a dial plan and then select the dial plan in Voice Campaign Management. Refer to Voice Campaign and Dial Plan.

Callback Strategy: Select a callback strategy in Voice Campaign Management. Refer to Callbacks.

How does Telephony Outcome Retry Strategy work

To understand this, let's consider the following example.

A campaign has 5 maximum attempts and 2 daily attempts. Business hours are from 9 am to 5pm.

The retry strategy is:

Telephony Outcome

Retry After

Customer No answer

1 hr

Customer Busy

1 hr

Customer Call Failed

2 hr

Customer Network Not Reachable

1 day

Attempt 1 : Customer No answer, retry will happen after 1 hour.

Attempt 2: Customer Call Failed, retry will happen after 2 hours.

Since 2 daily attempts are made, the retry will happen the next day.

Attempt 3: Call connected i.e., customer and agent successfully connected.

Now, no more retry would be done on the basis of telephony outcome. Based on the disposition filled in ACW, the customer might be called again on the basis of business outcome retry strategy.

Note: For the retries to be triggered, the case unassignment must occur. Therefore, in cases where After Call Work (ACW) is triggered, the ACW needs to be completed or the ACW timeout must happen for the retry strategy to work.


Retry depends on the number of attempts. The attempts are configured at campaign level. Attempts can be Daily attempts, Maximum attempts. Daily attempts means the maximum time a customer can be called in a day. Maximum attempts means maximum time a customer can be called throughout the campaign.


The customer will be retried the next day.

Retry strategy would be applied and as per the retry after time, customer would be called again.

The customer would be retried the next day.

Example: Business hours of a campaign are 9am to 6pm. Customer was called at 5:30pm and the customer did not answer the call. For no answer, Retry after time is 1 hour. So now the customer would be eligible for calling at 6:30pm again. But 6:30pm is out of business hours, hence the customer would be retried the next day.