Product Assets


Product Card

Product Card is used to display information about the brand’s product to their users. Brands have the capability to actively engage through this card which will include - the image, headline of the product, the details of the product along with a button label (which can be customized to redirect to the product page).

Product Showcase Card

Similar to the Product Card, this template can be used to show Product Details.The UI of this card will be inclined towards displaying more information about the Product and will contain a Image Layout type (Right or Left), Details of the Product, Image to show on the card, along with a button label (which can be customized to redirect to the product page).

Product List

To showcase a list of products to the user by a brand, this template can be used. Brands can configure the list by using images (of Product) with the titles along with a button which can be configured to redirect to the products’ page. 

Product Banner

This template can be used by a brand to display 2 Products along with their images, titles and a button which can redirect to the product’s homepage.