Contact Details Form


A contact details form is used to capture details of the user. The form can be used to capture some or all of the following details. Further one can select which fields are mandatory or optional according to your requirements.

You can also add help text for the fields, which will appear in the "i" icon. This help text provides users with additional information or guidance about the specific fields, ensuring they fill out the form correctly.

Apart from the standard fields of Full Name, First Name, Last Name, Email Address, and Phone Number (with international dialing code), there are more field types to play with such as:

  • check box

  • checkbox group

  • picklist 

  • picklist open (allows free text)

  • email

  • Text

  • Number

  • multi-picklist

  • multi-picklist (allows free text)

  • password (masked by default)

  • date

  • Captcha

Note: You can get any country code and flag removed from the Phone Number dropdown by reaching out to our support team at

Counter Field in Contact Details Form

You can get a counter field with +/- buttons added to the live chat contact details forms. This new UI element allows users to set minimum, maximum, and step values, providing a more intuitive and controlled way to input numerical data.

To get this capability enabled, please raise a support ticket by contacting