Contact Details Form
A contact details form is essential for capturing user information. This form can be customized and used in your live chat applications to include various fields, which can be marked as mandatory or optional based on your requirements.
Standard Fields supported in Contact Details Form
The form includes the following standard fields:
Full Name
First Name
Last Name
Email Address
Phone Number (with international dialling code)
Note: You can get any country code and flag removed from the Phone Number dropdown by reaching out to our support team at
Generic Fields supported in Contact Details Form
The form includes the following generic fields:
Checkbox Group
Picklist Open (allows free text)
Multi-picklist Open (allows free text)
Password (masked by default)
Text Area
Counter Field in Contact Details Form
A counter field with +/- buttons can be added to the live chat contact details form. This UI element allows users to set minimum, maximum, and step values, providing a more intuitive and controlled way to input numerical data.
Adding Help Text
Help text can be added to each field, providing users with guidance through an "i" icon. To add help text, enter the help text description within the Help Text field.
Making your form partially editable
When using contact forms in live chat, you can save your customers time and effort pre-filling certain fields and make them non-editable.
Standard fields, when pre-filled with previously entered data, can be made non-editable by selecting the "Make field non-editable when default or prefilled value is present" option.
Similarly, generic fields with pre-filled default values can also be set as non-editable by checking the same option.